45 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico del posgrado en México. Región Centro Occidente

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    El estudio tiene como propósito analizar la estructura institucional de la oferta del Posgrado en la Región Centro Occidente, con la finalidad de identificar fortalezas y debilidades y con ello proponer políticas públicas para el impulso de la calidad de los estudios de posgrado en México. Con base en la información nacional se elaboraron seis diagnósticos regionales y un diagnóstico nacional del posgrado. En este volumen se presentan los resultados de la Región Centro Occidente que incluye los estados Jalisco, Colima, Guanajuato, Nayarit, Michoacán y Aguascalientes. Se analizan las características de las Instituciones de Educación Superior que impactan en los posgrados que imparten, tales como origen de financiamiento, grado de desarrollo de su normativa, así como las formas de evaluación, entre otras. Se revisan las características académicas, administrativas y financieras de los programas de posgrado como niveles, orientación, modalidades, formación de competencias. Se da cuenta de las características de los actores del posgrado: estudiantes, coordinadores, egresados. Se presentan las relaciones de los posgrados con el entorno y se ofrece una sistematización y análisis cualitativo respecto a lo que los coordinadores identifican como problemas y perspectivas a futuro y estrategias de fortalecimiento del posgrado.Consejo Mexicano de Estudios de PosgradoConsejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologí

    Female Institutional Directors on Boards and Firm Value

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    The aim of this research is to examine what impact female institutional directors on boards have on corporate performance. Previous research shows that institutional female directors cannot be considered as a homogeneous group since they represent investors who may or may not maintain business relations with the companies on whose corporate boards they sit. Thus, it is not only the effect of female institutional directors as a whole on firm value that has been analysed, but also the impact of pressure-resistant female directors, who represent institutional investors (investment, pension and mutual funds) that only invest in the company, and do not maintain a business relation with the firm. We hypothesize that there is a non-linear association, specifically quadratic, between institutional and pressure-resistant female directors on boards and corporate performance. Our results report that female institutional directors on boards enhance corporate performance, but when they reach a certain threshold on boards (11.72 %), firm value decreases. In line with female institutional directors, pressure-resistant female directors on boards also increase firm value, but only up to a certain figure (12.71 % on boards), above which they have a negative impact on firm performance. These findings are consistent with an inverted U-shaped relationship between female institutional directors and pressure-resistant female directors and firm performance

    Endeudamiento, dividendos y estructura de propiedad como determinantes de los problemas de agencia en la gran empresa española

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    ResumenEl presente trabajo analiza la influencia de la estructura de capital, la estructura de propiedad y la política de dividendos sobre la discrecionalidad directiva. A diferencia de estudios anteriores, hemos tratado de identificar algunas manifestaciones de los costes de agencia y hemos examinado el efecto que sobre ellos tienen estos mecanismos de control. Para ello hemos definido dos medidas de costes de agencia, la primera referente a la eficiencia directiva en el aprovechamiento de los activos y la segunda relativa a los costes de uso más discrecional. Se observa que la estructura de capital (tanto en su vertiente de nivel de endeudamiento como de procedencia de los recursos ajenos) no parece actuar como mecanismo de disciplina directiva mientras que la estructura de propiedad presenta una cierta repercusión, aunque debe desglosarse en dos componentes diferenciados: la concentración de la propiedad y el nivel de propiedad directiva. La política de dividendos, por su parte, también desempeña un relevante papel como forma de atenuar la eventual discrecionalidad directiva.AbstractIn this paper we analyse the impact of the capital structure, the ownership structure and the payout policy on managers’ discretionary decisions. We have identified some manifestations of the agency costs and we have examined the effect of the mechanisms of control on the agency costs. Based on two measures of the agency costs concerning managers’ efficiency on assets performance and on the most discretionary costs, our results stress the role of the mechanisms of control. The capital structure does not seem to work as a mechanism to monitor the managers whereas the ownership structure plays a relevant role and can be divided into two issues: the equity ownership concentration and the managers’ ownership. The payout policy has a relevant influence on managers control too

    PET/TC con 68Ga-PSMA, importancia en la práctica hospitalaria. Visión del oncólogo radioterápico

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    Radiotherapy is a treatment with curative intent, both in patients with primary diagnosis of prostate cancer (PCa) and in patients presenting with biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy (RP). Moreover, the use of stereotactic body radiotherapy as a metastasis directed therapy in patients with oligometastatic PCa has significantly increased in the recent years. Conventional imaging techniques, including transrectal ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), morphologic magnetic resonance and bone scintigraphy have traditionally played a minor role in all those clinical scenarios due to its low diagnostic accuracy. The recent development of the positron emission tomography (PET) radiotracer 68Ga-PSMA binding to the prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA), a transmembrane glycoprotein overexpressed in PCa cells, has shown promising results. Detection rates for PCa lesions are higher than CT and higher than the best technique available, the PET/CT with choline. Its superiority has been demonstrated even at very low PSA levels (<1 ng/ml). This increase in diagnostic accuracy represents a potential impact on patient management, especially in radiotherapy. Even if this imaging technique is already available for routine clinical practice in some European countries, in Spain, unfortunately, there is very limited access. In this review, we analyze the main studies that investigate the usefulness of 68Ga-PSMA PET/CT in patients with PCa and its potential impact on radiotherapy treatments. In addition, we compared the 68Ga-PSMA PET/CT, with the multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging and the PET/CT with choline, in the different clinical scenarios.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe