203 research outputs found

    Welfare assessment based on metabolic and endocrine aspects in primiparous cows milked in a parlor or with an automatic milking system.

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    An automatic milking system (AMS) was compared with a traditional milking parlor (MP) to evaluate metabolic and psycho-physiological aspects of animal welfare. Twenty Italian Friesian heifers were allocated to 2 groups of 10 cows each after calving and maintained in the same free-stall barn. The first group was milked twice daily in a MP; the second group was milked in a single box AMS. Feed and diet characteristics were analyzed. Health status and body condition score (BCS) were evaluated in each cow. Blood samples were obtained from -14 to 154 d in milk (DIM) to determine metabolic profile and basal concentrations of cortisol in plasma. Data collected from 10 cows per group were processed. No significant difference was detected in milk yield, BCS, and energy-related metabolites (glucose, nonesterified fatty acids, beta-hydroxybutyrate, and triglycerides) from cows in MP or in AMS during the first 22 wk of lactation. These results, jointly with the absence of significant differences in plasma metabolites related to protein metabolism, mineral metabolism, and liver function during the first 22 wk of lactation, indicates that cows in AMS did not suffer metabolically. Greater basal concentrations of plasma cortisol in AMS cows, even if absolute values were considered to be in an acceptable range, might indicate chronic stress in these primiparous cows. Further research is necessary to confirm this hypothesis

    Evaluation of Milk Enzymes and Electrolytes, Plasma Metabolites, and Oxidative Status in Twin Cows Milked in an Automatic Milking System or Twice Daily in a Conventional Milking Parlor

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    The aim of this paper was to evaluate the effects of automatic milking (AM) on milk enzymes and minerals related to mammary epithelial integrity in comparison with twice-daily conventional milking (CM). One cow from each of 6 pairs of twins was assigned to be milked with AM or with CM throughout first lactation. Milk production was recorded and milk samples were collected at 4, 11, 18, 25, 32, and 39 wk of lactation (WOL) to determine fat and protein content, somatic cell count, pH, plasminogen (pl) and plasmin (Pl) activities, Na, K, and Cl. Body condition score was monitored; blood samples were collected to determine energy-related metabolites in the first third of lactation (14 WOL), and plasma oxidative status throughout lactation. Overall mean and standard deviation of milking frequency (MF) in AM were 2.69 and 0.88, respectively. Milk production, fat and protein contents, and somatic cell count did not differ between milking systems. The pl and pl+Pl activities were lesser in AM than in CM. Milk pH was greater in AM than in CM. Milk Na, K, Na/K ratio, and Cl did not differ across the whole lactation. Milk pH had a positive correlation with milk Pl activity (r = 0.41), Na (r = 0.37), and Cl (r = 0.40) concentration, and negative correlation with the log(10) of pl/Pl ratio (r = -0.47). The milk Na/K ratio had a positive correlation (r = 0.55) with milk Pl activity. Milking system (MS) did not seem to affect mammary epithelial permeability. The differences in enzymatic (proteolytic) activity due to the MS, probably related to daily MF, lead one to suppose that the quality of the protein fraction for the cheese-making process was preserved better with AM than with CM, even if differences in pH might negatively interfere. No difference was detected in BCS, and in plasma concentration of triglycerides and nonesterified fatty acids, whereas plasma cholesterol concentration during the first 10 WOL was lesser in AM than CM. Oxidative status, measured by plasma reactive oxygen metabolites and thiol groups, did not differ between MS throughout the whole lactation. These results suggest that early lactation of AM primiparous cows may give rise to crucial situations: for milk production, when a low MF may impair further mammary cell proliferation; for milk quality, if an irregular MF, with prolonged milking intervals, leads to an increased milk pH with increased conversion of pl to Pl

