410 research outputs found

    Experience of compassion-based practice in mindfulness for health for individuals with persistent pain

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    Purpose of the Study Research indicates that acquiring compassion is an integral part to positive outcomes to Mindfulness-based interventions (MBI), yet there is both theoretic and empirical literature suggesting that people with persistent pain are more likely to experience challenges and distress when engaging compassion-based practices. Mindfulness for Health is a standardised MBI for people with persistent pain and health conditions. This study sought to explore the positive, neutral and difficult experiences of compassion-based practice and meditation for participants in Mindfulness for Health to further understand implications and risks for participants of MBI’s. Method and Design A qualitative design using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was applied to explore how participants understood of the experience of compassion-based practice and the meaning they gave to it. Eight participants who had completed the Mindfulness for Health from four separate groups were interviewed about their experience. Results Five master themes were identified ‘turning away from self-with-pain’, ‘self-with-pain experienced as shameful’, ‘facilitating change’, ‘turning towards self-with-pain’, and ‘accepting self’. Participants identified both perceived positive changes and difficult emotional experiences during the meditation practice, which they related to the context of compassion in their past and present life. Conclusions Developing compassion is an important part of Mindfulness for Health, which is salient for participants as both a challenging and potentially valuable experience. Acquisition of mindfulness skills, supporting group dynamics and modelling compassion are understood as helpful in overcoming personal barriers and challenging experiences. Further research is needed to understand processes involved and explore the experience of non-completers

    C1q acts in the tumour microenvironment as a cancer-promoting factor independently of complement activation

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    Complement C1q is the activator of the classical pathway. However, it is now recognized that C1q can exert functions unrelated to complement activation. Here we show that C1q, but not C4, is expressed in the stroma and vascular endothelium of several human malignant tumours. Compared with wild-type (WT) or C3- or C5-deficient mice, C1q-deficient (C1qa(-/-)) mice bearing a syngeneic B16 melanoma exhibit a slower tumour growth and prolonged survival. This effect is not attributable to differences in the tumour-infiltrating immune cells. Tumours developing in WT mice display early deposition of C1q, higher vascular density and an increase in the number of lung metastases compared with C1qa(-/-) mice. Bone marrow (BM) chimeras between C1qa(-/-) and WT mice identify non-BM-derived cells as the main local source of C1q that can promote cancer cell adhesion, migration and proliferation. Together these findings support a role for locally synthesized C1q in promoting tumour growth

    Decidual endothelial cells express surface-bound C1q as a molecular bridge between endovascular trophoblast and decidual endothelium

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    This study was prompted by the observation that decidual endothelial cells (DECs), unlike endothelial cells (ECs) of blood vessels in normal skin, kidney glomeruli and brain, express surface-bound C1q in physiologic pregnancy. This finding was unexpected, because deposits of C1q are usually observed in pathologic conditions and are associated with complement activation. In the case of DECs, we failed to detect immunoglobulins and C4 co-localized with C1q on the cell surface. Surprisingly, DECs expressed mRNA for the three chains of C1q and secreted detectable level of this component in serum-free medium. The ability to synthesize C1q is acquired by DECs during pregnancy and is not shared by ECs obtained from endometrium and from other sources. Cell-associated C1q has a molecular weight similar to that of secreted C1q and is released from DECs following treatment with heparinase or incubation at low pH. This suggests that C1q binds to DECs and it is not constitutively expressed on the cell surface. C1q is localized at contact sites between endovascular trophoblast and DECs and acts as an intercellular molecular bridge because adhesion of endovascular trophoblast to DECs was inhibited by antibodies to C1q and to a receptor recognizing its globular portion expressed on trophoblast. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Fatigue response of additively manufactured as-built 15-5 PH stainless steel and effects of machining and thermal and surface treatments

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    Additively produced 15-5 PH stainless steel has wide industrial applications, but the combined effects of heat treatment, machining, and shot-peening and their order have not been deeply investigated. This topic is addressed here by a 2-by-3 experimental plan that has involved S–N curve and fatigue limit determination, using vertically built cylindrical samples, tested under rotating bending. The obtained responses have been analyzed by an ANOVA-based statistical approach for comparison of fatigue trends. Results indicate that heat treatment without machining may be even detrimental for fatigue due to embrittlement. Conversely, machining with subsequent shot-peening, even without heat treatment, has a remarkable impact and leads to a doubled fatigue strength with respect to as-built material. This strength is also quite close to that achievable for wrought material. The study has been completed by micrography and fractography, to reveal the dependence of microstructure, crack initiation sites, and failure mode on the performed treatments

