2,186 research outputs found

    Perceptions of IUPUI Faculty and Staff Regarding the Center for Service and Learning Faculty/Staff Development Programs

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    The purpose of this evaluation was to understand perceptions of IUPUI faculty and staff regarding the influence of the Center for Service and Learning’s (CSL) programs and resources on respondents. Specifically, the evaluation was intended to deepen CSL’s understanding of respondents’ experiences as community-engaged professionals at IUPUI. Additionally, the evaluation sought to gather input on new ideas to strengthen CSL services and programming going forward. IUPUI faculty and staff who have participated in CSL workshops, trainings, and/or requested information from CSL were emailed during the fall of 2018 and asked to participate in the Qualtrics survey. The survey was anonymous. This report shares overall findings from the survey and provides general recommendations

    Gravitational macrosegregation in binary Pb-Sn alloy ingots

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    A space shuttle experiment employing the General Purpose (Rocket) Furnace (GPF) in its isothermal mode of operation is manifested on MSL-3, circa 1989. The central aim of this experiment is to investigate the effect of reduced gravity levels on the segregation behavior in a slowly, and isothermally, cooled sample of a binary Pb-15 wt% Sn alloy. This experiment should be able to simulate, in a small laboratory sample, some aspects of the segragation phenomena occurring in large industrial ingots. Ground-based experiments conducted in the single-cavity simulator of the GPF, in support of the microgravity experiment are described in detail. The results of the MSFC experiments are compared with other related experiments conducted at Case Western Reserve University (CWRS), wherein the isothermal constraints were relaxed. The isothermally processed samples indicate a small and gradual increase in fraction eutectic, and a corresponding increase in tin content, from the bottom to the top of the ingot. The radial variations are minimal near the ingot bottom, but there are large radial variations in the top half. In the CWRU experiments, more severe segregations, including segregation defects known as freckles. Follow up experiments employing the GPF without the isothermal constraints, or other suitably modified space shuttle hardware are suggested

    Stellenwert der pelvinen Lymphadenektomie beim klinisch lokalisierten Prostatakarzinom

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    Zusammenfassung: Der Stellenwert und die Ausdehnung der pelvinen Lymphadenektomie beim klinisch lokalisierten Prostatakarzinom werden weiterhin kontrovers diskutiert. Die Lymphadenektomie stellt jedoch bis heute die einzige Methode für ein exaktes Tumorstaging dar. Es gibt zunehmend Hinweise, dass das Entfernen von allen befallenen Lymphknoten einen positiven Einfluss auf das tumorfreie Überleben und evtl. auf das Gesamtüberleben haben könnte. Aus diesem Grund sollte, wenn eine Lymphadenektomie durchgeführt wird, diese Entlang der V.iliaca externa, in der Fossa obturatoria und beidseits Entlang der A.iliaca interna erfolge

    Offene Stabilisierung und Endoprothetik bei geriatrischen Patienten mit acetabulären Frakturen: Kombination minimal-invasiver Operationstechniken

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    Zusammenfassung: Acetabulumfrakturen des geriatrischen osteoporosekranken Patienten nach einem niederenergetischen Trauma gewinnen aufgrund demographischer Veränderungen zunehmend an Bedeutung. Die Ergebnisse der aktuellen therapeutischen Ansätze sind in dieser Patientenpopulation jedoch eher ungünstig, während Risiken und therapieinduzierte Morbidität sowohl der chirurgischen, als auch konservativen Therapieoptionen erheblich sind. Die Therapie geriatrischer Patienten ist nicht nur durch ihre häufig komplexe medizinische Vorgeschichte eine Herausforderung. Zusätzlich ist die schnelle funktionelle Rehabilitation und Rückkehr in ihre vorherige Lebenssituation essentiell, um einen körperlichen und geistigen Abbau zu verhindern. Hierin unterscheiden sie sich maßgeblich von jüngeren Patientenkollektiven, für die schlussendlich die langfristige Prognose entscheidend ist. Der vorliegende Artikel setzt sich kritisch mit der aktuellen Literatur auseinander und berichtet über erste Ergebnisse eines neuen chirurgischen Konzepts bei 6 geriatrischen Patienten im Alter zwischen 82 und 91Jahren. Aufgezeigt wird die Kombination eines minimal-invasiven vorderen Zugangs zur offenen Reposition und Stabilisation des Acetabulums, sowie eines minimal-invasiven vorderen Zugangs (AMIS®) für einen primären prothetischen Gelenkersat

    Fe-doping-induced evolution of charge-orbital ordering in a bicritical-state manganite

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    Impurity effects on the stability of a ferromagnetic metallic state in a bicritical-state manganite, (La0.7Pr0.3)0.65Ca0.35MnO3, on the verge of metal-insulator transition have been investigated by substituting a variety of transition-metal atoms for Mn ones. Among them, Fe doping exhibits the exceptional ability to dramatically decrease the ferromagnetic transition temperature. Systematic studies on the magnetotransport properties and x-ray diffraction for the Fe-doped crystals have revealed that charge-orbital ordering evolves down to low temperatures, which strongly suppresses the ferromagnetic metallic state. The observed glassy magnetic and transport properties as well as diffuse phase transition can be attributed to the phase-separated state where short-range charge-orbital-ordered clusters are embedded in the ferromagnetic metallic matrix. Such a behavior in the Fe-doped manganites form a marked contrast to the Cr-doping effects on charge-orbital-ordered manganites known as impurity-induced collapse of charge-orbital ordering.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Improving Knowledge of Risk in Dangerous Goods Transport

