319 research outputs found

    Impact of the 2016 ASE/EACVI recommendations on the prevalence of diastolic dysfunction in the general population

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    Aims: Diastolic dysfunction (DD) is frequent in the general population; however, the assessment of diastolic function remains challenging. We aimed to evaluate the impact of the recent 2016 American Society of Echocardiography (ASE)/European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) recommendations in the prevalence and grades of DD compared with the 2009 guidelines and the Canberra Study Criteria (CSC). Methods and results: Within a population-based cohort, a total of 1000 individuals, aged ≥45 years, were evaluated retrospectively. Patients with previously known cardiac disease or ejection fraction <50% were excluded. Diastolic function was assessed by transthoracic echocardiography. DD prevalence and grades were determined according to the three classifications. The mean age was 62.0 ± 10.5 years and 37% were men. The prevalence of DD was 1.4% (n = 14) with the 2016 recommendations, 38.1% (n = 381) with the 2009 recommendations, and 30.4% (n = 304) using the CSC. The concordance between the updated recommendations and the other two was poor (from k = 0.13 to k = 0.18, P < 0.001). Regarding the categorization in DD grades, none of the 14 individuals with DD by the 2016 guidelines were assigned to Grade 1 DD, 64% were classified as Grade 2, 7% had Grade 3, and 29% had indeterminate grade. Conclusion: The application of the new 2016 ASE/EACVI recommendations resulted in a much lower prevalence of DD. The concordance between the classifications was poor. The updated algorithm seems to be able to diagnose only the most advanced cases

    Стенд для презентации продуктов чайной компании

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    Объектом исследования являются выставочный стенд компании, производящей чайную продукцию. Целю выпускной квалификационной работы является разработка дизайн-проекта выставочного стенда компании, производящей чайную продукцию. В процессе работы изучены и спроектированы элементы стенда: общие конструкции стенда, стойка ресепшн, витрины для хранения и демонстрации чайной продукции. Также осуществлено зонирование выставочного стенда на зону дегустации демонстрации чайной продукции и зону отдыха и приговоров. В качестве наглядного материалы был выполнен макет, подготовлена графическая часть для презентации проекта, создан презентационный видеоролик и демонстрационный планшет.The object of the research is the exhibition stand of the company producing tea products. The aim of the final qualification work is to develop a design project for the exhibition stand of a tea producing company. In the process, the elements of the stand were studied and designed: general stand designs, reception desks, display cases for storing and demonstrating tea products. Zoning of the exhibition stand was also carried out at the tea tasting demonstration zone and the recreation and sentencing zone. As a visual material, a mockup was made, a graphic part was prepared for the presentation of the project, a presentation video clip and a demonstration tablet were created

    Automated Performance Assessment in Transoesophageal Echocardiography with Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is a valuable diagnostic and monitoring imaging modality. Proper image acquisition is essential for diagnosis, yet current assessment techniques are solely based on manual expert review. This paper presents a supervised deep learning framework for automatically evaluating and grading the quality of TEE images. To obtain the necessary dataset, 38 participants of varied experience performed TEE exams with a high-fidelity virtual reality (VR) platform. Two Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures, AlexNet and VGG, structured to perform regression, were finetuned and validated on manually graded images from three evaluators. Two different scoring strategies, a criteria-based percentage and an overall general impression, were used. The developed CNN models estimate the average score with a root mean square accuracy ranging between 84% − 93%, indicating the ability to replicate expert valuation. Proposed strategies for automated TEE assessment can have a significant impact on the training process of new TEE operators, providing direct feedback and facilitating the development of the necessary dexterous skills

    Early diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome.

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    The diagnostic evaluation of acute chest pain has been augmented in recent years by advances in the sensitivity and precision of cardiac troponin assays, new biomarkers, improvements in imaging modalities, and release of new clinical decision algorithms. This progress has enabled physicians to diagnose or rule-out acute myocardial infarction earlier after the initial patient presentation, usually in emergency department settings, which may facilitate prompt initiation of evidence-based treatments, investigation of alternative diagnoses for chest pain, or discharge, and permit better utilization of healthcare resources. A non-trivial proportion of patients fall in an indeterminate category according to rule-out algorithms, and minimal evidence-based guidance exists for the optimal evaluation, monitoring, and treatment of these patients. The Cardiovascular Round Table of the ESC proposes approaches for the optimal application of early strategies in clinical practice to improve patient care following the review of recent advances in the early diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome. The following specific 'indeterminate' patient categories were considered: (i) patients with symptoms and high-sensitivity cardiac troponin 99th percentile but without dynamic change; and (iv) patients with symptoms and high-sensitivity troponin >99th percentile and dynamic change but without coronary plaque rupture/erosion/dissection. Definitive evidence is currently lacking to manage these patients whose early diagnosis is 'indeterminate' and these areas of uncertainty should be assigned a high priority for research

    Guidelines on the management of valvular heart disease: The Task Force on the Management of Valvular Heart Disease of the European Society of Cardiology.

