955 research outputs found

    DynPeak : An algorithm for pulse detection and frequency analysis in hormonal time series

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    The endocrine control of the reproductive function is often studied from the analysis of luteinizing hormone (LH) pulsatile secretion by the pituitary gland. Whereas measurements in the cavernous sinus cumulate anatomical and technical difficulties, LH levels can be easily assessed from jugular blood. However, plasma levels result from a convolution process due to clearance effects when LH enters the general circulation. Simultaneous measurements comparing LH levels in the cavernous sinus and jugular blood have revealed clear differences in the pulse shape, the amplitude and the baseline. Besides, experimental sampling occurs at a relatively low frequency (typically every 10 min) with respect to LH highest frequency release (one pulse per hour) and the resulting LH measurements are noised by both experimental and assay errors. As a result, the pattern of plasma LH may be not so clearly pulsatile. Yet, reliable information on the InterPulse Intervals (IPI) is a prerequisite to study precisely the steroid feedback exerted on the pituitary level. Hence, there is a real need for robust IPI detection algorithms. In this article, we present an algorithm for the monitoring of LH pulse frequency, basing ourselves both on the available endocrinological knowledge on LH pulse (shape and duration with respect to the frequency regime) and synthetic LH data generated by a simple model. We make use of synthetic data to make clear some basic notions underlying our algorithmic choices. We focus on explaining how the process of sampling affects drastically the original pattern of secretion, and especially the amplitude of the detectable pulses. We then describe the algorithm in details and perform it on different sets of both synthetic and experimental LH time series. We further comment on how to diagnose possible outliers from the series of IPIs which is the main output of the algorithm.Comment: Nombre de pages : 35 ; Nombre de figures : 16 ; Nombre de tableaux :

    Les caractÚres du détritisme paléogÚne aux abords du Massif du Pelvoux (Alpes externes méridionales)

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    Mémoire HS n° 13 - Géologie Alpine : Le détritisme dans le Sud-Est de la France - Colloque Association des Géologues du Sud-est - Grenoble 11-12 décembre 1986Aux abords du Pelvoux, la sédimentation tertiaire montre des apports détritiques importants. La nature et la répartition du flux terrigÚne sont contrÎlées par la nature du substratum qui subit la transgression nummulitique ainsi que par le jeu d ' accidents synsédimentaires. Partout, la base de la série, ainsi que son couronnement par les couches détritiques terminales (GrÚs de Saint-Disdier ; GrÚs du Champsaur et Olistostrome) attestent de ce détritisme. Néanmoins le SE et l'E du Pelvoux montrent souvent un détritisme plus important, soit que la totalité de la série -ou presque- se trouve représentée par les seuls GrÚs du Champsaur, soit que le détritisme grossier (à olistolites souvent) envahisse la série paléogÚne sur pratiquement toute sa hauteur

    Antioxidant Potential is Correlated to ω6 / ω3 Ratio and Brasfield Score in Cystic Fibrosis Children

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    International audienceOBJECTIVES:Oxidative stress is associated with the condition of cystic fibrosis (CF), but no guidelines exist for its assessment or treatment. Our aim was to evaluate a test that measures the blood antioxidant capability in CF children.METHODS:This antioxidant capability was assessed by the Kit Radicaux Libres (KRL) test in 44 CF children (24 boys). We recorded also anthropometric measures, pulmonary function, CF severity scores, and plasma nutritional and inflammatory parameters (proteins, vitamins, erythrocyte fatty acids, and micronutrients). We performed univariate and multivariate analyses with linear regression models.RESULTS:The mean age at the first KRL assessment was 12.2 ± 3.8 years. Factors that correlated with decreased antioxidant capacity were mostly related to the severity of pulmonary disease [ forced expiratory volume at 1 second (FEV1), acute exacerbation, and congestion. In multivariate analysis, the correlation between Brasfield score and erythrocyte antioxidant potential remained significant (ÎČ = - 0.611, p < 0.001). Among nutritional factors, the ω6/ω3 ratio was significantly correlated to erythrocyte antioxidant potential (ÎČ = - 1.213, p = 0.01).CONCLUSION:The blood antioxidant capability, measured by the KRL test, appears to be an interesting biomarker to evaluate oxidative stress in CF. This study suggests that the ω6/ω3 ratio should be regarded as a nutritional marker in antioxidant management in CF children

    Étude du plectre de clavecin : modĂ©lisation et rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux

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    Le clavecin est un instrument Ă  cordes pincĂ©es dont la mĂ©canique peut ĂȘtre dĂ©crite simplement. Les plectres sont notamment modĂ©lisĂ©s par des poutres de type encastrĂ©e-libre classiques, avec une section constante le long de leur fibre neutre. Pourtant, le processus d'harmonisation rĂ©alisĂ© par le facteur, c'est-Ă -dire l'ensemble des opĂ©rations qui donnent au clavecin une rĂ©ponse uniforme sur toute sa tessiture, semble montrer que la gĂ©omĂ©trie rĂ©elle des plectres, qui a Ă©tĂ© nĂ©gligĂ©e jusqu'Ă  prĂ©sent dans leur description, est primordiale pour obtenir un modĂšle satisfaisant de l'interaction qui a lieu entre ceux-ci et les cordes. Un dispositif expĂ©rimental mettant en ?uvre un doigt robotisĂ© permet de valider cette hypothĂšse avant de poursuivre plus loin dans cette voie

