50 research outputs found

    Interaction induced fractional Bloch and tunneling oscillations

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    We study the dynamics of few interacting bosons in a one-dimensional lattice with dc bias. In the absence of interactions the system displays single particle Bloch oscillations. For strong interaction the Bloch oscillation regime reemerges with fractional Bloch periods which are inversely proportional to the number of bosons clustered into a bound state. The interaction strength is affecting the oscillation amplitude. Excellent agreement is found between numerical data and a composite particle dynamics approach. For specific values of the interaction strength a particle will tunnel from the interacting cloud to a well defined distant lattice location.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Detection of the tagged or untagged photons in acousto-optic imaging of thick highly scattering media by photorefractive adaptive holography

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    We propose an original adaptive wavefront holographic setup based on the photorefractive effect (PR), to make real-time measurements of acousto-optic signals in thick scattering media, with a high flux collection at high rates for breast tumor detection. We describe here our present state of art and understanding on the problem of breast imaging with PR detection of the acousto-optic signal

    Theoretical study of Acousto-optical coherence tomography using random phase jumps on US and light

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    Acousto-Optical Coherence Tomography (AOCT) is variant of Acousto Optic Imaging (called also ultrasonic modulation imaging) that makes possible to get z resolution with acoustic and optic Continuous Wave (CW) beams. We describe here theoretically the AOCT e ect, and we show that the Acousto Optic tagged photons remains coherent if they are generated within a speci c z region of the sample. We quantify the z selectivity for both the tagged photon eld, and for the M. Lesa re et al. photorefractive signal

    Heterodyne detection of multiply scattered monochromatic light with a multipixel detector

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    International audienceA new technique is presented for measuring the spectral broadening of light that has been multiply scattered from scatterers in motion. In our method the scattered light is detected by a heterodyne receiver that uses a CCD as a multipixel detector. We obtain the frequency spectrum of the scattered light by sweeping the heterodyne local oscillator frequency. Our detection scheme combines a high optical etendue (product of the surface by the detection solid angle) with an optimal detection of the scattered photons (shot noise). Using this technique, we measure, in vivo, the frequency spectrum of the light scattered through the breast of a female volunteer

    Acousto-optic laser optical feedback imaging

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    We present a photon noise and diffraction limited imaging method combining the imaging laser and ultrasonic waves. The laser optical feedback imaging (LOFI) technique is an ultrasensitive imaging method for imaging objects through or embedded within a scattering medium. However, LOFI performances are dramatically limited by parasitic optical feedback occurring in the experimental setup. In this work, we have tagged the ballistic photons by an acousto-optic effect in order to filter the parasitic feedback effect and to reach the theoretical and ultimate sensitivity of the LOFI technique. We present the principle and the experimental setup of the acousto-optic laser optical feedback imaging (AO-LOFI) technique, and we demonstrate the suppression of the parasitic feedback

    A Novel Mechanism for Zika Virus Host-Cell Binding

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    Zika virus (ZIKV) recently emerged in the Western Hemisphere with previously unrecognized or unreported clinical presentations. Here, we identify two putative binding mechanisms of ancestral and emergent ZIKV strains featuring the envelope (E) protein residue asparagine 154 (ASN154) and viral phosphatidylserine (PS). Synthetic peptides representing the region containing ASN154 from strains PRVABC59 (Puerto Rico 2015) and MR_766 (Uganda 1947) were exposed to neuronal cells and fibroblasts to model ZIKV E protein/cell interactions and bound MDCK or Vero cells and primary neurons significantly. Peptides significantly inhibited Vero cell infectivity by ZIKV strains MR_766 and PRVABC59, indicating that this region represents a putative binding mechanism of ancestral African ZIKV strains and emergent Western Hemisphere strains. Pretreatment of ZIKV strains MR_766 and PRVABC59 with the PS-binding protein annexin V significantly inhibited replication of PRVABC59 but not MR_766, suggesting that Western hemisphere strains may additionally be capable of utilizing PS-mediated entry to infect host cells. These data indicate that the region surrounding E protein ASN154 is capable of binding fibroblasts and primary neuronal cells and that PS-mediated entry may be a secondary mechanism for infectivity utilized by Western Hemisphere strains

    High resolution infrared absorption spectra, crystal field, and relaxation processes in CsCdBr_3:Pr^3+

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    High resolution low-temperature absorption spectra of 0.2% Pr^3+ doped CsCdBr_3 were measured in the spectral region 2000--7000 cm-1. Positions and widths of the crystal field levels within the 3H5, 3H4, 3F2, and 3F3 multiplets of the Pr^3+ main center have been determined. Hyperfine structure of several spectral lines has been found. Crystal field calculations were carried out in the framework of the semiphenomenological exchange charge model (ECM). Parameters of the ECM were determined by fitting to the measured total splittings of the 3H4 and 3H6 multiplets and to the observed in this work hyperfine splittings of the crystal field levels. One- and two-phonon relaxation rates were calculated using the phonon Green's functions of the perfect (CsCdBr_3) and locally perturbed (impurity dimer centers in CsCdBr_3:Pr^3+) crystal lattice. Comparison with the measured linewidths confirmed an essential redistribution of the phonon density of states in CsCdBr_3 crystals doped with rare-earth ions.Comment: 16 pages, 5 tables, 3 figure

    Fast wavefront adaptive holography in Nd:YVO4 for ultrasound optical tomography imaging

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    International audienceSeveral approaches exist to perform acousto-optic imaging of multiple-scattering media such as biological samples. Up to now, most of the coherent detection methods use holographic setup based on photore-fractive crystals such as BSO or SPS. One of the issue of these techniques is the moderate response time compared to the speckle decorrelation time in biological sample. We introduce a new approach for the holographic detection based on two-wave mixing in a Nd:YVO 4 gain medium enabling us to perform a fast wavefront adaption (50 ”s) of the speckle field from a multiple-scattering sample