4,298 research outputs found

    Ambient vibration measurements in the Southern Rhine Graben close to Basle

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    This study presents results of ambient noise measurements from temporary single station and small-scale array deployments in the northeast of Basle. H/V spectral ratios were determined along various profiles crossing the eastern masterfault of the Rhine Rift Valley and the adjacent sedimentary rift fills. The fundamental H/V peak frequencies are decreasing along the profile towards the eastern direction being consistent with the dip of the tertiary sediments within the rift. Using existing empirical relationships between H/V frequency peaks and the depth of the dominant seismic contrast, derived on basis of the ?/4-resonance hypothesis and a power law depth dependence of the S-wave velocity, we obtain thicknesses of the rift fill from about 155 m in the west to 280 m in the east. This is in agreement with previous studies. The array analysis of the ambient noise wavefield yielded a stable dispersion relation consistent with Rayleigh wave propagation velocities. We conclude that a significant amount of surface waves is contained in the observed wavefield. The computed ellipticity for fundamental mode Rayleigh waves for the velocity depth models used for the estimation of the sediment thicknesses is in agreement with the observed H/V spectra over a large frequency band

    Receiver function images of the Hellenic subduction zone and comparison to microseismicity

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    New combined P receiver functions and seismicity data obtained from the EGELADOS network employing 65 seismological stations within the Aegean constrained new information on the geometry of the Hellenic subduction zone. The dense network and large data set enabled us to estimate the Moho depth of the continental Aegean plate across the whole area. Presence of a negative contrast at the Moho boundary indicating the serpentinized mantle wedge above the subducting African plate was seen along the entire forearc. Furthermore, low seismicity was observed within the serpentinized mantle wedge. We found a relatively thick continental crust (30–43 km) with a maximum thickness of about 48 km beneath the Peloponnese Peninsula, whereas a thinner crust of about 27–30 km was observed beneath western Turkey. The crust of the overriding plate is thinning beneath the southern and central Aegean and reaches 23–27 km. Unusual low Vp / Vs ratios were estimated beneath the central Aegean, which most likely represent indications on the pronounced felsic character of the extended continental Aegean crust. Moreover, P receiver functions imaged the subducted African Moho as a strong converted phase down to a depth of about 100 km. However, the converted Moho phase appears to be weak for the deeper parts of the African plate suggesting nearly complete phase transitions of crustal material into denser phases. We show the subducting African crust along eight profiles covering the whole southern and central Aegean. Seismicity of the western Hellenic subduction zone was taken from the relocated EHB-ISC catalogue, whereas for the eastern Hellenic subduction zone, we used the catalogues of manually picked hypocentre locations of temporary networks within the Aegean. Accurate hypocentre locations reveal a significant change in the dip angle of the Wadati–Benioff zone (WBZ) from west (~ 25°) to the eastern part (~ 35°) of the Hellenic subduction zone. Furthermore, a zone of high deformation can be characterized by a vertical offset of about 40 km of the WBZ beneath the eastern Cretan Sea. This deformation zone may separate a shallower N-ward dipping slab in the west from a steeper NW-ward dipping slab in the east. In contrast to hypocentre locations, we found very weak evidence for the presence of the slab at larger depths in the P receiver functions, which may result from the strong appearance of the Moho multiples as well as eclogitization of the oceanic crust. The presence of the top of a strong low-velocity zone at about 60 km depth in the central Aegean may be related to the asthenosphere below the Aegean continental lithosphere and above the subducting slab. Thus, the Aegean mantle lithosphere seems to be 30–40 km thick, which means that its thickness increased again since the removal of the mantle lithosphere about 15 to 35 Ma ago

    Domain-wall dynamics in 4C pyrrhotite at low temperature

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    Monoclinic 4C pyrrhotite (Fe7S8) is ferrimagnetic due to an ordered defect structure with alternating vacancy and vacancy-free sublattices. Its low-temperature magnetic transition near 35 K is characterized by the distinct increase in coercivity and remanent magnetization. The increase of these parameters has been attributed to changes in the domain wall structure. We present static and dynamic magnetization data of a powder sample to study the domain-wall dynamics across the low-temperature transition. The amplitude-dependent ac susceptibility and the ferromagnetic resonance spectroscopy indicate that the hardening of the domain-wall pinning at the transition occurs simultaneously with the decrease in initial saturation remanent magnetization. These two effects are explained by the enhanced inhomogeneity of the bulk material caused by the persistency of the ordered vacancies and by newly formed defects due to localized distortion of Fe(II) sites in the vacancy-free sublattice. The generated localized defects are the link between the domain wall dynamics and the low-temperature transition in 4C pyrrhotit