    Fatigue response of additively manufactured Maraging Stainless Steel CX and effects of heat treatment and surface finishing

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    This paper deals with the novel topic of the fatigue response of additively manufactured Maraging Stainless Steel CX. A two-by-two factorial plan was arranged, to experimentally assess the effects of heat treatment and machining on the fatigue strength in both finite and infinite life domains. The two factors were regarded as on–off, taking the untreated unmachined condition as a reference for comparisons. Cylindrical specimens with vertical build orientation were involved in the fatigue campaign under four-point rotating bending. The results indicate that the fatigue strength may be remarkably incremented (up to five times) with respect to the as received conditions, especially thanks to surface smoothing and taking advantage of a very low porosity level. Heat treatment strengthening mechanisms were also interpreted in the light of optical and electron microscope observations. Fatigue enhancement arises from precipitate size increment throughout the conducted heat treatment, although the fracture mode turns to be more brittle

    Prognostic Implications of the Complement Protein C1q in Gliomas

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    The contribution of the complement system in the pathophysiology of brain cancers has been recently considered in light of its well-known involvement in carcinogenesis. Complement system represents an important component of the inflammatory response, which acts as a functional bridge between the innate and adaptive immune response. C1q, the first recognition subcomponent of the complement classical pathway, has recently been shown to be involved in a range of pathophysiological functions that are not dependent on complement activation. C1q is expressed in the microenvironment of various types of human tumors, including melanoma, prostate, mesothelioma, and ovarian cancers, where it can exert a protective or a harmful effect on cancer progression. Despite local synthesis of C1q in the central nervous system, the involvement of C1q in glioma pathogenesis has been poorly investigated. We, therefore, performed a bioinformatics analysis, using Oncomine dataset and UALCAN database in order to assess whether the expression of the genes encoding for the three chains of C1q (C1qA, C1qB, and C1qC) could serve as a potential prognostic marker for gliomas. The obtained results were then validated using an independent glioma cohort from the Chinese Glioma Genome Atlas datasets. Our bioinformatics analysis, coupled with immunohistochemistry and fluorescence microscopy, appears to suggest a positive correlation between higher levels of C1q expression and unfavorable prognosis in a diverse grade of gliomas


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    Introduction. The complement system represents an important component of the inflammatory response and acts as a functional bridge between the innate and adaptive immune response. The contribution of the complement component C1q in the pathophysiology of brain cancers has been recently considered in light of its well-known involvement in carcinogenesis. Brain malignancies arise from cells of the CNS and are classified according to the tissue of phylogenetic origin. Gliomas represent the most common and aggressive form of brain tumours in adults. They derive from glial cells that help to support the functions of the other main brain cells type, the neurons (1). These are a heterogeneous group of diseases with multiple subtypes (1, 2). Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and fatal form of a primary brain tumour, accounting for approximately 60% of all glioma cases (3), whereas grade-II and -III gliomas are the second most common type of glioma in adults (~30%) (3). C1q molecule, together with other complement components, can be locally produced within the CNS by microglia and astrocytes, rendering it an attractive player in primary brain tumour development (4). The role of C1q in gliomas microenvironment is still poorly characterized and it is still quite puzzling whether it exerts a beneficial or a harmful activity for cancer progression. In the present study we performed a bioinformatics analysis aimed at investigating if C1q can serve as a potential prognostic marker for gliomas. Methods. The expression levels of C1qA, C1qB and C1qC genes in gliomas were analysed using Oncomine analysis. Available genomics data from The Cancer Genome Atlas project was used for Kaplan–Meier survival analysis to generate survival probability plots, using UALCAN analysis. Results. From the analysis performed on several data- sets using Oncomine, we showed a significantly higher mRNA expression levels for C1qA, C1qB and C1qC chains were detected in gliomas (different histotypes and grades) as compared to normal brain tissue (Fig. 1). We observed a positive correlation between the mRNA expression of C1qA, C1qB and C1qC mRNA poly- peptide chains and the unfavorable prognosis only in gliomas grade-II and -III, where the survival probability is indeed reduced (P <0.05) (Fig. 2). No correlation was observed in glioblastoma multiforme (Fig. 2). By immu- nohistochemical approaches we detected a high depo- sition of C1q in the tumor microenvironment of both in grade-II and -III gliomas and in GBMs examined (Fig. 3a glioma, 3b glioblastoma multiforme; 20x Magnification). Moreover, in double immunocytochemical experiments we demonstrated that CD68 positive infiltrating cells are actively synthesizing C1q in the tumor micro-envi- ronment. CD68 expression is characteristic of tumor- associated macrophages, whose enrichment in glioma has been associated with poor prognosis (5). Conclusion. In our study C1q expression was significantly correlated with poor survival probability in gliomas grade-II and -III while this is not the case for GBM. These data altogether underline how complex, multifaceted and still poorly understood is the role C1q can exert on tumor progression, and how the very same molecule can differentially affect the outcome depending on the biological context it comes to act

