685 research outputs found

    Biomass Nutrient Profiles of Marine Microalgae Dunaliella Salina

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    The unconventional micro algal sources for the production of feed, food, food additive, pharmaceutical, and fine chemical is growing in important. Researches in the field are expanding worldwide. Nutritional composition of marine micro algae Dunaliella salina data included proximate composition, nitrate, RNA, and pigments were analyzed under various conditions in semi cultured medium. On average, nutritional composition of biomass was highly influenced by external irradiance and residence time in bioreactor. The biomass collected for short residence times was richer in protein

    Barriers to HIV Testing in Côte d'Ivoire: The Role of Individual Characteristics and Testing Modalities

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    BACKGROUND: Expanding HIV testing requires a better understanding of barriers to its uptake. We investigated barriers to HIV testing in Côte d'Ivoire, taking into account test circumstances (client vs. provider-initiated). METHODS: We used data from the 2005 nationally representative Demographic and Health Survey conducted in Côte d'Ivoire. Socio-demographic characteristics, sexual behaviour and knowledge and attitudes toward HIV/AIDS associated with recent (<2 years) HIV testing were identified using gender-specific univariate and multivariate logistic regressions. Among women, differential effects of barriers to testing according to test circumstance (whether they have been offered for a prenatal test or not) were assessed through interaction tests. RESULTS: Recent HIV testing was reported by 6.1% of men and 9.5% of women (including 4.6% as part of antenatal care). Among men, having a low socioeconomic status, having a low HIV-related knowledge level and being employed [compared to those inactive: adjusted Odds Ratio (aOR) 0.46; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.25-0.87] were associated with lower proportions of recent HIV testing. Among women without a prenatal HIV testing offer, living outside the capital (aOR 0.38; CI 0.19-0.77) and reporting a unique lifetime sexual partner constituted additional barriers to HIV testing. By contrast, among women recently offered to be tested in prenatal care, none of these variables was found to be associated with recent HIV testing. CONCLUSIONS: Various dimensions of individuals' characteristics constituted significant barriers to HIV testing in Côte d'Ivoire in 2005, with gender specificities. Such barriers are substantially reduced when testing was proposed in the framework of antenatal care. This suggests that provider-initiated testing strategies may help overcome individual barriers to HIV testing


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    Environmental damage at this point be grounds for concern. Based on the researchers interested in conducting research on learning contributes to the formation of character Geography caring environment SMA Negeri 4 Pandeglang. The purpose of this research is: 1). Describe about learning geography that has been carried out as well as directed at develop the character of care about the environment, 2). Analyze how the values of character caring environment that can be developed through the study of Geography, 3). Calculate the contribution of teaching geography to the formation of character education matter ingkungan cognitive, affective and psychomotor student SMAN 4 Pandeglang. The method used in this research is descriptive method with quantitative approach. While the instruments used were questionnaires, observation, documentation. For the study population are students of SMAN 4 Pandeglang, and samples in this study were 270 students. The results of this study can be viewed from three aspects that serve as indicators of the character concerned about the environment, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Cognitive aspects of knowledge or learning outcomes of students of geography based on the character of environmental care in SMA Negeri 4 Pandeglang, for the value of the correlation between the cognitive aspects of learning, Geography students are categorized as 0,578. Next to this aspect of the affective, the value of the correlation between learning and the formation of character of affective aspects of care for the environment, 0,391, this percentage categorized low. And psychomotor aspect, the latter of which research results make it clear that there are significant contributions towards the creation of Geography learning between the characters care about environment viewed from the aspects of psychomotor sman 4 Pandeglang, the value of the correlation between learning and the formation of the characters care for the environment aspects of psychomotor 0,380, this percentage categorized low

    Analisis Tingkat Prioritas Atribut Kualitas Layanan Perusahaan Penyedia Jasa Layanan Logistik

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    This study specifically have the purpose is to define the attributes of service qual-ity; determine the strengths and weaknesses of the quality of service; categorizingstrengths and weaknesses of the quality of service firms engaged in logistics servicesprovider. The depth Interview with servqual model framework as well as logisticsservice quality model was conducted to define the attributes of logistics serviceproviders. This sample size was 200 respondents, and of the 258 questionnairesdistributed and returned by 25 of which can be processed as many as 201 respondents.32 items defined and analyzed using a model servqual to determine the strengths andweaknesses of the quality of service, categorization strengths and weaknesses andtesting performed by using Paired sample t-test it was found that the weighting isperformed so that the resulting ranking of the attributes of the service

