1,139 research outputs found

    Rectangular Strain-Rosette Method for Measuring the Mode I Stress-Intensity Factor KI and T-stress

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    In this paper, a new experimental technique for measuring Stress Intensity Factor (SIF) and T-stress under mode I loading is developed. The expressions of the normal and tangential strains close to the crack tip are given using the first five terms of the generalized Westergaard formulation. In order to accurately determine the SIF and T-stress, the method exploits the optimal positioning of a rectangular strain gage rosette near a crack tip in mode I. Thus, errors due to the higher order terms of the asymptotic expansion are eliminated. Finally, a comparison of the analytical results with a finite element calculations, for different specimen dimensions, is carried out

    Pembuatan Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis Persebaran Lembaga Kursus Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Android (Studi Kasus Desa Tulung Rejo Dan Desa Pelem Kecamatan Pare Kabupaten Kediri )

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    Tulung Rejo village and Pelem village were located in Pare District, Kediri Regency, East Java. On these villages which were generally known as "Kampung Inggris", spreaded 104 english courses. By having wide-large area and large number of the courses, it still have less informations such as the names, locations, and facilities of those courses. In order to accomplish this problem, it was needed geographic information system to manage and provide spatial and non spatial data.This research used coordinate data which was gotten by GPS handheld. First step was by designing an application, which consisted of use case scenario, activity diagram, class diagram, and user interface. The second was by coding the application using HTML 5 by framework ionic. The last was by running the application using emulator of pc for ensuring the application was match with the first plan. After it perfectly fixed, it can be appropriately compatible on AndroidThe output of this research was a mobile GIS application which had an informations about the courses at Tulung Rejo Village and Pelem Village. It offered the names, locations, facilities, and some other supporting informations. It was expected this application can provide useful informations and hopefully this research can be developed in the future

    Phage shock protein g, a novel ethanol-induced stress protein in salmonella typhimurium

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    Exposure to ethanol is a stress condition that Salmonella typhimurium often encounters during its life cycle. Food, beverage, drugs, and cosmetics have a long history of using alcohols to control pathogens. Ethanol is also commonly used for disinfecting medical instruments. This study was conducted to evaluate the ethanol stress variations on the protein profile, cell structure, and serologic features of S. typhimurium. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed the phage shock protein G (pspG), a new ethanol-induced stress protein in cells adapted to 10% ethanol. The result was confirmed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. The maximum quantity of this 9.02-kDa protein was produced in 12.5% (v/v) of ethanol-treated cultures. Scanning electron microscopy has demonstrated new phenotypic characteristics in bacterial structure. The cells were unable to undergo binary fission. This phenomenon explains the tight attachment of bacteria in a colony. Overall, ethanol extreme stress induced expression of new proteins like PspG and repression of some other proteins in S. typhimurium. These induction and repression processes have inflicted dramatic changes on Salmonella behaviors. © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    Kyste hydatique de la surrénale: à propos d’un cas

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    Le kyste hydatique de la surrénale reste une affection exceptionnelle et une localisation inhabituelle du kyste hydatique, même dans les pays où l'hydatidose sévit à l'état endémique. Nous rapportons un cas de kyste hydatique surrénalien révélé par des douleurs de l'hypochondre droit. Le diagnostic a été évoqué en préopératoire sur les données de la tomodensitométrie abdominale qui avait objectivé une masse kystique surrénalienne droite. La sérologie hydatique était positive. Le traitement chirurgical avait consisté en une résection du dôme saillant et avait permis de conserver la glande. Le kyste était univésiculaire contenant un liquide eau de roche avec une membrane proligère. Les suites opératoires étaient simples. La surveillance à distance, échographique et immunologique, n'avait pas décelé de récidive avec un recul de deux an

    1 MW - 704 MHz RF test stand at CEA-Saclay

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    RF and THz Identification Using a New Generation of Chipless RFID Tags

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    This article presents two chipless RFID approaches where data are reading using electromagnetic waves and where the medium encoding the data is completely passive. The former approach rests on the use of RF waves (more precisely the ultra-wide band UWB). The tags developed for this application are comparable with very specific, planar, conductive, radar targets where the relation between the tag geometry and its electromagnetic signature is perfectly known and is used to encode the data. The principle of operation as well as the realization process of the RF tags presented in this paper is similar to those already reported in the literature. However, contrary to the majority of chipless RFID tags, these labels do not present an antenna function dissociated from the circuit part where the data are stored. Here, functions such as the receiver, the treatment and the emitter of the signal are closely dependent. The data storage capacity of the RF chipless tags is proportional to of the used frequency bandwidth. As radio spectrum is regulated, the number of possible encoding bits is thus strongly limited with this technology. This is the reason why we introduce a new family of tags radically different from the preceding one, where data is encoded in volume thanks to a multilayer structure operating in the THz domain. These two approaches although different are complementary and allow to increase significantly the data storage capacity of the chipless tags. Simulation and experimental results are reported in this paper for both configurations. We demonstrate a coding capacity of 3.3 bit/cm2 for RFID chipless tags and a potential 10 bits coding capacity in the THz domain

