536 research outputs found

    On the Parikh-de-Bruijn grid

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    We introduce the Parikh-de-Bruijn grid, a graph whose vertices are fixed-order Parikh vectors, and whose edges are given by a simple shift operation. This graph gives structural insight into the nature of sets of Parikh vectors as well as that of the Parikh set of a given string. We show its utility by proving some results on Parikh-de-Bruijn strings, the abelian analog of de-Bruijn sequences.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    WHO Takes Action to Promote the Health of Refugees and Migrants

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    Migration is a defining issue of our time, with 1 billion migrants globally, of whom 258 million have crossed borders. Climate change and political instability propel ever-greater displacement, with major detriments to health. Policies that fail to prevent human trafficking or guarantee essential services undermine Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and the global pledge to “leave no one behind.” The World Health Assembly should robustly implement WHO’s Global Action Plan (GAP) on the Health of Refugees and Migrants.ugees and Migrants

    Magyar történelem és földrajz tankönyvek Balkån-képe

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    Milyen BalkĂĄn-kĂ©pet közvetĂ­tenek tankönyveink? Vannak-e elƑítĂ©letek, sztereotĂ­piĂĄk bennĂŒk, amelyek a mĂșlt törtĂ©nĂ©seibƑl vagy esetleg a jelen konfliktusaibĂłl fakadnak? Ösztönzik-e a tankönyvekben szereplƑ szövegek, kĂ©pek, tĂ©rkĂ©pek a tanulĂłkat arra, hogy megĂ©rtsĂ©k az itt Ă©lƑ nĂ©pek Ă©letĂ©t, vallĂĄsi-tĂĄrsadalmi szokĂĄsait

    How to Dig Deeper? Improved Enrichment Methods for Mucin Core-1 Type Glycopeptides

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    Two different workflows were tested in order to develop methods that provide deeper insight into the secreted O-glycoproteome. Bovine serum samples were subjected to lectin affinity-chromatography both at the protein- and peptide-level in order to selectively isolate glycopeptides with the most common, mucin core-1 sugar. This enrichment step was implemented with either protein-level mixed-bed ion-exchange chromatography or with peptide-level electrostatic repulsion hydrophilic interaction chromatography. Both methods led to at least 65% of the identified products being glycopeptides, in comparison to similar to 25% without the additional chromatography steps [Darula, Z., and Medzihradszky, K. F. (2009) Affinity enrichment and characterization of mucin core-1 type glycopeptides from bovine serum. Mol. Cell. Proteomics 8, 2515-2526]. In order to improve not only the isolation but also the characterization of the glycopeptides exoglycosidases were used to eliminate carbohydrate extensions from the directly peptide-bound GalNAc units. Consequent tandem MS analysis of the mixtures using higher-energy collision-dissociation and electron-transfer dissociation led to the identification of 124 glycosylation sites in 51 proteins. While the electron-transfer dissociation data provided the bulk of the information for both modified sequence and modification site assignment, the higher-energy collision-dissociation data frequently yielded confirmation of the peptide identity, and revealed the presence of some core-2 or core-3 oligosaccharides. More than two-thirds of the sites as well as the proteins have never been reported modified. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 11: 10.1074/mcp.O111.016774, 1-10, 2012

    Handbook on the effective use of virtual learning platform and ICT tools for online courses

