11 research outputs found

    Efeito da adição de probióticos na dieta sobre digestibilidade ileal da materia seca e da proteína de frangos de corte

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    O experimento foi realizado no Departamento de Zootecnia da Universidade Federal de Viçosa a fim de avaliar o efeito da adição de probióticos sobre a digestibilidade ileal em dietas de frangos de corte. Foram utilizados 400 pintos de corte machos, Cobb 500, de 21 a 31 dias de idade, distribuídos em um delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, contendo 10 tratamentos em esquema fatorial 5 x 2 (Sem probiótico, com antibiótico e com cepas e concentrações diferentes de Bacillus subtilis) e dois níveis de energia metabolizável: Normal e -100 kcal), com 8 repetições de 5 aves por unidade experimental. Nas três primeiras semanas de vida, com o objetivo de aumentar o desafio sanitário as aves receberam, duas vezes por semana, uma solução de cama reutilizada e água na proporção de 25 g/l durante 8 horas. A adição dos promotores de crescimen- to acarretou incremento na digestibilidade ileal da matéria seca em média de 6,79 % (67,56 % vs 63,26 %) e aumento da digestibilidade da proteína bruta em 3,64 % (79,45 % vs 76,66 %) sobre a dieta sem o aditivo. A adição de probiótico a base de Bacillus subtilis ou do antibiótico bacitracina metileno dissalicilato nas dietas de frangos de corte em condições de desafio sanitário é eficiente na melhora dos coeficientes de digestibilidade da materia seca e da proteína bruta.The experiment was conducted at Department of Animal Science, Federal University of Viçosa to evaluate the effect of adding probiotics on ileal digestibility in diets for broilers. Four hundred male chicks Cobb 500, between 21-31d of age, were distributed in a ran- domized complete block design with 10 treatments in a factorial 5 x 2 (No probiotic, with antibiotic and with different strains and concentrations of Bacillus subtilis; and two levels of metabolizable energy: Normal and -100 kcal), with 8 replicates of 5 birds each. In the first three weeks of life, with the goal of increasing the health challenge of the birds received twice a week, a solution of reused litter and water in the ratio of 25 g/l for 8 hours. The addition of growth promoters resulted in increased ileal digestibility of dry matter avera- ged 6.79 % (67.56 % vs 63.26 %) and increased digestibility of crude protein in 3.64 % (79.45 % vs 76.66 %) on diet without the additive. The addition of probiotics based on Ba- cillus subtilis or antibiotic bacitracin methylene or dissalicilato in the diets of broilers in terms of health challenge is efficient to improve the digestibility of dry matter and crude protein

    Avaliação nutricional e energética do farelo de girassol para aves Nutritional and energetic evaluation of sunflower meal in broiler diets

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    Foram realizados dois ensaios de metabolismo a fim de determinar a energia metabolizável aparente (EMA), por meio do método de coleta total de excretas com frangos, e a energia metabolizável verdadeira (EMV) e a digestibilidade verdadeira dos aminoácidos do farelo de girassol, por meio do método de alimentação forçada com galos cecectomizados. No primeiro ensaio, foi utilizado o delineamento experimental inteiramente ao acaso com 80 frangos Cobb, distribuídos em dois tratamentos, ração referência (RR) e RR mais 20% de inclusão de farelo de girassol e oito repetições e cinco aves por unidade experimental. No segundo ensaio, foi utilizado o delineamento experimental inteiramente ao acaso com 14 galos Leghorn, distribuídos em dois tratamentos, farelo de girassol e jejum, sete repetições e um galo por unidade experimental. O farelo de girassol apresentou 90,0% de matéria seca, 28,1% de proteína bruta, 4.42kcal/kg de energia bruta, 22,4% de fibra bruta, 2,9% de extrato etéreo, 0,8% de fósforo e 0,3% de cálcio. A EMV, a EMV corrigida, a EMA e a EMA corrigida determinadas foram 3.013; 2.200; 2.141 e 1.983kcal/kg, respectivamente. A lisina foi o aminoácido essencial que apresentou a menor digestibilidade e a arginina, a maior.Two experiments were carried out to determine apparent metabolizable energy (AME), by the method of total excreta collection using broilers; and true metabolizable energy (TME) and true amino acid digestibility of sunflower meal (SFM), by the method of forced feeding using cecectomized roosters. In the first experiment, a completely randomized experimental design, with two treatments (reference diet (RD) and RD plus 20% SFM inclusion) with eight replicates of five birds each, was applied. In the second experiment, a completely randomized experimental design, with two treatments (SFM vs. fasting) with seven replicates of one rooster each, was used. Sunflower meal presented 90,0% dry matter, 28.1% crude protein, 4,429kcal/kg crude energy, 22.4% crude fiber, 2.9% ether extract, 0.8% phosphorus, and 0.3% calcium. TME, nitrogen-corrected TME, AME, and nitrogen-corrected AME were: 3,013; 2,200; 2,141; and 1,983 kcal/kg, respectively. Lysine was the essential amino acid that presented the lowest digestibility, and arginine, the highest. It is important to constantly upgrade energy and nutrient values of feedstuffs used in feed formulation to supply poultry nutritional requirements

    Estimate of body growth curve and feed intake of free-range chickens receiving different levels of digestible lysine

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    Aim of the study: To adjust nonlinear Gompertz model to describe the body growth and feed intake (FI) of free-range chickens of the CPK (Color Plumé) strain, receiving different levels of digestible lysine (dig-Lys), from 21 to 77 days of age.Area of study: São Cristovão, Sergipe, Brazil.Material and methods: A total of 432 one-day-old unsexed chickens were used in the study. At 21 days of age, the birds were assigned to four treatments (0.85%; 0.97%; 1.09%; 1.21%) of dig-Lys, in a completely randomized design with four replicates, with 27 birds per experimental unit. The Gompertz model was used to estimate bird growth curves related to body weight (BW) and FI at each Lys level.Main results: The tests of comparison between the parameters of the Gompertz model for each Lys level showed that parameter A varied, while parameters B (0.0329) and C (45.819) did not differ significantly. In parameter A, the dig-Lys level of 0.97% provided the highest BW estimate at maturity and maximum BW at the inflection point.Research highlights: Use of non-linear models to predict nutritional requirements, helps farmers to optimize management decisions and, thus, maximize their profit. According to Gompertz model, it was possible to infer that the inclusion of 0.97% dig-Lys in the diet of mixed batches of free-range chickens of the CPK strain meets their nutritional requirements