4 research outputs found
Scientific opinion on the risks to plant health posed by Stagonosporopsis chrysanthemi (Stevens) Crous, Vaghefi and Taylor [Didymella ligulicola (Baker, Dimock and Davis) Arx var. ligulicola;syn.Didymella ligulicola (Baker, Dimock and Davis) Arx] in the EU territory, with identification and evaluation of risk reduction options
- Author
- AIPH (International Association of Horticultural Producers)
- Anderson
- Anonymous
- Aveskamp
- Aveskamp
- Aveskamp
- Baker
- Baker
- Blakeman
- Boerema
- Boerema
- CAB International (Centre for Agricultural Bioscience International)
- Chesters
- Chesters
- Chilvers
- Crane
- de Gruyter
- de Gruyter
- de Gruyter
- de Gruyter
- EFSA Panel on Plant Health (PLH)
- EFSA Panel on Plant Health (PLH)
- Engelhard
- Engelhard
- EPPO (European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization)
- EPPO (European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization)
- FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations)
- FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations)
- FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)
- FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)
- FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)
- FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)
- FAO IPPC (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations International Plant Protection Convention)
- Fitt
- Garibaldi
- Greuter
- Grouet
- Hagan
- Hyun
- Kim
- Koike
- McCoy
- McCoy
- McFadden
- Müller
- Neergaard
- Nishi
- Peel
- Peregrine
- Pethybridge
- Pethybridge
- Pethybridge
- Pethybridge
- Pethybridge
- Pethybridge
- Pethybridge
- Punithalingam
- Rudnicki
- Salam
- Sauthoff
- Schadler
- Schadler
- Stevens
- Tassi
- Tomilin
- Trapero‐Casas
- Trapero‐Casas
- Vaghefi
- Van der Aa
- Walker
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Engaging Florida’s Youth to Increase Their Knowledge of Invasive Species and Plant Biosecurity
- Author
- (FAO IPPC) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, International Plant Protection Convention
- (FDACS) Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
- (FDACS) Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
- (FSAP) Federal Select Agent Program
- Andow
- Bois
- Burrack
- Croddy
- Elliott
- Garrett
- Hodges
- Hodges
- Hodges
- Hummel
- Meyerson
- Pimentel
- R Core Team
- Sargent
- Sharma
- Steck
- Stubbs
- Szyniszewska
- Thomas
- Winberry
- Publication venue
- 'Oxford University Press (OUP)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Risk assessment of the oriental chestnut gall wasp, Dryocosmus kuriphilus
- Author
- Abe
- Aebi
- Aebi
- Aebi
- Anagnostakis
- Anagnostakis
- Anagnostakis
- Anagnostakis
- Baker
- Bernetti
- Beverton
- Bigler
- Bosch
- Botta
- Bounous
- Bounous
- Boutte
- Breisch
- Brussino
- Brussino
- CAB International
- Caterino
- Chengjiu
- Conedera
- Conedera
- Conedera
- Conedera
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Csóka
- Csóka
- Csóka
- Dixon
- EFSA Panel on Plant Health (PLH)
- EPPO (European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization)
- EPPO (European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization)
- FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)
- Felt
- Fenaroli
- Fernández-López
- Glushkova
- Glushkova
- Godfray
- Gondard
- Graziosi
- Graziosi
- Graziosi
- Gyoutoku
- Gyoutoku
- Gyoutoku
- Hemerik
- IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention)
- IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention)
- IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention)
- IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention)
- Izawa
- Jerde
- Kato
- Kato
- Kato
- Kato
- Kato
- Kim
- Kot
- Kotobuki
- Kottek
- Kottek
- Kuhlmann
- Lenteren
- Lenteren
- Louda
- Magarey
- Magarey
- Martín
- Maurer
- Metzger
- Moriya
- Moriya
- Moriya
- Moriya
- Murakami
- Murakami
- Murakami
- Murakami
- Murakami
- Murakami
- Murakami
- Murakami
- Murakami
- Murakami
- New
- New
- O'Rourke
- Oho
- Oho
- Olson
- Payne
- Payne
- Payne
- Payne
- Payne
- Payne
- Quacchia
- Quacchia
- Rieske
- Rieske
- Rieske
- Romane
- Shiga
- Shiga
- Shiga
- Shigesada
- Shimura
- Shimura
- Shimura
- Stone
- Stone
- Tamura
- Ti-zhi
- Toda
- Wapshere
- Yara
- Yara
- Yara
- Yasumatsu
- Zhang
- Zhang
- Zhang
- Zhang
- Zhang
- Zhu
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Recovery in environmental risk assessments at EFSA
- Author
- Alvarez
- Arts
- Ash
- Ash
- Auber
- Baird
- Baird
- Baird
- Barnthouse
- Baveco
- Becker
- Beissinger
- Beketov
- Beketov
- Belden
- Bender
