859 research outputs found

    Virtual Patient Simulation: Training Pre-Health Professionals in Suicide Risk Prevention

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    The use of simulators and simulation training has become standard practice for students in medical and pre-health programs, including but not limited to, clinical and counseling disciplines in pre-health education. Students train and sharpen their skills using this technology to prepare them for real-life encounters with future patients (Berman, Durning, Fischer, Huwendiek, & Triola, 2016). One possible encounter, a suicidal patient, is a challenge that most counselors or therapists are not prepared for, causing stress and affecting their confidence. The literature describes how treating clients/patients with suicidal ideation and behavior is stressful for even the most experienced mental health professional (Farberow, 2005; Foster & McAdams, 1999; Gulfi et al., 2010; Mirick et al., 2016; Osteen et al., 2014; Smith et al., 2015). This challenge has been addressed by education programs using standardized patients to recreate similar encounters, which can lead to an increase in confidence and self-efficacy (Fallucco, Hanson, & Glowinski, 2010). However, the use of standardized patients is not feasible in all cases. One solution is virtual patient simulation as a complement to traditional face-to-face lectures and training. The purpose of this study is to understand the impact of virtual patient simulation on self-efficacy levels when students are faced with a suicide risk scenario. This quantitative study relied on the collection of data from pre-health professional students (n=111) and involved the testing of hypotheses following published self-efficacy and education literature. The hypotheses were tested using a factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA), a factorial analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), and a bivariate correlation analysis among the intervention groups. The results of the ANOVA and ANCOVA did not indicate a significant result for differences amongst the intervention groups. However, the results of the bivariate correlation analysis indicated a significant relationship (

    HWCOM Medical Library Survey-Appendix

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    Remote Reference Clinics: Supporting a New Assistant Program in Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) Courses

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    Traditional library services have become increasingly portable, especially when academic programs are moved away from the main campus to a satellite site. Essentially, “bringing the library to them” approach becomes an efficient solution in place of making patrons come to the library. At Florida International University’s Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine (FIU HWCOM), a new Master’s in Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS) program presented such a challenge to the school’s librarians when it came time to provide regular library instruction for Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) courses, and assisting with a related capstone project

    Una mirada geométrica a la transformación de Box-Cox

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    En el análisis de los datos, cuando la normalidad no es un supuesto viable, una alternativa es ignorar los resultados del chequeo de normalidad y proceder como si los datos estuvieran normalmente distribuidos. Este procedimiento no es recomendable puesto que, en la mayoría de los casos, lleva a conclusiones incorrectas. Una segunda alternativa consiste en convertir los datos no normales en unos que tengan más apariencia de normales considerando transformaciones de los datos. Estas transformaciones son simplemente reexpresiones de los datos en diferentes unidades, frecuentemente sucede que las nuevas unidades proporcionan expresiones más naturales a las características que se están estudiando. Para datos normalmente distribuidos, las transformaciones lineales de los datos son comúnmente usadas para crear una variable con distribución normal estándar

    What Medical Students Want: a Ten Year Library Survey at a New Medical School

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    Objective: To assess and evaluate the past and current performance of library services, resources, and space with the purpose of informing decisions in designing a library serving a new medical school. Methods: The Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine (HWCOM) at Florida International University opened its doors to its first class in 2009. Shortly after, the medical library began seeking student feedback by administering a 15-question survey to each class. The inaugural Class of 2013 and other cohorts were queried at various points in their curriculum. Starting with the Class of 2017, the library began consistently administering its survey to students at the end of their second year. Most questions were multiple-choice, but some gave students the option to choose “other” and provide free responses. In 2018, the library began administering the survey electronically using Qualtrics. Later, the pen and paper responses were transcribed to that software. The library now has data from all seven classes that have graduated plus two more classes yet to graduate in 2020 and 2021. Results: The survey indicated the following: online resources are used far more than the facility, the hours were mostly adequate, and that more than half preferred a combination of print and electronic textbooks. For those who did not use the library, the major reasons they gave were because either (a) they preferred to study at home, or (b) the library was too far from the buildings where they attended classes. When it came to overall satisfaction, more than three-quarters of respondents indicated they were in the satisfied range. The greatest need for improvement lay with the facility and amenities. Conclusion: After analyzing the data collected, librarians were able to determine students’ preferences for library space, services, and resources, as well as how those preferences have changed with the increasing class sizes over time. As the medical school continues to grow, and the idea of a new medical library becomes a reality, this data will inform the design of the structure, collection, and services that librarians will provide. Even though students were satisfied with our services and resources, in regards to the facility, there are aspirations for group study spaces, various furniture, more space, and more windows to provide natural light

