46 research outputs found

    The Potential Contribution of Mass Treatment to the Control of Plasmodium falciparum Malaria

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    Mass treatment as a means to reducing P. falciparum malaria transmission was used during the first global malaria eradication campaign and is increasingly being considered for current control programmes. We used a previously developed mathematical transmission model to explore both the short and long-term impact of possible mass treatment strategies in different scenarios of endemic transmission. Mass treatment is predicted to provide a longer-term benefit in areas with lower malaria transmission, with reduced transmission levels for at least 2 years after mass treatment is ended in a scenario where the baseline slide-prevalence is 5%, compared to less than one year in a scenario with baseline slide-prevalence at 50%. However, repeated annual mass treatment at 80% coverage could achieve around 25% reduction in infectious bites in moderate-to-high transmission settings if sustained. Using vector control could reduce transmission to levels at which mass treatment has a longer-term impact. In a limited number of settings (which have isolated transmission in small populations of 1000–10,000 with low-to-medium levels of baseline transmission) we find that five closely spaced rounds of mass treatment combined with vector control could make at least temporary elimination a feasible goal. We also estimate the effects of using gametocytocidal treatments such as primaquine and of restricting treatment to parasite-positive individuals. In conclusion, mass treatment needs to be repeated or combined with other interventions for long-term impact in many endemic settings. The benefits of mass treatment need to be carefully weighed against the risks of increasing drug selection pressure


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    International audienceThe composition of ultra-high energy cosmic rays is still poorly known and this is an very important topic in the field of high-energy astrophysics. We detect them through the extensive air showers they create after interacting with the atmosphere constituents.The secondary electrons and positrons of the showers emit an electric field in the kHz-GHz range. It is possible to use this radio signal in 20-80 MHz for the estimation of the atmospheric depth of maximal development of the showers Xmax,with a good accuracy and a duty cycle close to 100\%. This value of Xmax is strongly correlated to the nature of the primary cosmic ray that initiated the shower.We present the importance of using a realistic atmospheric model in order to correct for systematic errors that can prevent a correct and unbiased estimation of Xmax

    Recent results from CODALEMA and the Nançay radio facilities related to cosmic-ray measurements

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    International audienceSince 2003, the Nançay Radio Observatory hosts the CODALEMA experiment, dedicated to radio detection of cosmic ray induced extensive air showers. CODALEMA also features the R&D EXTASIS project, aiming at detecting the low- frequency signal ([2-6] MHz) produced at the sudden disappearance of the air shower particles hitting the ground. The 3 current antenna arrays present different antenna den- sity and extent, and can be operated in a joint mode to record simultaneously the radio signal coming from air showers. Therefore, the Nançay facilities may offer a complete description of the air shower induced electric field at small, medium and large scale, and over an unique and very wide frequency band (from ∼ 2 to 200 MHz)

    Різні підходи до визначення поняття "Performativitat" (перформативність) у сучасній лінгвістичній науці

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    Статья посвящена изучению исторического аспекта понятия перформативности, его становлению как семантико-синтаксической категории. Рассматриваются и систематизируются различные современные подходы относительно интерпретации этого понятия, акцентируется внимание на "перформативной гипотезе".Стаття присвячена вивченню історичного аспекту поняття перформативності, його становленню як семантико-синтаксичної категорії. Розглядаються та систематизуються різні сучасні підходи щодо інтерпретації цього поняття, акцентується увага на "перформативній гіпотезі".The article is dedicated to the investigation of the historical aspect of the concept "performativity", its development as a semantic syntactic category. Different modern approaches to the interpretation of this concept are studied and systematized; attention to the "performative hypothesis" is paid

    Co-production of hydrogen and methane from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste in a pilot scale dark fermenter and methanogenic biofilm reactor

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    The co-production of biohydrogen and methane from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste was investigated using a two-stage AD system, composed of a pilot scale dark fermenter (DF) and a continuous methanogenic biofilm reactor. From the DF process, a biohydrogen yield of 41.7 (± 2.3) ml H2/gVSadded was achieved. The liquid DF effluent (DFE) was rich in short chain volatile fatty acids, i.e., mainly acetic and butyric acid. The DFE was valorized by producing methane in the methanogenic biofilm reactor. Two methanogenic biofilm reactors were used to assess the biotic and abiotic role of the DFE on the performance of the reactors. Regardless of the different DFE feeding (i.e., biotic and abiotic), similar and stable operational performance of the two methanogenic biofilm reactors were observed with a respective methane yield and COD removal efficiency of 280–300 ml CH4/gCODremoved and 80–90%. Both methanogenic biofilm reactors showed significant resistance toward organic shock loads and recovered fast after reactor disturbance. The total estimated energy recovered in the form of hydrogen and methane gas was, respectively, 28 and 72%, of the initial COD