2,724 research outputs found

    Organización y proceso legislativo en el presidencialismo brasileño

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    The comparative literature on political institutions usually treats parliamentary and presidential systems as polar cases, regarding, specifically, executive legislative relationship and the behavior of political parties inside legislatures. More recently, however, as an expanding body of analysis is trying to demonstrate, South America is presidential experiences have been, in a growing fashion, making use of coalition governments as means to stabilize the political process –something rather common in the European parliamentary context. The chapter analyses the consequences of this model –the so called coalition presidentialism.Gran parte de la literatura comparada sobre las instituciones políticas trata los sistemas presidencialistas y parlamentaristas como casos opuestos, especialmente en lo que atañe a las relaciones entre Ejecutivo y Legislativo y al comportamiento de los partidos en el Congreso. No obstante, un creciente número de trabajos han mostrado que las experiencias presidencialistas en América del Sur tienden a apoyarse cada vez más en gobiernos de coalición vistos como formas de dar estabilidad al proceso político, algo que es común a los países parlamentaristas de Europa. Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las consecuencias de este modelo –el llamado presidencialismo de coalición– para el funcionamiento del Congreso en el Brasil contemporáneo

    Thick branes in Horndeski gravity

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    We investigate thick brane solutions in the Horndeski gravity. In this setup, we found analytical solutions, applying the first-order formalism to two scalar fields where the first field comes from the non-minimal scalar-tensor coupling and the second is due to the matter contribution sector. With these analytical solutions, we evaluate the symmetric thick brane solutions in Horndeski gravity with four-dimensional geometry. In such a setup, we evaluate the gravity fluctuations to find almost massless modes, for any values of the Horndeski parameters. These modes were used to compute the corrections to the Newtonian potential and evaluate the limit four-dimensional gravity.Comment: 12 page

    Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Brazilian labor market: increasing inequalities: Efeitos da pandemia de COVID-19 no mercado de trabalho brasileiro: aumento das desigualdades

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    In addition to the difficulties that plague Brazilian society with the downturn in economic activity, high inflation, high interest rates, the closure of business activities in various business segments and the destruction of jobs, there are also the effects of the crisis health of the Covid-19 pandemic that manifested itself in an overwhelming way in various sectors of society from the year 2020, causing the existing inequalities in the Brazilian labor market to increase. The objective of this work is based on a review of the existing literature, to identify how the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted different groups of workers differently, considering gender and race. The results point to a greater gap in unemployment rates between female and black groups, showing that these workers suffered more strongly

    ChatGPT as Co-Advisor in Scientific Initiation: Action Research with Project-Based Learning in Elementary Education

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    Background: In the contemporary educational landscape, technology has the power to drive innovative pedagogical practices. Overcoming the resistance of teachers and students to adopting new methods and technologies is a challenge that needs to be addressed. Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of ChatGPT as a co-advisor in research projects and its influence on the implementation of Project-Based Learning (PBL), as well as overcoming resistance to the use of new pedagogical methodologies. Design: An action-research methodology was employed, including unstructured interviews and the application of questionnaires via Google Forms. Setting and Participants: The research was conducted in an elementary school, involving 353 students and 16 teachers. Data Collection and Analysis: Data were gathered through observations and notes in meetings and interviews, complemented by electronic questionnaires, with quantitative and qualitative analyses performed via Microsoft Excel and Google Forms. Results: The introduction of ChatGPT as a pedagogical tool led to increased student engagement and decreased teacher resistance, reflected in recognition at local science fairs. Conclusion: The study confirmed the utility of ChatGPT in school research co-orientation, highlighting its role in facilitating PBL and promoting cultural changes in educational practice, with proactive school management identified as a catalysing element in adapting to educational innovations

    Uma proposta de metodologia participativa através do uso de fotografias para o ensino de geografia

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014O presente trabalho surgiu a partir da necessidade de se buscar uma metodologia de ensino em geografia capaz de propiciar uma maior facilidade ao estudante, tanto do ensino fundamental quanto do ensino médio, onde este tivesse uma aprendizagem mais atrativa e consequentemente uma aquisição de conhecimento de forma mais espontânea. Neste intuito optou – se em fazer o uso de fotografias, onde consideramos que seria esta uma ferramenta de fácil acesso a uma grande parte dos estudantes, seja através de máquinas fotográficas, ou de simples câmeras inclusas em aparelhos celulares, isto porque as fotos são capazes de possibilitar ao estudante um auxilio na leitura do espaço geográfico, além de propiciar que este passe a trabalhar em uma escala local, ou seja, com o meio a qual ele está inserid

    Use of anti-infective drugs during pregnancy : prevalence, predictors of use and the risk of preterm birth and small-for-gestational-age newborns

