3,161 research outputs found

    Quasi-optimum design of a six degree of freedom moving base simulator control system

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    The design of a washout control system for a moving base simulator is treated by a quasi-optimum control technique. The broad objective of the design is to reproduce the sensed motion of a six degree of freedom simulator as accurately as possible without causing the simulator excursions to exceed specified limits. A performance criterion is established that weights magnitude and direction errors in specific force and in angular velocity and attempts to maintain the excursion within set limits by penalizing excessive excursions. A FORTRAN routine for relizing the washout law was developed and typical time histories using the washout routine were simulated for a range of parameters in the penalty- and weighting-functions. These time histories and the listing of the routine are included in the report

    Infectious bronchitis vaccine virus detection and part-S1 genetic variation following single or dual inoculation in broiler chicks.

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    An investigation was undertaken of the extent of genetic variation occurring within infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) vaccine strains following vaccination of day-old broiler chicks. Chicks were divided into seven groups, with two groups receiving single Massachusetts (Mass) vaccinations while the other four were inoculated with combinations of different IBV serotypes; Mass, 793B, D274 and Arkansas (Ark). The remaining group was maintained as an unvaccinated control. Following vaccination, swabs and tissues collected at intervals were pooled and RNA was extracted for detection of IBV by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Positive amplicons were sequenced for the part-S1 gene and compared to the original vaccine strain sequences. Single nucleotide polymorphisms, amino acid variations and hydrophobicity changes were identified and recorded for each sampling point. A total of 106 single nucleotide polymorphisms were detected within 28 isolates. The average single nucleotide polymorphism counts of swab isolates were greater than those found in tissue samples. This translated into 64 amino acid changes; however only six resulted in a change to the hydrophobicity properties. All hydrophobic alterations occurred within swab isolates and the majority were recovered at 3 days post vaccination suggesting such changes to be detrimental to early virus survival. Nucleotide deletions were seen only in the group given the combination of Mass and Ark. Of the 16 sequenced samples in this group, 13 contained the same AAT deletion at position 1033 1035 in the Ark strains. Findings presented in this study demonstrate alteration in the S1 nucleotide sequence following co-administration of live IBV vaccines

    Exploring the interdependencies of research funders in the UK

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    Investment in medical research is vital to the continuing improvement of the UK's health and wealth. It is through research that we expand our understanding of disease and develop new treatments for patients. Medical research charities currently contribute over £1 billion annually to medical research in the UK, of which over £350 million is provided by Cancer Research UK. Many charities, including Cancer Research UK, receive no government funding for their research activity. Cancer Research UK is engaged in a programme of work in order to better understand the medical research funding environment and demonstrate the importance of sustained investment. A key part of that is the Office of Health Economics‟ (OHE) 2011 report “Exploring the interdependency between public and charitable medical research”. This study found that there are substantial benefits, both financial and qualitative, from the existence of a variety of funders and that reductions in the level of government financial support for medical research are likely to have broader negative effects. This contributed to other evidence which found that the activities and funding of the charity, public and private sectors respectively are complementary, i.e. mutually reinforcing, rather than duplicative or merely substituting for one another. “Exploring the interdependencies of research funders in the UK” by the Office of Health Economics (OHE) and SPRU: Science and Technology Policy Research at the University of Sussex, represents a continued effort to build the evidence base around the funding of medical research. This report uncovers the extent to which funders of cancer research are interdependent, nationally and internationally. Key figures show that two thirds of publications acknowledging external support have relied on multiple funders, while just under half benefited from overseas funding, and almost a fifth are also supported by industry. In addition the analysis shows that the general public would not want tax funding of cancer research to be reduced, but would not donate enough to charities to compensate for any such reduction

    Systematic Evaluation of the Impact of Involuntary Motion in Whole Body Dynamic PET

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    Involuntary patient motion can happen in dynamic whole body (DWB) PET due to long scanning times, which may cause inaccurate quantification of tissue parameters. To quantify the impact on Patlak parameters, we simulated dynamic data using patient-derived motion fields, systematically introducing the motion at different passes of the dynamic scan, both inter and intra-frame. Estimated parameters are compared against the ground truth. Results show that errors can be large, even for small motion. Caution is advised when quantitatively evaluating DWB-PET images, if any motion has been detected

    Robust and Fast Whole Brain Mapping of the RF Transmit Field B1 at 7T

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    In-vivo whole brain mapping of the radio frequency transmit field B1+ is a key aspect of recent method developments in ultra high field MRI. We present an optimized method for fast and robust in-vivo whole-brain B1+ mapping at 7T. The method is based on the acquisition of stimulated and spin echo 3D EPI images and was originally developed at 3T. We further optimized the method for use at 7T. Our optimization significantly improved the robustness of the method against large B1+ deviations and off-resonance effects present at 7T. The mean accuracy and precision of the optimized method across the brain was high with a bias less than 2.6 percent unit (p.u.) and random error less than 0.7 p.u. respectively

    Derivation and validation of a prognostic model for postoperative risk stratification of critically ill patients with faecal peritonitis