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    80These guidelines focus on valvular heart disease in adults and adolescents, are oriented towards management, and will not deal with endocarditis and congenital valve diseases in adults and adolescents, since recent guidelines have been produced by the ESC on these topics. Although valvular heart disease is less common in industrialized countries than coronary disease, heart failure, or hypertension, guidelines are needed in this field for several reasons: valvular heart disease is common and often requires intervention; substantial advances have been made in the understanding of its pathophysiology; the patient population has changed with a continuous decline of acute rheumatic fever and an increased incidence of degenerative valvular diseases in industrialized countries. The incidence of endocarditis remains stable and other causes of valve disease are rare. Because of the predominance of degenerative valve disease, the two most frequent valve diseases are now calcific aortic stenosis and mitral regurgitation. Aortic regurgitation and mitral stenosis have become less common. Diagnosis is now dominated by echocardiography, which has become the standard to evaluate valve structure and function. Treatment has not only developed through the continuing progress in prosthetic valve technology, but has also been reoriented by the development of conservative surgical approaches and the introduction of percutaneous interventional techniques.openopenVahanian, A; Baumgartner, ; H, ; Bax, ; J, ; Butchart, ; E, ; Dion, ; R, ; Filippatos, ; G, ; Flachskampf, ; F, ; Hall, ; R, ; Iung, ; B, ; Kasprzak, ; J, ; Nataf, ; P, ; Tornos, ; P, ; Torracca, ; L, ; Wenink, ; A, ; Silvia, ; Priori, G.; Blanc, Jean-Jacques; Andrzej, ; Budaj, ; John, ; Camm, ; Veronica, ; Dean, ; Jaap, ; Deckers, ; Kenneth, ; Dickstein, ; John, ; Lekakis, ; Keith, ; Mcgregor, ; Marco, ; Metra, ; João, ; Morais, ; Ady, ; Osterspey, ; Juan, ; Tamargo, ; Luis, José; Zamorano, ; Annalisa, ; Angelini, ; Manuel, ; Antunes, ; Angel, Miguel; Fernandez, Garcia; Christa, ; Gohlke-Baerwolf, ; Gilbert, ; Habib, ; John, ; Mcmurray, ; Catherine, ; Otto, ; Luc, ; Pierard, ; Josè, ; Pomar, L.; Bernard, ; Prendergast, ; Raphael, ; Rosenhek, ; Sousa, Miguel; Uva, ; Juan, ; Tamargo,Vahanian, A; Baumgartner, ; H, ; Bax, ; J, ; Butchart, ; E, ; Dion, ; R, ; Filippatos, ; G, ; Flachskampf, ; F, ; Hall, ; R, ; Iung, ; B, ; Kasprzak, ; J, ; Nataf, ; P, ; Tornos, ; P, ; Torracca, ; L, ; Wenink, ; A, ; Silvia, ; Priori, G.; Blanc, Jean Jacques; Andrzej, ; Budaj, ; John, ; Camm, ; Veronica, ; Dean, ; Jaap, ; Deckers, ; Kenneth, ; Dickstein, ; John, ; Lekakis, ; Keith, ; Mcgregor, ; Marco, ; Metra, Marco; João, ; Morais, ; Ady, ; Osterspey, ; Juan, ; Tamargo, ; Luis, José; Zamorano, ; Annalisa, ; Angelini, ; Manuel, ; Antunes, ; Angel, Miguel; Fernandez, Garcia; Christa, ; Gohlke, Baerwolf; Gilbert, ; Habib, ; John, ; Mcmurray, ; Catherine, ; Otto, ; Luc, ; Pierard, ; Josè, ; Pomar, L.; Bernard, ; Prendergast, ; Raphael, ; Rosenhek, ; Sousa, Miguel; Uva, ; Juan, ; Tamargo

    Development, validation and implementation of biomarker testing in cardiovascular medicine state-of-the-art: Proceedings of the European Society of Cardiology - Cardiovascular Round Table.

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    Many biomarkers that could be used to assess ejection fraction, heart failure, or myocardial infarction fail to translate into clinical practice because they lack essential performance characteristics or fail to meet regulatory standards for approval. Despite their potential, new technologies have added to the complexities of successful translation into clinical practice. Biomarker discovery and implementation requires a standardised approach that includes: identification of a clinical need; identification of a valid surrogate biomarker; stepwise assay refinement, demonstration of superiority over current standard-of-care; development and understanding of a clinical pathway; and demonstration of real-world performance. Successful biomarkers should improve efficacy or safety of treatment, while being practical at a realistic cost. Everyone involved in cardiovascular healthcare, including researchers, clinicians, and industry partners, are important stakeholders in facilitating the development and implementation of biomarkers. This paper provides suggestions for a development pathway for new biomarkers, discusses regulatory issues and challenges, and suggestions for accelerating the pathway to improve patient outcomes. Real life examples of successful biomarkers-high sensitivity cardiac troponin (hs-cTn), T2* cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging, and echocardiography-are used to illustrate the value of a standardised development pathway in the translation of concepts into routine clinical practice