1,415 research outputs found

    Calving Management: A Questionnaire Survey of Veterinary Subject Matter Experts and Non-Experts

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    Accurate detection of the onset of parturition is a key factor in the prevention of dystocia. In order to establish current best practice recommendations for calving management, we asked subject matter experts (SME) who had published on calving management (by online survey, n = 80) and non-SMEs, veterinary practitioners (by workshop survey, n = 24) for their opinions. For this, we designed a questionnaire on the significance of signs of imminent parturition (SIP), the frequency of calving observation, and influencing factors for the timing of cow movement to a maternity pen. The response rate was 67.5% in the online survey and 100% in the workshop survey. The majority (89.7%) of all respondents agreed that it is beneficial for successful calving management to differentiate between stage I and II of parturition. Of 12 signs of imminent parturition (for stage I and II), “restlessness” and “visibility of fetal parts in vulva” were cited by 56.5% and 73.3% of SME and non-SME respondents, respectively. There was no consensus on the right time to move the cow to the maternity pen; recommendations varied from one to over 21 days. Almost half of the respondents (45.7%) recommended a 6-h observation interval for prepartum cows in the maternity pen. This study identified a strong consensus on the SIP and how and when to observe cows prior to parturition. SMEs and non-SMEs provided broadly similar recommendations, while the SMEs and the non-SMEs differed significantly in the number of publications on calving they authored, they differed little in their knowledge of calving management

    KI-Methoden beim Entwurf komplexer Gebäude

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    Anhand von Ergebnissen aus dem FABEL-Projekt wird gezeigt, welche Beiträge Methoden der Künstlichen Intelligenz, insbesondere der Wissensverarbeitung beim Entwurf komplexer Gebäude leisten können. Exemplarisch werden spezialisierte wissensintensive Methoden, und allgemeine fallbasierte Methoden zum Retrieval und zur Wiederverwendung früherer Entwürfe vorgestellt. Es werden Fragen der Integration von Wissen, Fällen und Daten diskutiert. Der Prototyp des FABEL-Projekts verwendet die Metapher der virtuellen Baustelle, um die verschiedenen Methoden als Planungswerkzeuge in einem CAD-System integriert anzubieten. Ein Planungsmodell dient der zusätzlichen Orientierung des Planers. Die Ergebnisse sind interessant für den Entwurf komplexer Unikate, dürften aber auch als Zusatz zu elektronisch angebotenen Katalogen relevant sein

    Rationelle Stromanwendung in den Haushalten

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    Das Projekt "Klimaverträgliche Energieversorgung in Baden-Württemberg" soll in zwei Phasen durchgeführt werden. Ziel der ersten Phase des Projektes ist es, - vorwiegend technologisch orientierte - Gutachten zu erstellen, die die Basis für die in der zweiten Phase zu erarbeitenden Szenarien bilden sollen. Das Projekt gliedert sich in insgesamt 16 Einzelgutachten, in denen Energieträger, Energieumwandlung und Endnutzung der Energie näher untersucht werden. Im Einzelgutachten "Rationelle Stromanwendung im Haushalt" werden Technikanalysen für Haushaltsgeräte erstellt, die nicht der Raumwärme- oder Brauchwasserbereitstellung dienen. Die Analysen werden für sechs unterschiedliche Energiedienstleistungen (EDL) durchgeführt: Kühlen und Gefrieren (EDL "Kühlen und Gefrieren", vgl. Kapitel 4), Kochen (EDL "Warme Mahlzeit", vgl. Kap. 5), Waschen und Trocknen (EDL "Gewaschene Wäsche", "Getrocknete Wäsche", vgl. Kap. 6), Spülen (EDL "Gespültes Geschirr", vgl. Kap 7), Beleuchtung (EDL "Beleuchtete Wohnung", vgl. Kap 8), Betrieb von Kleingeräten (vgl. Kap. 9)

    Effects of climate model radiation, humidity and wind estimates on hydrological simulations

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    Due to biases in the output of climate models, a bias correction is often needed to make the output suitable for use in hydrological simulations. In most cases only the temperature and precipitation values are bias corrected. However, often there are also biases in other variables such as radiation, humidity and wind speed. In this study we tested to what extent it is also needed to bias correct these variables. Responses to radiation, humidity and wind estimates from two climate models for four large-scale hydrological models are analysed. For the period 1971–2000 these hydrological simulations are compared to simulations using meteorological data based on observations and reanalysis; i.e. the baseline simulation. In both forcing datasets originating from climate models precipitation and temperature are bias corrected to the baseline forcing dataset. Hence, it is only effects of radiation, humidity and wind estimates that are tested here. The direct use of climate model outputs result in substantial different evapotranspiration and runoff estimates, when compared to the baseline simulations. A simple bias correction method is implemented and tested by rerunning the hydrological models using bias corrected radiation, humidity and wind values. The results indicate that bias correction can successfully be used to match the baseline simulations. Finally, historical (1971–2000) and future (2071–2100) model simulations resulting from using bias corrected forcings are compared to the results using non-bias corrected forcings. The relative changes in simulated evapotranspiration and runoff are relatively similar for the bias corrected and non bias corrected hydrological projections, although the absolute evapotranspiration and runoff numbers are often very different. The simulated relative and absolute differences when using bias corrected and non bias corrected climate model radiation, humidity and wind values are, however, smaller than literature reported differences resulting from using bias corrected and non bias corrected climate model precipitation and temperature values

