1,775 research outputs found

    Unconditionally verifiable blind computation

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    Blind Quantum Computing (BQC) allows a client to have a server carry out a quantum computation for them such that the client's input, output and computation remain private. A desirable property for any BQC protocol is verification, whereby the client can verify with high probability whether the server has followed the instructions of the protocol, or if there has been some deviation resulting in a corrupted output state. A verifiable BQC protocol can be viewed as an interactive proof system leading to consequences for complexity theory. The authors, together with Broadbent, previously proposed a universal and unconditionally secure BQC scheme where the client only needs to be able to prepare single qubits in separable states randomly chosen from a finite set and send them to the server, who has the balance of the required quantum computational resources. In this paper we extend that protocol with new functionality allowing blind computational basis measurements, which we use to construct a new verifiable BQC protocol based on a new class of resource states. We rigorously prove that the probability of failing to detect an incorrect output is exponentially small in a security parameter, while resource overhead remains polynomial in this parameter. The new resource state allows entangling gates to be performed between arbitrary pairs of logical qubits with only constant overhead. This is a significant improvement on the original scheme, which required that all computations to be performed must first be put into a nearest neighbour form, incurring linear overhead in the number of qubits. Such an improvement has important consequences for efficiency and fault-tolerance thresholds.Comment: 46 pages, 10 figures. Additional protocol added which allows arbitrary circuits to be verified with polynomial securit

    Optimal growth ofLactobacillus casei in a Cheddar cheese ripening model system requires exogenous fatty acids

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    Flavor development in ripening Cheddar cheese depends on complex microbial and biochemical processes that are difficult to study in natural cheese. Thus, our group has developed Cheddar cheese extract (CCE) as a model system to study these processes. In previous work, we found that CCE supported growth of Lactobacillus casei, one of the most prominent nonstarter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB) species found in ripening Cheddar cheese, to a final cell density of 108 cfu/mL at 37°C. However, when similar growth experiments were performed at 8°C in CCE derived from 4-mo-old cheese (4mCCE), the final cell densities obtained were only about 106 cfu/mL, which is at the lower end of the range of the NSLAB population expected in ripening Cheddar cheese. Here, we report that addition of Tween 80 to CCE resulted in a significant increase in the final cell density of L. casei during growth at 8°C and produced concomitant changes in cytoplasmic membrane fatty acid (CMFA) composition. Although the effect was not as dramatic, addition of milk fat or a monoacylglycerol (MAG) mixture based on the MAG profile of milk fat to 4mCCE also led to an increased final cell density of L. casei in CCE at 8°C and changes in CMFA composition. These observations suggest that optimal growth of L. casei in CCE at low temperature requires supplementation with a source of fatty acids (FA). We hypothesize that L. casei incorporates environmental FA into its CMFA, thereby reducing its energy requirement for growth. The exogenous FA may then be modified or supplemented with FA from de novo synthesis to arrive at a CMFA composition that yields the functionality (i.e., viscosity) required for growth in specific conditions. Additional studies utilizing the CCE model to investigate microbial contributions to cheese ripening should be conducted in CCE supplemented with 1% milk fat

    Crossover from directed percolation to compact directed percolation

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    We study critical spreading in a surface-modified directed percolation model in which the left- and right-most sites have different occupation probabilities than in the bulk. As we vary the probability for growth at an edge, the critical exponents switch from the compact directed percolation class to ordinary directed percolation. We conclude that the nonuniversality observed in models with multiple absorbing configurations cannot be explained as a simple surface effect.Comment: 4 pages, Revtex, 5 figures postscrip

    Universal Formulae for Percolation Thresholds

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    A power law is postulated for both site and bond percolation thresholds. The formula writes pc=p0[(d1)(q1)]ad bp_c=p_0[(d-1)(q-1)]^{-a}d^{\ b}, where dd is the space dimension and qq the coordination number. All thresholds up to dd\rightarrow \infty are found to belong to only three universality classes. For first two classes b=0b=0 for site dilution while b=ab=a for bond dilution. The last one associated to high dimensions is characterized by b=2a1b=2a-1 for both sites and bonds. Classes are defined by a set of value for {p0; a}\{p_0; \ a\}. Deviations from available numerical estimates at d7d \leq 7 are within ±0.008\pm 0.008 and ±0.0004\pm 0.0004 for high dimensional hypercubic expansions at d8d \geq 8. The formula is found to be also valid for Ising critical temperatures.Comment: 11 pages, latex, 3 figures not include

