128 research outputs found

    A Study on Secret Key Rate in Wideband Rice Channel

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    Standard cryptography is expected to poorly fit IoT applications and services, as IoT devices can hardly cope with the computational complexity often required to run encryption algorithms. In this framework, physical layer security is often claimed as an effective solution to enforce secrecy in IoT systems. It relies on wireless channel characteristics to provide a mechanism for secure communications, with or even without cryptography. Among the different possibilities, an interesting solution aims at exploiting the random-like nature of the wireless channel to let the legitimate users agree on a secret key, simultaneously limiting the eavesdropping threat thanks to the spatial decorrelation properties of the wireless channel. The actual reliability of the channel-based key generation process depends on several parameters, as the actual correlation between the channel samples gathered by the users and the noise always affecting the wireless communications. The sensitivity of the key generation process can be expressed by the secrecy key rate, which represents the maximum number of secret bits that can be achieved from each channel observation. In this work, the secrecy key rate value is computed by means of simulations carried out under different working conditions in order to investigate the impact of major channel parameters on the SKR values. In contrast to previous works, the secrecy key rate is computed under a line-of-sight wireless channel and considering different correlation levels between the legitimate users and the eavesdropper

    Interleaved-MIMO DAS for Indoor Radio Coverage: Guidelines for Planning

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    The combination of distributed antenna systems (DAS) and multiple input multiple output (MIMO) schemes opens the way to a variety of coverage solutions for indoor environment. In this paperinterleaved-MIMO (i-MIMO) DASindoor coverage extension strategies are studied. Their performance in high-order MIMO cases is investigated in realistic conditions through LTE-A link-level simulations, based on statistical data extracted from radio channel measurements; the impact of the deployment strategy on performance is then evaluated and useful planning guidelines are derived to determine the optimum deployment for a given propagation environment

    An all-in-one dual band blade antenna for ads-b and 5g communications in uav assisted wireless networks

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    This paper is aimed at the characterization and manufacturing of an SMA coaxial fed com-pact blade antenna with dual frequency characteristics for broadband applications on board of Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs). This antenna is linearly polarized, and it combines the benefits of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) and 5th Generation (5G) communications in one single element, covering both the 1.030–1.090 GHz and the 3.4–3.8 GHz bands thanks to a bent side and a ‘C’ shaped slot within the radiation element. Starting from the simulation outcomes on an ideal ground plane, the results are here extended to a bent ground plane and on two UAV com-mercial CAD models. Details of manufacturing of the antenna in both aluminium and FR-4 substrate materials are presented. The comparison between measurements and simulations is discussed in terms of return loss, bandwidth, gain, and radiation pattern. Results show an antenna with a low profile and a simple structure that can be employed in various wideband communication systems, suiting future UAV assisted 5G networks while being perfectly compliant with forthcoming ADS-B based Detect-And-Avoid (DAA) technologies in Unmanned Aerial Traffic Management (UTM)

    Polarization Effect on the Performance of On-Chip Wireless Optical Point-to-Point Links

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    Optical on-chip wireless interconnection is an emerging technology that aims to overcome the communication bottleneck in computing architectures and in which multiple processing units are exploited for data-intensive applications. In this work, we propose an integrated dielectric Vivaldi antenna, which exhibits the same gain performances for both TE and TM input polarizations. Point-to-point on-chip communication links between two Vivaldi antennas are analyzed. Moreover, the effect of wave polarization on the link performances is numerically studied in on-chip multilayer structures in connection with the multilayer characteristic parameters, i.e., cladding layer thickness and refractive index. The numerical results show that, with the same antenna gain, TM polarization is affected by lower propagation losses when suitable cladding layer thickness and refractive index are considered

    Item level characterization of mm-wave indoor propagation

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    According to the current prospect of allocating next generation wireless systems in the underutilized millimeter frequency bands, a thorough characterization of mm-wave propagation represents a pressing necessity. In this work, an “item level” characterization of radiowave propagation at 70 GHz is carried out. The scattering properties of several, different objects commonly present in indoor environment are investigated by means of measurements carried out in an anechoic chamber. The measured data have been also exploited to tune some parameters of a 3D ray tracing model

    A Multi-Frequency Investigation of Air-To-Ground Urban Propagation Using a GPU-based Ray Launching Algorithm

