1,482 research outputs found

    The Influence of the Compensation and Training Toward Employee Performance at Bni 46 Manado Branch

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    Banking had a significant influence on the world to set circulation of money. Bank itself have a general function as a place to keeping the money and borrowing money. The things that make a bank can survive is the performance of the employees of the bank. factors that affect the performance of employees include the compensation and training. The objective of the study is to know the influence of the compensation and training toward employee performance at BNI 46 Manado branch. Data was analyzed quantitatively and through use of statistical package for social scientists (SPSS). The research method that used associative analysis with multiple regression analysis using saturated sampling with the sample of the respondents is 79 samples of all the employees at BNI 46 Cabang Manado. The result of this study shown that compensation and training have a significant influence on employee performance at BNI 46 Cabang Manado. For the company in this case BNI 46 Manado branch, its recommended to keep enhancing the training, because the variable have a significant influence to employee performance. And for the compensation have a influence but not significant to employee performance. So the compensation needs to improve, because the compensation also determine the performance from the employee to achieve their goal. Keywords: compensation, training, employee performanc

    Altruism during predation in an assassin bug

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    Zelus annulosus is an assassin bug species mostly noted on Hirtella physophora, a myrmecophyte specifically associated with the ant Allomerus decemarticulatus known to build traps on host tree twigs to ambush insect preys. The Z. annulosus females lay egg clutches protected by a sticky substance. To avoid being trapped, the first three instars of nymphs remain grouped in a clutch beneath the leaves on which they hatched, yet from time to time, they climb onto the upper side to group ambush preys. Long-distance prey detection permits these bugs to capture flying or jumping insects that alight on their leaves. Like some other Zelus species, the sticky substance of the sundew setae on their forelegs aids in prey capture. Group ambushing permits early instars to capture insects that they then share or not depending on prey size and the hunger of the successful nymphs. Fourth and fifth instars, with greater needs, rather ambush solitarily on different host tree leaves, but attract siblings to share large preys. Communal feeding permits faster prey consumption, enabling small nymphs to return sooner to the shelter of their leaves. By improving the regularity of feeding for each nymph, it likely regulates nymphal development, synchronizing molting and subsequently limiting cannibalism

    Granulocytic Sarcoma in a Nonleukemic Patient: Place of Radiotherapy and Systemic Therapies

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    Granulocytic sarcoma is a rare extramedullary tumour, which most often occurs in the course of an acute or chronic leukaemia or myeloproliferative disorders. Rarely it is found before peripheral blood or bone marrow evidence of leukemia is present. We report an unusual case of acute paraplegia at first presentation of a spinal epidural granulocytic sarcoma without any haematological disorder. Therapeutic strategies are discussed in the light of the literature

    Repression of the Hox gene abd-A by ELAV-mediated Transcriptional Interference

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    Intergenic transcription is a common feature of eukaryotic genomes and performs important and diverse cellular functions. Here, we investigate the iab-8 ncRNA from the Drosophila Bithorax Complex and show that this RNA is able to repress the transcription of genes located at its 3’ end by a sequence-independent, transcriptional interference mechanism. Although this RNA is expressed in the early epidermis and CNS, we find that its repressive activity is limited to the CNS, where, in wild-type embryos, it acts on the Hox gene, abd-A, located immediately downstream of it. The CNS specificity is achieved through a 3’ extension of the transcript, mediated by the neuronal-specific, RNA-binding protein, ELAV. Loss of ELAV activity eliminates the 3’ extension and results in the ectopic activation of abd-A. Thus, a tissue-specific change in the length of a ncRNA is used to generate a precise pattern of gene expression in a higher eukaryote

    Erratum to: Comparative assessment of image quality for coronary CT angiography with iobitridol and two contrast agents with higher iodine concentrations: iopromide and iomeprol. A multicentre randomized double-blind trial

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    Unfortunately, there is amistake in the section Results, Clinical safety. While the text states that “no severe AEs were reported”, in fact one severe AE was reported in the iomeprol group (one severe injection site pain assessed as possibly related to contrast agent), as shown in Table 5. In addition, the name of the author Jean-François Paul was rendered incorrectly in the original publication but has since been corrected. The authors apologize for these mistakes

