67 research outputs found

    Reduced Activity of the Aortic Gamma-Glutamyltransferase Does Not Decrease S-Nitrosoglutathione Induced Vasorelaxation of Rat Aortic Rings

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    Aims: Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), an enzyme present on the endothelium, is involved in the release of nitric oxide (NO) from S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) and in the GSNO-induced vasodilation. Endogenous GSNO is a physiological storage form of NO in tissues while exogenous GSNO is an interesting candidate for compensating for the decreased NO bioavailability occurring during cardiovascular diseases. We investigated in a rat model of human hypertension, the spontaneous hypertensive rat (SHR), submitted or not to high salt diet, whether a decreased vascular GGT activity modifies the vasorelaxant effect of GSNO. Methods: Thoracic aortic rings isolated from male SHR and Wistar Kyoto rats (WKY) aged 20–22 weeks—submitted or not for 8 weeks to a high salt diet (1% w/v NaCl in drinking water) were pre-constricted with phenylephrine then submitted to concentration-vasorelaxant response curves (maximal response: Emax; pD2) to carbachol or sodium nitroprusside to evaluate endothelial dependent or independent NO-induced vasodilation, or GSNO (exogenous NO vasodilation depending from the endothelial GGT activity). GGT activity was measured using a chromogenic substrate in aortic homogenates. Its role in GSNO-induced relaxation was assessed following inhibition of the enzyme activity (serine-borate complex). That of protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), another redox sensitive enzyme involved in GSNO metabolism, was assessed following inhibition with bacitracin. Results: Aortic GGT activity (18–23 μmol/min/mg of tissue in adult WKY) decreased by 33% in SHR and 45% in SHR with high salt diet. Emax and pD2 for sodium nitroprusside were similar in all groups. Emax for carbachol decreased by −14%, reflecting slight endothelial NO-dependent dysfunction. The GSNO curve was slightly shifted to the left in SHR and in SHR with high salt diet, showing a small enhanced sensitivity to GSNO. Involvements of GGT, as that of PDI, in the GSNO effects were similar in all groups (pD2 for GSNO −0.5 to −1.5 following enzymatic inhibition). Conclusion: Hypertension is associated with a decreased aortic GGT activity without decreasing the vasorelaxant effects of GSNO, whose bioactivity may be supplemented through the alternative enzymatic activity of PDI

    Synthesis and evaluation of new designed multiple ligands directed towards both peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ and angiotensin II type 1 receptor

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    Because of the complex biological networks, many pathologic disorders fail to be treated with a molecule directed towards a single target. Thus, combination therapies are often necessary, but they have many drawbacks. An alternative consists in building molecules intended to interact with multiple targets, called designed multiple ligands. We followed such a strategy in order to treat metabolic syndrome, by setting up molecules directed towards both type 1 angiotensin II (AT1) receptor and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPAR-γ). For this purpose, many molecules were prepared by merging both pharmacophores following three different strategies. Their ability to activate PPAR-γ and to block AT1 receptors were evaluated in vitro. This strategy led to the preparation of many new PPAR-γ activating and AT1 blocking molecules. Among them, some exhibited both activities, highlighting the convenience of this approach

    Identification of candidate genes for drought tolerance in coffee by high-throughput sequencing in the shoot apex of different Coffea arabica cultivars.

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    BACKGROUND: Drought is a widespread limiting factor in coffee plants. It affects plant development, fruit production, bean development and consequently beverage quality. Genetic diversity for drought tolerance exists within the coffee genus. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the adaptation of coffee plants to drought are largely unknown. In this study, we compared the molecular responses to drought in two commercial cultivars (IAPAR59, drought-tolerant and Rubi, drought-susceptible) of Coffea arabica grown in the field under control (irrigation) and drought conditions using the pyrosequencing of RNA extracted from shoot apices and analysing the expression of 38 candidate genes. RESULTS: Pyrosequencing from shoot apices generated a total of 34.7 Mbp and 535,544 reads enabling the identification of 43,087 clusters (41,512 contigs and 1,575 singletons). These data included 17,719 clusters (16,238 contigs and 1,575 singletons) exclusively from 454 sequencing reads, along with 25,368 hybrid clusters assembled with 454 sequences. The comparison of DNA libraries identified new candidate genes (n = 20) presenting differential expression between IAPAR59 and Rubi and/or drought conditions. Their expression was monitored in plagiotropic buds, together with those of other (n = 18) candidates genes. Under drought conditions, up-regulated expression was observed in IAPAR59 but not in Rubi for CaSTK1 (protein kinase), CaSAMT1 (SAM-dependent methyltransferase), CaSLP1 (plant development) and CaMAS1 (ABA biosynthesis). Interestingly, the expression of lipid-transfer protein (nsLTP) genes was also highly up-regulated under drought conditions in IAPAR59. This may have been related to the thicker cuticle observed on the abaxial leaf surface in IAPAR59 compared to Rubi. CONCLUSIONS: The full transcriptome assembly of C. arabica, followed by functional annotation, enabled us to identify differentially expressed genes related to drought conditions. Using these data, candidate genes were selected and their differential expression profiles were confirmed by qPCR experiments in plagiotropic buds of IAPAR59 and Rubi under drought conditions. As regards the genes up-regulated under drought conditions, specifically in the drought-tolerant IAPAR59, several corresponded to orphan genes but also to genes coding proteins involved in signal transduction pathways, as well as ABA and lipid metabolism, for example. The identification of these genes should help advance our understanding of the genetic determinism of drought tolerance in coffee