    Lipidation of Pneumococcal Antigens Leads to Improved Immunogenicity and Protection

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    Streptococcus pneumoniaeinfections lead to high morbidity and mortality rates worldwide.Pneumococcal polysaccharide conjugate vaccines significantly reduce the burden of disease but havea limited range of protection, which encourages the development of a broadly protective protein-basedalternative. We and others have shown that immunization with pneumococcal lipoproteins that lackthe lipid anchor protects against colonization. Since immunity againstS. pneumoniaeis mediatedthrough Toll-like receptor 2 signaling induced by lipidated proteins, we investigated the effects ofa lipid modification on the induced immune responses in either intranasally or subcutaneouslyvaccinated mice. Here, we demonstrate that lipidation of recombinant lipoproteins DacB and PnrAstrongly improves their immunogenicity. Mice immunized with lipidated proteins showed enhancedantibody concentrations and different induction kinetics. The induced humoral immune responsewas modulated by lipidation, indicated by increased IgG2/IgG1 subclass ratios related to Th1-typeimmunity. In a mouse model of colonization, immunization with lipidated antigens led to a moderatebut consistent reduction of pneumococcal colonization as compared to the non-lipidated proteins,indicating that protein lipidation can improve the protective capacity of the coupled antigen. Thus,protein lipidation represents a promising approach for the development of a serotype-independentpneumococcal vaccine

    Diversity, distribution, and azaspiracids of Amphidomataceae (Dinophyceae) along the Norwegian coast

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    Azaspiracids (AZA) are a group of lipophilic polyether compounds which have been implicated in shellfish poisoning incidents around Europe. They are produced by a few species of the dinophycean genera Azadinium and Amphidoma (Amphidomataceae). The presence of AZA toxins in Norway is well documented, but knowledge of the distribution and diversity of Azadinium and other Amphidomataceae along the Norwegian coast is rather limited and poorly documented. On a research survey along the Norwegian coast in 2015 from the Skagerrak in the South to Trondheimsfjorden in the North, plankton samples from 67 stations were analysed for the presence of Azadinium and Amphidoma and their respective AZA by on-board live microscopy, real-time PCR assays specific for Amphidomataceae, and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS). Microscopy using live samples and positive real-time PCR assays using a general family probe and two species specific probes revealed the presence of Amphidomataceae distributed throughout the sampling area. Overall abundance was low, however, and was in agreement with a lack of detectable AZA in plankton samples. Single cell isolation and morphological and molecular characterisation of established strains revealed the presence of 7 amphidomatacean species (Azadiniun spinosum, Az. poporum, Az. obesum, Az. dalianense, Az. trinitatum, Az. polongum, Amphidoma languida) in the area. Azaspiracids were produced by the known AZA producing species Az. spinosum, Az. poporum and Am. languida only. LC–MS/MS analysis further revealed that Norwegian strains produce previously unreported AZA for Norway (AZA-11 by Az. spinosum, AZA-37 by Az. poporum, AZA-38 and AZA-39 by Am. languida), and also four novel compounds (AZA-50, -51 by Az. spinosum, AZA-52, -53 by Am. languida), whose structural properties are described and which now can be included in existing analytical protocols. A maximum likelihood analysis of concatenated rDNA regions (SSU, ITS1-ITS2, partial LSU) showed that the strains of Az. spinosum fell in two well supported clades, where most but not all new Norwegian strains formed the new Ribotype B. Ribotype differentiation was supported by a minor morphological difference with respect to the presence/absence of a rim around the pore plate, and was consistently reflected by different AZA profiles. Strains of Az. spinosum from ribotype A produce AZA-1, -2 and -33, whereas the new strains of ribotype B produce mainly AZA-11 and AZA-51. Significant sequence differences between both Az. spinosum ribotypes underline the need to redesign the currently used qPCR probes in order to detect all AZA producing Az. spinosum. The results generally underline the conclusion that for the Norwegian coast area it is important that amphidomatacean species are taken into account in future studies and monitoring programs

    Modelling historical and current irrigation water demand on the continental scale

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    Abstract. Water abstractions for irrigation purposes are higher than for any other pan-European water use sector and have a large influence on river runoff regimes. This modelling experiment assesses historic and current irrigation water demands for different crops in five arc minute spatial resolution for pan-Europe. Two different modelling frameworks have been applied in this study. First, soft-coupling the dynamic vegetation model LPJmL with the land use model LandSHIFT leads to overestimations of national irrigation water demands, which are rather high in the southern Mediterranean countries. This can be explained by unlimited water supply in the model structure and illegal or not gauged water abstractions in the reported data sets. The second modelling framework is WaterGAP3, which has an integrated conceptual crop specific irrigation module. Irrigation water requirements as modelled with WaterGAP3 feature a more realistic representation of pan-European water withdrawals. However, in colder humid regions, irrigation water demands are often underestimated. Additionally, a national database on crop-specific irrigated area and water withdrawal for all 42 countries within pan-Europe has been set up and integrated in both model frameworks