287 research outputs found

    Paleoclimatic reconstruction from laminated lake sediments, Bødalsvatnet, NordenskiÜld Land, Svalbard

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    This thesis was conducted in connection with the University Centre in Svalbard: UNISOne predicted consequence of the current warming in the Arctic is an increase of heavy precipitation events. Svalbard have experienced an increase in total annual precipitation and air temperature have affected Svalbard’s environment, in particular the regional hydroclimate. The varved proglacial sediment record preserved in Bødalsvatnet, Nordenskiöld Land, Svalbard, contains a valuable climate signal that in this study is used to reconstruct changes in precipitation and temperature the last 150 years. The thesis uses a multi-proxy approach with varve count, physical parameters (grain size, magnetic susceptibility, dry bulk density, loss-onignition and water content) and geochemical analysis through X-ray fluorescence (K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Ti and Zr) of surface core BSV – 2019 – 1. Age determination of the surface core were cross corelated with a 2012 by varve count and plutonium (239+240Pu) measurement. Six turbidites (E1 – E6) were identified and dated to 1936, 1945, 1957, 1983 and 1993. The six turbidites relating to mass movement events lead on by intense precipitation thought to have exceeded the 2,5 mm per hour. The current threshold for the formation of mass moment events in Svalbard. The presence of a dropstone > 1 mm within deposits from the 1957 event was likely caused by an avalanche. The 1993 and 1983 events were likely triggered by high intensity warm rainstorms related to south westerly cyclones in November and March, respectively. The mass movement event of 1974 is connected to an intense heavy precipitation event where 34 mm of rain fell during a period of 12 hours. By cross-correlation to a longer - percussion core from 2012 the paleoclimatic record was extended to approximately 1844. The change in temperature and precipitation in combination with thicker lamina during the end of LIA has similarities to the current sedimentary record and needs to be investigated further.En forventet konsekvens av dagens oppvarming i Arktis er flere hendelser med intens nedbør. På Svalbard er har det vært en økning i total årlig nedbør og temperatur som har påvirket miljøet og da særlig hydroklimaet. Den proglasiale, årlige laminerte sedimenthistorien er bevart i Bødalsvatnet, Nordenskiöld Land, Svalbard. Den inneholder et viktig klimasignal som denne studien har brukt for å rekonstruere forandringer i nedbør og temperatur de siste 150 år. Denne oppgaven bruker en multi-proxy metode på overflatekjernen BVS-2019-1 basert på fysiske parametere (kornstørrelse, magnetisk susceptibilitet, tetthet, glødetap og vanninnhold) og kjemiske parameter ved røntgen-fluorescens (K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Ti og Zr). Aldersbestemmelse av sedimentkjernen er gjort ved å korrelere varv-telling fra 2019 med varv-telling og plutonium ( 239+240Pu) målinger fra et sediment kjerne tatt i 2012. Seks turbiditeter (E1 til E6) er identifisert og datert til 1936, 1945, 1957, 1974, 1981 og 1993. Turbiditetene er relatert til massebevegelseshendelser forårsaket av nedbør med en intensitet over 2,5 mm i timen, som er grenseverdi for massebevegelseshendelser på Svalbard. Forekomst av droppstein > 1mm er knyttet til hendelse i 1974, forårsaket av et snøskred. Hendelsene i 1983 og 1993 er knyttet til sør-vestlig sykloner som har ført til mild regnstorm med høy intensitet i henholdsvis mars og november. Hendelsen i 1974 er knyttet til intenst regnvær hvor det falt 34 mm regn over en periode på 12 timer. Ved å korrelere den lengre sediment kjernen fra 2012 ble den paleoklimatiske historien utvidet ytterligere, til ca. 1844. Forandringen i temperatur og nedbør sammen med tykkere lamina ved utgangen av LIA har likheter ved det nåværende sedimentære historien og trenger å bli studert ytterligere.M-MIN

    Assessing Communication Apprehension Among In-Service Teachers in A University of Education

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    This study examined Communication Apprehension among in-service teachers in a university of education in Nigeria with particular focus on the influence of gender and age on CA among the sample.  A cross-sectional ex post facto survey design was adopted for the study. Participants were 100 purposively & randomly sampled, in-service teachers drawn from a university of education in Nigeria. There were 35 (35%) males and 65 (65%) females, their ages ranged between 16 – 30 years with a mean age of 22.10 and a standard deviation of 2.48. of these samples, 71 were Christian, 27 Muslims and 2 belong to other religions. 90 of the total sample were singles, while 10 were married. Validated scale was used for data collection and three hypotheses tested using descriptive statistics and t-test for independent samples. Results showed that in-service teachers were not significantly high on CA and gender as well as age was not found to be significant predictors of CA among this sample. This result may be owing to the fact that they were purposive samples who have been exposed to pedagogical training that must have helped them to handle CA. it was recommended that further studies should examine other factors such as psychological and social and increase the sample size as well, cutting across other institutions apart from specialized university. Keywords: - In-service teachers, Nigeria, University of Education, Education Majors, Communication Apprehension, Pedagogy

    Implementasi Erp Sap dalam Pembuatan Report Demografi Organisasi (Studi Kasus PT. Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk.)