    Test 1157: John Deere 2630 and 2640 Diesel

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    EXPLANATION OF TEST REPORT GENERAL CONDITIONS East tractor is a production model equipped for common usage. Power consuming accessories can be disconnected only when it is convenient for the operator to do so in practice. Additional weight can be added as ballast if the manufacturer regularly supplies it for sale. The static tire loads and the inflation pressures muse conform to recommendations in the Tire Standards published by the Society of Automotive Engineers. PREPARATION FOR PERFORMANCE RUNS The engine crank case is drained and refilled with a measured amount of new oil conforming to specifications in the operator’s manual. The fuel used and the maintenance operations must also conform to the published information delivered with the tractor. The tractor is then limbered-up for 1 hour on drawbar work in accordance with the manufacturers published recommendations. The manufacturer’s representative is present to make appropriate decisions regarding mechanical adjustments. The tractor is equipped with approximately the amount of added ballast that is used during maximum drawbar tests. The tire tread-bar height must be at least 65% of new tread height prior to the maximum power run. BELT OR POWER TAKE-OFF PERFORMANCE Maximum Power and Fuel Consumption. The manufacturer’s representative makes carburetor, fuel pump, ignition and governor control settings which remain unchanged throughout tall subsequent runs. The governor and the manually operated governor control lever is set to provide the high-idle speed specified by the manufacturer for maximum power. Maximum power is measured by connecting the belt pulley or the power take-off to a dynamometer. The dynamometer load is then gradually increased until the engine is operating at the rated speed specified by the manufacturer for maximum power. The corresponding fuel consumption is measured. Varying Power and Fuel Consumption. Six different horsepower levels are used to show corresponding fuel consumption rates and how the governor causes the engine to react to the following changes in dynamometer load: 85% of the dynamometer torque at maximum power; minimum dynamometer torque, Âœ the 85% torque; maximum power; ÂŒ and Ÿ of the 85% torque. Since at tractor is generally subjected to varying loads the average of the results in this test serve well for predicting the fuel consumption of a tractor in general usage. DRAWBAR PERFORMANCE All engine adjustments are the same as those used in the belt or power take-off tests. If the manufacturer specifies a different rated crankshaft speed for drawbar operations, then the position of the manually operated governor control is changed to provide the high-idle speed specified by the manufacturer in the operating instructions. Varying Power and Fuel Consumption With Ballast. The varying power runs are made to show the effect of speed-control devices (engine governor, automatic transmissions, etc.) on horsepower, speed and fuel consumption. These runs are made around the entire test course with has two 180 degree turns with a minimum radius of 50 feet. The drawbar pull is set at 3 different levels as follows: (1) as near to the pull a maximum power as possible and still have the tractor maintain the travel speed at maximum horsepower on the straight sections of the test course; (2) 75% of the pull at maximum power; and (3) 50% of the pull at maximum power. Prior to 1958, fuel consumption data (10 hour test) were shown only for the pull obtained at maximum power for tractors having torque converters and at 75% of the pull obtained at maximum power for gear-type tractors. Maximum Power With Ballast. Maximum power is measured on straight level sections of the test course. Data are shown for not more that 12 different gears or travel speeds. Some gears or travel speeds may be omitted because of high slippage of the traction members or because the travel speed may exceed the safe-limit for the test course. The maximum safe speed for the Nebraska Test course has been set at 15 miles per hour. The slippage limits have been set at 15% and 7% for pneumatic tires and steel tracks or lugs, respectively. Higher slippage gives widely varying results. Maximum Power Without Ballast. All added ballast is removed from the tractor. The maximum drawbar power of the tractor is determined by the same procedure used for getting maximum power with ballast. The gear (or travel speed) is the same as that used in the 10-hours test. Varying Power and Travel Speed With Ballast. Travel speeds corresponding to drawbar pulls beyond the maximum power range are obtained to show the “lugging ability” of the tractor. The run starts with the pull at maximum power; then additional drawbar pull is applied to cause decreasing speeds. The run is ended by one of three conditions; (1) maximum pull is obtained, (2) the maximum slippage limit is reached, or (3) some other operating limit is reached

    Mass Spectrometry-based Absolute Quantification of 20S Proteasome Status for Controlled Ex-vivo Expansion of Human Adipose-derived Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cells

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    International audienceIn Brief 20S proteasomes are very heterogeneous protein complexes involved in many cellular processes. In the present study, we combined an MRM-based assay with the production and purification of entire SILAC labelled pro-teasome to monitor absolute quantities of the different 20S proteasome subtypes in various human cells and tissues. This method applied to adipocyte-derived stem cells (ADSCs) amplified under various conditions highlights an increased expression of immunoproteasome when this type of cell is primed with IFN␄ or amplified in a 20% O 2 environment. Graphical Abstract Highlights ‱ Design of an MRM assay to determine the absolute quantity and stoichiometry of ubiquitous and tissue-specific human 20S proteasome subtypes. ‱ Use of purified isotopically labelled 20S proteasome as internal standard for accurate quantification. ‱ Variation in the expression of immunoproteasome in adipocyte-derived stem cells (ADSCs) grown under different O 2 levels might be causal for change in cells differentiation capacity. ‱ The status of 20S proteasome during ADSCs expansion might constitute an additional relevant quality control parameter to contribute to predict, among other quality markers, their therapeutic capacity