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    In order to increase safety as far as dangerous goods transport is concerned, the DESTINATION project has been developed since 2010 in the framework of the Italy/Switzerland Operational Program for Transfrontier Co-operation 2007-2013. The project was born to satisfy the increasing needs of public bodies to share data on hazardous material land transportation and to develop instruments and methodologies to ensure territorial and environmental protection. The project aims to reach this purpose through the increased knowledge of the vulnerable subjects, people and environment, and of the transport activity itself, by using and defining an architecture of data acquisition based on “On Ground Units” (OGU) and “On Board Units” (OBU). These data will be used as an input for a new information system called GIIS (Global Integrated Information System), which manages a risk analysis model of the land transportation of hazardous materials to assess human and environmental vulnerabilities. The GIIS will provide a more effective management of land planning by providing authorities with the possibility of implementing a rational restriction to vehicles transporting dangerous goods within specific areas

    Immunohistochemical determination of p53 overexpression: An easy and readily available method to identify progression in superficial bladder cancer?

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    Overexpression of p53, as determined by immunohistochemical staining with the murine monoclonal antibody DO7, was determined in specimens of 46 primary superficial transitional cell bladder tumours (14 TaG2, 10 T1G2, 22 T1G3). A colon cancer specimen served as a positive control and normal mesenchymal cells in the specimens served as an internal negative control. An exceptionally high proportion 36/46 (78%) of the specimens were found to stain positively for p53 in over 20% of the cell nuclei. After a median follow-up of 7 years, ten patients developed progressive disease. Of these ten patients nine demonstrated p53 positivity, resulting in a sensitivity of 90%. However, 27 of the overall 36 patients (75%) with p53-positive tumours did not progress to a higher stage or metastatic disease. These findings suggest that p53 overexpression is not of predictive prognostic value in superficial transitional cell carcinoma. With 7 of 14 specimens (50%) of Ta tumours overexpressing p53, the results were suggestive of p53 mutation being an early event in carcinogenesis. When the threshold was set at 50% of the cell nuclei overexpressing p53, 16/46 (35%) classified as p53 positive. Of the 16 tumours staining positively for p53, 7 (46%) progressed and 9 (56%) did not. None of the Ta and 16 (50%) of the T1 tumours classified as positive. This more stringent definition of positivity still does not identify p53 positivity as a single prognostic factor. With 50% of T1 tumours classifying as positive, we still find that p53 mutation may be an early event in carcinogenesis of bladder cance

    IUPUI Taxonomy for Service Learning Courses

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    The Center for Service and Learning at Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis has developed a Taxonomy of service learning courses that supports fidelity and quality by identifying six crucial attributes of service learning courses (i.e., diversity of interactions, civic competencies, community activities, critical reflection, reciprocal partnerships, and assessment)

    Local order and magnetic behavior of amorphous and nanocrystalline yttrium iron garnet produced by swift heavy ion irradiations

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    International audienceThin epitaxial films of gallium or scandium-doped and undoped yttrium iron garnet (Y3Fe5O12 or YIG) on nonmagnetic Gd3Ga5O12 substrates were irradiated with swift heavy ions (50 MeV 32S, 50 MeV 63Cu, and 235 MeV 84Kr) in the electronic slowing down regime. The mean electronic stopping power in the films was always larger than the threshold for amorphous track formation in YIG which is around 4.5 MeV/μm in this low ion-velocity range. The local order and magnetic properties of the damaged films were then studied at room temperature by 57Fe conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy (CEMS) and x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) at the iron K edge in the fluorescence mode. In the case of paramagnetic gallium or scandium-substituted films (YIG:Ga, YIG:Sc) irradiated with 32S or 63Cu ions, the CEMS data show that the tetrahedral Fe3+ sites are preferentially damaged, while the octahedral sites are conserved. This is confirmed by the decrease of the pre-edge peak in the XAS data of the ferrimagnetic undoped YIG films showing that the number of tetrahedral iron sites is decreased in the amorphous phase obtained with 84Kr ion irradiation, due to the formation of fivefold-coordinated pyramidal sites, as already found in a previous study on undoped YIG sinters amorphized by 3.5 GeV 132Xe ion irradiation. In the case of the nanophase induced by ion-beam recrystallization of the tracks with 32S or 63Cu irradiations, a further decrease of the pre-edge peak is found. This is interpreted by (i) an increase of the fivefold-coordinated pyramidal sites and/or (ii) a probable decomposition of the garnet into orthoferrite (YFeO3) and haematite (α-Fe2O3) under the high-pressure and high-temperature conditions in the thermal spike generated by the ions. The CEMS data of irradiated undoped YIG also show that both the amorphous and nanocrystalline phases have a paramagnetic behavior at room temperature. The nanophase magnetic behavior is analyzed on the basis of a superparamagnetic relaxation above the blocking temperature, whereas the amorphous phase behavior is ascribed to a speromagnetic state
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