    High-resolution radio continuum survey of M33 II. Thermal and nonthermal emission

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    We determine the variation in the nonthermal radio spectral index in the nearby spiral galaxy M33 at a linear resolution of 360 pc. We separate the thermal and nonthermal components of the radio continuum emission without the assumption of a constant nonthermal spectral index. Using the Spitzer FIR data at 70 and 160 μ\mum and a standard dust model, we deredden the Hα\alpha emission. The extinction corrected Hα\alpha emission serves as a template for the thermal free-free radio emission. Subtracting from the observed 3.6 cm and 20 cm emission (Effelsberg and the VLA) this free-free emission, we obtain the nonthermal maps. A constant electron temperature used to obtain the thermal radio intensity seems appropriate for M~33 which, unlike the Milky Way, has a shallow metallicity gradient. For the first time, we derive the distribution of the nonthermal spectral index across a galaxy, M33. We detect strong nonthermal emission from the spiral arms and star-forming regions. Wavelet analysis shows that at 3.6 cm the nonthermal emission is dominated by contributions from star-forming regions, while it is smoothly distributed at 20 cm. For the whole galaxy, we obtain thermal fractions of 51% and 18% at 3.6 cm and 20 cm, respectively. The thermal emission is slightly stronger in the southern than in the northern half of the galaxy. We find a clear radial gradient of mean extinction in the galactic plane. The nonthermal spectral index map indicates that the relativistic electrons suffer energy-loss when diffusing from their origin in star-forming regions towards interarm regions and the outer parts of the galaxy. We also conclude that the radio emission is mostly nonthermal at R >> 5 kpc in M33.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in the Astronomy and Astrophysics journa

    Industrial work placement in higher education: a study of civil engineering student engagement

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    For civil engineering undergraduates, the opportunity to spend a period of time in formal industrial work placement provides an invaluable learning experience. This paper reviews student engagement with short-term industrial placement and provides analysis of questionnaires (n=174) returned by undergraduates studying civil engineering at four Higher Education Institutes (HEI’s) in the West of Scotland. The data captures industrial placement statistics, employability skill-sets and presents brief testimonies from students. Whilst the journey to becoming a professional civil engineer is undoubtedly enhanced by short-term placement clear opportunities exist for HEI’s to affect and change existing pedagogical discourse. Commentary is likely to resonate beyond civil engineering and serve as a timely reminder of the need to re-invigorate academia / industry curriculum partnerships

    Optimised resource construction for verifiable quantum computation

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    Recent developments make the possibility of achieving scalable quantum networks and quantum devices closer. From the computational point of view these emerging technologies become relevant when they are no longer classically simulatable. Hence a pressing challenge is the construction of practical methods to verify the correctness of the outcome produced by universal or non-universal quantum devices. A promising approach that has been extensively explored is the scheme of verification via encryption through blind quantum computing initiated by Fitzsimons and Kashefi. We present here a new construction that simplifies the required resources for any such verifiable blind quantum computating protocol. We obtain an overhead that is linear in the size of the input, while the security parameter remains independent of the size of the computation and can be made exponentially small. Furthermore our construction is generic and could be applied to any non-universal scheme with a given underlying graph.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figure

    EGRET Observations of the Extragalactic Gamma Ray Emission

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    The all-sky survey in high-energy gamma rays (E>>30 MeV) carried out by the Energetic Gamma Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET) aboard the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory provides a unique opportunity to examine in detail the diffuse gamma-ray emission. The observed diffuse emission has a Galactic component arising from cosmic-ray interactions with the local interstellar gas and radiation as well an almost uniformly distributed component that is generally believed to originate outside the Galaxy. Through a careful study and removal of the Galactic diffuse emission, the flux, spectrum and uniformity of the extragalactic emission is deduced. The analysis indicates that the extragalactic emission is well described by a power law photon spectrum with an index of -(2.10+-0.03) in the 30 MeV to 100 GeV energy range. No large scale spatial anisotropy or changes in the energy spectrum are observed in the deduced extragalactic emission. The most likely explanation for the origin of this extragalactic high-energy gamma-ray emission is that it arises primarily from unresolved gamma-ray-emitting blazars.Comment: 19 pages latex, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Ap