76 research outputs found

    Sul significato dell’argomento aπὸ τοῦ νοεῖν del De ideis di Aristotele (Alex. Aphrod. in Metaph. 81, 25-82, 6)

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    Nel presente contributo si discute l\u2019argomento del \u3a0\u3b5\u3c1\u1f76 \u1f30\u3b4\u3b5\u1ff6\u3bd aristotelico noto come \uabargomento dal pensare\ubb (\u1f00\u3c0\u1f78 \u3c4\u3bf\u1fe6 \u3bd\u3bf\u3b5\u1fd6\u3bd), vale a dire l\u2019argomento che afferma che le forme esistono perch\ue9 possiamo pensare cose che sono e non sono particolari anche dopo che si sono corrotte. Si mostra qui come Aristotele muova non una, ma due obiezioni a tale argomento. Tali obiezioni si fondano su un significato di \u3bd\u3bf\u3b5\u1fd6\u3bd differente da quello attribuito ai platonici. Questo, infatti, prevede capacit\ue0 di astrazione, mentre le critiche di Aristotele si limitano al pensiero di individui. Gail Fine ha distinto un significato broad del verbo \u3bd\u3bf\u3b5\u1fd6\u3bd (i.e. il pensiero genericamente inteso) da un significato high del verbo (i.e. la forma pi\uf9 alta di pensiero in senso tecnico). Su questa base ha sostenuto che l\u2019argomento attribuito ai platonici sia diverso dal secondo degli \uabargomenti dalle scienze\ubb perch\ue9 adotta un significato broad di \u3bd\u3bf\u3b5\u1fd6\u3bd. Io sostengo invece che l\u2019argomento \u1f00\u3c0\u1f78 \u3c4\u3bf\u1fe6 \u3bd\u3bf\u3b5\u1fd6\u3bd \ue8 differente dal secondo degli \uabargomenti dalle scienze\ubb, nonostante adotti un significato high di \u3bd\u3bf\u3b5\u1fd6\u3bd. Infine, si prende in esame la connessione tra la memoria e le forme attribuita da Aristotele ai platonici, mostrando come si tratti verosimilmente di un argomento extra e intra-academico non attribuibile direttamente a Platone.On the meaning of the argument of Aristotle's De ideis (Alex Aphrod in Metaph. 81, 25-82, 6) In my paper I aim to discuss the so-called \uabargument from the thought\ubb (\u1f00\u3c0\u1f78 \u3c4\u3bf\u1fe6 \u3bd\u3bf\u3b5\u1fd6\u3bd) exposed in Aristotle\u2019s \u3a0\u3b5\u3c1\u1f76 \u1f30\u3b4\u3b5\u1ff6\u3bd, i.e. the argument according to which the Forms exist because we are able to think things that exist and that are not particulars after they get corrupted as well. In my paper I argue that Aristotle offers not just a single but instead a twofold refutation of this argument. Furthermore, Aristotle\u2019s criticism is based on a different meaning of \u3bd\u3bf\u3b5\u1fd6\u3bd from the one which is ascribed to the Platonists by Aristotle himself. Indeed, Plato\u2019s use implies the ability to abstract non-particular items, whereas Aristotle\u2019s criticism is based on the understanding of the act of thinking as thinking of individuals. Gail Fine operates a distinction between a broad meaning of \u3bd\u3bf\u3b5\u1fd6\u3bd (i.e. the act of thinking unspecifically understood) and a high-level meaning (i.e. the higher form of thought in a rather technical, speculative sense). On this basis she claims that the argument ascribed to the Platonists is different from the second of the \uabarguments from the sciences\ubb because it is based on a broad meaning of \u3bd\u3bf\u3b5\u1fd6\u3bd. In my opinion, however, the argument \u1f00\u3c0\u1f78 \u3c4\u3bf\u1fe6 \u3bd\u3bf\u3b5\u1fd6\u3bd is different from the second among the \uabarguments from the sciences\ubb despite its being based on a high-level meaning of \u3bd\u3bf\u3b5\u1fd6\u3bd. In the final part of my paper, I shall discuss the connection between the Forms and the memory, something which is attributed by Aristotle to the Platonists: my aim is to show that this was most probably both an intra- and an extra-Academic argument, although it cannot be attributed directly to Plato

