299 research outputs found

    Patterns of energy acquisition by penguins: benefits of alternating short and long foraging trips.

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    In some seabirds, foraging trips have been defined as either long or short, with the length of time spent traveling to the foraging area apparently a critical feature in determining foraging trip length. Using logger technology, together with complimentary data from published studies, we investigated traveling and foraging times in 18 free-living Adélie Penguins Pygoscelis adeliae, which were foraging for chicks. Most deep, foraging dives were distributed around the center of the foraging trip. This central tendency was particularly apparent if the cumulative amount of undulations in the depth profile (indicative of prey capture) was considered during deep dives; values started to increase before 20.9% and ceased after 67.2% of the dives had occurred. This concentration of the feeding activity in the middle of the foraging trip indicates that birds traveled to and from a prey patch whose location varied little over the birds' trips. These data form the basis for a simple model that uses traveling and foraging times together with projected rates of prey ingestion and chick and adult gastric emptying to determine that there are occasions when, to optimize rates of prey ingestion while at sea for both adults and chicks, birds should conduct foraging trips of bimodal lengths

    First records of juvenile giant squid, Architeuthis (Cephalopoda: Oegopsida)

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    Diagnóstico situacional Hospital Gaspar García Laviana- Rivas y Ernesto Sequeira- Región Autónoma Atlántico Sur. Nicaragua. Año 2004.

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    Estudio de tipo descriptivo de corte transversal, en los Hospitales Ernesto Sequeira de la Región Autónoma del Atlántico Sur y Gaspar García Laviana de Rivas durante el año 2004. Se encontró que en ambos Hospitales brindan atención general, de prioridad Materno-Infantil, ubicados en las cabeceras de los departamentos; pertenecen al Segundo nivel de atención, con un nivel de complejidad básico, de referencias departamental para los centros de salud, cuyo propietario es el Ministerio de Salud. Con poblaciones objetivos mayores de 175,000 habitantes donde el 65% de las personas son niños o mujeres en edad de procrear. La cartera de servicios que ofertan ambos hospitales es acorde a su complejidad en las que se encuentran las cuatro especialidades básicas Medicina Interna, Cirugía General, Pediatría y Gineco obstetricia y los servicios de apoyo tales como: Farmacia, Radiología, Laboratorio así como en su estructura física cuenta con consultorios para consulta externa, emergencia, quirófanos, salas de parto y camas censables. El número de recursos humanos en cada hospital es mayor a 300 personas, donde el 55 al 60% es asistencial. En los recursos financieros el 80% del presupuesto proviene de fondo fiscal y el mayor gasto es en el pago de recursos humanos. El equipamiento asistencial de los hospitales se encuentra desfasado y obsoleto, entre el 20 al 40% en regular y muy mal estado y tienen más de un año de estar sin funcionamiento y no han sido reparados. El modelo de gestión de ambos hospitales es tradicional, sin implementación de herramientas gerenciales, ni toma de decisiones. La producción de servicios es baja en relación a su capacidad instalada

    Can Thermoclines Be a Cue to Prey Distribution for Marine Top Predators? A Case Study with Little Penguins

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    The use of top predators as bio-platforms is a modern approach to understanding how physical changes in the environment may influence their foraging success. This study examined if the presence of thermoclines could be a reliable signal of resource availability for a marine top predator, the little penguin (Eudyptula minor). We studied weekly foraging activity of 43 breeding individual penguins equipped with accelerometers. These loggers also recorded water temperature, which we used to detect changes in thermal characteristics of their foraging zone over 5 weeks during the penguin’s guard phase. Data showed the thermocline was detected in the first 3 weeks of the study, which coincided with higher foraging efficiency. When a thermocline was not detected in the last two weeks, foraging efficiency decreased as well. We suggest that thermoclines can represent temporary markers of enhanced food availability for this top-predator to which they must optimally adjust their breeding cycle

    Windscapes shape seabird instantaneous energy costs but adult behavior buffers impact on offspring

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    Acknowledgements K. Ashbrook, M. Barrueto, K. Elner, A. Hargreaves, S. Jacobs, G. Lancton, M. LeVaillant, E. Grosbellet, A. Moody, A. Ronston, J. Provencher, P. Smith, K. Woo and P. Woodward helped in the field. J. Nakoolak kept us safe from bears. N. Sapir and two anonymous reviewers provided very useful comments on an earlier version of our manuscript. R. Armstrong at the Nunavut Research Institute, M. Mallory at the Canadian Wildlife Service Northern Research Division and C. Eberl at National Wildlife Research Centre in Ottawa provided logistical support. F. Crenner, N. Chatelain and M. Brucker customized the GPS at the IPHC-CNRS. KHE received financial support through a NSERC Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship, ACUNS Garfield Weston Northern Studies scholarship and AINA Jennifer Robinson Scholarship and JFH received NSERC Discovery Grant funding. J. Welcker generously loaned some accelerometers. All procedures were approved under the guidelines of the Canadian Council for Animal Care.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    A vision for incorporating human mobility in the study of human-wildlife interactions