    Parental Perceptions of the Rural School’s Role in Addressing Childhood Obesity

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    This study employed cross-sectional, descriptive design with convenience sampling to explore rural parent perceptions of child obesity, use of Body Mass Index (BMI) in schools, preferences for receipt of BMI information and, the rural school’s role in obesity prevention/treatment. The survey “Parental Perceptions of BMI and Obesity in the School-Age Child” was used. Of the 183 surveys distributed, 65 were returned (35.5%). Fifty-five percentage of parents were in agreement of school-based BMI screening. Fifty-four percentage of parents selected a combination of ways to receive BMI information (letter from school nurse, face-to-face conference with nurse, or via report card). Few parents (6.2%) were reluctant to schools addressing obesity. Significant relationships were identified between non-White, overweight parents who had overweight children (n = 3). They were more likely to disagree with removal of junk food, increasing physical activity, and recommending weight loss. Recommendations to involve parents in BMI screening are presented

    Observatorio de cambio climático de la provincia de Salta

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    Mientras las políticas de reducción en la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero vienen definidas a nivel internacional, las políticas de adaptación a las consecuencias del cambio climático deben definirse a nivel regional. La importancia que está adquiriendo el cambio climático, como objeto de investigación y de interés por parte de instituciones y administraciones, genera multitud de proyectos y de actividades que necesitan ser coordinados para convertir todo este conocimiento en punto de partida de evaluaciones concretas sobre cada sector de actividad y tipo de ecosistema de la región con la participación de los interesados. Para ello se creó el Observatorio de Cambio Climático de la Provincia de Salta, cuyo objetivo general es el de tener en funcionamiento un observatorio que posibilite crear una base de datos con la información necesaria para determinar los efectos a corto y largo plazo del cambio climático en el territorio provincial y actuar en consecuencia. Este observatorio basa su funcionamiento en cuatro pilares: Toma de datos, Análisis de la información y reportes, Difusión y Cooperación Nacional e Internacional.Eje: Cambio climático y políticas públicas.Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    Observatorio de cambio climático de la provincia de Salta

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    Mientras las políticas de reducción en la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero vienen definidas a nivel internacional, las políticas de adaptación a las consecuencias del cambio climático deben definirse a nivel regional. La importancia que está adquiriendo el cambio climático, como objeto de investigación y de interés por parte de instituciones y administraciones, genera multitud de proyectos y de actividades que necesitan ser coordinados para convertir todo este conocimiento en punto de partida de evaluaciones concretas sobre cada sector de actividad y tipo de ecosistema de la región con la participación de los interesados. Para ello se creó el Observatorio de Cambio Climático de la Provincia de Salta, cuyo objetivo general es el de tener en funcionamiento un observatorio que posibilite crear una base de datos con la información necesaria para determinar los efectos a corto y largo plazo del cambio climático en el territorio provincial y actuar en consecuencia. Este observatorio basa su funcionamiento en cuatro pilares: Toma de datos, Análisis de la información y reportes, Difusión y Cooperación Nacional e Internacional.Eje: Cambio climático y políticas públicas.Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    Observatorio de cambio climático de la provincia de Salta

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    Mientras las políticas de reducción en la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero vienen definidas a nivel internacional, las políticas de adaptación a las consecuencias del cambio climático deben definirse a nivel regional. La importancia que está adquiriendo el cambio climático, como objeto de investigación y de interés por parte de instituciones y administraciones, genera multitud de proyectos y de actividades que necesitan ser coordinados para convertir todo este conocimiento en punto de partida de evaluaciones concretas sobre cada sector de actividad y tipo de ecosistema de la región con la participación de los interesados. Para ello se creó el Observatorio de Cambio Climático de la Provincia de Salta, cuyo objetivo general es el de tener en funcionamiento un observatorio que posibilite crear una base de datos con la información necesaria para determinar los efectos a corto y largo plazo del cambio climático en el territorio provincial y actuar en consecuencia. Este observatorio basa su funcionamiento en cuatro pilares: Toma de datos, Análisis de la información y reportes, Difusión y Cooperación Nacional e Internacional.Eje: Cambio climático y políticas públicas.Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    Sistemi zootecnici delle aree alpine

