543 research outputs found

    The struggle to belong. Dealing with diversity in 21st century urban settings

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    The struggle to belong. Dealing with diversity in 21st century urban settings

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    Монастырь Сурб-Хач – очаг национальной армянской культуры

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    Сегодня современное общество и наука все чаще обращает свои взоры на великую культуру ушедших эпох. Армянский монастырь Сурб-Хач - один из немногих памятников древней архитектуры Крыма, дошедших до наших дней. Поднять из забытья этот уникальный комплекс - одна из задач, которую ставит перед собой авторСьогодні сучасне суспільство і наука все частіше обертає свої погляди на велику культуру епох, що пішли. Вірменський монастир Сурб-Хач - один з небагатьох пам'ятників стародавньої архітектури Криму, що дійшли до наших днів. Підняти із забуття цей унікальний комплекс - одна із задач, яку ставить перед собою авто

    Pengaruh Kerjasama Pasiad Indonesia dengan Indonesia Dibidang Pendidikan Menengah

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    This study describes the effect of PASIAD Indonesia cooperation with Indonesia in the field of secondary education. PASIAD Indonesia is a non-governmental organization (NGO) engaged in educational, social, economic and cultural PASIAD Indonesia began working in secondary education in Indonesia since 1995. Until now PASIAD Indonesia has collaborated with 7 private foundations and 3 local governments to hold 10 high school.Perspective that used in this research is Pluralisme perspective. The theory used in this research is International Coorporation dan Transnational Advocacy Network ( TAN). This research used a qualitative method that is an explanatory. by using the techniques of data collection through literature and documentation, ie by collecting data from books, journals, magazines, newspapers, and other sources (document analysis).As a result, the effect of Indonesian PASIAD cooperation with Indonesia in the field of secondary education a positive impact on improving the quality of secondary education in Indonesia. Where PASIAD Indonesia Conducting scientific competition in national and international scale that encourage student creativity thinking and promote the spirit of competition to the students. besides school work partners PASIAD also always present medals to Indonesian state education can improve the image of Indonesia in the international arenaKey words : PASIAD Indonesia, non govermental organization, Transnationa Advocacy Network, secondary education

    Особенности процесса обезвоживания угольной пульпы на вибрирующей волнообразной поверхности

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    На основі лабораторних технологічних досліджень процесу зневоднення вугільної пльпи на вібруючій хвилеподібній поверхні з двома рівнями знакозмінної кривини на основі сит динамічно активних стрічкових СДАС-дефлектор представлені осбливості переміщення надрешетного матеріалу в умовах дії високочастотних коливань і змінних значень режимних і конструктивних параметрів. Наведені графіки залежностей вологості надрешетного продукту від різних умов технологічного процесу. Виконаний аналіз цих залежностей.On the base of laboratory reseachs of the process dewatering of the coal pulp on the vibrating undulating surface with two levels sign-variable curve on the base of sieves of dynamical active belting SDAB-deflector was adduced peculiarity of the displacement oversieve material in the condirions acting high-frequency vibrations and variable meanings of the regime and constructive parameters. The plots of dependences of the moisture oversieve product from the different conditions of the technological process is adduce. The analysis of this dependences was implemented

    Uncoupled evolution of the Polycomb system and deep origin of non-canonical PRC1

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    Polycomb group proteins, as part of the Polycomb repressive complexes, are essential in gene repression through chromatin compaction by canonical PRC1, mono-ubiquitylation of histone H2A by non-canonical PRC1 and tri-methylation of histone H3K27 by PRC2. Despite prevalent models emphasizing tight functional coupling between PRC1 and PRC2, it remains unclear whether this paradigm indeed reflects the evolution and functioning of these complexes. Here, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of the presence or absence of cPRC1, nPRC1 and PRC2 across the entire eukaryotic tree of life, and find that both complexes were present in the Last Eukaryotic Common Ancestor (LECA). Strikingly, ~42% of organisms contain only PRC1 or PRC2, showing that their evolution since LECA is largely uncoupled. The identification of ncPRC1-defining subunits in unicellular relatives of animals and fungi suggests ncPRC1 originated before cPRC1, and we propose a scenario for the evolution of cPRC1 from ncPRC1. Together, our results suggest that crosstalk between these complexes is a secondary development in evolution.</p

    Uncoupled evolution of the Polycomb system and deep origin of non-canonical PRC1

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    Polycomb group proteins, as part of the Polycomb repressive complexes, are essential in gene repression through chromatin compaction by canonical PRC1, mono-ubiquitylation of histone H2A by non-canonical PRC1 and tri-methylation of histone H3K27 by PRC2. Despite prevalent models emphasizing tight functional coupling between PRC1 and PRC2, it remains unclear whether this paradigm indeed reflects the evolution and functioning of these complexes. Here, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of the presence or absence of cPRC1, nPRC1 and PRC2 across the entire eukaryotic tree of life, and find that both complexes were present in the Last Eukaryotic Common Ancestor (LECA). Strikingly, ~42% of organisms contain only PRC1 or PRC2, showing that their evolution since LECA is largely uncoupled. The identification of ncPRC1-defining subunits in unicellular relatives of animals and fungi suggests ncPRC1 originated before cPRC1, and we propose a scenario for the evolution of cPRC1 from ncPRC1. Together, our results suggest that crosstalk between these complexes is a secondary development in evolution

    No evidence for increased self-reported cognitive failure in Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes:A cross-sectional study

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    Aims: Mild cognitive deficits have been determined in both types of diabetes using neurocognitive tests. Little is known about the degree to which patients complain about their cognitive functioning. This study set out to investigate the magnitude and correlates of self-reported cognitive failure in adult out-patients with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Methods: Subjective cognitive functioning was measured in 187 diabetic patients using the Cognitive Failures Questionnaire (CFQ). Demographic and clinical characteristics were retrieved from the medical records. The Patient Health Questionnaire 9 items (PHQ-9) was self-administered along with the CFQ to correct for the confounding effect of depression. Results: Analyses were based on 55 patients with Type 1 diabetes and 100 patients with Type 2 diabetes. No difference in mean CFQ score was observed between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetic patients or between Type 1 diabetic patients and healthy control subjects. Female patients with Type 2 diabetes reported significantly fewer cognitive complaints compared with female healthy control subjects. None of the demographic variables and diabetes-related complications was associated with subjective cognitive complaints. A strong positive association was found between depression symptomatology and frequency of self-reported cognitive failure. Conclusions: Our study could not confirm elevated subjective cognitive complaints in a group of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes patients, as might be expected given the observed elevated rates of mild cognitive dysfunction in patients with diabetes. Self-reported cognitive failure appears largely determined by depressive symptomatology. Therefore, affective status should be included in any cognitive assessment procedure