2,117 research outputs found

    'We don't deal with courts': Cooperation and alternative institutions shaping exporting relationships of small and medium-sized enterprises in Ghana

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    Through an investigation of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) exporting in contexts which lack a formalised institutional environment in a less developed country, this article shows how entrepreneurs cope with institutional deficiency. By drawing on an analysis of 12 SMEs exporting from Ghana to other West African countries, the findings reveal how entrepreneurs and their organisations avoid recourse to the courts and instead, use culturally specific relationships to settle disputes when exporting. Institutional forms operating in parallel to the formal legal system are examined. These are shown to be hybrid forms drawing on traditional cultural institutions such as chieftaincy and religion, combined with forms of corporations and cooperatives. Assumptions around the different roles of family and kinship also are explored. The study contributes to the ongoing development of a theoretical understanding on trust and relationship building in international entrepreneurship, and the importance of understanding cultural context. © The Author(s) 2013

    Effect of seed size variation and sowing media on the germination performance of Caesalpinia bonduc (l) Roxb

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    Varying seed size influences the seedling vigour as germination of seeds is affected by sowing media. Towards optimum roduction of C. bonduc, the study therefore investigated seed size variation and sowing media on the germination potential of the species. The treatments consisted of 3 sowing media (river sand, top soil and decomposed sawdust) and seed size small (≤1.5cm), medium (>1.5cm to≤ 2.0cm) and large (> 2.0cm)to form 9 treatments combination, laid out in Completely Randomized Design and replicated 4 times. Germination counts were taken on daily basis till there was no visible germination. Percentage germination, mean daily germination (MDG), peak value (PV) and germination value (GV) was calculated. Data were subjected to analysis of variance. Large seed size sown in forest top soil (T8) had the highest germination percentage and GV of 98.3% and 2.46 respectively while small seed size sown in decomposed sawdust (T3) had the least germination percentage (77.5%). There was no significant difference (P>0.5) in all the germination parameters except germination percentage studied on the seed sizes of C. bonduc. Both germination value and germination percentage varied significantly (P< 0.5) on the sowing media used on seeds of C. bonduc. The study showed that large and medium seed sizes responded better than small seed sizes which could be as a result of large food and energy reserves present in the seed. Keywords: seed size, emergence, sowing media, Caesalpinia bonduc, germinatio

    The photopic negative response in autism spectrum disorder

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    Background: Visual function can be atypical in autism spectrum disorder and structural imaging of the ganglion cell layers has been reported to differ in these individuals. Therefore, we sought to investigate if the photopic negative response of the full field electroretinograms, a measure of ganglion cell function, could help explain the visual perceptual differences in autism spectrum disorder and support the structural changes observed. / Methods: Participants (n = 55 autism spectrum disorder, aged 5.4–26.7 years) and control (n = 87, aged 5.4–27.3 years) were recruited for the study. Full-field light-adapted electroretinograms using a Troland protocol with 10 flash strengths from −0.367 to 1.204 log photopic cd.s.m−2 were recorded in each eye. The photopic negative response amplitudes at Tmin and at t = 72 ms were compared between groups along with the a- and b-wave values. / Results: There were no significant interactions between groups for the Photopic Negative Response measures of amplitude or time (p > 0.30). There was a group interaction between groups and flash strengths for the b-wave amplitude as previously reported (p < 0.001). / Conclusion: The photopic negative response results suggest that there are no significant differences in the summed retinal ganglion cell responses produced by a full-field stimulus

    Giant Cross Kerr Effect for Propagating Microwaves Induced by an Artificial Atom

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    We have investigated the cross Kerr phase shift of propagating microwave fields strongly coupled to an artificial atom. The artificial atom is a superconducting transmon qubit in an open transmission line. We demonstrate average phase shifts of 11 degrees per photon between two coherent microwave fields both at the single-photon level. At high control power, we observe phase shifts up to 30 degrees. Our results provide an important step towards quantum gates with propagating photons in the microwave regime.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Impact of spinal anesthesia on cesarean section outcome in Omdurman maternity hospital - Sudan 2011