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    The demographics of an organization have a positive influence on organizational commitmentthat ultimately affects the performance of an organization. The absence of such information will result in significant lack of essential information for management in organizational optimization The following journals explain the implementation of SAP ERP in making an organization demographic report, where the use of the software can bypass the drafting process which initially requires a long process and long time (average time 30 minutes) becomes a short process (average time less than 1 minute) or there is a 30x acceleration of time. In addition, there are also benefits of real time output from the hassle of organizational demography. Increasing the speed of report preparation shows that SAP ERP provides great benefits for the organization in running its business processes

    Relationship between Fecal Content of Fatty Acids and Cyclooxygenase mRNA Expression and Fatty Acid Composition in Duodenal Biopsies, Serum Lipoproteins, and Dietary Fat in Colectomized Familial Adenomatous Polyposis Patients

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    A few familial adenomatous polyposis studies have focused upon faecal sterols and bile acids but none has analysed the fecal content of fatty acids. We report here findings of an observational study on 29 colectomized familial adenomatous polyposis patients that describe the fecal content of fatty acids, and relate this to the proportions of fatty acids and levels of cyclooxygenase mRNA expression in duodenal biopsies, levels of serum lipoproteins, and diet. In the ileostomy group separately (n = 12), the fecal content of arachidonic acid was correlated negatively to the proportions of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid in duodenal biopsies. Total serum-cholesterol was negatively correlated to the fecal content of saturates and monounsaturates. The fecal palmitoleic acid/palmitic acid ratio was positively correlated to the levels of cyclooxygease-2 expression in duodenal biopsies.In the ileal-pouch-anal anastomosis group separately (n = 17), significant correlations were found between the fecal contents of oleic acid, linoleic acid, and alpha-linolenic acid, and the proportions of myristic acid, oleic acid and eicosaenoic acid in duodenal biopsies. Dietary monounsaturates were positively correlated to different fecal fatty acids. Future studies should focus on molecular mechanisms relevant to fatty acid metabolism, inflammation, and angiogenesis, in addition to nutrition

    Relationship between Fecal Content of Fatty Acids and Cyclooxygenase mRNA Expression and Fatty Acid Composition in Duodenal Biopsies, Serum Lipoproteins, and Dietary Fat in Colectomized Familial Adenomatous Polyposis Patients

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    A few familial adenomatous polyposis studies have focused upon faecal sterols and bile acids but none has analysed the fecal content of fatty acids. We report here findings of an observational study on 29 colectomized familial adenomatous polyposis patients that describe the fecal content of fatty acids, and relate this to the proportions of fatty acids and levels of cyclooxygenase mRNA expression in duodenal biopsies, levels of serum lipoproteins, and diet. In the ileostomy group separately (n = 12), the fecal content of arachidonic acid was correlated negatively to the proportions of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid in duodenal biopsies. Total serum-cholesterol was negatively correlated to the fecal content of saturates and monounsaturates. The fecal palmitoleic acid/palmitic acid ratio was positively correlated to the levels of cyclooxygease-2 expression in duodenal biopsies.In the ileal-pouch-anal anastomosis group separately (n = 17), significant correlations were found between the fecal contents of oleic acid, linoleic acid, and alpha-linolenic acid, and the proportions of myristic acid, oleic acid and eicosaenoic acid in duodenal biopsies. Dietary monounsaturates were positively correlated to different fecal fatty acids. Future studies should focus on molecular mechanisms relevant to fatty acid metabolism, inflammation, and angiogenesis, in addition to nutrition

    Perancangan Trisono Reog Creative Village di Babadan Ponorogo

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    Trisono Village is one of the villages located in Babadan District, Ponorogo Regency, East Java Province, this village has many advantages in various fields, namely agriculture, animal husbandry, arts, cultural customs, traditions, industry, and culinary. These potentials can be developed into an attractive tourist destination and packaged in the concept of a creative village tourism village with a Community Based Tourism approach, which aims to develop the potential of existing villages such as customs, traditions, culture, and others by involving the local community. This is can be developed in order to support the local community's economy. The purpose of the establishment of the tourist village is to introduce and maintain the potential that exists in Trisono Village

    Analisis Pengaruh Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, Pendapatan Asli Daerah, Dana Alokasi Umum, Dana Alokasi Khusus dan Belanja Daerah Terhadap Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (Studi Empiris Pada Pemerintah Provinsi se-Indonesia Periode 2014-2016).

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    This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of Economic Growth, Local Own Revenue, General Allocation Funds, Special Allocation Funds and Regional Expenditure on Human Development Index Studies in Provincial Government throughout Indonesia Period 2014-2016. This research is quantitative research. Sample uses in this study amount to 31 Provinces throughout Indonesia. This research data was obtained from Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics and Directorate General of Fiscal Balance of the Republic of Indonesia (www.bps.go.id&www.djpk.kemenkeu.go.id ) This study uses data from the Budget Realization Report of Local Revenue and Expenditure (APBD). Data that have been collected is analyzed by data analysis method which firstly done classical assumption test before doing hypothesis testing. The hypothesis test in this research use multiple linear regression. The results of the study show that economic growth and Local Own Revenue have an effect on the Human Development Index, while the General Allocation Fund, Special Allocation Fund and Regional Expenditure have not an effect on the Human Development Index. However, Economic Growth, Local Own Revenue, General Allocation Fund, Special Allocation Fund and Regional Expenditure simultaneously affect the Human Development Index. Keywords: Economic Growth, Local Own Revenue, General Allocation Fund, Special Allocation Fund, Regional Expenditure, Human Development Index
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