1,108 research outputs found

    p75 neurotrophin receptor is a clock gene that regulates oscillatory components of circadian and metabolic networks.

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    The p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75(NTR)) is a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily with a widespread pattern of expression in tissues such as the brain, liver, lung, and muscle. The mechanisms that regulate p75(NTR) transcription in the nervous system and its expression in other tissues remain largely unknown. Here we show that p75(NTR) is an oscillating gene regulated by the helix-loop-helix transcription factors CLOCK and BMAL1. The p75(NTR) promoter contains evolutionarily conserved noncanonical E-box enhancers. Deletion mutagenesis of the p75(NTR)-luciferase reporter identified the -1039 conserved E-box necessary for the regulation of p75(NTR) by CLOCK and BMAL1. Accordingly, gel-shift assays confirmed the binding of CLOCK and BMAL1 to the p75(NTR-)1039 E-box. Studies in mice revealed that p75(NTR) transcription oscillates during dark and light cycles not only in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), but also in peripheral tissues including the liver. Oscillation of p75(NTR) is disrupted in Clock-deficient and mutant mice, is E-box dependent, and is in phase with clock genes, such as Per1 and Per2. Intriguingly, p75(NTR) is required for circadian clock oscillation, since loss of p75(NTR) alters the circadian oscillation of clock genes in the SCN, liver, and fibroblasts. Consistent with this, Per2::Luc/p75(NTR-/-) liver explants showed reduced circadian oscillation amplitude compared with those of Per2::Luc/p75(NTR+/+). Moreover, deletion of p75(NTR) also alters the circadian oscillation of glucose and lipid homeostasis genes. Overall, our findings reveal that the transcriptional activation of p75(NTR) is under circadian regulation in the nervous system and peripheral tissues, and plays an important role in the maintenance of clock and metabolic gene oscillation

    Cytomegalovirus erosive gastritis in a healthy infant: update about a case

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    El citomegalovirus es un virus ADN de la familia Herpesviridae que puede afectar al tubo digestivo. Dentro de éste, las dianas de afectación suelen ser el colon, el esófago y el estómago. Se ha descrito ampliamente su asociación con el síndrome de Ménétrier (hiperplasia foveolar con pérdida de proteínas), si bien también puede producir cuadros de gastritis erosiva. En el presente artículo se describe un caso de gastritis erosiva en una lactante sana de 4 meses de edad, que se inició en forma de hemorragia digestiva alta. A partir de este caso, se lleva a cabo una puesta al día de este subgrupo de infecciones por citomegalovirusCytomegalovirus is a DNA Herpesviridae family which can affect the digestive tract. From the standpoint of the stomach, has been widely described his association with Ménétrier syndrome (foveolar hyperplasia with protein-losing) but can also produce erosive gastritis. This article describes a case of erosive gastritis in a healthy 4 months infant which debuted as upper gastrointestinal bleeding. In addition we perform an update of this subgroup of cytomegalovirus infection

    Mitomycin C binding to poly[d(G-m5C)]

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    Influencia de la fertirrigación con agua regenerada y las labores de mantenimiento en la uniformidad de riego

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    El objetivo del trabajo ha sido estudiar el efecto de la fertirrigación y las labores de mantenimiento en la uniformidad de distribución de caudal utilizando agua urbana regenerada. El ensayo se desarrolló en un invernadero experimental en el Centro IFAPA La Mojonera en La Cañada (Almería). Se estableció un diseño experimental factorial con dos factores, manejo del riego y tipo de emisor. En lo que respecta al factor manejo de riego se dispusieron tres tratamientos, AR-Riego con agua residual urbana regenerada; ARFRFertirriego con agua residual urbana regenerada+equilibrio fertilizante estándar y ARFRMFertirriego con agua residual urbana regenerada+equilibrio fertilizante estándar +mantenimiento. En el factor tipo de emisor, se evaluaron 20 modelos comerciales de goteros seleccionados en estudios previos de diferentes tipologías. Se determinó el coeficiente de uniformidad de caudal y el porcentaje de obturación a las 0, 40, 60, 80 y 100 h de funcionamiento. De los resultados obtenidos se puede concluir que el tratamiento de riego afectó al porcentaje de obturación, siendo mayor en los tratamientos fertirrigados. Las labores de mantenimiento predefinidas mejoraron la uniformidad pero no resultaron eficaces para evitar la obturación, por lo que sería necesario redefinir las labores de mantenimiento más adecuadas a este tipo de agua

    Data Portraits and Intermediary Topics: Encouraging Exploration of Politically Diverse Profiles

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    In micro-blogging platforms, people connect and interact with others. However, due to cognitive biases, they tend to interact with like-minded people and read agreeable information only. Many efforts to make people connect with those who think differently have not worked well. In this paper, we hypothesize, first, that previous approaches have not worked because they have been direct -- they have tried to explicitly connect people with those having opposing views on sensitive issues. Second, that neither recommendation or presentation of information by themselves are enough to encourage behavioral change. We propose a platform that mixes a recommender algorithm and a visualization-based user interface to explore recommendations. It recommends politically diverse profiles in terms of distance of latent topics, and displays those recommendations in a visual representation of each user's personal content. We performed an "in the wild" evaluation of this platform, and found that people explored more recommendations when using a biased algorithm instead of ours. In line with our hypothesis, we also found that the mixture of our recommender algorithm and our user interface, allowed politically interested users to exhibit an unbiased exploration of the recommended profiles. Finally, our results contribute insights in two aspects: first, which individual differences are important when designing platforms aimed at behavioral change; and second, which algorithms and user interfaces should be mixed to help users avoid cognitive mechanisms that lead to biased behavior.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. To be presented at ACM Intelligent User Interfaces 201

