99 research outputs found

    Status of CUORE Experiment and latest results from CUORE-0

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    Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (0νββ) is a rare nuclear transition that if it occurs at all it will be very important for the exploration of the inverted hierarchy region of the neutrino mass pattern. The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is an experiment that aims to search for such a transition in 130Te together with other rare processes. In the present paper we will describe the basic features of CUORE Experiment, the status of the experiment as well as the latest results obtained from CUORE-0 detector, a smaller scale experiment constructed to test and demonstrate the expected performances of CUOR

    Theory for the Direct Detection of Solar Axions by Coherent Primakoff Conversion in Germanium Detectors

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    It is assumed that axions exist and are created in the Sun by Primakoff conversion of photons in the Coulomb fields of nuclei. Detection rates are calculated in germanium detectors due to the coherent conversion of axions to photons in the lattice when the incident angle fulfills the Bragg condition for a given crystalline plane. The rates are correlated with the relative positions of the Sun and detector, yielding a characteristic recognizable sub-diurnal temporal pattern. A major experiment is proposed based on a large detector array.Comment: gzipped postscript file from Microsoft Word, 8 pages. Figures can be obtained by fax from [email protected]. Submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Channeling in direct dark matter detection I: channeling fraction in NaI (Tl) crystals

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    The channeling of the ion recoiling after a collision with a WIMP changes the ionization signal in direct detection experiments, producing a larger signal than otherwise expected. We give estimates of the fraction of channeled recoiling ions in NaI (Tl) crystals using analytic models produced since the 1960's and 70's to describe channeling and blocking effects. We find that the channeling fraction of recoiling lattice nuclei is smaller than that of ions that are injected into the crystal and that it is strongly temperature dependent.Comment: 37 pages, 35 figures, Accepted for publication in JCAP on 27 October 2010, Minor revisions: added an appendix, updated references, updated Fig. 9, corrected a few typo

    Pulse Shape Analysis with scintillating bolometers

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    Among the detectors used for rare event searches, such as neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (0ν\nuDBD) and Dark Matter experiments, bolometers are very promising because of their favorable properties (excellent energy resolution, high detector efficiency, a wide choice of different materials used as absorber, ...). However, up to now, the actual interesting possibility to identify the interacting particle, and thus to greatly reduce the background, can be fulfilled only with a double read-out (i.e. the simultaneous and independent read out of heat and scintillation light or heat and ionization). This double read-out could greatly complicate the assembly of a huge, multi-detector array, such as CUORE and EURECA. The possibility to recognize the interacting particle through the shape of the thermal pulse is then clearly a very interesting opportunity. While detailed analyses of the signal time development in purely thermal detectors have not produced so far interesting results, similar analyses on macro-bolometers (\sim10-500 g) built with scintillating crystals showed that it is possible to distinguish between an electron or γ\gamma-ray and an α\alpha particle interaction (i.e. the main source of background for 0ν\nuDBD experiments based on the bolometric technique). Results on pulse shape analysis of a CaMoO4_4 crystal operated as bolometer is reported as an example. An explanation of this behavior, based on the energy partition in the heat and scintillation channels, is also presented.Comment: Presented at the 14th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors, proceedings to be published in the Journal of Low Temperature Physic

    Experimental Search for Solar Axions

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    A new technique has been used to search for solar axions using a single crystal germanium detector. It exploits the coherent conversion of axions into photons when their angle of incidence satisfies a Bragg condition with a crystalline plane. The analysis of approximately 1.94 kg.yr of data from the 1-kg DEMOS detector in Sierra Grande, Argentina, yields a new laboratory bound on axion-photon coupling of g_{a,\gamma\gamma}<2.7\times 10^{-9} GeV^{-1} independent of axion mass up to \sim 1 keV

    New constraints on WIMPs from the Canfranc IGEX dark matter search

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    The IGEX Collaboration enriched 76Ge double-beta decay detectors are currently operating in the Canfranc Underground Laboratory with an overburden of 2450 m.w.e. A recent upgrade has made it possible to use them in a search for WIMPs. A new exclusion plot has been derived for WIMP-nucleon spin-independent interaction. To obtain this result, 30 days of data from one IGEX detector, which has an energy threshold of ~4 keV, have been considered. These data improve the exclusion limits derived from other germanium diode experiments in the ~50 GeV DAMA region, and show that with a moderate improvement of the background below 10 keV, the DAMA region may be tested with an additional 1 kg-year of exposure.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Physics Letter