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    Background: The cesarean section is indicated when vaginal delivery is not safe for the mother or the baby.Objective: A descriptive study done in Omdurman maternity hospital–OMH to assess the impact of spinal anesthesia (SA) on cesarean section(C/S), including, intra and post operative maternal complications, neonatal outcome and patients’ satisfaction in 2011.Methodology: Women delivered by C/S under SA were included in the study after an informed consent. All women in the study were operated on by trained registrars or obstetricians, under SA given, either by anesthetist or assistant anesthetist under supervision with similar conditions andwere followed till discharge from hospital.Results: Total number of deliveries at OMH in 2011 were 30397, 21677 (71.3%) delivered vaginally, 8720 (28.7%) delivered by C/S, only 24 women (0.3%) delivered under general anaethesia- GA. Women included in the study were 1029, 517 (50.2%) were elective and 512 (49.8%) were emergency C/S. Intra- operatively, 79 women (7.7%) developed hypotension, their BP dropped by more than 30 mmHg, four women developed severe shivering for which they received intravenous 25 mg pethedine, and 44 neonates received oxygen by mask and only oneneeded endotranchial intubation. Post operatively, only two women had disabling headache, 24 women (2.4%) had episodes of vomiting and 199 (19.3%) had pain in their lower limbs, buttock and thigh, it disappeared completely before discharge. In this study, 880 women (85.5%) weresatisfied with SA, while 149 (14.5%) were not satisfied due to pain at the time of puncture, headache, or transient lower limb pain after operation.Conclusion:Spinal anesthesia is increasingly used for C/S in this hospital, with excellent patients’ satisfaction, without increase in maternal and neonatal mortality or morbidity.Key words: spinal anesthesia, Cesarean section, Suda


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    This study was developed to analyze socio-cultural factors that may influence the breastfeeding practices of low-income women in Fortaleza, Cear&aacute;, Brazil. This observational study utilized Leininger&rsquo;s Culture Care Theory to identify and analyze key socio-cultural factors. The study was based on 12 pregnant and breastfeeding women. Using an observational data sheet created in concordance with the Sunrise model (Leininger), we visited the homes of pregnant and breastfeeding women and observed their living conditions. Our observations were recorded and photographs were taken of the overall housing conditions, the surrounding neighborhood, and the local clinic. Living conditions were impoverished. Most homes had inadequate refrigeration, structural problems, and provided small living space. This indicated the severity of the residents&rsquo; economic situations. The women observed were usually self-employed and living with at least one family member. The factors that appeared to have the most influence on women&rsquo;s decisions regarding breastfeeding were familial and economic factors. It is expected that the findings of this study will lead to more culturally appropriate and effective interventions aimed at increasing breastfeeding initiation and duration.Esta investigaci&oacute;n fue desarrollada para analizar los factores socioculturales que pueden influir en la pr&aacute;ctica de la lactancia entre mujeres de baja renta en Fortaleza, Cear&aacute;, Brasil. Este estudio de observaci&oacute;n utiliz&oacute; la Teor&iacute;a del Cuidado Cultural de Leininger para identificar y analizar los factores socioculturales clave. El estudio involucr&oacute; a 12 gestantes y nodrizas. Usando un formulario de observaci&oacute;n creado de acuerdo con el modelo del Sol Naciente (Leininger), fueron llevadas a cabo visitas en los domicilios de las mujeres y observadas sus condiciones de vida. Las observaciones fueron registradas en el formulario y se sacaron fotograf&iacute;as de las condiciones generales de la morada, de la vecindad y del servicio de salud local. Las condiciones de vida son pobres. La mayor&iacute;a de las casas tiene refrigeraci&oacute;n inadecuada, problemas estructurales y poco espacio. Eso revela la gravedad de las condiciones econ&oacute;micas de los residentes. Las mujeres observadas en general eran aut&oacute;nomas y viv&iacute;an con por lo menos un miembro de la familia. Los factores que aparentemente ejerc&iacute;an mayor influencia sobre la decisi&oacute;n de las mujeres a favor de la lactancia fueron los econ&oacute;micos y familiares. Se espera que los hallazgos de este estudio lleven a intervenciones m&aacute;s efectivas y culturalmente apropiadas con objeto de aumentar el inicio y la duraci&oacute;n de la lactancia.Este estudo foi desenvolvido para analisar os fatores socioculturais que podem influenciar a pr&aacute;tica da amamenta&ccedil;&atilde;o entre mulheres de baixa renda em Fortaleza, Cear&aacute;, Brasil. Este estudo observacional utilizou a Teoria do Cuidado Cultural de Leininger para identificar e analisar os fatores socioculturais chave. O estudo envolveu 12 gestantes e nutrizes. Usando um formul&aacute;rio de observa&ccedil;&atilde;o criado de acordo com o modelo do Sol Nascente (Leininger) foram realizadas visitas nos domic&iacute;lios das mulheres e observadas suas condi&ccedil;&otilde;es de vida. As observa&ccedil;&otilde;es foram registradas no formul&aacute;rio e foram realizadas fotografias das condi&ccedil;&otilde;es gerais da moradia, da vizinhan&ccedil;a e do servi&ccedil;o de sa&uacute;de local. As condi&ccedil;&otilde;es de vida s&atilde;o pobres. A maioria das casas tem refrigera&ccedil;&atilde;o inadequada, problemas estruturais e pouco espa&ccedil;o. Isso revela a gravidade das condi&ccedil;&otilde;es econ&ocirc;micas dos residentes. As mulheres observadas em geral eram aut&ocirc;nomas e viviam com pelo menos um membro da fam&iacute;lia. Os fatores que pareceram ter mais influ&ecirc;ncia sobre a decis&atilde;o das mulheres em amamentar foram os fatores econ&ocirc;micos e familiares. Espera-se que os achados deste estudo levem a interven&ccedil;&otilde;es mais efetivas e culturalmente apropriadas visando o aumento do in&iacute;cio e dura&ccedil;&atilde;o da amamenta&ccedil;&atilde;o

