468 research outputs found

    Refractive index of a transparent liquid measured with a concave mirror

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    This paper describes the spherical concave mirror method for measuring the index of refraction of transparent liquids. We derived the refractive index equation using Snell's law and the small-angle approximation. We also verified the validity of this method using the traditional spherical mirror and thin-lens Gaussian equations.Comment: IOPart, 8 pages, 4 figure

    Conicoid Mirrors

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    The first order equation relating object and image location for a mirror of arbitrary conic-sectional shape is derived. It is also shown that the parabolic reflecting surface is the only one free of aberration and only in the limiting case of distant sources.Comment: 9 page

    Hide-and-seek in a highly human-dominated landscape: insights into movement patterns and selection of resting sites of rehabilitated wolves (Canis lupus) in Northern Italy

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    Assessing the behavioural responses of floating wolves to human presence is crucial for investigating the chance of wolf populations expanding into urbanised landscapes. We studied the movement ecology of three rehabilitated wolves in a highly human-dominated landscape (Po Plain, Italy) to explore wolf’s plasticity amid widespread human pressure. To reach this aim, we estimated individual 95% utilisation distributions (UD) after the release and inspected both 95% UDs and net squared displacements to identify individual movement patterns; tested for differences in movement patterns during day and night; and analysed the selection of resting sites during dispersal movement in a highly human-altered environment. Both the 95% UDs and step lengths were smaller for wolves settling in suitable areas than for those settling in more urbanised areas. All wolves exhibited strong temporal segregation with humans during all movement phases, particularly while dispersing across highly urbanised areas. Main roads and proximity to built-up areas were shown to limit wolves’ dispersal, whereas small-wooded patches that provide shelter during rest facilitated long-distance movements. This study provides important insights into wolf movement and settling in urban and peri-urban areas, providing critical knowledge to promote human–carnivore coexistenc

    Airborne pollen in Alpine sites

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    Airborne pollen is usually monitored at urban centers, where most people live, to provide information on types and amount of allergenic pollen. Thus, very few aerobiological data are available for remote, mountainous sites. This study aims to characterize the biological quality of the air in an alpine valley in Trentino (North Italy), a region highly interested by the presence of tourists (e.g., 9.3 million overnight stays registered during June - September 2021). Materials and Methods An aerobiological study was carried out during late spring and summer in 2020 and 2021 in Val di Rabbi, an alpine valley located in the Trentino sector of Stelvio National Park. Gravitational Sigma2 samplers were selected for the survey, for their reliability and efficiency (VDI_2119 2013) and easy handling at remote sites (Gottardini et al. 2021), and installed at 2 m above ground level in 5 sites located at altitudes ranging from 700 to 2000 m a.s.l. Sampling surfaces, treated with an adhesive medium, were analyzed by optical microscopy (OM; 400×; Leitz Diaplan) for pollen identification and count (weekly samples); the average daily sedimentation rate (P cm–2 d–1 ) was calculated for the June-August period. In 2021, an active Hirst-type sampler was concurrently installed in one of the five sites (daily samples). Samples were processed and analyzed following conventional techniques and standardized protocols (UNI EN 16868:2019). Results and Discussion In the two study periods, the number of identified pollen taxa ranged from 25 at the highest elevation site (2000 m a.s.l.) to 39 at the lowest elevation (700 m a.s.l.). The proportion of arboreal pollen slightly decreased with the altitude, from 51% to 42%. The three most abundant pollen taxa were pine (Pinus), grasses (Poaceae) and neetle (Urticaceae), even if in different proportion at each site. The only grass and nettle allergenic pollen represented on average the 52% of the total pollen. The pollen season peak for grasses showed a delay of about 4 days every 100 m of elevation (Figure 1). 47 pollen taxa were identified, by active sampling, 10 more than by the passive one. The most abundant pollen taxa detected by active sampling were pine, grasses, and nettle, as for passive sampling, with the last two representing even the 71% of the total. The pollen season peak for grasses was on 22nd June, coherently with the passive sampling results at the same site. Conclusions Our mountain aerobiological study reveals the presence of allergenic pollen even at high altitude, with noteworthy shifts in the pollen season. The surveyed data can be further exploited for studying the plant biodiversity in remote areas, as well as to provide useful information for allergic tourist and hikers. Moreover, passive sampling proved to be a feasible solution for aerobiological studies in remote or orographically complex areas, typically excluded in routine air quality monitoring. References Gottardini et al. (2021). AAQR, Vol. 21, https://doi.org/10.4209/aaqr.210010 VDI_2119 (2013). Ambient air measurements. Sampling of atmospheric particles > 2.5 μm on an acceptor surface using the Sigma-2 passive sampler. Characterization by optical microscopy and calculation of number settling rate and mass concentration. ICS: 13.040.01. Beuth Verlag, Berlin. Germany. Acknowledgements The study was partially financed by Provincia Autonoma di Trento (IT). We are grateful to Mattia Precazzini and Gabriele Canella for the support in field work, and to Maria Cristina Viola for the microscope pollen analysis