    Profil épidémiologique des femmes enceintes cardiaques dans le centre de maternité de Tunis: expérience du service A

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    Nous rapportons dans ce travail, le profil épidémiologique des femmes enceintes porteuses d'une cardiopathie ayant accouché dans le service «A» du centre de maternité de Tunis. Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective descriptive sur 3 ans, de janvier 2010 à décembre 2012, portant sur les dossiers des parturientes cardiaques suivies et ayant accouché dans notre service, à l'exclusion des cardiopathies hypertensives. Les paramètresanalysés étaient la gestité et parité des parturientes, le type de la cardiopathie, le mode d'accouchement et le pronostic foetal. Cinquante six cas sur 19655 accouchements avaient été recrutés, soit une incidence de 1 pour 351 accouchements (0,285%). L'âge moyen de nos parturientes était de 30,89±5,3 ans avec des extrêmes allant de 21 à 42 ans. 23 (41,07%) avaient une cardiopathie congénitale, 35 (62,5%) une valvulopathie, 6 (10,71%) un trouble du rythme, 3 (5,35%) un trouble de la conduction à type de bloc auriculo-ventriculaire et 3 (5,35%) une cardiopathie ischémique. Cinquante deux parturientes (92,85%) avaient accouché à un terme dépassant les 37 semaines d'aménorrhée (SA). L'accouchement s'est déroulé par les voies naturelles chez 22 (39,28%) patientes et par césarienne chez 34 (60,71%). Le poids moyen des nouveaux nés à la naissance était de 3341,25 grammes. 3 transferts néonataux en unité de réanimation étaient réalisés avec un seul cas de décès néonatal. La grossesse et l'accouchement chez la femme cardiaque constituent un haut risque materno-foetal dépendant du type, mais surtout du stade de la cardiopathie, nécessitant une prise en charge précoce et multidisciplinaire de la parturiente

    Exploring the van der Waals Atom-Surface attraction in the nanometric range

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    The van der Waals atom-surface attraction, scaling as C3 z-3 for z the atom-surface distance, is expected to be valid in the distance range 1-1000 nm, covering 8-10 orders of magnitudes in the interaction energy. A Cs vapour nanocell allows us to analyze the spectroscopic modifications induced by the atom-surface attraction on the 6P3/2->6D5/2 transition. The measured C3 value is found to be independent of the thickness in the explored range 40-130 nm, and is in agreement with an elementary theoretical prediction. We also discuss the specific interest of exploring short distances and large interaction energy.Comment: to appear in Europhysics Letter

    Exogenous glutathione-mediated tolerance to deficit irrigation in salt-affected Capsicum frutescence (L.) plants is connected with higher antioxidant content and ionic homeostasis

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    As an important medicinal plant used in traditional and modern medicine, chili peppers are sensitive or moderately sensitive to drought or salt stress, respectively. Therefore, potential changes due to foliar-applied glutathione (GSH; 0, 0.4 and 0.8 mM) response on growth, yield, and physio-biochemical attributes, as well as water use efficiency (WUE) and fruit alkaloid capsaicin of chili pepper plants were investigated when grown under deficit irrigation in salt-affected soil (EC = 6.74 dS m–1). Two deficit irrigation water (DiW) regimes (80% and 60% of soil field capacity; FC) were used versus 100% of FC as a control. Both DiW treatments negatively affected growth and yield parameters, SPAD chlorophyll index, nutrient status, K+/Na+ ratio, and plant anatomical features. In contrast, osmoprotectants, ascorbate, glutathione, capsaicin, and phenolic contents, as well as WUE were increased in association with higher Na+ and Cl– contents. However, exogenously-applied GSH caused significant increases in the above-mentioned parameters along with an additional increase in osmoprotectants, antioxidants, and capsaicin contents, and a decrease in Na+ and Cl– levels compared to corresponding controls. The highest WUE, growth, and fruit yield responses were recorded at 0.8 mM GSH applied to plants under DiW at 80% FC + salinity (6.74 dS m–1). Therefore, this study suggested the use of leafy-applied GSH at 0.8 mM for satisfactory growth and yield with the highest WUE of chili pepper plants grown under salt-affected conditions with deficit irrigation
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