816 research outputs found

    Substitusi Tepung Bengkuang pada Pembuatan Brownies

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    Brownies bengkuang merupakan salah satu bentuk pengaplikasian tepung bengkuang pada produk pangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh substitusi tepung terigu dengan tepung bengkuang pada pembuatan brownies. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan subtitusi tepung terigu dengan tepung bengkuang dengan perlakuan kontrol, 60%, 70%, 80% dan 100%. Analisa yang dilakukan pada brownis bengkuang adalah analisis proksimat dan analisis organoleptik. Analisis proksimat yang dilakukan meliputi analisis kadar air, kadar karbohidrat, kadar lemak, kadar protein, kadar abu dan kadar serat kasar. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa substitusi tepung bengkuang pada pembuatan brownies memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata pada karbohidrat, protein dan serat kasar brownies bengkuang. Berdasarkan analisis organoleptik yang telah dilakukan diketahui bahwa semakin banyak penambahan tepung bengkuang, brownies yang dihasilkan memiliki tekstur yang semakin padat dan berserat. Hasil analisis organoleptik menunjukkan substitusi tepung bengkuang yang paling disukai panelis adalah brownies yang disubstitusi tepung bengkuang 60%, dengan memberikan penilaian terhadap warna 4,20 (agak suka), aroma 3,92 (agak suka), rasa 4,20 (agak suka), dan tekstur 3,96 (agak suka). Brownies dengan substitusi tepung bengkuang 60% memiliki kadar air 31,24%, kadar karbohidrat 43,42%, kadar lemak 14,14%, kadar protein 10,57%, kadar abu 0,63%, dan kadar serat kasar 1,81%

    Stock Pricing Analysis of PT. LEN as Alternative Sources of Fund Through the Initial Public Offering (IPO)

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    PT. LEN is one of state owned companies (BUMN) in Indonesia which is engaged in technology industries. As one of state owned companies (BUMN) which enroll in strategic industries, PT. LEN has a very important role in supporting the growth of Indonesia\u27s development, PT. LEN\u27s business performance has successfully led PT. LEN as a trillion company. In 2011, the life cycle of this company has been projected from phase stability to phase growth. Nevertheless, one issue has arisen when the growth of the company is hampered by funding issue, especially the lack of capital to run the projects. The growth of revenues become unbalanced with working capital, especially liquid working capital (cash). The objective of the company is to Go Public with huge amount of capital which can support the business activities and also to strengthen the capital structure and the liquidity of assets. The sales revenue from some of its stocks is used as an alternative source of fund apart from bank loans. The fund is used to expand the company\u27s activities, to build the facility of developing system, and also to build fabrication workshop. The total amount of fund needed is 590 billion. During the IPO process, there are several things to be concerned, internally and externally. From the company\u27s internal perspective, several things to be be concerned are company\u27s feasibility studies in doing IPO. From the external perspective will affect investors\u27 interest to the company. This thesis uses discounted cash flow as a method to calculate the valuation of the company. This method is used to value stock\u27s price and the amount of stocks issued by PT. LEN for IP process so the price will be interesting to the investors. Other than to fulfill the needs of source funding, IPO process is also one of the program to privatize the state owned companies in Indonesia which is included in BUMN\u27s Masterplan 2010-2014

    A theoretically based cross-sectional survey on the behaviors and experiences of clinical pharmacists caring for patients with chronic kidney disease.

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    The literature shows a lack of evidence on pharmacists contributing to chronic kidney disease services. The aim was to determine pharmacists’ behaviors and experiences and perceptions of barriers and facilitators to implementation of models of care. A theoretically informed survey was developed and sent to pharmacist members of the United Kingdom renal pharmacy group. Sections included: demographics, clinical practice and prescribing practice. Questions were of various types; closed type and some open for comments. Attitudinal items on clinical/prescribing used 5-point Likert scale. Development/implementation items were derived from the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). Analysis used descriptive statistics and open comments were analysed thematically. Ethical approval was granted by an academic institution. Response rate; 50% (n = 71), seven were incomplete and excluded. Respondents provided; inpatient general pharmaceutical care (n = 56, 87.5%), to those receiving dialysis (n = 54, 84.4%) and transplantation. Non-clinical roles; audits (n = 46, 71.9%), patient education (n = 31, 48.4%), only 7.8% (n = 5) doing academic research. For barrier/facilitators most strongly agreed/agreed with most CFIR items relating to clinical practice. A majority (n = 44, 68.7%) disagreed that they had sufficient time to practice clinically and 44 (68.7%) disagreed there was sufficient cover for services. For prescribing roles, 90.5% (n = 48) were currently actively prescribing. Although prescribing related CFIR items were largely positive, 39.6% (n = 19) disagreed about sufficient time to practice and 18.7% (n = 9) were neutral. Two thirds (n = 33, 68.7%) disagreed that there was sufficient cover for the prescribing. The majority of respondents provided general pharmaceutical care to dialysis and transplant patients, were confident in their abilities and tried new ways of working including independent prescribing. Many expressed that lack of resources was the main barrier to providing more advanced care. Further work is needed to explore these matters in more depth