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    Viene presentato il panorama italiano sulla zootecnia alpina, evidenziandone i punti di forza e le criticit\ue0 attraverso le varie aree dell'arco alpino

    Advanced colorectal polyps with the molecular and morphological features of serrated polyps and adenomas: concept of a ‘fusion’ pathway to colorectal cancer

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    Jass J R, Baker K, Zlobec I, Higuchi T, Barker M, Buchanan D & Young J (2006) Histopathology 49, 121–131 Advanced colorectal polyps with the molecular and morphological features of serrated polyps and adenomas: concept of a ‘fusion’ pathway to colorectal cancer AIM: To establish and explain the pattern of molecular signatures across colorectal polyps. METHODS AND RESULTS: Thirty-two sessile serrated adenomas (SSA), 10 mixed polyps (MP), 15 traditional serrated adenomas (SA), 49 hyperplastic polyps (HP) and 84 adenomas were assessed for mutation of KRAS and BRAF and aberrant expression of p53. The findings were correlated with loss of expression of O-6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase (MGMT). KRAS mutation occurred more frequently (26.5%) than BRAF mutation (4.8%) in adenomas (P < 0.001) and particularly in adenomas with villous architecture (50%). Loss of expression of MGMT correlated with KRAS mutation in small tubular adenomas (P < 0.04). BRAF mutation was frequent in HPs (67%) and SSAs (81%), while KRAS mutation was infrequent (4% and 3%, respectively). Of MPs and SAs, 72% had either BRAF or KRAS mutation. Aberrant expression of p53 was uncommon overall, but occurred more frequently in MPs and SAs (12%) than adenomas (1%) (P < 0.04) and there was concordant loss of expression of MGMT. CONCLUSIONS: Molecular alterations that are characteristic of the serrated pathway and adenoma–carcinoma sequence can co-occur in a minority of advanced colorectal polyps that then show morphological features of both pathways. These lesions account for only 2% of colorectal polyps, but may be relatively aggressive

    ATP Enhances Spontaneous Calcium Activity in Cultured Suburothelial Myofibroblasts of the Human Bladder

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    BACKGROUND: Suburothelial myofibroblasts (sMF) are located underneath the urothelium in close proximity to afferent nerves. They express purinergic receptors and show calcium transients in response to ATP. Therefore they are supposed to be involved in afferent signaling of the bladder fullness. Since ATP concentration is likely to be very low during the initial filling phase, we hypothesized that sMF Ca(2+) activity is affected even at very low ATP concentrations. We investigated ATP induced modulation of spontaneous activity, intracellular calcium response and purinergic signaling in cultured sMF. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Myofibroblast cultures, established from cystectomies, were challenged by exogenous ATP in presence or absence of purinergic antagonist. Fura-2 calcium imaging was used to monitor ATP (10(-16) to 10(-4) mol/l) induced alterations of calcium activity. Purinergic receptors (P2X1, P2X2, P2X3) were analysed by confocal immunofluorescence. We found spontaneous calcium activity in 55.18% ± 1.65 of the sMF (N = 48 experiments). ATP significantly increased calcium activity even at 10(-16) mol/l. The calcium transients were partially attenuated by subtype selective antagonist (TNP-ATP, 1 µM; A-317491, 1 µM), and were mimicked by the P2X1, P2X3 selective agonist α,β-methylene ATP. The expression of purinergic receptor subtypes in sMF was confirmed by immunofluorescence. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our experiments demonstrate for the first time that ATP can modulate spontaneous activity and induce intracellular Ca(2+) response in cultured sMF at very low concentrations, most likely involving P2X receptors. These findings support the notion that sMF are able to register bladder fullness very sensitively, which predestines them for the modulation of the afferent bladder signaling in normal and pathological conditions