    What is a philosophical peira? : Some reflections on Plato's Seventh Letter 340b-341b

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    The aim of this chapter is to discuss lines 340b-341b of Plato\u2019s Seventh Letter, which describe the meeting between the philosopher and Dionysius II at the time of his last trip to Syracuse. Plato had good reasons to embark on this journey and to test Dionysius II\u2019s love of philosophy: several people worthy of esteem (Dion, Archytas, others from Tarentum, some Athenians) had attested to the fact that the young tyrant was sincerely passionate about philosophy. Plato himself was confident of the possibility that \u201ca young man of native intelligence who has accidentally heard some talk of lofty matters shoul

    Single-port versus multiport laparoscopic surgery comparing long-term patient satisfaction and cosmetic outcome

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    Introduction: Several studies and meta-analysis showed Single-port or Single-incision laparoscopic surgery (SPL) to be superior over Multiport laparoscopic surgery (MPL) mainly in terms of postoperative pain and cosmetic result. But very little is known whether these results are only a short-term effect or are persistent on the long run after SPL. We therefore evaluated and compared long-term outcomes regarding cosmesis and chronic pain after SPL and MPL. Methods: We conducted a comparative study with propensity score matching of all patients undergoing SPL or MPL between October 2008 and December 2013 in terms of postoperative cosmetic results and chronic pain. Follow-up data were obtained from mailed patient questionnaires and telephone interviews. Postoperative cosmesis was assessed using the patients overall scar opinion on a 10-point scale and the Patients scale of the standardized Patient and Observer Scar assessment scale (POSAS). Chronic pain was assessed by 10-point scales for abdominal and umbilical scar pain. Results: A total of 280 patients were included in the study with 188 patients (67.1%) after SPL and 92 patients (32.9%) following MPL. 141 patients (50.4%) underwent a cholecystectomy and 139 patients (49.6%) underwent an appendectomy. The mean follow-up time was 61.1 ± 19.1 months. The mean wound satisfaction assed by the overall scar and the PSOAS Patients scale score of the patients showed no significant difference between MPL and SPL. Patients after SPL reported more overall complains than after MPL (8.7% vs. 2.5%, respectively), but without statistical significance (p = 0.321). Umbilical pain scores were comparable between the two groups (1.4 ± 1.0 vs. 1.4 ± 1.0, p = 0.831). Conclusion: We found no difference in long-term cosmetic outcomes after SPL and MPL. Chronic pain at the umbilical incision site was comparable on the long run

    Endoluminal Motion Recognition of a Magnetically-Guided Capsule Endoscope Based on Capsule-Tissue Interaction Force

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    A magnetically-guided capsule endoscope, embedding flexible force sensors, is designed to measure the capsule-tissue interaction force. The flexible force sensor is composed of eight force-sensitive elements surrounding the internal permanent magnet (IPM). The control of interaction force acting on the intestinal wall can reduce patient's discomfort and maintain the magnetic coupling between the external permanent magnet (EPM) and the IPM during capsule navigation. A flexible force sensor can achieve this control. In particular, by analyzing the signals of the force sensitive elements, we propose a method to recognize the status of the motion of the magnetic capsule, and provide corresponding formulas to evaluate whether the magnetic capsule follows the motion of the external driving magnet. Accuracy of the motion recognition in Ex Vivo tests reached 94% when the EPM was translated along the longitudinal axis. In addition, a method is proposed to realign the EPM and the IPM before the loss of their magnetic coupling. Its translational error, rotational error, and runtime are 7.04 ± 0.71 mm, 3.13 ± 0.47∘, and 11.4 ± 0.39 s, respectively. Finally, a control strategy is proposed to prevent the magnetic capsule endoscope from losing control during the magnetically-guided capsule colonoscopy