    Role of certain bioagents against Guava decline disease and in enhancement of the growth of guava trees

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    Biocontrol agents, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Trichoderma harzianum were evaluated against fungi causing guava (Psidium guajava) decline disease caused by Botryodiplodia theobromae, Fusarium oxysporum, and Rhizoctonia solani. Generally, our results showed high antagonistic effects of tested biocontrol agents against previous pathogens. T. harzianum isolates showed an average of 58% inhibition against all pathogens. T. harzianum T4 was the most prominent isolate in inhibiting the growth of guava pathogenic fungi. Based on the secretion of volatile substances, T4 had the most significant inhibition ability as compared to other Trichoderma isolates. By using B. subtilis, the radial growth of R. solani and F. oxysporum was significantly decreased as compared to B. theobromae. In case of P. fluorescens, the radial growth of R. solani was decreased more than B. theobromae followed by F. oxysporum. Different densities of T4 significantly decreased the disease severity and increased plant height, dry weight of shoots and roots and total pigments (chlorophyll a and b, and carotenoids) in guava trees in comparison with infected trees only. We concluded that the application of biocontrol agents decreased guava decline disease and improved the growth of guava trees

    Thermal Equilibrium as an Initial State for Quantum Computation by NMR

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    We present a method of using a nuclear magnetic resonance computer to solve the Deutsch-Jozsa problem in which: (1) the number of molecules in the NMR sample is irrelevant to the number of qubits available to an NMR quantum computer, and (2) the initial state is chosen to be the state of thermal equilibrium, thereby avoiding the preparation of pseudopure states and the resulting exponential loss of signal as the number of qubits increases. The algorithm is described along with its experimental implementation using four active qubits. As expected, measured spectra demonstrate a clear distinction between constant and balanced functions.Comment: including 4 figure

    A Modified Cooling System for Stand Alone PV Greenhouse in Remote Areas

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    Abstract. Agricultural efforts are normally carried out in remote areas where electricity from national electric grid may not exist or grid connection is very expensive. Greenhouses industry is one of the most important agricultural practices in remote areas. Greenhouses help in extending the gardening activities and allows us to cultivate certain plants all over the year; by controlling air temperature and relative humidity inside greenhouse. In greenhouses, cooling and pumping equipments dominate the demand for electricity. Therefore, a stand-alone photovoltaic (PV) system is necessary to feed that demand. Medicinal herbs, for example are the most suitable plants to be cultivated in the greenhouses. They often need a temperature range of 15 -21 oC and about 70% relative humidity to grow. As the climate in Egypt is not suitable all over the year to cultivate these medicinal herbs, it is preferable and necessary to use PV-based control greenhouse to cultivate these medicinal herbs in Egyptian remote areas. This paper presents a proposed greenhouse cooling system, which uses a stand-alone PV system to feed the electrical loads of the greenhouse. At the same time, it introduces the complete sizing procedure of the greenhouse stand-alone PV system

    Enhanced Antigen-Specific Antitumor Immunity with Altered Peptide Ligands that Stabilize the MHC-Peptide-TCR Complex

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    AbstractT cell responsiveness to an epitope is affected both by its affinity for the presenting MHC molecule and the affinity of the MHC-peptide complex for TCR. One limitation of cancer immunotherapy is that natural tumor antigens elicit relatively weak T cell responses, in part because high-affinity T cells are rendered tolerant to these antigens. We report here that amino acid substitutions in a natural MHC class I–restricted tumor antigen that increase the stability of the MHC-peptide-TCR complex are significantly more potent as tumor vaccines. The improved immunity results from enhanced in vivo expansion of T cells specific for the natural tumor epitope. These results indicate peptides that stabilize the MHC-peptide-TCR complex may provide superior antitumor immunity through enhanced stimulation of specific T cells