    PARL deficiency in mouse causes Complex III defects, coenzyme Q depletion, and Leigh-like syndrome

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    The mitochondrial intramembrane rhomboid protease PARL has been implicated in diverse functions in vitro, but its physiological role in vivo remains unclear. Here we show that ablation in mouse causes a necrotizing encephalomyelopathy similar to Leigh syndrome, a mitochondrial disease characterized by disrupted energy production. Mice with conditional PARL deficiency in the nervous system, but not in muscle, develop a similar phenotype as germline KOs, demonstrating the vital role of PARL in neurological homeostasis. Genetic modification of two major PARL substrates, PINK1 and PGAM5, do not modify this severe neurological phenotype. brain mitochondria are affected by progressive ultrastructural changes and by defects in Complex III (CIII) activity, coenzyme Q (CoQ) biosynthesis, and mitochondrial calcium metabolism. PARL is necessary for the stable expression of TTC19, which is required for CIII activity, and of COQ4, which is essential in CoQ biosynthesis. Thus, PARL plays a previously overlooked constitutive role in the maintenance of the respiratory chain in the nervous system, and its deficiency causes progressive mitochondrial dysfunction and structural abnormalities leading to neuronal necrosis and Leigh-like syndrome

    SARS-CoV-2 modulates virus receptor expression in placenta and can induce trophoblast fusion, inflammation and endothelial permeability

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    SARS-CoV-2 is a devastating virus that induces a range of immunopathological mechanisms including cytokine storm, apoptosis, inflammation and complement and coagulation pathway hyperactivation. However, how the infection impacts pregnant mothers is still being worked out due to evidence of vertical transmission of the SARS-CoV-2, and higher incidence of preeclampsia, preterm birth, caesarian section, and fetal mortality. In this study, we assessed the levels of the three main receptors of SARS-CoV-2 (ACE2, TMPRSS2 and CD147) in placentae derived from SARS-CoV-2 positive and negative mothers. Moreover, we measured the effects of Spike protein on placental cell lines, in addition to their susceptibility to infection. SARS-CoV-2 negative placentae showed elevated levels of CD147 and considerably low amount of TMPRSS2, making them non-permissive to infection. SARS-CoV-2 presence upregulated TMPRSS2 expression in syncytiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblast cells, thereby rendering them amenable to infection. The non-permissiveness of placental cells can be due to their less fusogenicity due to infection. We also found that Spike protein was capable of inducing proinflammatory cytokine production, syncytiotrophoblast apoptosis and increased vascular permeability. These events can elicit pre-eclampsia-like syndrome that marks a high percentage of pregnancies when mothers areinfected with SARS-CoV-2. Our study raises important points relevant to SARSCoV- 2 mediated adverse pregnancy outcomes

    The Inflammatory Feed-Forward Loop Triggered by the Complement Component C3 as a Potential Target in Endometriosis

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    The complement system is a major component of humoral innate immunity, acting as a first line of defense against microbes via opsonization and lysis of pathogens. However, novel roles of the complement system in inflammatory and immunological processes, including in cancer, are emerging. Endometriosis (EM), a benign disease characterized by ectopic endometrial implants, shows certain unique features of cancer, such as the capacity to invade surrounding tissues, and in severe cases, metastatic properties. A defective immune surveillance against autologous tissue deposited in the peritoneal cavity allows immune escape for endometriotic lesions. There is evidence that the glandular epithelial cells found in endometriotic implants produce and secrete the complement component C3. Here, we show, using immunofluorescence and RT-qPCR, the presence of locally synthesized C3 in the ectopic endometriotic tissue, but not in the eutopic tissue. We generated a murine model of EM via injection of minced uterine tissue from a donor mouse into the peritoneum of recipient mice. The wild type mice showed greater amount of cyst formation in the peritoneum compared to C3 knock-out mice. Peritoneal washings from the wild type mice with EM showed more degranulated mast cells compared to C3 knock-out mice, consistent with higher C3a levels in the peritoneal fluid of EM patients. We provide evidence that C3a participates in an auto-amplifying loop leading to mast cell infiltration and activation, which is pathogenic in EM. Thus, C3 can be considered a marker of EM and its local synthesis can promote the engraftment of the endometriotic cysts
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