    Search for solar Kaluza-Klein axions in theories of low-scale quantum gravity

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    We explore the physics potential of a terrestrial detector for observing axionic Kaluza-Klein excitations coming from the Sun within the context of higher-dimensional theories of low-scale quantum gravity. In these theories, the heavier Kaluza-Klein axions are relatively short-lived and may be detected by a coincidental triggering of their two-photon decay mode. Because of the expected high multiplicity of the solar axionic excitations, we find experimental sensitivity to a fundamental Peccei-Quinn axion mass up to 10210^{-2} eV (corresponding to an effective axion-photon coupling gaγγ2.×1012g_{a\gamma \gamma} \approx 2.\times 10^{-12} GeV1^{-1}) in theories with 2 extra dimensions and a fundamental quantum-gravity scale MFM_{\rm F} of order 100 TeV, and up to 3.×1033.\times 10^{-3} eV (corresponding to gaγγ6.×1013g_{a\gamma \gamma} \approx 6.\times 10^{-13} GeV1^{-1}) in theories with 3 extra dimensions and MF=1M_{\rm F}=1 TeV. For comparison, based on recent data obtained from lowest level underground experiments, we derive the experimental limits: gaγγ<2.5×1011g_{a \gamma \gamma} \stackrel{<}{{}_\sim} 2.5\times 10^{-11} GeV1^{-1} and gaγγ<1.2×1011g_{a \gamma \gamma} \stackrel{<}{{}_\sim} 1.2\times 10^{-11} GeV1^{-1} in the aforementioned theories with 2 and 3 large compact dimensions, respectively.Comment: 19 pages, extended version, as to appear in Physical Review

    Neutrinoless double beta decay within Self-consistent Renormalized Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation and inclusion of induced nucleon currents

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    The first, to our knowledge, calculation of neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ0\nu\beta\beta-decay) matrix elements within the self-consistent renormalised Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation (SRQRPA) is presented. The contribution from the momentum-dependent induced nucleon currents to 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta-decay amplitude is taken into account. A detailed nuclear structure study includes the discussion of the sensitivity of the obtained SRQRPA results for 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta-decay of 76^{76}Ge to the parameters of nuclear Hamiltonian, two-nucleon short-range correlations and the truncation of the model space. A comparision with the standard and renormalized QRPA is presented. We have found a considerable reduction of the SRQRPA nuclear matrix elements, resulting in less stringent limits for the effective neutrino mass.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    CUORE: A Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events

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    CUORE is a proposed tightly packed array of 1000 TeO2 bolometers, each being a cube 5 cm on a side with a mass of 760 g. The array consists of 25 vertical towers, arranged in a square of 5 towers by 5 towers, each containing 10 layers of 4 crystals. The design of the detector is optimized for ultralow-background searches: for neutrinoless double beta decay of 130Te (33.8% abundance), cold dark matter, solar axions, and rare nuclear decays. A preliminary experiment involving 20 crystals 3x3x6 cm3 of 340 g has been completed, and a single CUORE tower is being constructed as a smaller scale experiment called CUORICINO. The expected performance and sensitivity, based on Monte Carlo simulations and extrapolations of present results, are reported.Comment: 39 pages, 12 figures, submitted to NI

    Recent searches for solar axions and large extra dimensions

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    We analyze the data from two recent experiments designed to search for solar axions within the context of multidimensional theories of the Kaluza-Klein type. In these experiments, axions were supposed to be emitted from the solar core, in M1 transitions between the first excited state and the ground state of 57Fe and 7Li. Because of the high multiplicity of axionic Kaluza-Klein states which couple with the strength of ordinary QCD axions, we obtain much more stringent experimental limits on the four-dimensional Peccei-Quinn breaking scale f_{PQ}, compared with the solar QCD axion limit. Specifically, for the 57Fe experiment, f_{PQ}>1x10^6 GeV in theories with two extra dimensions and a higher-dimensional gravitational scale M_H of order 100 TeV, and f_{PQ}>1x10^6 GeV in theories with three extra dimensions and M_H of order 1 TeV (to be compared with the QCD axion limit, f_{PQ}>8x10^3 GeV). For the 7Li experiment, f_{PQ}>1.4x10^5 GeV and 3.4x10^5 GeV, respectively (to be compared with the QCD axion limit, f_{PQ}>1.9x10^2 GeV). It is an interesting feature of our results that, in most cases, the obtained limit on f_{PQ} cannot be coupled with the mass of the axion, which is essentially set by the (common) radius of the extra dimensions.Comment: 4 pages, revtex 4, minor changes, version accepted by PR