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    Background Prognostic scores and models of illness severity are useful both clinically and for research. The aim of this study was to develop two prognostic models for the prediction of long-term (6 months) and 28-day mortality of postoperative critically ill patients with faecal peritonitis (FP). Methods Patients admitted to intensive care units with faecal peritonitis and recruited to the European GenOSept study were divided into a derivation and a geographical validation subset; patients subsequently recruited to the UK GAinS study were used for temporal validation. Using all 50 clinical and laboratory variables available on day 1 of critical care admission, Cox proportional hazards regression was fitted to select variables for inclusion in two prognostic models, using stepwise selection and nonparametric bootstrapping sampling techniques. Using Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AuROC) analysis, the performance of the models was compared to SOFA and APACHE II. Results Five variables (age, SOFA score, lowest temperature, highest heart rate, haematocrit) were entered into the prognostic models. The discriminatory performance of the 6-month prognostic model yielded an AuROC 0.81 (95% CI 0.76–0.86), 0.73 (95% CI 0.69–0.78) and 0.76 (95% CI 0.69–0.83) for the derivation, geographic and temporal external validation cohorts, respectively. The 28-day prognostic tool yielded an AuROC 0.82 (95% CI 0.77–0.88), 0.75 (95% CI 0.69–0.80) and 0.79 (95% CI 0.71–0.87) for the same cohorts. These AuROCs appeared consistently superior to those obtained with the SOFA and APACHE II scores alone. Conclusions The two prognostic models developed for 6-month and 28-day mortality prediction in critically ill septic patients with FP, in the postoperative phase, enhanced the day one SOFA score’s predictive utility by adding a few key variables: age, lowest recorded temperature, highest recorded heart rate and haematocrit. External validation of their predictive capability in larger cohorts is needed, before introduction of the proposed scores into clinical practice to inform decision making and the design of clinical trials

    Comparison of Motion Correction Methods Incorporating Motion Modelling for PET/CT Using a Single Breath Hold Attenuation Map

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    Introducing motion models into respiratory motion correction methods can lead to a reduction in blurring and artefacts. However, the pool of research where motion modelling methods are applied to combined positron emission tomography and computed tomography is relatively shallow. Previous work used non-attenuation corrected time-of-flight data to fit motion models, not only to motion correct the volumes themselves, but also to warp a single attenuation map to the positions of the initial gated data. This work seeks to extend previous work to offer a comparison of respiratory motion correction methods, not only with and without motion models, but also to compare pair-wise and group-wise registration techniques, on simulation data, in a low count scenario, where the attenuation map is from a pseudo-breath hold acquisition. To test the methods, 4-Dimensional Extended Cardiac Torso images are constructed, simulated and reconstructed without attenuation correction, then motion corrected using one of pair-wise, pair-wise with motion model, group-wise and group-wise with motion model registration. Next these motion corrected volumes are registered to the breath hold attenuation map. The positron emission tomography data are then reconstructed using deformed attenuation maps and motion corrected. Evaluation compares the results of these methods against non-motion corrected and motion free examples. Results indicate that the incorporation of motion models and group-wise registration, improves contrast and quantification

    National-scale detection of reservoir impacts through hydrological signatures

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    Reservoirs play a vital role in the supply and management of water resources and their operation can significantly alter downstream flow. Despite this, reservoirs are frequently excluded or poorly represented in large-scale hydrological models, which can be partly attributed to a lack of open-access data describing reservoir operations, inflow and storage. To help inform the development of reservoir operation schemes, we collate a suite of hydrological signatures designed to detect the impacts of reservoirs on the flow regime at large-scales from downstream flow records only. By removing the need for pre-and-post-reservoir flow timeseries (a requirement of many pre-existing techniques), these signatures facilitate the assessment of flow alteration across a much wider range of catchments. To demonstrate their application, we calculate the signatures across Great Britain in 111 benchmark (i.e., near-natural) catchments and 186 reservoir catchments (where at least one upstream reservoir is present). We find that abstractions from water resource reservoirs induce deficits in the water balance, and that pre-defined flow releases (e.g., the compensation flow) reduce variability in the downstream flow duration curve and in intra-annual low flows. By comparing signatures in benchmark and reservoir catchments, we define thresholds above which the influence of reservoirs can be distinguished from natural variability and identify 40 catchments significantly impacted by the presence of reservoirs. The signatures also provide insights into local reservoir operations, which can inform the development of tailored reservoir operation schemes, and identify locations where current modeling practices (which lack reservoir representation) will be insufficient

    Development and Evaluation of Dissolving Microarray Patches for Co-administered and Repeated Intradermal Delivery of Long-acting Rilpivirine and Cabotegravir Nanosuspensions for Paediatric HIV Antiretroviral Therapy

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    Purpose Whilst signifcant progress has been made to defeat HIV infection, the efcacy of antiretroviral (ARV) therapyin the paediatric population is often hindered by poor adherence. Currently, two long-acting (LA) intramuscular injectablenanosuspensions of rilpivirine (RPV) and cabotegravir (CAB) are in clinical development for paediatric populations. However, administration requires access to healthcare resources, is painful, and can result in needle-stick injuries to the end user.To overcome these barriers, this proof-of-concept study was developed to evaluate the intradermal delivery of RPV LA andCAB LA via self-disabling dissolving microarray patches (MAPs).Methods Dissolving MAPs of two conformations, a conventional pyramidal and a bilayer design, were formulated, withvarious nanosuspensions of RPV and CAB incorporated within the respective MAP matrix. MAPs were mechanically robustand were capable of penetrating ex vivo skin with intradermal ARV deposition.Results In a single-dose in vivo study in rats, all ARV MAPs demonstrated sustained release profles, with therapeuticallyrelevant plasma concentrations of RPV and CAB detected to at least 63 and 28 d, respectively. In a multi-dose in vivo study,repeated MAP applications at 14-d intervals maintained therapeutically relevant plasma concentrations throughout theduration of the study.Conclusions These results illustrate the potential of the platform to repeatedly maintain plasma concentrations for RPVand CAB. As such, these MAPs could represent a viable option to improve adherence in the paediatric population, one thatis capable of being painlessly administered in the comfort of the patient’s own home on a biweekly or less frequent basis