    A Tablet Screen Cast Receiver for Classroom with Low End Android Devices

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    Salah satu aktivitas menggunakan tablet adalah presentasi. Saat ini, kebanyakan aktivitas presentasi dilakukan menggunakan adapter VGA untuk bisa tersambung dengan LCD Proyektor. Konfigurasi ini memungkin presentasi berbasis kabel. Dan ini adalah hal yang menyulitkan penggunaannya untuk perangkat tablet yang memiliki sifat mobilitas tinggi. Beruntung, sudah ada banyak vendor yang menyediakan sistem presentasi yang bersahabat dengan membuatnya menjadi nirkabel. Tapi sistem tersebut hanya mendukung perangkat tablet high end. Pada makalah ini, kami mengajukan sebuah penerima tablet screen cast untuk perangkat tablet android low end. Yang memiliki potensi untuk diimplementasikan di kelas. Dari eksperimen, kami memperoleh hasil 9 FPS dengan delay sebesar 2 detik

    Studi Pemikiran Imam Al-ghazali Tentang Ekonomi Islam

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    Al-Ghazali merupakan salah satu pemikir besar dalam ekonomi Islam. Lewat karya monumental Ihya Ulumuddin, al-Mustashfa Mizan, al-Amal dan At-Tibr al-Masbuk fi al-Nasihah al-MulukAl-Ghazali mengupas secara tuntas aspek-aspek subtansial dari ekonomi Islam. Karena menurutnya perkembangan ekonomi sebagai bagian dari tugas-tugas kewajiban sosial yang sudah ditetapkan Allah. Dalam karya-karyanya tersebut Al-Ghazali menitikberatkan kepada keadilan, kedamaian dan stabilitas sebagai fondasi dari ketersediaan ekonomi baik dalam bidang produksi, konsumsi, maupun distribusi. Untuk itu, peran negara sangat penting untuk menjaga itu semua.&nbsp

    Experimental Design of Electrocoagulation and Magnetic Technology for Enhancing Suspended Solids Removal From Synthetic Wastewater

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    Design of experiments (DOE) is one of the statistical method that is used as a tool to enhance and improve experimental quality. The changes to the variables of a process or system is supposed to give the optimal result (response) and quite satisfactory. Experimental design can defined as a test or series of test series by varying the input variables (factors) of a process that can known to cause changes in output (response). This paper presents the results of experimental design of wastewater treatment by electrocoagulation (EC) technique. A combined magnet and electrocoagulation (EC) technology were designed to increase settling velocity and to enhance suspended solid removal efficiencies from wastewater samples. In this experiment, a synthetic wastewater samples were prepared by mixing 700 mg of the milk powder in one litre of water and treated by using an acidic buffer solution. The monopolar iron (Fe) plate anodes and cathodes were employed as electrodes. Direct current was varied in a range of between 0.5 and 1.1 A, and flowrate in a range of between 1.00 to 3.50 mL/s. One permanent magnets namely AlNiCo with a magnetic strength of 0.16T was used in this experiment. The results show that the magnetic field and the flowrate have major influences on suspended solids removal. The efficiency removals of suspended solids, turbidity and COD removal efficiencies at optimum conditions were found to be more than 85%, 95%, and 75%, respectively

    Relasi Kuasa dalam Perubahan Kurikulum 2013

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    The most visible and most easily explained power is in the state aspect. This is illustrated clearly from the contents of the Constitution which became the benchmark or the basis of every decision made. The polemic started from the SBY administration which created a policy on the new curriculum, which was later named the Curriculum 2013. This curriculum is intended for young generation able to meet the competition MEA. But after the government changed hands and made a new policy (policy on curriculum evaluation and finally implemented two curriculum) some writings were twisted. The implementation of government policies and criticisms that are carried out as a form of resistance are never separated from the ideologies that lie behind them. This research uses content analysis as data analysis technique. The salin to sharpen analysts also used the theory of Liberal Paradigm of Girox and the Power of Curriculum Michel W. Apple. From the research conducted found that the background of M Noah and Boediono which including the technocrats led to decisions that are very hegemonic. Meanwhile, criticism made by some parties is very nationalist or berparadigma of critical education. This is because they are back to the romanticism of making the Constitution which should be used as the basis for further policy making. In addition, the illusions of educational perfection raised by the predecessor from Indonesia (Ki Hadjar Dewantara) also did not escape as the basis
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