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    As human activities increasingly shape land- and seascapes, understanding human-wildlife interactions is imperative for preserving biodiversity. Habitats are impacted not only by static modifications, such as roads, buildings and other infrastructure, but also by the dynamic movement of people and their vehicles occurring over shorter time scales. While there is increasing realization that both components of human activity significantly affect wildlife, capturing more dynamic processes in ecological studies has proved challenging. Here, we propose a novel conceptual framework for developing a ‘Dynamic Human Footprint’ that explicitly incorporates human mobility, providing a key link between anthropogenic stressors and ecological impacts across spatiotemporal scales. Specifically, the Dynamic Human Footprint integrates a range of metrics to fully acknowledge the time-varying nature of human activities and to enable scale-appropriate assessments of their impacts on wildlife behavior, demography, and distributions. We review existing terrestrial and marine human mobility data products and provide a roadmap for how these could be integrated and extended to enable more comprehensive analyses of human impacts on biodiversity in the Anthropocene

    Identification of animal movement patterns using tri-axial magnetometry

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    BackgroundAccelerometers are powerful sensors in many bio-logging devices, and are increasingly allowing researchers to investigate the performance, behaviour, energy expenditure and even state, of free-living animals. Another sensor commonly used in animal-attached loggers is the magnetometer, which has been primarily used in dead-reckoning or inertial measurement tags, but little outside that. We examine the potential of magnetometers for helping elucidate the behaviour of animals in a manner analogous to, but very different from, accelerometers. The particular responses of magnetometers to movement means that there are instances when they can resolve behaviours that are not easily perceived using accelerometers.MethodsWe calibrated the tri-axial magnetometer to rotations in each axis of movement and constructed 3-dimensional plots to inspect these stylised movements. Using the tri-axial data of Daily Diary tags, attached to individuals of number of animal species as they perform different behaviours, we used these 3-d plots to develop a framework with which tri-axial magnetometry data can be examined and introduce metrics that should help quantify movement and behaviour.ResultsTri-axial magnetometry data reveal patterns in movement at various scales of rotation that are not always evident in acceleration data. Some of these patterns may be obscure until visualised in 3D space as tri-axial spherical plots (m-spheres). A tag-fitted animal that rotates in heading while adopting a constant body attitude produces a ring of data around the pole of the m-sphere that we define as its Normal Operational Plane (NOP). Data that do not lie on this ring are created by postural rotations of the animal as it pitches and/or rolls. Consequently, stereotyped behaviours appear as specific trajectories on the sphere (m-prints), reflecting conserved sequences of postural changes (and/or angular velocities), which result from the precise relationship between body attitude and heading. This novel approach shows promise for helping researchers to identify and quantify behaviours in terms of animal body posture, including heading.ConclusionMagnetometer-based techniques and metrics can enhance our capacity to identify and examine animal behaviour, either as a technique used alone, or one that is complementary to tri-axial accelerometry

    Evaluating the impact of handling and logger attachment on foraging parameters and physiology in southern rockhopper penguins

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    Logger technology has revolutionised our knowledge of the behaviour and physiology of free-living animals but handling and logger attachments may have negative effects on the behaviour of the animals and their welfare. We studied southern rockhopper penguin ( Eudyptes chrysocome ) females during the guard stage in three consecutive breeding seasons (2008/09−2010/11) to evaluate the effects of handling and logger attachment on foraging trip duration, dive behaviour and physiological parameters. Smaller dive loggers (TDRs) were used in 2010/11 for comparison to larger GPS data loggers used in all three seasons and we included two categories of control birds: handled controls and PIT control birds that were previously marked with passive integrative transponders (PITs), but which had not been handled during this study. Increased foraging trip duration was only observed in GPS birds during 2010/11, the breeding season in which we also found GPS birds foraging further away from the colony and travelling longer distances. Compared to previous breeding seasons, 2010/11 may have been a period with less favourable environmental conditions, which would enhance the impact of logger attachments. A comparison between GPS and TDR birds showed a significant difference in dive depth frequencies with birds carrying larger GPS data loggers diving shallower. Mean and maximum dive depths were similar between GPS and TDR birds. We measured little impact of logger attachments on physiological parameters (corticosterone, protein, triglyceride levels and leucocyte counts). Overall, handling and short-term logger attachments (1-3 days) showed limited impact on the behaviour and physiology of the birds but care must be taken with the size of data loggers on diving seabirds. Increased drag may alter their diving behaviour substantially, thus constraining them in their ability to catch prey. Results obtained in this study indicate that data recorded may also not represent their normal dive behaviour