    Characteristics of Acacia mangium shoot apical meristems in natural and in vitro conditions in relation to heteroblasty

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    PDF version of the authors can be published in January 2013International audienceMorphological and histocytological characteristics of Acacia mangium shoot apical meristems (SAMs) were assessed in natural and in vitro conditions in relation to heteroblasty. In the natural environment, SAMs with a mature-phyllode morphology were much bigger, contained more cells with larger vacuolated area, or vacuome, and lower nucleoplasmic ratios than those from the juvenile type (Juv). In these latter, nuclei appeared more voluminous, evenly and lightly stained, with clearly distinguishable nucleolei and less abundant chromocenters. In vitro, where reversions from mature to juvenile morphological traits do occur unpredictably, heteroblasty was less obvious in the SAM characteristics examined. In vitro SAMs corresponding to the juvenile and mature types showed similarities with outdoor Juv SAMs, but could be distinguished from these latter by a much larger vacuome that might be induced by the culture conditions. These findings encourage pursuing the investigations at the chromatin and nucleolus level in SAM zones where heteroblasty-related differences have been detected

    Middle Lutetian climate in the Paris Basin: Implications for a marine hotspot of paleobiodiversity

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    International audienceThe present study reports the evolution of environmental conditions and seawater temperatures during the establishment of a marine hotspot of paleobiodiversity that took place in the Paris Basin during the Lutetian. The stable isotope compositions (δ 18O and δ 13C) of three species of molluscs (two bivalves: Cubitostrea plicata and Venericardia imbricata, and one gastropod: Sigmesalia multisulcata) collected along the reference section of Grignon (Falunière) are used for paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic reconstructions. Additional high-resolution analyses on one specimen of Haustator imbricatarius allow the documentation of seasonal changes for temperature. The high-resolution profiles of the δ 18O signatures of S. multisulcata reveal that these gastropods mineralized their shell during the warm months of the year, as did V. imbricata, which probably had a short life span (less than 1 year). These two species thus only yield temperatures for the summer period, from 22 to 30 °C. The δ 18O of C. plicata shells indicate mean annual sea surface temperatures ranging between 15 and 23 °C during the Middle Lutetian, with minimal temperatures probably reflecting greater depth at the base of the section. The seasonal contrasts reconstructed in the upper part of the section, from the large gastropod H. imbricatarius, ranged between 18 and 30 °C. Comparison of the isotopic values of the species indicates that the δ 13C of the three taxa seems to be mostly influenced by ecological features, leading to differences between endobenthic (V. imbricata) and epibenthic species (C. plicata); or the food habits. The paleoclimatic reconstructions show that the Lutetian climate was relatively stable in the Paris Basin with long-term cooling of the mean annual sea-surface temperatures. Nevertheless, this study shows that despite a context of colder conditions compared to the Early Eocene, the climate provided a favorable context for the increase of marine biodiversity in the Paris Basin during the Middle Lutetian. © 2012 Springer-Verlag

    Chemical labelling of oyster shells used for time-calibrated high-resolution Mg/Ca ratios: A tool for estimation of past seasonal temperature variations

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    The geochemical compositions of biogenic carbonates are increasingly used for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. The skeletal delta O-18 temperature relationship is dependent on water salinity, so many recent studies have focused on the Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios because those ratios in water do not change significantly on short time scales. Thus, those elemental ratios are considered to be good palaeotemperature proxies in many biominerals, although their use remains ambiguous in bivalve shells. Here, we present the high-resolution Mg/Ca ratios of two modern species of juvenile and adult oyster shells, Crassostrea gigas and Ostrea edulis. These specimens were grown in controlled conditions for over one year in two different locations. In situ monthly Mn-marking of the shells has been used for day calibration. The daily Mg/Ca.ratios in the shell have been measured with an electron microprobe. The high frequency Mg/Ca variation of all specimens displays good synchronism with lunar cycles, suggesting that tides strongly influence the incorporation of Mg/Ca into the shells. Highly significant correlation coefficients (0.70<R<0.83, p<0.0001) between the Mg/Ca ratios and the seawater temperature are obtained only for juvenile C. gigas samples, while metabolic control of Mg/Ca incorporation and lower shell growth rates preclude the use of the Mg/Ca ratio in adult shells as a palaeothermometer. Data from three juvenile C. gigas shells from the two study sites are selected to establish a relationship: T = 3.77Mg/Ca + 1.88, where T is in degrees C and Mg/Ca in mmol/mol. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Plastics: An Additional Threat for Coral Ecosystems

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