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), also known as “drones”, are attracting increasing attention as enablers for many technical applications and services, and this trend is likely to continue in the next future. When compared to conventional terrestrial communications, those making use of UAVs as base- or relay-stations can definitely be more useful and flexible in reaction to specific events, like natural disasters and terrorist attacks. Among the many and different fields, UAV enabled communications emerge as one of the most promising solutions for next-generation mobile networks, with a special focus on the extension of coverage and capacity of mobile radio networks. Motivated by the air-to-ground (A2G) propagation conditions which are likely to be different than those experienced by traditional ground communication systems, this paper aims at investigating the narrowband properties of the air-to-ground channel for 5G communications and beyond by means of GPU accelerated ray launching simulations. Line of sight probability as well as path loss exponent and shadowing standard deviations are analysed for different UAV flight levels, frequencies and dense urban scenarios, and for different types of on board antennas. Thanks to the flexibility of the ray approach, the role played by the different electromagnetic interactions, namely reflection, diffraction and diffuse scattering, in the air-to-ground propagation process is also investigated. Computation time is reported as well to show that designing UAV communication networks and optimising their performances in a fast and reliable manner, might avoid exhausting – multiple - measurement campaigns

    Multi-level analysis of on-chip optical wireless links

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    Networks-on-chip are being regarded as a promising solution to meet the on-going requirement for higher and higher computation capacity. In view of future kilo-cores architectures, electrical wired connections are likely to become inefficient and alternative technologies are being widely investigated. Wireless communications on chip may be therefore leveraged to overcome the bottleneck of physical interconnections. This work deals with wireless networks-on-chip at optical frequencies, which can simplify the network layout and reduce the communication latency, easing the antenna on-chip integration process at the same time. On the other end, optical wireless communication on-chip can be limited by the heavy propagation losses and the possible cross-link interference. Assessment of the optical wireless network in terms of bit error probability and maximum communication range is here investigated through a multi-level approach. Manifold aspects, concurring to the final system performance, are simultaneously taken into account, like the antenna radiation properties, the data-rate of the core-to core communication, the geometrical and electromagnetic layout of the chip and the noise and interference level. Simulations results suggest that communication up to some hundreds of \u3bcm can be pursued provided that the antenna design and/or the target data-rate are carefully tailored to the actual layout of the chip

    Multi-level analysis of on-chip optical wireless links

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    Networks-on-chip are being regarded as a promising solution to meet the on-going requirement for higher and higher computation capacity. In view of future kilo-cores architectures, electrical wired connections are likely to become inefficient and alternative technologies are being widely investigated. Wireless communications on chip may be therefore leveraged to overcome the bottleneck of physical interconnections. This work deals with wireless networks-on-chip at optical frequencies, which can simplify the network layout and reduce the communication latency, easing the antenna on-chip integration process at the same time. On the other end, optical wireless communication on-chip can be limited by the heavy propagation losses and the possible cross-link interference. Assessment of the optical wireless network in terms of bit error probability and maximum communication range is here investigated through a multi-level approach. Manifold aspects, concurring to the final system performance, are simultaneously taken into account, like the antenna radiation properties, the data-rate of the core-to core communication, the geometrical and electromagnetic layout of the chip and the noise and interference level. Simulations results suggest that communication up to some hundreds of Îźm can be pursued provided that the antenna design and/or the target data-rate are carefully tailored to the actual layout of the chip

    Ray Tracing RF Field Prediction: An Unforgiving Validation

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    The prediction of RF coverage in urban environments is now commonly considered a solved problem with tens of models proposed in the literature showing good performance against measurements. Among these, ray tracing is regarded as one of the most accurate ones available. In the present work, however, we show that a great deal of work is still needed to make ray tracing really unleash its potential in practical use. A very extensive validation of a state-of-the-art 3D ray tracing model is carried out through comparison with measurements in one of the most challenging environments: the city of San Francisco. Although the comparison is based on RF cellular coverage at 850 and 1900 MHz, a widely studied territory, very relevant sources of error and inaccuracy are identified in several cases along with possible solutions

    Strategies and Alliances into Action to Improve National Collaboration

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    The Italian NILDE network of libraries continues to grow through the use of the NILDE system and currently comprises more than 600 Italian librarians and about 10.000 registered end-users.The system allows to daily manage and to record all the Inter-Library-Loan (ILL) operations, with a high national coverage. This paper presents the NILDE network governance and evolution and the strategies that have been put into action to improve collaboration in resource sharing among the participants. These strategies include: − release of best practices and worst practices; − activities to promote the knowledge about the network; − cooperation with the Italian national catalogs and consortia; − data analysis about ILL and its performance, related to: turn around time, reciprocity factor, requested/supplied documents imbalance analysis, analysis of ILL requested serial titles and their relationship with consortial e-only acquisitions. The availability of such a high volume of ILL data has allowed for the first time to analyze the trends and gaps of ILL and to help future cooperative acquisitions planning
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