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    Résumé: Les anti-infectieux sont parmi les médicaments les plus utilisés pendant la grossesse. Les indications pour l’utilisation de ces médicaments, telles que les infections bactériennes, figurent parmi les facteurs de risque les plus importants pour la prématurité et les enfants nés petits pour l'âge gestationnel («Small-for-gestational-age », SGA). Ces complications de la grossesse peuvent avoir des incidences sur la santé du nouveau né et sur son développement futur. Compte tenu des impacts sur la santé de la mère et de l’enfant, la prise en charge et le traitement efficace de ces infections sont impératifs. Cependant, l'utilisation des anti-infectieux, pour éviter des issues de grossesse défavorables, fait l’objet d’une controverse dans la littérature. Cette controverse est en partie liée à la qualité méthodologique discutable des études disponibles sur le sujet. Les quatre études présentées dans cette thèse ont donc pour objectif d’investiguer l’utilisation des anti-infectieux durant la grossesse ainsi que d’évaluer le risque de prématurité et de SGA après utilisation de ces médicaments en période gestationnelle. Une révision systématique de la littérature sur l’utilisation du métronidazole durant la grossesse est également présentée. Nous avons utilisé, comme source de données le Registre des Grossesses du Québec, une cohorte longitudinale conçue à partir du jumelage de trois bases de données administratives de la province du Québec (RAMQ, Med-Echo et ISQ). Le registre fournit des informations sur les prescriptions, les services pharmaceutiques et médicaux, ainsi que des donnés sur les soins d’hospitalisation de courte durée et démographiques. Les deux premières études présentées dans cette thèse ont eu pour objectif d’évaluer la prévalence, les tendances, les indications et les prédicteurs de l’utilisation des anti-infectieux dans une cohorte, extraite du registre, de 97 680 femmes enceintes. A l’aide d’un devis cas-témoins, les 2 dernières études ont mesuré l’association entre l’utilisation d’anti-infectieux durant les 2 derniers trimestres de grossesse et le risque de prématurité et de SGA, respectivement. Un cas de prématurité a été défini comme un accouchement survenu avant 37 semaines de gestation. Un cas de SGA a été défini comme l’accouchement d’un enfant dont le poids à la naissance se situe sous le 10ème percentile du poids normalisé à la naissance (compte tenu de l’âge gestationnel et du sexe du bébé). Les données ont été recueillies pour les agents systémiques oraux, ainsi que pour les classes et les agents individuels. Nos résultats ont montré que la prévalence de l’utilisation des anti-infectieux durant la grossesse était comparable à celle d’autres études déjà publiées (25%). Nous avons observé une augmentation de l’utilisation des agents plus anciens et ayant des profils d’innocuité connus. Les prédicteurs de l’usage en début de grossesse identifiés sont : avoir eu plus de deux différentes prescriptions (OR ajusté = 3,83, IC 95% : 3,3-4,3), avoir eu un diagnostic d’infection urinaire (OR= 1,50, IC 95% : 1,3-1,8) et un diagnostic d’infection respiratoire (OR= 1,40, IC 95% : 1,2-1,6). L’utilisation des macrolides a été associée à une diminution du risque de prématurité (OR =0,65, IC 95% : 0,50-0,85). En revanche, les femmes ayant été exposées au métronidazole ont vu leur risque augmenté de 80% (OR=1,81, IC 95% : 1,30-2,54). L’utilisation d’azithromycine a été associée à une diminution importante du risque chez les femmes ayant un diagnostic de rupture prématurée des membranes (OR=0,31, IC 95% : 0,10-0,93). Cependant, l'utilisation de sulfaméthoxazole-triméthoprime (SXT) a été significativement associée à une augmentation du risque de SGA (OR= 1,61, IC 95% : 1,16-2,23), tandis que celle des anti-infectieux urinaires a été associée à une diminution du risque (OR= 0,80, 95%CI : 0.65-0.97). Les conclusions de nos travaux suggèrent que l’utilisation des macrolides et des pénicillines diminuent le risque de prématurité et de SGA. Nous devons considérer l'utilisation de différents choix thérapeutiques tels que l’azithromycine, lors de la prise en charge des infections pouvant induire la prématurité et le SGA.Abstract: Anti-infective drugs are among the most used medications during pregnancy. Gestational infections are related to some adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as preterm birth and infants born small for their gestational age (SGA), which increases the risk of mortality and long-term morbidity. Given its health impacts, prompt management and treatment of these infections are warranted. However, there is some controversy on the use of anti-infective drugs to prevent adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as preterm birth. Furthermore, there is growing concern regarding its independent effects on these outcomes, when treatment of maternal infections is instituted. Therefore, we conducted 4 large population-based studies aimed to investigate the gestational use of anti-infective drugs during pregnancy and the risk of preterm birth and SGA. In addition, we systematically reviewed the available evidence on the use of metronidazole during gestation. We used data from the Quebec Pregnancy Registry, a longitudinal population-based cohort established with the linkage of three administrative databases from the province of Quebec (RAMQ, Med-Echo and ISQ). Data are available on prescriptions, pharmaceutical and healthcare services, acute care hospitalization and patient demographics. For study 1 and 2, we conducted a drug utilisation review within a cohort of 97 680 pregnant women. Study 3 and 4 were two independent case-control studies. Cases of preterm birth were defined as those with a delivery occurring before the 37th week of gestation (study 3). Cases of SGA were defined as a pregnancy resulting in a baby’s weigh adjusted for gestational age and gender <10th percentile, according to the Canadian gender-specific reference curves (Study 4). Oral use of anti-infective drugs during the last two trimesters of pregnancy was the exposure definition for both studies. Independent analyses were done to assess the risk for different classes of anti-infectives and individual agents. Our results indicate that the use of anti-infective drugs during pregnancy is prevalent (25%). Use of well-known agents increased once pregnancy was diagnosed, and the most frequent indications for use were respiratory and urinary infections. Predictors associated with use were having more that 2 different prescribers (adj. OR= 3.83, 95% CI: 3.3-4.3), having a diagnosis of urinary tract infections (adj. OR= 1.50, 95% CI: 1.3-1.8) and respiratory tract infection (adj. OR= 1.40, 95% CI: 1.2-1.6). The use of macrolides was associated with a decreased risk of preterm birth (adj. OR=0.65, 95% CI: 0.50-0.85), whereas metronidazole increased the risk (adj. OR=1.81, 95% CI: 1.30-2.54). Azithromycin had a protective effect in women with premature rupture of membranes (adj. OR=0.31, 95% CI: 0.10-0.93). Use of sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim was associated with an increased risk of SGA (adj. OR= 1.61, 95%CI: 1.16-2.23), whereas the use of urinary anti-infectives decreased the risk (adj. OR= 0.80, 95%CI: 0.65-0.97).The results of this thesis suggest that the use of macrolides and penicillins decrease the risk of preterm birth and SGA. Health care professionals should consider other therapeutic alternatives to metronidazole and sulfonamides, such as azithromycin