    Short CommunicationAttitude of Infertile Women to Child Adoption in Nigeria

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    Infertility has serious consequences especially in Africa where a high premium is place on child bearing. An interviewer-administered questionnaire was administered on 396 consenting women seeking infertility treatment at the gynaecological clinic of the University College Hospital, Ibadan in an attempt to assess the attitude of infertile women in Nigeria to child adoption and its acceptability as a management option for infertility. Most (64%) believed its culturally unacceptable and only 17% will try it as an option. Sustained advocacy, community mobilization and enactment of supportive laws were some of the suggestions made by respondents to improve its uptake.Keywords; Infertility, Adoption, Assisted ConceptionNig. J. Physiol. Sci. 25(2010) 47 – 4

    Contrasting population genetic responses to migration barriers in two native and an invasive freshwater fish

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    Habitat fragmentation impacts the distribution of genetic diversity and population genetic structure. Therefore, protecting the evolutionary potential of species, especially in the context of the current rate of human-induced environmental change, is an important goal. In riverine ecosystems, migration barriers affect the genetic structure of native species, while also influencing the spread of invasive species. In this study, we compare genetic patterns of two native and one highly invasive riverine fish species in a Belgian river basin, namely the native three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) and stone loach (Barbatula barbatula), and the non-native and invasive topmouth gudgeon (Pseudorasbora parva). We aimed to characterize both natural and anthropogenic determinants of genetic diversity and population genetic connectivity. Genetic diversity was highest in topmouth gudgeon, followed by stone loach and three-spined stickleback. The correlation between downstream distance and genetic diversity, a pattern often observed in riverine systems, was only marginally significant in stone loach and three-spined stickleback, while genetic diversity strongly declined with increasing number of barriers in topmouth gudgeon. An Isolation-By-Distance pattern characterizes the population genetic structure of each species. Population differentiation was only associated with migration barriers in the invasive topmouth gudgeon, while genetic composition of all species seemed at least partially determined by the presence of migration barriers. Among the six barrier types considered (watermills, sluices, tunnels, weirs, riverbed obstructions, and others), the presence of watermills was the strongest driver of genetic structure and composition. Our results indicate that conservation and restoration actions, focusing on conserving genetic patterns, cannot be generalized across species. Moreover, measures might target either on restoring connectivity, while risking a rapid spread of the invasive topmouth gudgeon, or not restoring connectivity, while risking native species extinction in upstream populations

    The Massive Progenitor of the Type II-Linear Supernova 2009kr

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    We present early-time photometric and spectroscopic observations of supernova (SN) 2009kr in NGC 1832. We find that its properties to date support its classification as Type II-linear (SN II-L), a relatively rare subclass of core-collapse supernovae (SNe). We have also identified a candidate for the SN progenitor star through comparison of pre-explosion, archival images taken with WFPC2 on board the Hubble Space Telescope with SN images obtained using adaptive optics plus NIRC2 on the 10 m Keck-II telescope. Although the host galaxy's substantial distance (similar to 26 Mpc) results in large uncertainties in the relative astrometry, we find that if this candidate is indeed the progenitor, it is a highly luminous (M(V)(0) = -7.8 mag) yellow supergiant with initial mass similar to 18-24 M(circle dot). This would be the first time that an SN II-L progenitor has been directly identified. Its mass may be a bridge between the upper initial mass limit for the more common Type II-plateau SNe and the inferred initial mass estimate for one Type II-narrow SN.Hungarian OTKA K76816NSF AST-0707769, AST-0908886Sylvia & Jim Katzman FoundationTABASGO FoundationNASA through STScI AR-11248, GO-10877Harvard UniversityUC BerkeleyUniversity of VirginiaNASA/Swift NNX09AQ66GDOEAstronom