190 research outputs found

    A 40 Gb/s InP-monolithically integrated DPSK-demolulator enhanced by cross-gain-compensation in an SOA

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    We fabricated and experimentally tested a novel monolithically integrated Indium Phosphide optical circuit for differential phase-shift keying demodulation, which is robust to noise degradations of the received signal. The circuit consists of a one-bit-delay interferometer that demodulates the incoming signal and a semiconductor optical amplifier where the constructive and destructive demodulated outputs synchronously counter-propagate experiencing a reshaping effect. The novel optical circuit has been fabricated for 40 Gb/s signals, and the amplitude signal restoration is demonstrated by comparing the obtained output eye diagrams with those of a commercial fiber-based demodulator. We find a net improvement in the signal to noise ratio when the circuit is fed with a noisy input signal

    Chaperoning RNA Polymerase II through repressive chromatin

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    Adaptable Pulse Compression in φ-OTDR With Direct Digital Synthesis of Probe Waveforms and Rigorously Defined Nonlinear Chirping

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    Recent research in Phase-Sensitive Optical Time Doman Reflectometry (φ-OTDR) has been focused, among others, on performing spatially resolved measurements with various methods including the use of frequency modulated probes. However, conventional schemes either rely on phase-coded sequences, involve inflexible generation of the probe frequency modulation or mostly employ simple linear frequency modulated (LFM) pulses which suffer from elevated sidelobes introducing degradation in range resolution. In this contribution, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a novel φ-OTDR scheme which employs a readily adaptable Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) of pulses with custom frequency modulation formats and demonstrate advanced optical pulse compression with a nonlinear frequency modulated (NLFM) waveform containing a complex, rigorously defined modulation law optimized for bandwidth-limited synthesis and sidelobe suppression. The proposed method offers high fidelity chirped waveforms, and when employed in resolving a 50-cm event at ∼1.13 km using a 1.2-μs probe pulse, matched filtering with the DDS-generated NLFM waveform results in a significant reduction in range ambiguity owing to autocorrelation sidelobe suppression of ∼20 dB with no averages and windowing functions, for an improvement of ∼16 dB compared to conventional linear chirping. Experimental results also show that the contribution of autocorrelation sidelobes to the power in the compressed backscattering responses around localized events is suppressed by up to ∼18 dB when advanced pulse compression with an optical NLFM pulse is employed

    Embedding Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors in Carbon Composite Structures for Accurate Strain Measurement

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    Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors written by femtosecond laser pulses in polyamide-coated low bending loss optical fibers are successfully embedded in carbon composite structures, following laminating and light resin molding processes which optimize the size of each ply to address esthetic, drapability, and structural requirements of the final components. The sensors are interrogated by a tunable laser operating at around 1.55 μm, and their response to temperature and strain variations is characterized in a thermally controlled chamber and by bending tests using suspended calibrated loads and a laser scanning system. Experimental results are in good agreement with simulations, confirming that the embedding process effectively overcomes potential issues related to FBG spectral distortion, birefringence, and losses. In particular, the effects of the composite material nonhomogeneity and FBG birefringence are investigated to evaluate their impact on the monitoring capabilities. A bimaterial mechanical beam model is proposed to characterize the orthotropic laminates, pointing out better accuracy in estimating the applied load with respect to the classical homogeneous beam model. A comparative analysis, performed on different instrumented carbon composite samples and supported by theory, points out the repeatability of the FBG sensors' embedding process and the effectiveness of the technology for real-time accurate strain measurement. Based on such measurements, damages and/or changes in local stiffness can be effectively detected, allowing for structural health monitoring (SHM) of composite structures for applications in specific industrial fields such as automotive and aerospace

    Ultracompact microinterferometer-based fiber Bragg grating interrogator on a silicon chip

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    We report an interferometer-based multiplexed fiber Bragg grating (FBG) interrogator using silicon photonic technology. The photonic-integrated system includes the grating coupler, active and passive interferometers, interferometers, a 12-channel wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) filter, and Ge photodiodes, all integrated on a 6x8 mm2 silicon chip. The system also includes optical and electric interfaces to a printed board, which is connected to a real-time electronic board that actively performs the phase demodulation processing using a multitone mixing (MTM) technique. The device with active demodulation, which uses thermally-based phase shifters, features a noise figure of σ  =  0.13 pm at a bandwidth of 700 Hz, which corresponds to a dynamic spectral resolution of 4.9 fm/Hz1/2. On the other hand, the passive version of the system, based on a 90º-hybrid coupler, features a noise figure of σ  =  2.55 pm at a bandwidth of 10 kHz, also showing successful detection of a 42 kHz signal when setting the bandwidth to 50 kHz. These results demonstrate the advantage of integrated photonics, which allows the integration of several systems with different demodulation schemes in the same chip and guarantees easy scalability to a higher number of ports without increasing the dimensions or the cost