    Associations of cardiovascular risk factors in Al Ain- United Arab Emirates

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Over the last 30 years the citizens of the United Arab Emirates have experienced major changes in life-style secondary to increased affluence. Currently, 1 in 5 adults have diabetes mellitus, but the associations (clustering) among risk factors, as well as the relevance of the concept of the metabolic syndrome, in this population is unknown.</p> <p>Aim</p> <p>To investigate the prevalence and associations among cardiovascular risk factors in this population, and explore to what extent associations can be explained by the metabolic syndrome according to ATP-III criteria.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>A community based survey, of conventional risk factors for cardiovascular disease was conducted among 817 national residents of Al Ain city, UAE. These factors were fasting blood sugar, blood pressure, lipid profile, BMI, waist circumference, smoking, or CHD family history. Odds ratios between risks factors, both unadjusted and adjusted for age and sex as well as adjusted for age, sex, and metabolic syndrome were calculated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Various risk factors were positively associated in this population; associations that are mostly unexplained by confounding by age and sex. For example, hypertension and diabetes were still strongly related (OR 2.5; 95% CI 1.7–3.7) after adjustment. An increased waist circumference showed similar relationship with hypertension (OR 2.3; 95% CI 1.5–3.5). Diabetes was related to an increased BMI (OR 1.5; 96% CI 1.0–2.3). Smoking was also associated with diabetes (OR 1.9, 95% CI 1.0–3.3).</p> <p>Further adjustment for metabolic syndrome reduced some associations but several remained.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this population risk-factors cluster, but associations do not appear to be explained by the presence/absence of the ATP-III metabolic syndrome. Associations provide valuable information in planning interventions for screening and management.</p

    Some properties of nucleic acids extracted with phenol

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    Preparations of nucleic acids obtained by extraction of mouse liver, HeLa cells and cell fractions with phenol and deoxycholate have been characterized with regard to the differential solubility of ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid in ethanol, density-gradient centrifugation and the presence of high-molecular-weight contaminants. Ribonucleic acid obtained by this method is less soluble than deoxyribonucleic acid. It was precipitable with 20 % ethanol, nearly free of deoxyribonucleic acid, but containing 4-5 times its weight of polysaccharide which is not removed by repeated fractional precipitation nor entirely by [alpha]-amylase (EC digestion, but is removed by density-gradient centrifugation. Deoxyribonucleic acid could be subsequently precipitated with 50 % ethanol free of ribonucleic acid but contaminated with polysaccharide. The buoyant density of the latter is identical with deoxyribonucleic acid and they are not separated by density-gradient centrifugation. The contaminating polysaccharide appears to be a single entity, the [beta]-subunit of glycogen granules. Its isolation and some of its properties are described. Its effect upon the properties of the nucleic acids is discussed.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/32046/1/0000089.pd

    Effet de la souche de levure sur les proprietes organoleptiques des vins issus de cinq cepages blancs portugais

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    Neuf souches de levures commerciales, appartenant au genre Saccharomyces (six souches de S. cerevisiae et trois souches de S. bayanus), ont ete testees lors de la fermentation de moths issus de cinq cepages portugais: Loureiro, Trajadura, Pedernk Azal e Avesso. Pour un même cepage la levure d'implantation semble ne pas avoir d'influence sur la teneur en alcool et sur l'acidité totale des vins produits. Les variations des quantites produites en esters ethyliques d'acides gras (BRAG) et acetates d'alcools superieurs (AAS) peuvent varier d'un facteur 2.1 et 4.3 respectivement, pour un même cepages les teneurs maximales en AAS sont observêes avec les deux mêmes souches pour tour les cepages, a une exception pres. En ce qui concerne les alcools superieurs, les souches plus ou moths productrices different pour chaque cépage. Une etude statistique a permis d'etablir une correlation entre l'analyse chimique et l'analyse sensorielle. D'un point de vue organoleptique, les vins prefer-es sont riches en acides gras et en EEAG mais relativement pauvres en AAS
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