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    One of the major aims of IN2RURAL Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships project is to develop online learning courses with high-level interactive online and offline educational material particularly for higher education students who intend to obtain specific information on renewable energy resources. There will be two different types of online course developed during the project. One of the courses is called “Technical English for renewable energy” (IO8) course, providing a base for the online course of “Renewable energy for local development” (IO9) with professional and academic content consisting of four modules: renewable energy and rural development module, photovoltaic module, biomass module and wind energy module. The compiled materials will include information about delivering online learning materials to students by means of assessments and tracking, collaboration and communication tools by delivering them with a high degree of practical information. The elaboration of each section within the “Renewable energy for local development” course has been divided between the participating project partners. The Spanish lead partner is responsible for the elaboration of the renewable energy and rural development module along with the photovoltaic module, while the Hungarian partners have created the biomass module and the wind energy section has been developed by the participating Romanian organisations. Both online courses and all four modules within “Renewable energy for local development” course follow a homogeneous structure. One of the main purposes of the handbook is to provide useful information for teachers on how to plan and prepare online educational material by defining the common elements that the course material of each module should include, providing a short documentation on how the sample files have to be prepared and then uploaded to the online learning platform. It also provides instructions with orientation purposes and samples to teachers on how to prepare the suitable framework for a learning material. Besides the e-learning material, the online courses also involve self-introductions of students and topic discussion forums, a glossary for each renewable energy resource module and additional extra materials, such as photos, presentations and extra bibliography. The “Technical English for Renewable Energy” course will contain a glossary providing students with the specific words and expressions, allowing them to follow the modules of the “Renewable energy for local development” online course. The online course provides opportunities both for individual and/or group discussion work, and the present handbook will guide the user how to become acquainted with the effective uses of virtual learning platform and ICTs along with some teaching methods to convey learning information. One of the main reasons for providing e-learning material through an electronic website is to promote interactivity among future students. These days, both teachers and students must rely on interactive learning materials besides the traditional printed texts during their professional work. ICT-based education has undoubtedly affected and is affecting the learning process of students and it is important to underline that a good ICT-based education has the potential to increase students’ motivation towards acquiring the required knowledge. Furthermore, it can be declared that ICT-based education undoubtedly helps to promote in connecting school experiences with work practices. In sum, the principal aims of the present “Handbook on the effective use of virtual learning platform and ICT tools for online courses” is to provide practical guidelines for teachers on how to provide learning material in ~.doc and ~.xls sample files that will be later transformed as an output into interactive and enjoyable electronic learning material, specifications for each parts of the learning platform, so that all the teachers working in different modules have a clear idea of the material they have to prepare for the course, a standardized evaluation for the modules

    Filling the complexity gaps for colouring planar and bounded degree graphs

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    We consider a natural restriction of the List Colouring problem, k-Regular List Colouring, which corresponds to the List Colouring problem where every list has size exactly k. We give a complete classification of the complexity of k-Regular List Colouring restricted to planar graphs, planar bipartite graphs, planar triangle-free graphs and to planar graphs with no 4-cycles and no 5-cycles. We also give a complete classification of the complexity of this problem and a number of related colouring problems for graphs with bounded maximum degree

    Phosphorylation of phytochrome B inhibits light-induced signaling via accelerated dark reversion in Arabidopsis

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    The photoreceptor phytochrome B (phyB) interconverts between the biologically active Pfr (lmax = 730 nm) and inactive Pr (lmax = 660 nm) forms in a red/far-red–dependent fashion and regulates, as molecular switch, many aspects of lightdependent development in Arabidopsis thaliana. phyB signaling is launched by the biologically active Pfr conformer and mediated by specific protein–protein interactions between phyB Pfr and its downstream regulatory partners, whereas conversion of Pfr to Pr terminates signaling. Here, we provide evidence that phyB is phosphorylated in planta at Ser-86 located in the N-terminal domain of the photoreceptor. Analysis of phyB-9 transgenic plants expressing phospho-mimic and nonphosphorylatable phyB–yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) fusions demonstrated that phosphorylation of Ser-86 negatively regulates all physiological responses tested. The Ser86Asp and Ser86Ala substitutions do not affect stability, photoconversion, and spectral properties of the photoreceptor, but light-independent relaxation of the phyBSer86Asp Pfr into Pr, also termed dark reversion, is strongly enhanced both in vivo and in vitro. Faster dark reversion attenuates red light–induced nuclear import and interaction of phyBSer86Asp-YFP Pfr with the negative regulator PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR3 compared with phyB–green fluorescent protein. These data suggest that accelerated inactivation of the photoreceptor phyB via phosphorylation of Ser-86 represents a new paradigm for modulating phytochrome-controlled signaling

    Revision of Newsteadia (Homoptera: Coccoidea) of the Nearctic and Neotropic Regions, with Descriptions of New Species

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    Six new species of Newsteadia are described from the Nearctic and Neotropic Regions. A key is presented for the identification of 10 species currently included in the genus from these regions. The number of species in the genus worldwide is 37. A modified concept of the genus is presented and some new characters are given as diagnostic of the genus. The zoogeography of the genus is discussed