    Analysis of 19 Minerals and Cortisol in Red Deer Hair in Two Different Areas of the Stelvio National Park: A Preliminary Study

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    The aim of the study was to perform an investigation on the concentration of 19 minerals and cortisol in red deer (Cervuselaphus) hair, a matrix that is easy to collect with non-invasive and painless sampling, able to represent an integrative values of long-term substance concentrations, and able to give useful information, also when performed on dead animals, given its extreme stability over time. In the study thirty-five animals were included, coming from two different sides of a valley in the Stelvio National Park, where official water analysis had pointed out elevated concentrations of As in one of the two orographic sides. Hair cortisol concentrations were measured using a RIA(Radio Immuno Assay), while minerals were detected using ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma- Mass Spectrometry). Results showed a negative relationship between cortisol and some mineral concentrations (Li, Co, As, Cd, Cr and Tl) and significant differences in some mineral concentrations between park areas (Al, Co, Cu, Cd and Ni). As, Cr and cortisol differences approached statistical significance. This preliminary study represents a step forward in the study of wildlife allostatic load and a valid method for applications in wildlife management programs, in environmental studies and in public health programs

    A photonic basis for deriving nonlinear optical response

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    Nonlinear optics is generally first presented as an extension of conventional optics. Typically the subject is introduced with reference to a classical oscillatory electric polarization, accommodating correction terms that become significant at high intensities. The material parameters that quantify the extent of the nonlinear response are cast as coefficients in a power series - nonlinear optical susceptibilities signifying a propensity to generate optical harmonics, for example. Taking the subject to a deeper level requires a more detailed knowledge of the structure and properties of each nonlinear susceptibility tensor, the latter differing in form according to the process under investigation. Typically, the derivations involve intricate development based on time-dependent perturbation theory, assisted by recourse to a set of Feynman diagrams. This paper presents a more direct route to the required results, based on photonic rather than semiclassical principles, and offers a significantly clearer perspective on the photophysics underlying nonlinear optical response. The method, here illustrated by specific application to harmonic generation and down-conversion processes, is simple, intuitive and readily amenable for processes of arbitrary photonic order. © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Perception of nurses’ professional identity during the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic infections

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    Background and aim of the work: The main purpose of this study is to investigate on the experience of nurses working in the Covid-19 area focusing on their role’s perception. In particular, we explored the nurses’ perception of job satisfaction in relation to the images sent back by public opinion through the mass media and social communication channels. During the first wave of Covid-19 nurses have acquired media visibility, but their feeling is represented more by the discomfort of finding themselves suddenly glorified in the face of a lack of professional, social, and economic recognition. Materials and methods: A Mix-Method methodology and convenience sampling was adopted, on the population of professionals and students in post-graduate specializations, belonging to the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Parma, and by nurses from the ASST-Bergamo Est, Lombardia Italy, who worked in the Covid emergency during the first wave of the pandemic, from February 2020 to May 2020. In the quantitative phase Stamm’s Professional Quality of Life Scale - ProQOL was administered to 89 respondents through a Google Form, In the qualitative phase, 3 Focus Groups were conducted on a total of 17 students. Results: At the ProQOL questionnaire, a moderate score was found in the Compassion Satisfaction scale (CF = 38.28) and in the Secondary Traumatic Stress subscale (STS-24.33), while low values emerged in the Burnout subscale (BO = 16.02). Five specific topics emerged from the focus groups: Professional collaboration, Job satisfaction, Nurse’s personal skills, Failure to protect the public image and the nursing profession. Conclusions: The professional collaboration, union with the work team, sense of solidarity, job satisfaction, professional growth, and awareness of one’s role seem to have worked favorably on Compassion Satisfaction, while keeping Compassion Fatigue levels under control

    Transversality of Electromagnetic Waves in the Calculus-Based Introductory Physics Course

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    Introductory calculus-based physics textbooks state that electromagnetic waves are transverse and list many of their properties, but most such textbooks do not bring forth arguments why this is so. Both physical and theoretical arguments are at a level appropriate for students of courses based on such books, and could be readily used by instructors of such courses. Here, we discuss two physical arguments (based on polarization experiments and on lack of monopole electromagnetic radiation), and the full argument for the transversality of (plane) electromagnetic waves based on the integral Maxwell equations. We also show, at a level appropriate for the introductory course, why the electric and magnetic fields in a wave are in phase and the relation of their magnitudes.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure
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