544 research outputs found


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    Abstract. This paper investigates the application of the Digital Twin approach to get a Sentient building able to acquire the ability to perceive external inputs and develop strategies to support its management and/or conservation. The experimentation foresees the integration of an H-BIM model with a Decision Support System based on Artificial Intelligence (in this case Machine Learning techniques) for the management of museum collections in historical architectures. The innovative aspect of this methodology resides in the change of paradigm regarding the relations between the historical building under consideration and the professional figures who deal with the management, conservation and architectural restoration. This work tries to contextualize the novel HS-BIM methodology within the theoretical discussion of the disciplines mentioned above and to participate in Digital Twin's debate. HS-BIM can be seen as a possible path that leads to creating digital twins for cultural heritage. The reflection inspired by this experience aims to revise the concept of Digital Twin as a parallel/external digital model in favour of an artificial evolution of the real system augmented by a "cognitive" apparatus. In this vision, thanks to AI application, future buildings will be able to sense "comfort and pain" and learning from their own life-cycle experience but also from that one of elder sentient-buildings thanks to transfer learning already applied in AI's fields

    Poincaré and Hardy Inequalities on Homogeneous Trees

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    We study Hardy-type inequalities on infinite homogeneous trees. More precisely, we derive optimal Hardy weights for the combinatorial Laplacian in this setting and we obtain, as a consequence, optimal improvements for the Poincaré inequality


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    Abstract. Historical centers represent the outcome of transformations and stratifications of the cities across the centuries. The knowledge of a historical urban environment requires an analytical methodology articulated on several interconnected levels of investigation to model a multi-layered complexity that encompasses the geometric and stylistic features of places (blocks irregularities, narrow streets, stratified buildings), the accessibility (pedestrial zone, no flyzone), the use of existing data (GIS, cartographies). Today the challenge for historical centers is dual: on the one side to make use of expeditious technologies to acquire data, on the other one to create 3D city models that allow to manage, visualize, enquire and use these data in a unique digital ecosystem. Our research deals with a multi-sensor data acquisition, evaluation and integration with the aim of creating informed and responsive 3D city models (CIM) that constitute a synthesis of the survey conducted and become the support for simulations in various contexts (seismic risk, hydraulic, energy performance)

    Analysis on Trees with Nondoubling Flow Measures

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    We consider trees with root at infinity endowed with flow measures, which are nondoubling measures of at least exponential growth and which do not satisfy the isoperimetric inequality. In this setting, we develop a Calderón–Zygmund theory and we define BMO and Hardy spaces, proving a number of desired results extending the corresponding theory as known in more classical settings

    3D #DigitalInvasions: a crowdsourcing project for mobile user generated content

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    This paper introduces the #InvasioniDigitali project which is an online crowdsourcing initiative started in Italy in 2013 with the aim to promote the value of and engagement with local heritage. The paper focuses on two case studies of pilot ‘invasions’ using 3D data capture by students at museums and heritage sites in Sicily

    Scheme for Universal High-Dimensional Quantum Computation with Linear Optics

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    Photons are natural carriers of high-dimensional quantum information, and, in principle, can benefit from higher quantum information capacity and noise-resilience. However, schemes to generate the resources required for high-dimensional quantum computing have so far been lacking in linear optics. Here, we show how to generate GHZ states in arbitrary dimensions and numbers of photons using linear optical circuits described by Fourier transform matrices. Combining our results with recent schemes for qudit Bell measurements, we show that universal linear optical quantum computing can be performed in arbitrary dimensions

    Microscopic cluster model for the description of (18O,16O) two-neutron transfer reactions

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    Excitation energy spectra and absolute cross-section angular distributions were measured for the 13C(18O,16O)15C two-neutron transfer reaction at 84 MeV incident energy. Exact finite-range coupled reaction channel calculations are used to analyse the data considering both the direct two-neutron transfer and the two-step sequential mechanism. For the direct calculations, two approaches are discussed: The extreme cluster and the newly introduced microscopic cluster. The latter makes use of spectroscopic amplitudes in the centre-of-mass reference frame, derived from shell-model calculations. The results describe well the experimental cross sections


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    Abstract. The paper shows the results of an experimentation on the use of low cost tools such as action cameras for the photogrammetric surveying of relevant archaeological sites characterized by the presence of narrow and complex rooms. The archaeological site chosen for this experimentation is the South-Western Quarter, also known as Quartiere Levi, of the Minoan Palace of Phaistos (Crete), one of only two cases of buildings surviving up to the third floor in the Aegean world. The research foresaw the setting up of a pipeline aimed at obtaining a complete scaled, photorealistic and navigable 3D model, with a considerable economy in terms of work time and number of photographs. For this purpose, many efforts have been paid on solving all the issues related to the complexity of the site and on comparing the performances of traditional (Canon EOS 70D) and action (GoPro Black Hero 6) cameras as well as of two of the current most used software in the field

    Microscopic cluster model for the description of new experimental results on the C 13 (O 18, O 16) C 15 two-neutron transfer at 84 MeV incident energy

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    The C13(O18,O16)C15 reaction is studied at 84 MeV incident energy. Excitation energy spectra and absolute cross-section angular distributions for the strongest transitions are measured with good energy and angular resolutions. Strong selectivity for two-neutron configurations in the states of the residual nucleus is found. The measured cross-section angular distributions are analyzed by exact finite-range coupled reaction channel calculations. The two-particle wave functions are extracted using the extreme cluster and the independent coordinate scheme with shell-model derived coupling strengths. A new approach also is introduced, the microscopic cluster, in which the spectroscopic amplitudes in the center-of-mass reference frame are derived from shell-model calculations using the Moshinsky transformation brackets. This new model is able to describe well the experimental cross section and to highlight cluster configurations in the involved wave functions


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    Abstract. This paper describes the results of a participatory approach experienced during the training of university and high school students at the MuRa (Museo della Rappresentazione). Mura is a university museum belonging to the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture at University of Catania. It houses and exhibits the collections of architectural projects of Francesco Fichera and a series of chalcographies including the collection of the renown engraver Giovan Battista Piranesi. The training program has been addressed at the documentation, visualization and communication of the architectures realized by Francesco Fichera and other Sicilian architects in the city centre of Catania in the first half of XXth century, whose projects are hosted by the museum. The methodology adopted has included the experimentation of participatory strategies aimed at the communication and the narration of the architectures built in the early twentieth century in Catania. After a preliminary training phase on digital tools for 3D documentation and enhancement of architectural heritage, the students were invited to participate with their ideas and creative expressions in the dissemination actions of the identified case studies
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