39 research outputs found


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    A description is given of the ammonites collected during the Italian expedition to the Zanskar region of the NW Himalayas in 1984. The paleontological analysis is made in the context of a depositional and ecological model proposed for Spi ti Shales facies. The genera Uhligites, "Virgatosphinctes ", Aulacosphinctes and Parapallasiceras are identified. An upper to uppermost Lower Tithonian age is assigned for the highest levels of the Spiti Shales Fm. in the sector examined, although it may be possible that the extreme base of the Upper Tithonian is also represented

    Polymorphic ventricular arrhythmia triggered by temporary epicardial right ventricular stimulation after cardiac surgery

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    Temporary epicardial pacing is commonly used for rhythmic support in the acute postoperative period after cardiac surgery. Clinical studies suggest that pacing in the left ventricular epicardium during resynchronization therapy may be proarrhythmic in a minority of patients. The epicardial pacing increases transmural heterogeneity of repolarization. This could prolong the QT and JT intervals on the electrocardiogram (ECG), with subsequent proarrhythmic effects. The following case describes polymorphic ventricular arrhythmias after temporary epicardial ventricular stimulation

    Diagramas de estructuras como mapa del sistema

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    La línea de trabajo que venimos desarrollando, tiene como objetivo la generación de métodos y técnicas que puedan ser aplicadas por desarrolladores independientes, en proyectos de pequeña y mediana escala. Esta preocupación surge de nuestra experiencia en el desarrollo de software, de esta magnitud y a nivel nacional, habiendo verificado que la práctica de no contar con un proceso de desarrollo preestablecido y la falta casi total de documentación, es seguida por la mayoría de los desarrolladores de este tipo de proyectos. Desde esta perspectiva nos encontramos desarrollando un modelo denominado Mapa del Sistema, el cual permitirá, con bajo costo, documentar el producto y facilitar las actividades de rastreabilidad, mantenimiento del producto y el reuso. Este modelo tiene la característica de interrelacionar los requerimientos con el diseño físico, con las componentes de software y el modelo de datos. Esta característica permitirá, por otra parte la generación automática de la documentación del software. Se han definido los distintos elementos de que se dispondrá para la elaboración del Mapa del Sistema, los que permitirán alcanzar la funcionalidad propuesta. El proyecto contempla el desarrollo de un producto de software que permita la gestión de proyectos basados en este modelo.Eje: Ingeniería en SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Diagramas de estructuras como mapa del sistema

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    La línea de trabajo que venimos desarrollando, tiene como objetivo la generación de métodos y técnicas que puedan ser aplicadas por desarrolladores independientes, en proyectos de pequeña y mediana escala. Esta preocupación surge de nuestra experiencia en el desarrollo de software, de esta magnitud y a nivel nacional, habiendo verificado que la práctica de no contar con un proceso de desarrollo preestablecido y la falta casi total de documentación, es seguida por la mayoría de los desarrolladores de este tipo de proyectos. Desde esta perspectiva nos encontramos desarrollando un modelo denominado Mapa del Sistema, el cual permitirá, con bajo costo, documentar el producto y facilitar las actividades de rastreabilidad, mantenimiento del producto y el reuso. Este modelo tiene la característica de interrelacionar los requerimientos con el diseño físico, con las componentes de software y el modelo de datos. Esta característica permitirá, por otra parte la generación automática de la documentación del software. Se han definido los distintos elementos de que se dispondrá para la elaboración del Mapa del Sistema, los que permitirán alcanzar la funcionalidad propuesta. El proyecto contempla el desarrollo de un producto de software que permita la gestión de proyectos basados en este modelo.Eje: Ingeniería en SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Towards a consistent Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian global boundary: current state of knowledge