    Refinamiento estructural por el método de Rietveld a tres fases del sistema K2Pr2/3Ta2O7

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    A partir de la tesis de doctorado, se continúa con el estudio de una de las tres fases que arroja el policristal obtenido (223 27) por el método de estado sólido convencional y que tiene propiedades como fotocatalizador en la región del espectro visible. De esta manera se pretende refinar el policristal, demostrando que existen solo tres fases (Hidratada, anhídrida y tipo bronce de tungsteno) en la muestra sintetizada y no hay duda en la ausencia de nuevas fases o impurezas. Desde el punto de vista de generación de conocimiento el proyecto procura dar cuenta de que el refinamiento por el método de Rietveld usando difracción de rayos X no está lejos de un estudiante de pregrado de esta Escuela, y puede ser operado teóricamente de una manera entendible. Incursionar en el manejo de los software(GSAS y Fullprof), para estudiantes de pregrado, poniendo en curso la aplicación de los conocimientos químicos y matemáticos adquiridos previamente en su carrera, servirá como perfeccionamiento de los estudiantes en el campo investigativo y propositivo para futuras investigaciones en materiales

    LGBT Senior Health Disparities: Information Resources to Bridge the Gap

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    As the senior population in the United States increases, the aging LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) population should also see comparable growth rates. Health care providers and social service organizations will care for more LGBT seniors with special needs beyond the general population of older adults as they are more at risk for certain conditions. This article identifies some specific health disparities and examines several organizations that work to improve LGBT senior health by providing critical health information to LGBT older adults, caregivers, and health care professionals

    Negocios privados de los servidores del Santo Oficio. Canarias, siglo XVII

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    La comunicación analiza la implicación de distintos oficiales de la Inquisición de las Islas Canarias en actividades mercantiles y financieras que se desarrollan en torno a la explotación de ingenios azucareros en las primeras décadas del siglo XVII. Su participación en tales operaciones los enfrenta judicialmente con determinados vecinos, pero también entre ellos mismos, comprometiendo y condicionando la acción del Tribunal.The paper analyses the involvement of some officers of the Inquisition in the Canary Islands in commercial and financial activities concerning the exploitation of sugar mills in the first decades of the 17th century. Their participation in such deals confronts them judicially with certain neighbours, but also with other members of the Holy Office, implicating and conditioning the work of the Court

    Metodologías participativas y reconocimiento directo para iniciar el proceso de restauración ecológica del Resguardo Indígena de Chiles.

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    El presente documento es el resultado del análisis y organización de la información recopilada entre Octubre y Diciembre de 2007 en el Páramo de Chiles. Mediante metodologías participativas y reconocimiento directo del área de estudio se obtuvieron datos importantes para iniciar el proceso de restauración ecológica del Resguardo Indígena de Chiles, estos datos se pueden organizar en cuatro grandes temas:Bogot

    Procedimiento para la purificación de ácido eicosapentaenoico (EPA)

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    Número de publicación: ES2292341 A1 (01.03.2008) También publicado como: ES2292341 B1 (16.03.2009) Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.)P200600777 (13.03.2006)La presente invención se refiere a un procedimiento para la purificación de EPA mediante reacciones enzimáticas de esterificación, caracterizadas por lipasas, a partir de extractos de pescado y microalgas y al uso del factor adimensional de eficacia para la cuantificación de la eficacia de las lipasas para concentrar y recuperar de forma simultánea un ácido graso poliinsaturado en la fracción de ácidos grasos libres.Universidad de Almerí