1,011 research outputs found

    Memória, identidade e docência: recordações-referência de professores iniciantes na educação superior

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    Este trabalho objetiva analisar recordações-referência de três professores em início de carreira na educação superior, por meio da pesquisa (auto) biográfica. Para tanto, empregou-se uma entrevista narrativa com questionamentos sobre a história de vida, a formação escolar, o percurso acadêmico e o desenvolvimento profissional. Os aspectos salientados por eles no estudo demonstraram elementos significativos na escolha pela profissão e a constituição da aprendizagem docente. Diante dasrecordações-referência, evidenciou-se que as marcas e imagens da docência advêm de um repertório da própria história de vida desses sujeitos. Tais reminiscências são carregadas de sentimentos positivos e alegres configurados pela influência familiar na referida escolha, por trajetórias com os antigos mestres, além das brincadeiras e dos processos de inserção/iniciação à docência na universidade. A aprendizagem nessaárea não aconteceu de maneira neutralizada, mas sim tecida pelos percursos formativos vividos pelos professores em suas histórias de vida e pelos caminhos profissionais na manutenção ou superação de crenças e valores sobre a profissão docente. Ademais, visualizaram-se as subjetividades que permeiam a construção da identidade dos docentes, ou seja, como se constituíram na profissão e nos diversos contextos históricos de formação

    Experimentació amb tecnologia ExAC des d'una orientació de l'ensenyament com a investigació

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    Es proposa la integració d'experiments quantitatius en les classes de física o de química mitjançant l'experimentació assistida per calculadora gràfica (ExAC). Aquesta integració reforça el procés d'ensenyament-aprenentatge i encaixa amb l'orientació de l'ensenyament com a investigació dirigida. S'insisteix en la conveniència de no separar allò que tradicionalment s'ha anomenat treball pràctic de la teoria i problemes, és a dir, d'harmonitzar en comptes d'atomitzar. Aquesta harmonització s'afavoreix orientant l'experimentació cap a dissenys senzills que permeten centrar l'atenció en l'ús d'idees més que no pas en el muntatge d'aparells complexos. S'hi donen alguns exemples concrets d'actuació en l'aula.We propose to integrate the performance of quantitative experiments in the physics or chemistry lectures by means of ExAC (Experimenting with the Aid of a graphics Calculator). This integration reinforces the teaching-learning process and fits perfectly well into the framework of science teaching by guided research. We insist on the convenience of not separating what has traditionally been called «practical work» from the «recitation and problem-solving sessions», i.e., in harmonizing instead of atomizing. This harmonization is favoured if one orients the experiments towards simple designs that allow to concentrate one's attention in the manipulation of ideas and not in complex set ups. Some specific examples of in-class practice are also given

    Rule-Based System Architecting of Earth Observing Systems: Earth Science Decadal Survey

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    This paper presents a methodology to explore the architectural trade space of Earth observing satellite systems, and applies it to the Earth Science Decadal Survey. The architecting problem is formulated as a combinatorial optimization problem with three sets of architectural decisions: instrument selection, assignment of instruments to satellites, and mission scheduling. A computational tool was created to automatically synthesize architectures based on valid combinations of options for these three decisions and evaluate them according to several figures of merit, including satisfaction of program requirements, data continuity, affordability, and proxies for fairness, technical, and programmatic risk. A population-based heuristic search algorithm is used to search the trade space. The novelty of the tool is that it uses a rule-based expert system to model the knowledge-intensive components of the problem, such as scientific requirements, and to capture the nonlinear positive and negative interactions between instruments (synergies and interferences), which drive both requirement satisfaction and cost. The tool is first demonstrated on the past NASA Earth Observing System program and then applied to the Decadal Survey. Results suggest that the Decadal Survey architecture is dominated by other more distributed architectures in which DESDYNI and CLARREO are consistently broken down into individual instruments."La Caixa" FoundationCharles Stark Draper LaboratoryGoddard Space Flight Cente

    A rule-based method for scalable and traceable evaluation of system architectures

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    Despite the development of a variety of decision-aid tools for assessing the value of a conceptual design, humans continue to play a dominant role in this process. Researchers have identified two major challenges to automation, namely the subjectivity of value and the existence of multiple and conflicting customer needs. A third challenge is however arising as the amount of data (e.g., expert judgment, requirements, and engineering models) required to assess value increases. This brings two challenges. First, it becomes harder to modify existing knowledge or add new knowledge into the knowledge base. Second, it becomes harder to trace the results provided by the tool back to the design variables and model parameters. Current tools lack the scalability and traceability required to tackle these knowledge-intensive design evaluation problems. This work proposes a traceable and scalable rule-based architecture evaluation tool called VASSAR that is especially tailored to tackle knowledge-intensive problems that can be formulated as configuration design problems, which is demonstrated using the conceptual design task for a laptop. The methodology has three main steps. First, facts containing the capabilities and performance of different architectures are computed using rules containing physical and logical models. Second, capabilities are compared with requirements to assess satisfaction of each requirement. Third, requirement satisfaction is aggregated to yield a manageable number of metrics. An explanation facility keeps track of the value chain all along this process. This paper describes the methodology in detail and discusses in particular different implementations of preference functions as logical rules. A full-scale example around the design of Earth observing satellites is presented

    Flammarion, "vulgarisateur"

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    Laudàtio en record d'Andreu Castillejos (1942-2013)

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    Pool inference attacks on local differential privacy: quantifying the privacy guarantees of apple's count mean sketch in practice

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    Behavioral data generated by users’ devices, ranging from emoji use to pages visited, are collected at scale to improve apps and services. These data, however, contain fine-grained records and can reveal sensitive information about individual users. Local differential privacy has been used by companies as a solution to collect data from users while preserving privacy. We here first introduce pool inference attacks, where an adversary has access to a user’s obfuscated data, defines pools of objects, and exploits the user’s polarized behavior in multiple data collections to infer the user’s preferred pool. Second, we instantiate this attack against Count Mean Sketch, a local differential privacy mechanism proposed by Apple and deployed in iOS and Mac OS devices, using a Bayesian model. Using Apple’s parameters for the privacy loss ε, we then consider two specific attacks: one in the emojis setting — where an adversary aims at inferring a user’s preferred skin tone for emojis — and one against visited websites — where an adversary wants to learn the political orientation of a user from the news websites they visit. In both cases, we show the attack to be much more effective than a random guess when the adversary collects enough data. We find that users with high polarization and relevant interest are significantly more vulnerable, and we show that our attack is well-calibrated, allowing the adversary to target such vulnerable users. We finally validate our results for the emojis setting using user data from Twitter. Taken together, our results show that pool inference attacks are a concern for data protected by local differential privacy mechanisms with a large ε, emphasizing the need for additional technical safeguards and the need for more research on how to apply local differential privacy for multiple collections
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