    A theoretically based cross-sectional survey on the behaviors and experiences of clinical pharmacists caring for patients with chronic kidney disease

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    The literature shows a lack of evidence on pharmacists contributing to chronic kidney disease services. The aim was to determine pharmacists’ behaviors and experiences and perceptions of barriers and facilitators to implementation of models of care.A theoretically informed survey was developed and sent to pharmacist members of the United Kingdom renal pharmacy group. Sections included: demographics, clinical practice and prescribing practice. Questions were of various types; closed type and some open for comments. Attitudinal items on clinical/prescribing used 5-point Likert scale. Development/implementation items were derived from the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). Analysis used descriptive statistics and open comments were analysed thematically. Ethical approval was granted by an academic institution.Response rate; 50% (n = 71), seven were incomplete and excluded. Respondents provided; inpatient general pharmaceutical care (n = 56, 87.5%), to those receiving dialysis (n = 54, 84.4%) and transplantation. Non-clinical roles; audits (n = 46, 71.9%), patient education (n = 31, 48.4%), only 7.8% (n = 5) doing academic research. For barrier/facilitators most strongly agreed/agreed with most CFIR items relating to clinical practice. A majority (n = 44, 68.7%) disagreed that they had sufficient time to practice clinically and 44 (68.7%) disagreed there was sufficient cover for services. For prescribing roles, 90.5% (n = 48) were currently actively prescribing. Although prescribing related CFIR items were largely positive, 39.6% (n = 19) disagreed about sufficient time to practice and 18.7% (n = 9) were neutral. Two thirds (n = 33, 68.7%) disagreed that there was sufficient cover for the prescribing.The majority of respondents provided general pharmaceutical care to dialysis and transplant patients, were confident in their abilities and tried new ways of working including independent prescribing. Many expressed that lack of resources was the main barrier to providing more advanced care. Further work is needed to explore these matters in more depth

    Novel Exopolysaccharide from Marine Bacillus subtilis with Broad Potential Biological Activities: Insights into Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory, Cytotoxicity, and Anti-Alzheimer Activity

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    In the presented study, Bacillus subtilis strain AG4 isolated from marine was identified based on morphological, physiological, phylogenetic characteristics and an examination of 16S rRNA sequences. Novel exopolysaccharide (EPSR4) was extracted and isolated from the Bacillus subtilis strain as a major fraction of exopolysaccharide (EPS). The analysis of structural characterization indicated that EPSR4 is a β-glycosidic sulphated heteropolysaccharide (48.2%) with a molecular weight (Mw) of 1.48 × 104 g/mole and has no uronic acid. Analysis of monosaccharide content revealed that EPSR4 consists of glucose, rhamnose and arabinose monosaccharide in a molar ratio of 5:1:3, respectively. Morphological analysis revealed that EPSR4 possess a high crystallinity degree with a significant degree of porosity, and its aggregation and conformation in the lipid phase might have a significant impact on the bioactivity of EPSR4. The biological activity of EPSR4 was screened and evaluated by investigating its antioxidant, cytotoxicity, anti-inflammatory, and anti-Alzheimer activities. The antioxidant activity results showed that EPSR4 has 97.6% scavenging activity toward DPPH free radicals at 1500 µg/mL, with an IC50 value of 300 µg/mL, and 64.8% at 1500 µg/mL toward hydrogen peroxide free radicals (IC50 = 1500 µg/mL, 30 min). Furthermore, EPSR4 exhibited considerable inhibitory activity towards the proliferation of T-24 (bladder carcinoma), A-549 (lung cancer) and HepG-2 (hepatocellular carcinoma) cancer cell lines with IC50 of 244 µg/mL, 148 µg/mL and 123 µg/mL, respectively. An evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity revealed that EPSR4 has potent lipoxygenase (LOX) inhibitory activity (IC50 of 54.3 µg/mL) and a considerable effect on membrane stabilization (IC50 = 112.2 ± 1.2 µg/mL), while it showed cyclooxygenase (COX2) inhibitory activity up to 125 µg/mL. Finally, EPSR4 showed considerable inhibitory activity towards acetylcholine esterase activity. Taken together, this study reveals that Bacillus subtilis strain AG4 could be considered as a potential natural source of novel EPS with potent biological activities that would be useful for the healthcare system.Faculty of Science, Suez Canal UniversityPrincess Nourah bint Abdulrahman UniversityTaif UniversityPeer Reviewe
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