    Joint Canada-Isreal health research program

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    This collaborative research program aimed to develop affordable antibody-based therapies and improved vaccines for the control of dengue fever (DF) and East Coast fever (ECF) in both humans and animals. The team combined immunology and protein and antibody engineering methods that have therapeutic and vaccination potential. Importantly, the core technologies reduce the use of research animals and are easy and affordable to implement. Another objective was to build capacity to enable scientists in the affected countries to explore these cutting-edge technologies for disease control independently, through an exchange of trainees between laboratories, technology transfer between laboratories, and dedicated training workshops in Africa

    As estratégias do “Movimento Pela Base” na construção da BNCC: consenso e privatização

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    This article presents the articulations of the Movimento Pela Base in conducting the process of building the Base Nacional Comum Curricular throughout the Brazilian territory. In a political and economic context influenced by the managerial discourse of reducing the role of the State, the Brazilian business sector has become a central figure in most of the policy recommendations for the educational field, as a result of an international growth trend in the third sector on actions public. The analysis of scientific productions about BNCC, considering books, articles, thesis and dissertations, in addition to documents made available on electronic media, allowed us to demonstrate the capillarity of the movement, the involvement of the subjects and public and private institutions, and their intentions to educate for the new capitalist sociability, based on the need to form consensus around the idea of a collective social project of public policy.Este artículo presenta las articulaciones del Movimento Pela Base en la realización del proceso de construcción del la Base Nacional Comum Curricular en todo el territorio brasileño. En un contexto político y económico influenciado por el discurso gerencial de reducir el papel del Estado, el sector empresarial brasileño se ha convertido en una figura central en la mayoría de las recomendaciones de políticas para el campo educativo, el resultado de una tendencia internacional de crecimiento en el tercer sector sobre las acciones públicas. El análisis de producciones científicas sobre BNCC, considerando libros, artículos, tesis y disertaciones, además de documentos disponibles en medios electrónicos, nos permitió demostrar la capilaridad del movimiento, la participación de sujetos y instituciones públicas y privadas y sus intenciones de educar para La nueva sociabilidad capitalista, basada en la necesidad de formar un consenso en torno a la idea de un proyecto social colectivo de política pública.Este artigo apresenta as articulações do Movimento Pela Base na condução do processo de construção da Base Nacional Comum Curricular em todo o território brasileiro. Em um contexto político e econômico influenciado pelo discurso gerencial de redução do papel do Estado, o empresariado brasileiro torna-se figura central em boa parte das recomendações de políticas para o campo educacional, resultado de uma tendência internacional de crescimento do terceiro setor sobre as ações públicas. A análise das produções científicas sobre a BNCC, considerando livros, artigos, teses e dissertações, além de documentos disponibilizados nas mídias eletrônicas nos permitiu demonstrar a capilaridade do movimento, o envolvimento de sujeitos e instituições públicas e privadas e suas intencionalidades de educar para a nova sociabilidade capitalista, pautada na necessidade de formação de consensos em torno da ideia de um projeto social coletivo da política pública