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    New data are presented in relation to the worldwide definition of the Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian boundary, i.e. the base of the Kimmeridgian Stage. This data, mostly acquired in the past decade, supports the 2006 proposal to make the uniform boundary of the stages in the Flodigarry section at Staffin Bay on the Isle of Skye, northern Scotland. This boundary is based on the Subboreal-Boreal ammonite successions, and it is distinguished by the Pictonia flodigarriensis horizon at the base of the Subboreal Baylei Zone, and which corresponds precisely to the base of the Boreal Bauhini Zone. The boundary lies in the 0.16 m interval (1.24–1.08 m) below bed 36 in sections F6 at Flodigarry and it is thus proposed as the GSSP for the Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian boundary. This boundary is recognized also by other stratigraphical data – palaeontological, geochemical and palaeomagnetic (including its well documented position close to the boundary between magnetozones F3n, and F3r which is placed in the 0.20 m interval – 1.28 m to 1.48 m below bed 36 – the latter corresponding to marine magnetic anomaly M26r).The boundary is clearly recognizable also in other sections of the Subboreal and Boreal areas discussed in the study, including southern England, Pomerania and the Peri-Baltic Syneclise, Russian Platform, Northern Central Siberia, Franz-Josef Land, Barents Sea and Norwegian Sea. It can be recognized also in the Submediterranean-Mediterranean areas of Europe and Asia where it correlates with the boundary between the Hypselum and the Bimmamatum ammonite zones. The changes in ammonite faunas at the boundary of these ammonite zones – mostly of ammonites of the families Aspidoceratidae and Oppeliidae – also enables the recognition of the boundary in the Tethyan and Indo-Pacific areas – such as the central part of the Americas (Cuba, Mexico), southern America, and southern parts of Asia. The climatic and environmental changes near to the Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian boundary discussed in the study relate mostly to the European areas. They show that very unstable environments at the end of the Oxfordian were subsequently replaced by more stable conditions representing a generally warming trend during the earliest Kimmeridgian. The definition of the boundary between the Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian as given in this study results in its wide correlation potential and means that it can be recognized in the different marine successions of the World

    Arrhythmias in Dilated Cardiomyopathy: Diagnosis and Treatment

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    In patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), it is possible to find a broad range of bradyrhythmias and tachyarrhythmias. Bradyrhythmias and supraventricular arrhythmias can frequently occur in some familial forms such as lamin A/C mutations. Nonsustained ventricular arrhythmias (VA) are observed in about 40% of patients with DCM, but their prognostic role is not clear, and conflicting data have been published in the last 30 years. Multiple mechanisms can explain atrial and ventricular tachyarrhythmias in DCM. Reentry is associated with slow conduction across surviving muscle bundles within regions of interstitial fibrosis, but other mechanisms can be involved, as nonuniform anisotropy of impulse propagation, ion channel dysfunction, and reduced gap junction function

    Distribution de l'indice céphalométrique en Espagne

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    Oloriz F. Distribution de l'indice céphalométrique en Espagne. In: Bulletins de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris, IV° Série. Tome 5, 1894. pp. 520-525

    New Lower Kimmeridgian ataxioceratin ammonite from the eastern Iberian Chain, Spain: Systematic, biogeographic, and biostratigraphic relevance

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    New ammonites collected bed−by−bed from the upper part of Ataxioceras hypselocyclum Chronozone deposits in the eastern Iberian Chain are described as Geyericeras gen. nov. The new genus includes microand macroconchiate Ataxioceratinae of small size, with moderate to loose coiling and subpolyplocoid ribs, a character crucial for its identification. Key points for the comparative identification of Geyericeras gen. nov. are: (i) microconchiate Geyericerasshow morphological convergence with evolute specimens of the stratigraphically older genus Schneidia [m]; (ii) contemporary Ataxioceratinae genera such as Ardescia [m, M] and Lithacosphinctes [m, M] did not develop subpolyplocoid ribbing; (iii) smoothing of sculpture combined with short primary ribs are not realized in Geyericeras gen. nov. [M] and can be therefore used to separate the new genus from Ataxioceras[M]; and (iv) smaller shells, and weaker and less dense ribbing with no parabolic structures differentiate Geyericeras gen. nov. [m, M] from Parataxioceras[m, M], as well as the type of subpolyplocoid ribs seen among microconchiate specimens of these two genera. The new species Geyericeras aragoniense sp. nov. is the index and guide fossil for identification of a biohorizon occurring below the first occurrence of the genus Crussoliceras in the eastern Iberian Chain