- Berryman
- Beynon
- Beynon
- Beynon
- Bianchi
- Blanck
- Blaustein
- Boatman
- Bright
- Brock
- Brock
- Brock
- Brock
- Brock
- Brock
- Brooks
- Brown
- Bulman
- Bunzel
- Butler
- Butler
- Butler
- Caffrey
- Caquet
- Cardinale
- Cardinale
- Carstens
- Carstens
- Chalak
- Chalak
- Changey
- Comas
- Cong
- Connor
- Culp
- Cutler
- Daam
- Dalkvist
- Dalkvist
- De Bello
- De Laender
- De Ruiter
- Devos
- Devos
- Devos
- Dick
- Didham
- Dietzen
- Dorigo
- EEA (European Environment Agency)
- EFSA (European Food Safety Authority)
- EFSA (European Food Safety Authority)
- EFSA BIOHAZ Panel (EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards)
- EFSA BIOHAZ Panel (EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards)
- EFSA FEEDAP Panel (EFSA Panel on Additives and products or Substances used in Animal Feed)
- EFSA FEEDAP Panel (EFSA Panel on Additives and products or Substances used in Animal Feed)
- EFSA FEEDAP Panel (EFSA Panel on Additives and products or Substances used in Animal Feed)
- EFSA GMO Panel (EFSA Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms)
- EFSA GMO Panel (EFSA Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms)
- EFSA GMO Panel (EFSA Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms)
- EFSA GMO Panel (EFSA Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms)
- EFSA GMO Panel (EFSA Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms)
- EFSA GMO Panel (EFSA Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms)
- EFSA GMO Panel (EFSA Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms)
- EFSA PLH Panel (EFSA Panel on Plant Health)
- EFSA PLH Panel (EFSA Panel on Plant Health)
- EFSA PLH Panel (EFSA Panel on Plant Health)
- EFSA PLH Panel (EFSA Panel on Plant Health)
- EFSA PLH Panel (EFSA Panel on Plant Health)
- EFSA PPR Panel (EFSA Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues)
- EFSA PPR Panel (EFSA Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues)
- EFSA PPR Panel (EFSA Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues)
- EFSA PPR Panel (EFSA Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues)
- EFSA PPR Panel (EFSA Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues)
- EFSA PPR Panel (EFSA Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues)
- EFSA PPR Panel (Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues)
- EFSA Scientific Committee
- EFSA Scientific Committee
- EFSA Scientific Committee
- Elliot
- Eurostat (Statistical Office of the European Communities)
- FAO (Food and Agriculture and Organization of the United Nations)
- Fleeger
- Focks
- Focks
- Foit
- Frampton
- Frampton
- Frampton
- Frankham
- Frimpong
- Fry
- Gabsi
- Galic
- Galic
- Galic
- Garcia‐Alonso
- Gergs
- Gergs
- Gibbons
- Gomez‐Barbero
- Gotelli
- Grapputo
- Greathead
- Greig‐Smith
- Greig‐Smith
- Greig‐Smith
- Grimm
- Gunderson
- Haimes
- Hallmann
- Halstead
- Hanski
- Hardman
- Harmon
- Harrington
- Hazeu
- Heckman
- Heino
- Hester
- Hilbeck
- Hill
- Hoddle
- Holland
- Holland
- Holling
- Holt
- Hommen
- Hooper
- Hoy
- Hui
- Hulme
- Hulme
- Imfeld
- IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention)
- Ippolito
- Ives
- Jager
- James
- James
- Johnson
- Johnston
- Kattwinkel
- Knillmann
- Köhler
- Lahr
- Lavorel
- Levins
- Liess
- Liess
- Liess
- Lincoln
- Lindenmayer
- Liu
- Loreau
- Luck
- López‐Mancisidor
- López‐Mancisidor
- MA (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment)
- MA (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment)
- Maund
- McGill
- Meissle
- Messing
- Mestdagh
- Meyer
- Morrisey
- Mücher
- Naranjo
- Niemi
- Nienstedt
- Noss
- Pace
- Parry
- Pey
- Philippot
- Pimm
- Posthuma
- Pratt
- Pulliam
- Rand
- Raybould
- Raybould
- Relyea
- Ribeiro
- Ricklefs
- Ricklefs
- Roberts
- Roessink
- Rohr
- Romeis
- Romeis
- Romeis
- Romeis
- Romeis
- Rubach
- Salice
- Sanvido
- Sanvido
- Scheffer
- Scheffer
- Scheffer
- Schmera
- Schmera
- Schwartz
- Schäfer
- Schäfer
- Schäfer
- Schäfers
- Sears
- Seastedt
- Shannon
- Sherratt
- Skelsey
- Solomon
- Spromberg
- Stansfield
- Stark
- Strayer
- Suter
- Takamura
- Tanaka
- Thacker
- Thomas
- Topping
- Topping
- Topping
- Topping
- Topping
- Traas
- Tscharntke
- Udikovic‐Kolic
- Usseglio‐Polatera
- van den Brink
- van den Brink
- van den Brink
- van den Brink
- van der Gaast
- van Driesche
- van Straalen
- van Straalen
- van Wijngaarden
- van Wijngaarden
- van Wijngaarden
- Verro
- Vinebrooke
- Wall
- Whittaker
- WHO (World Health Organization)
- Winston
- Wolfenbarger
- Wolt
- Young
- Zafar
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study