697 research outputs found

    IC5063: A merger with a hidden luminous active nucleus

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    IC5063 is a nearby galaxy classified as an SO and containing a system of dust lanes parallel to its major optical axis (Danziger, Goss and Wellington, 1981; Bergeron, Durret and Boksenberg, 1983). Extended emission line regions with high excitation properties have been detected over distances of up to 19 kpc from the nucleus. This galaxy has been classified as Seyfert 2 on the basis of its emission line spectrum. These characteristics make IC5063 one of the best candidates for a merger remnant and an excellent candidate for a hidden luminous active nucleus. Based on new broad and narrow band images and long-slit spectroscopy obtained at the ESO 3.6 m telescope, the authors present some preliminary results supporting this hypothesis

    Galaxy Evolution and Star Formation Efficiency in the Last Half of the Universe

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    We present the results of a CO(1-0) emission survey with the IRAM 30m of 30 galaxies at moderate redshift (z ~ 0.2-0.6) to explore galaxy evolution and in particular the star formation efficiency, in the redshift range filling the gap between local and very high-z objects. Our detection rate is about 50%. One of the bright objects was mapped at high resolution with the IRAM interferometer, and about 50% of the total emission found in the 27 arcsec (97 kpc) single dish beam is recovered by the interferometer, suggesting the presence of extended emission. The FIR-to-CO luminosity ratio is enhanced, following the increasing trend observed between local and high-z ultra-luminous starbursts.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, To appear in the proceedings of "SF2A-2007: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise", (J. Bouvier, A. Chalabaev, and C. Charbonnel eds

    Experiencias realizaras en el LEMIT sobre hidrófugos nacionales utilizados en la construcción de edificios

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    Se analizan los resultados obtenidos en los ensayos realizados sobre muestras de hidrófugos para construcción de edificios de marcas comerciales de uso corriente en plaza. Los mismos fueron efectuados sobre mués - tras de distintas partidas con el fin de estudiar la regularidad de la producción y el mantenimiento de las propiedades impermeabilizantes. Además se confeccionaron probetas para observar su comportamiento en servicio bajo distintas condiciones de exposición. Se trató de correlacionar los resultados obtenidos con el contenido de ácidos grasos. También se utilizan algunas observaciones a la norma IRAM vigente, con vistas a una futura revisión de la misma.Results obtained in tests performed on samples of different proprietary water repelling admixtures are analyzed. Samples were obtained from different shipments of the same brand. Tests were performed inrorder to study the variation of characteristics of each brand through the industrial production. Groups of specimens containing the same brand of admixture were submited to differents exposure nonrlit.inns in order to evaluate the performance in service. The results obtained were correlated with the fatty acids content of each product. Some remarks are made to the present IRAM specification having in mind a future revision of:it

    Influencia del fenómeno de falso fraguado del cemento portland en hormigones utilizados en obras viales

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    Frecuentes consultas efectuadas por técnicos encargados de la conducción de obras, sobre problemas relacionados con la consistencia del hormigón, aparecidos durante el transporte, la descarga y/o colocación del mismo en estructuras, indujeron a este Laboratorio a realizar estudios que permitieran determinar sus causas y proponer los medios para solucionarlos o reducirlos. Esos problemas se traducen en todos los casos en una disminución de consistencia (más sensible en los hormigones amasados con bajos contenidos unitarios de agua, como son los destinados a obras viales) lo que dificulta la colocación y compactación. Se hace un resumen de las causas del fenómeno de falso fraguado, se informan los resultados de ensayos efectuados sobre 110 muestras y las observaciones que surgen del análisis de los mismos.One of the most important problems presented in highway works is the decrease of consistency of concrete during transport, discharge and location of it in structures. This undesirable characteristic is very remarkable in concretes prepared with low unitary water content as those to be used in highway works. This false setting of concrete makes very difficult the filling of molds, increasing the danger of obtaining weak structures due to difficulties during the compactation. For these reasons the laboratory made studies in order to determine the facts that promote the false setting of concrete and the way to avoid it. This paper includes a summary of the results obtained testing 110 samples of different concretes and the conclusions resulting from the analysis of these results

    Integral Field Spectroscopy based H\alpha\ sizes of local Luminous and Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies. A Direct Comparison with high-z Massive Star Forming Galaxies

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    Aims. We study the analogy between local U/LIRGs and high-z massive SFGs by comparing basic H{\alpha} structural characteristics, such as size, and luminosity (and SFR) surface density, in an homogeneous way (i.e. same tracer and size definition, similar physical scales). Methods. We use Integral Field Spectroscopy based H{\alpha} emission maps for a representative sample of 54 local U/LIRGs (66 galaxies). From this initial sample we select 26 objects with H{\alpha} luminosities (L(H{\alpha})) similar to those of massive (i.e. M\ast \sim 10^10 M\odot or larger) SFGs at z \sim 2, and observed on similar physical scales. Results. The sizes of the H{\alpha} emitting region in the sample of local U/LIRGs span a large range, with r1/2(H{\alpha}) from 0.2 to 7 kpc. However, about 2/3 of local U/LIRGs with Lir > 10^11.4 L\odot have compact H{\alpha} emission (i.e. r1/2 < 2 kpc). The comparison sample of local U/LIRGs also shows a higher fraction (59%) of objects with compact H{\alpha} emission than the high-z sample (25%). This gives further support to the idea that for this luminosity range the size of the star forming region is a distinctive factor between local and distant galaxies of similar SF rates. However, when using H{\alpha} as a tracer for both local and high-z samples, the differences are smaller than the ones recently reported using a variety of other tracers. Despite of the higher fraction of galaxies with compact H{\alpha} emission, a sizable group (\sim 1/3) of local U/LIRGs are large (i.e. r1/2 > 2 kpc). These are systems showing pre-coalescence merger activity and they are indistinguishable from the massive high-z SFGs galaxies in terms of their H{\alpha} sizes, and luminosity and SFR surface densities.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. (!5 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables

    Nuclear Bar, Star Formation and Gas Fueling in the Active Galaxy NGC 4303

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    A combination of Hubble Space Telescope (HST) WFPC2 and NICMOS images are used to investigate the gas/dust and stellar structure inside the central 300 pc of the nearby active galaxy NGC 4303. The NICMOS H-band (F160W) image reveals a bright core and a nuclear elongated bar-like structure of 250 pc in diameter. The bar is centered on the bright core, and its major axis is oriented in proyection along the spin axis of the nuclear gaseous rotating disk recently detected (Colina & Arribas 1999). The V-H (F606W - F160W) image reveals a complex gas/dust distribution with a two-arm spiral structure of about 225 pc in radius. The southwestern arm is traced by young star-forming knots while the northeastern arm is detected by the presence of dust lanes. These spirals do not have a smooth structure but rather they are made of smaller flocculent spirals or filament-like structures. The magnitudes and colors of the star-forming knots are typical of clusters of young stars with masses of 0.5 to 1 x 105Msolar,andagesof5to25millionyears.Theoverallstructureofthenuclearspiralsaswellasthesize,numberandmassesofthestarformingknotsareexplainedinthecontextofamassivegaseousnucleardisksubjecttoselfgravitationalinstabilitiesandtothegravitationalfieldcreatedbythenuclearbar.Accordingtothemodel,thegaseousdiskhasamassofabout5x107Msolarinsidearadiusof400pc,thebarhasaradiusof150pcandapatternspeedofabout0.5Myr1,andtheaveragemassaccretionrateintothecore(R<8pc)isabout0.01Msolar10^5 M_{solar}, and ages of 5 to 25 million years. The overall structure of the nuclear spirals as well as the size, number and masses of the star-forming knots are explained in the context of a massive gaseous nuclear disk subject to self-gravitational instabilities and to the gravitational field created by the nuclear bar. According to the model, the gaseous disk has a mass of about 5 x 10^7 M_{solar} inside a radius of 400 pc, the bar has a radius of 150 pc and a pattern speed of about 0.5 Myr^{-1}, and the average mass accretion rate into the core (R < 8 pc) is about 0.01 M_{solar} yr^{-1} for about 80 Myr.Comment: ApJ, in press (February 1, 2000

    Antimony tin oxide (ATO) screen-printed electrodes and their application to spectroelectrochemistry

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    Spectroelectrochemistry studies spectral changes as a function of applied potential or current. While there is no standard experimental setup, transparent electrodes are most typically used in transmission mode. Working in reflection mode forces light across the sample twice, resulting in higher sensitivities, but in turn requires the use of highly reflective electrodes. Here we present the production and characterization of screen-printed electrodes made from different antimony tin oxide (ATO) conducting particles. The resulting electrodes display excellent spectroelectrochemical properties, such as reflectivities up to 20 times higher than conventional graphite screen-printed electrodes, but with comparable electron transfer rates. These electrodes represent an attractive alternative to conventional materials and widen the choice of suitable electrode materials for electrochemistry in general and spectroelectrochemistry in particularFEDER funds managed by the Catalan Secretary of Universities and Research through project PROD-0000114 (Enterprise and Knowledge, Industry Department, Generalitat de Catalunya)

    Obstructive Jaundice Due to Hepatocarcinoma With Intraductal Growth. Report of a Successful Resection

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    We present a patient with hepatocellular carcinoma causing obstructive jaundice due to intraductal growth, diagnosed intraoperatively by cholangiography and histological examination, and radically treated by left lobectomy, extrahepatic biliary tract resection and Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy. Survival after operation was 13 months. Other similar cases reported in the literature are reviewed

    Understanding the 8 micron vs. Pa-alpha relationship on sub-arcsecond scales in Luminous Infrared Galaxies

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    This work explores in detail the relation between the 8 micron and the Pa-alpha emissions for 122 HII regions identified in a sample of 10 low-z LIRGs with nearly constant metallicity (12 + log (O/H) ~ 8.8). We use Gemini/T-ReCS high-spatial resolution (<~ 0.4" ~ 120 pc for the average distance of 60 Mpc of our sample) mid-infrared imaging (at 8.7 micron or 10.3 micron) together with HST/NICMOS continuum and Pa-alpha images. The LIRG HII regions extend the L_8micron vs. L_Pa-alpha relation found for HII knots in the high-metallicity SINGS galaxies by about two orders of magnitude to higher luminosities. Since the metallicity of the LIRG sample is nearly constant, we can rule out this effect as a cause for the scatter seen in the relationship. In turn, it is attributed to two effects: age and PAH features. The L_8micron/L_Pa-alpha ratio, which varies by a factor of ten for the LIRG HII regions, is reproduced by a model with instantaneous star formation and ages ranging from ~ 4 to 7.5 Myr. The remaining dispersion around the model predictions for a given age is probably due to differential contributions of the PAH features (the 8.6 micron, in our case) to the 8 micron emission from galaxy to galaxy.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ; paper with full-resolution figures can be found at: http://damir.iem.csic.es/extragalactic