    Aristotle on the Relation between Substance and Essence

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    In Metaphysics Z.6, Aristotle argues that each substance is the same as its essence. In this paper, I defend an identity reading of that claim. First, I provide a general argument for the identity reading, based on Aristotle’s account of sameness in number and identity. Second, I respond to the recent charge that the identity reading is incoherent, by arguing that the claim in Z.6 is restricted to primary substances and hence to forms

    Randomized controlled trial of single incision versus conventional multiport laparoscopic cholecystectomy with long-term follow-up

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    Background: Within the last years, single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy (SLC) emerged as an alternative to multiport laparoscopic cholecystectomy (MLC). SLC has advantages in cosmetic results, and postoperative pain seems lower. Overall complications are comparable between SLC and MLC. However, long-term results of randomized trials are lacking, notably to answer questions about incisional hernia rates, long-term cosmetic impact and chronic pain. Methods: A randomized trial of SLC versus MLC with a total of 193 patients between December 2009 and June 2011 was performed. The primary endpoint was postoperative pain on the first day after surgery. Secondary endpoints were conversion rate, operative time, intraoperative and postoperative morbidity, technical feasibility and hospital stay. A long-term follow-up after surgery was added. Results: Ninety-eight patients (50.8%) underwent SLC, and 95 patients (49.2%) had MLC. Pain on the first postoperative day showed no difference between the operative procedures (SLC vs. MLC, 3.4 ± 1.8 vs. 3.7 ± 1.9, respectively; p = 0.317). No significant differences were observed in operating time or the overall rate of postoperative complications (4.1% vs. 3.2%; p = 0.731). SLC exhibited better cosmetic results in the short term. In the long term, after a mean of 70.4 months, there were no differences in incisional hernia rate, cosmetic results or pain at the incision between the two groups. Conclusions: Taking into account a follow-up rate of 68%, the early postoperative advantages of SLC in relation to cosmetic appearance and pain did not persist in the long term. In the present trial, there was no difference in incisional hernia rates between SLC and MLC, but the sample size is too small for a final conclusion regarding hernia rates. Trial registration: German Registry of Clinical Trials DRKS00012447

    Historical ESWT Paradigms Are Overcome: A Narrative Review

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    Efectividad de las ondas de choque en el tratamiento de las tendinopatías. Revisión bibliográfica.

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    Las tendinopatías son el conjunto de patologías que afectan a la estructura tendinosa y que afecta tanto a personas activas como sedentarias. Existen muchos tipos de tratamientos para tratar las tendinopatías, y uno de ellos ha demostrado ser las (ESWT) ondas de choque extracorpóreas. En esta revisión vamos a indagar con más profundidad sobre su efectividad para tratar las tendinopatías. Objetivos Investigar la eficacia de las ondas de choque en solitario principalmente, o bien en combinación con otras técnicas de fisioterapia para el tratamiento de las tendinopatías. Material y Métodos Se ha realizado una búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos científicas de Pubmed y PEDro utilizando una serie de palabras clave y términos Mesh. Se aplicaron filtros tales como ensayos clínicos o últimos cinco años. Resultados Tras la búsqueda y en función de los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, nos quedamos con 10 estudios para la realización de esta revisión. Estos aplican tratamientos de ondas de choque en solitario o en combinación con otras técnicas de fisioterapia. Conclusiones Según la literatura científica, el tratamiento con las ondas de choque es efectivo para tratar las tendinopatías, aunque hay otras técnicas alternativas de tratamiento que ofrecen buenos resultados de forma más rápida y eficaz

    I.S.Mu.L.T. Achilles Tendon Ruptures Guidelines

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    This work provides easily accessible guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of Achilles tendon ruptures. These guidelines could be considered as recommendations for good clinical practice developed through a process of systematic review of the literature and expert opinion, to improve the quality of care for the individual patient and rationalize the use of resources. This work is divided into two sessions: 1) questions about hot topics; 2) answers to the questions following Evidence Based Medicine principles. Despite the frequency of the pathology andthe high level of satisfaction achieved in treatment of Achilles tendon ruptures, a global consensus is lacking. In fact, there is not a uniform treatment and rehabilitation protocol used for Achilles tendon ruptures
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