    Large-FSR Thermally Tunable Double-Ring Filters for WDM Applications in Silicon Photonics

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    International audience; We present the design procedure and experimental results of thermally tunable double ring resonators for integrated wavelength division multiplexing applications. A detailed analytical model specific for double rings is described, and a modified racetrack geometry using Bezier bends is used to reduce bending loss. We demonstrate devices with a free-spectral-range up to 2.4 THz ( 19 nm) around 1550 nm and nonadjacent channel rejection higher than 35 dB. The experimental results of thermally tunable double ring resonators is also presented with doped silicon integrated heaters, allowing the device to be used as a tunable filter or a switch

    Rising CO2 from historical concentrations enhances the physiological performance of Brassica napus seedlings under optimal water supply but not under reduced water availability

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    The productivity of many important crops is significantly threatened by water shortage, and the elevated atmospheric CO2 can significantly interact with physiological processes and crop responses to drought. We examined the effects of three different CO2 concentrations (historical ~300 ppm, ambient ~400 ppm and elevated ~700 ppm) on physiological traits of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) seedlings subjected to well-watered and reduced water availability. Our data show (1) that, as expected, increasing CO2 level positively modulates leaf photosynthetic traits, leaf water-use efficiency and growth under non-stressed conditions, although a pronounced acclimation of photosynthesis to elevated CO2 occurred; (2) that the predicted elevated CO2 concentration does not reduce total evapotranspiration under drought when compared with present (400 ppm) and historical (300 ppm) concentrations because of a larger leaf area that does not buffer transpiration; and (3) that accordingly, the physiological traits analysed decreased similarly under stress for all CO2 concentrations. Our data support the hypothesis that increasing CO2 concentrations may not significantly counteract the negative effect of increasing drought intensity on Brassica napus performance

    Effect of in-water oxygen prebreathing at different depths on decompression-induced bubble formation and platelet activation

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    Effect of in-water oxygen prebreathing at different depths on decompression-induced bubble formation and platelet activation in scuba divers was evaluated. Six volunteers participated in four diving protocols, with 2 wk of recovery between dives. On dive 1, before diving, all divers breathed normally for 20 min at the surface of the sea (Air). On dive 2, before diving, all divers breathed 100% oxygen for 20 min at the surface of the sea [normobaric oxygenation (NBO)]. On dive 3, before diving, all divers breathed 100% O2 for 20 min at 6 m of seawater [msw; hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) 1.6 atmospheres absolute (ATA)]. On dive 4, before diving, all divers breathed 100% O2 for 20 min at 12 msw (HBO 2.2 ATA). Then they dove to 30 msw (4 ATA) for 20 min breathing air from scuba. After each dive, blood samples were collected as soon as the divers surfaced. Bubbles were measured at 20 and 50 min after decompression and converted to bubble count estimate (BCE) and numeric bubble grade (NBG). BCE and NBG were significantly lower in NBO than in Air [0.142+/-0.034 vs. 0.191+/-0.066 (P<0.05) and 1.61+/-0.25 vs. 1.89+/-0.31 (P<0.05), respectively] at 20 min, but not at 50 min. HBO at 1.6 ATA and 2.2 ATA has a similar significant effect of reducing BCE and NBG. BCE was 0.067+/-0.026 and 0.040+/-0.018 at 20 min and 0.030+/-0.022 and 0.020+/-0.020 at 50 min. NBG was 1.11+/-0.17 and 0.92+/-0.16 at 20 min and 0.83+/-0.18 and 0.75+/-0.16 at 50 min. Prebreathing NBO and HBO significantly alleviated decompression-induced platelet activation. Activation of CD62p was 3.0+/-0.4, 13.5+/-1.3, 10.7+/-0.9, 4.5+/-0.7, and 7.6+/-0.8% for baseline, Air, NBO, HBO at 1.6 ATA, and HBO at 2.2 ATA, respectively. The data show that prebreathing oxygen, more effective with HBO than NBO, decreases air bubbles and platelet activation and, therefore, may be beneficial in reducing the development of decompression sickness
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