    Comportamiento de 13 modelos de cinta de riego en condiciones de invernadero con agua regenerada

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    El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido seleccionar modelos de cinta de riego con una mejor adaptación a las condiciones de invernadero y riego con aguas regeneradas. Se ha evaluado el comportamiento de 13 modelos comerciales de cintas de riego seleccionados de entre los más utilizados en los cultivos hortícolas al aire libre, y aquellos que, las empresas instaladoras y fabricantes consideren que, por sus características, pueden tener un buen comportamiento con este tipo de aguas. En la evaluación de campo todos los emisores han presentado valores de uniformidad elevados al comienzo de la campaña de riego. Cinco de las cintas se clasifican como excelentes y el resto como buenas. Al finalizar las 114 horas de trabajo decae sustancialmente la uniformidad. El comportamiento tras la finalización de la primera campaña de riego se puede considerar equiparable al obtenido en un estudio previo con una selección de 20 emisores en ramal convencional y este tipo de aguas. Se puede concluir que las cintas de riego localizado pueden ser una alternativa a los ramales de riego convencionales cuando se riega con aguas residuales urbanas regeneradas, siempre que se elija un material de una mínima calidad y el ratio de sustitución garantice una uniformidad alta

    Exploration of the treatment of fish-canning industry effluents by aqueous-phase reforming using Pt/C catalysts

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    In the current work, an exploratory study on the application of catalytic aqueous phase reforming (APR) to the treatment of fish-canning wastewater was performed for the first time. Pt/C (3%, w) catalysts were supported on different commercial carbon supports (two activated carbons and a carbon black) and tested in the APR of tuna-cooking wastewater. The effect of the supports and the reaction systems (batch vs. semi-continuous) on the performance of the catalysts was tested. The stability of the catalysts upon 3 successive reuse cycles was checked. TOC and COD removal ranged within 45-60%, which was ascribed to adsorption on the supports, hydrothermal carbonization and APR. The percentage of valuable gases (H2 and alkanes) reached up to 18% of the gas production showing the potential of APR for the valorization and treatment of wastewater. The production of gases is affected by the high chloride, acetate and phosphate concentrations, which may provoke catalyst deactivation. The use of a catalyst with a basic support significantly increased the production of gases and the H2 percentage in the gas fraction. Gas production was higher in semi-continuous compared to batch operation, maybe because the withdrawn gas displaces the reaction towards the products. The percentage of alkanes in the gas phase decreased upon successive catalyst reuse cycles at the expense of H2, which is probably due to sintering of Pt nanoparticles with the corresponding decrease of the number of low-coordinated Pt sites promoting methanation reactionsThe authors greatly appreciate financial support from Spanish MINECO (CTQ2015-65491-R). A. S. Oliveira thanks the Spanish MINECO for a research grant (BES-2016-077244

    Human Social Behavior and Demography Drive Patterns of Fine-Scale Dengue Transmission in Endemic Areas of Colombia

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    Dengue is known to transmit between humans and A. aegypti mosquitoes living in neighboring houses. Although transmission is thought to be highly heterogeneous in both space and time, little is known about the patterns and drivers of transmission in groups of houses in endemic settings. We carried out surveys of PCR positivity in children residing in 2-block patches of highly endemic cities of Colombia. We found high levels of heterogeneity in PCR positivity, varying from less than 30% in 8 of the 10 patches to 56 and 96%, with the latter patch containing 22 children simultaneously PCR positive (PCR22) for DEN2. We then used an agent-based model to assess the likely eco-epidemiological context of this observation. Our model, simulating daily dengue dynamics over a 20 year period in a single two block patch, suggests that the observed heterogeneity most likely derived from variation in the density of susceptible people. Two aspects of human adaptive behavior were critical to determining this density: external social relationships favoring viral introduction (by susceptible residents or infectious visitors) and immigration of households from non-endemic areas. External social relationships generating frequent viral introduction constituted a particularly strong constraint on susceptible densities, thereby limiting the potential for explosive outbreaks and dampening the impact of heightened vectorial capacity. Dengue transmission can be highly explosive locally, even in neighborhoods with significant immunity in the human population. Variation among neighborhoods in the density of local social networks and rural-to-urban migration is likely to produce significant fine-scale heterogeneity in dengue dynamics, constraining or amplifying the impacts of changes in mosquito populations and cross immunity between serotypes

    Interactions between Magnetic Nanowires and Living Cells : Uptake, Toxicity and Degradation

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    We report on the uptake, toxicity and degradation of magnetic nanowires by NIH/3T3 mouse fibroblasts. Magnetic nanowires of diameters 200 nm and lengths comprised between 1 {\mu}m and 40 {\mu}m are fabricated by controlled assembly of iron oxide ({\gamma}-Fe2O3) nanoparticles. Using optical and electron microscopy, we show that after 24 h incubation the wires are internalized by the cells and located either in membrane-bound compartments or dispersed in the cytosol. Using fluorescence microscopy, the membrane-bound compartments were identified as late endosomal/lysosomal endosomes labeled with lysosomal associated membrane protein (Lamp1). Toxicity assays evaluating the mitochondrial activity, cell proliferation and production of reactive oxygen species show that the wires do not display acute short-term (< 100 h) toxicity towards the cells. Interestingly, the cells are able to degrade the wires and to transform them into smaller aggregates, even in short time periods (days). This degradation is likely to occur as a consequence of the internal structure of the wires, which is that of a non-covalently bound aggregate. We anticipate that this degradation should prevent long-term asbestos-like toxicity effects related to high aspect ratio morphologies and that these wires represent a promising class of nanomaterials for cell manipulation and microrheology.Comment: 21 pages 12 figure