28 research outputs found

    Expression of Transposable Elements in Neural Tissues during Xenopus Development

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    Transposable elements comprise a large proportion of animal genomes. Transposons can have detrimental effects on genome stability but also offer positive roles for genome evolution and gene expression regulation. Proper balance of the positive and deleterious effects of transposons is crucial for cell homeostasis and requires a mechanism that tightly regulates their expression. Herein we describe the expression of DNA transposons of the Tc1/mariner superfamily during Xenopus development. Sense and antisense transcripts containing complete Tc1-2_Xt were detected in Xenopus embryos. Both transcripts were found in zygotic stages and were mainly localized in Spemann's organizer and neural tissues. In addition, the Tc1-like elements Eagle, Froggy, Jumpy, Maya, Xeminos and TXr were also expressed in zygotic stages but not oocytes in X. tropicalis. Interestingly, although Tc1-2_Xt transcripts were not detected in Xenopus laevis embryos, transcripts from other two Tc1-like elements (TXr and TXz) presented a similar temporal and spatial pattern during X. laevis development. Deep sequencing analysis of Xenopus tropicalis gastrulae showed that PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) are specifically derived from several Tc1-like elements. The localized expression of Tc1-like elements in neural tissues suggests that they could play a role during the development of the Xenopus nervous system

    Different reprogramming propensities in plants and mammals: Are small variations in the core network wirings responsible?

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    Although the plant and animal kingdoms were separated more than 1,6 billion years ago, multicellular development is for both guided by similar transcriptional, epigenetic and posttranscriptional machinery. One may ask to what extent there are similarities and differences in the gene regulation circuits and their dynamics when it comes to important processes like stem cell regulation. The key players in mouse embryonic stem cells governing pluripotency versus differentiation are Oct4, Sox2 and Nanog. Correspondingly, the WUSCHEL and CLAVATA3 genes represent a core in the Shoot Apical Meristem regulation for plants. In addition, both systems have designated genes that turn on differentiation. There is very little molecular homology between mammals and plants for these core regulators. Here, we focus on functional homologies by performing a comparison between the circuitry connecting these players in plants and animals and find striking similarities, suggesting that comparable regulatory logics have been evolved for stem cell regulation in both kingdoms. From in silico simulations we find similar differentiation dynamics. Further when in the differentiated state, the cells are capable of regaining the stem cell state. We find that the propensity for this is higher for plants as compared to mammalians. Our investigation suggests that, despite similarity in core regulatory networks, the dynamics of these can contribute to plant cells being more plastic than mammalian cells, i.e. capable to reorganize from single differentiated cells to whole plants-reprogramming. The presence of an incoherent feed-forward loop in the mammalian core circuitry could be the origin of the different reprogramming behaviour.This work was supported Swedish Research Council, grant VR 621-2013-4547 to CP; the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, grant A3 04 159p to CP; the Gatsby Charitable Foundation (GB), grant GAT3395-PR4 to HJ and the Swedish Research Council, grant VR 621- 2013-4632 to HJ

    Automating the Formalization of Product Comparison Matrices

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    International audienceProduct Comparison Matrices (PCMs) form a rich source of data for comparing a set of related and competing products over numerous features. Despite their apparent simplicity, PCMs contain heterogeneous, ambiguous, uncontrolled and partial information that hinders their efficient exploitations. In this paper, we formalize PCMs through model-based automated techniques and develop additional tooling to support the edition and re-engineering of PCMs. 20 participants used our editor to evaluate the PCM metamodel and automated transformations. The results over 75 PCMs from Wikipedia show that (1) a significant proportion of the formalization of PCMs can be automated - 93.11% of the 30061 cells are correctly formalized; (2) the rest of the formalization can be realized by using the editor and mapping cells to existing concepts of the metamodel. The automated approach opens avenues for engaging a community in the mining, re-engineering, edition, and exploitation of PCMs that now abound on the Internet