    Performance Measures Using Electronic Health Records: Five Case Studies

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    Presents the experiences of five provider organizations in developing, testing, and implementing four types of electronic quality-of-care indicators based on EHR data. Discusses challenges, and compares results with those from traditional indicators

    Connected Network of Minima as a Model Glass: Long Time Dynamics

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    A simple model to investigate the long time dynamics of glass-formers is presented and applied to study a Lennard-Jones system in supercooled and glassy phases. According to our model, the point representing the system in the configurational phase space performs harmonic vibrations around (and activated jumps between) minima pertaining to a connected network. Exploiting the model, in agreement with the experimental results, we find evidence for: i) stretched relaxational dynamics; ii) a strong T-dependence of the stretching parameter; iii) breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein law.Comment: 4 pages (Latex), 4 eps figure

    On the propagation of jump discontinuities in relativistic cosmology

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    A recent dynamical formulation at derivative level \ptl^{3}g for fluid spacetime geometries (M,g,u)({\cal M}, {\bf g}, {\bf u}), that employs the concept of evolution systems in first-order symmetric hyperbolic format, implies the existence in the Weyl curvature branch of a set of timelike characteristic 3-surfaces associated with propagation speed |v| = \sfrac{1}{2} relative to fluid-comoving observers. We show it is the physical role of the constraint equations to prevent realisation of jump discontinuities in the derivatives of the related initial data so that Weyl curvature modes propagating along these 3-surfaces cannot be activated. In addition we introduce a new, illustrative first-order symmetric hyperbolic evolution system at derivative level \ptl^{2}g for baryotropic perfect fluid cosmological models that are invariant under the transformations of an Abelian G2G_{2} isometry group.Comment: 19 pages, 1 table, REVTeX v3.1 (10pt), submitted for publication to Physical Review D; added Report-No, corrected typo

    Potential Energy Landscape and Long Time Dynamics in a Simple Model Glass

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    We analyze the properties of a Lennard-Jones system at the level of the potential energy landscape. After an exhaustive investigation of the topological features of the landscape of the systems, obtained studying small size sample, we describe the dynamics of the systems in the multi-dimensional configurational space by a simple model. This consider the configurational space as a connected network of minima where the dynamics proceeds by jumps described by an appropriate master equation. Using this model we are able to reproduce the long time dynamics and the low temperature regime. We investigate both the equilibrium regime and the off-equilibrium one, finding those typical glassy behavior usually observed in the experiments such as: {\it i)} stretched exponential relaxation, {\it ii)} temperature-dependent stretching parameter, {\it iii)} breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein relation, and {\it iv)} appearance of a critical temperature below which one observes deviation from the fluctuation-dissipation relation as consequence of the lack of equilibrium in the system.Comment: 11 pages (Latex), 9 ps figure

    The Hardware of the ATLAS Pixel Detector Control System

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    The innermost part of the ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS) experiment will be a pixel detector, built of 1744 individual detector modules. To operate the modules, readout electronics, and other detector components, a complex power supply and control system is necessary. The specific powering and control requirements are described, along with the custom made components of our power supply and control systems. These include remotely programmable Regulator Stations, the power supply system for the optical transceivers, several monitoring units and the Interlock System

    Photometric redshifts and clustering of emission line galaxies selected jointly by DES and eBOSS

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    We present the results of the first test plates of the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey. This paper focuses on the emission line galaxies (ELG) population targetted from the Dark Energy Survey (DES) photometry. We analyse the success rate, efficiency, redshift distribution, and clustering properties of the targets. From the 9000 spectroscopic redshifts targetted, 4600 have been selected from the DES photometry. The total success rate for redshifts between 0.6 and 1.2 is 71\% and 68\% respectively for a bright and faint, on average more distant, samples including redshifts measured from a single strong emission line. We find a mean redshift of 0.8 and 0.87, with 15 and 13\% of unknown redshifts respectively for the bright and faint samples. In the redshift range 0.6<z<1.2, for the most secure spectroscopic redshifts, the mean redshift for the bright and faint sample is 0.85 and 0.9 respectively. Star contamination is lower than 2\%. We measure a galaxy bias averaged on scales of 1 and 10~Mpc/h of 1.72 \pm 0.1 for the bright sample and of 1.78 \pm 0.12 for the faint sample. The error on the galaxy bias have been obtained propagating the errors in the correlation function to the fitted parameters. This redshift evolution for the galaxy bias is in agreement with theoretical expectations for a galaxy population with MB-5\log h < -21.0. We note that biasing is derived from the galaxy clustering relative to a model for the mass fluctuations. We investigate the quality of the DES photometric redshifts and find that the outlier fraction can be reduced using a comparison between template fitting and neural network, or using a random forest algorithm
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