752 research outputs found


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    Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan (Dispusip) Kota Bandung merupakan suatu bentuk dari perpustakaan umum yang memiliki fungsi membina perpustakaan. Pemberdayaan perpustakaan kelurahan di Kota Bandung saat ini belum terealisasi sesuai dengan jumlah kelurahan yang terdapat di kota Bandung sebanyak 151 kelurahan. Perpustakaan kelurahan dapat menjalankan fungsinya dengan baik sesuai dengan fungsi perpustakaan dengan penerapan fungsi manajemen perpustakaan. Masalah yang menjadi kajian pada penelitian ini bagaimana implementasi manajemen pembinaan perpustakaan kelurahan di Kota Bandung oleh Dispusip Kota Bandung. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan mengenai perencanaan, pengorganisasian, penggerakan dan pengawasan pembinaan perpustakaan kelurahan oleh Dispusip Kota Bandung. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini terdiri atas tiga informan yang bertindak sebagai pustakawan dan key informan sebagai Kepala Bidang Pengembangan Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah data reduction, data display, dan conclusion drawing (verification). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yaitu sebuah konstuksi model manajemen pembinaan perpustakaan kelurahan yang menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan pembinaan perpustakaan kelurahan oleh Dispusip Kota Bandung relevan dengan fungsi manajemen. Fungsi perencanaan, pengorganisasian, penggerakan kegiatan manajemen pembinaan perpustakaan kelurahan di Kota Bandung terealisasi cukup baik. Namun pada fungsi pengawasan belum berjalan secara optimal, hal ini dikarenakan oleh keterbatasan sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki oleh Dispusip Kota Bandung. Program pembinaan ini diharapkan dapat mewujudkan penyelenggaraan perpustakaan kelurahan dan dapat memberikan kontribusi terhadap perbaikan/ penyempurnaan manajemen pembinaan perpustakaan oleh Dispusip Kota Bandung. ;--- Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan (Dispusip) Kota Bandung is a form of public library, which function is to develop urban village libraries. Currently, the empowerment of urban village libraries in 151 village in Bandung City is not realized yet. Urban village libraries can perform its functions properly in accordance with the implementation of library management functions. The problem of this study is how Dispusip Kota Bandung manages the implementation of urban village libraries coaching in Bandung City. The purpose of this study is to describe the planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling of urban village libraries coaching by Dispusip Kota Bandung. The research method used in this study is qualitative method with a case study approach. The subjects of this study consist of three informants who act as a librarian and a key informant as a Head of Library and Archive Development by using purposive sampling technique. The research instruments used in this study are interviews, observations, and documentation studies. This study uses data analysis technique of data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing (verification). Based on the study of a model construction of urban village libraries coaching, the result is that the coaching activities of urban village libraries done by Dispusip Kota Bandung is relevant to the management functions. The functions of planning, organizing, and actuating of village libraries coaching activities in Bandung City are realized quite well. However, the function of controlling has not run optimally. This is due to the limitations of human resources owned by Dispusip Kota Bandung. This coaching program is expected to be able to realize the enforcement of urban village libraries and to give contribution to the improvement of library coaching management done by Dispusip Kota Bandung

    Unifying soil organic matter formation and persistence frameworks: the MEMS model

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    Soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics in ecosystem-scale biogeochemical models have traditionally been simulated as immeasurable fluxes between conceptually defined pools. This greatly limits how empirical data can be used to improve model performance and reduce the uncertainty associated with their predictions of carbon (C) cycling. Recent advances in our understanding of the biogeochemical processes that govern SOM formation and persistence demand a new mathematical model with a structure built around key mechanisms and biogeochemically relevant pools. Here, we present one approach that aims to address this need. Our new model (MEMS v1.0) is developed from the Microbial Efficiency-Matrix Stabilization framework, which emphasizes the importance of linking the chemistry of organic matter inputs with efficiency of microbial processing and ultimately with the soil mineral matrix, when studying SOM formation and stabilization. Building on this framework, MEMS v1.0 is also capable of simulating the concept of C saturation and represents decomposition processes and mechanisms of physico-chemical stabilization to define SOM formation into four primary fractions. After describing the model in detail, we optimize four key parameters identified through a variance-based sensitivity analysis. Optimization employed soil fractionation data from 154 sites with diverse environmental conditions, directly equating mineral-associated organic matter and particulate organic matter fractions with corresponding model pools. Finally, model performance was evaluated using total topsoil (0–20&thinsp;cm) C data from 8192 forest and grassland sites across Europe. Despite the relative simplicity of the model, it was able to accurately capture general trends in soil C stocks across extensive gradients of temperature, precipitation, annual C inputs and soil texture. The novel approach that MEMS v1.0 takes to simulate SOM dynamics has the potential to improve our forecasts of how soils respond to management and environmental perturbation. Ensuring these forecasts are accurate is key to effectively informing policy that can address the sustainability of ecosystem services and help mitigate climate change.</p

    Shifts in controls and abundance of particulate and mineral-associated organic matter fractions among subfield yield stability zones

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    Spatiotemporal yield heterogeneity presents a significant challenge to agricultural sustainability efforts and can strain the economic viability of farming operations. Increasing soil organic matter (SOM) has been associated with increased crop productivity, as well as the mitigation of yield variability across time and space. Observations at the regional scale have indicated decreases in yield variability with increasing SOM. However, the mechanisms by which this variability is reduced remain poorly understood, especially at the farm scale. To better understand the relationship between SOM and yield heterogeneity, we examined its distribution between particulate organic matter (POM) and mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM) at the subfield scale within nine farms located in the central United States. We expected that the highest SOM concentrations would be found in stable, high-yielding zones and that the SOM pool in these areas would have a higher proportion of POM relative to other areas in the field. In contrast to our predictions, we found that unstable yield areas had significantly higher SOM than stable yield areas and that there was no significant difference in the relative contribution of POM to total SOM across different yield stability zones. Our results further indicate that MAOM abundance was primarily explained by interactions between crop productivity and edaphic properties such as texture, which varied amongst stability zones. However, we were unable to link POM abundance to soil properties or cropping system characteristics. Instead, we posit that POM dynamics in these systems may be controlled by differences in decomposition patterns between stable and unstable yield zones. Our results show that, at the subfield scale, increasing SOM may not directly confer increased yield stability. Instead, in fields with high spatiotemporal yield heterogeneity, SOM stocks may be determined by interactive effects of topography, weather, and soil characteristics on crop productivity and SOM decomposition. These findings suggest that POM has the potential to be a useful indicator of yield stability, with higher POM stocks in unstable zones, and highlights the need to consider these factors during soil sampling campaigns, especially when attempting to quantify farm-scale soil C stocks.</p

    Microbially mediated mechanisms underlie soil carbon accrual by conservation agriculture under decade-long warming

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Nature Research via the DOI in this recordData availability: The DNA sequences of the 16S rRNA gene and ITS amplicons in this study have been deposited in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) under project accession numbers PRJNA903096 and PRJNA903090. Raw shotgun metagenomic sequences in this study have been deposited in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) under project accession PRJNA1007786. Silva database is available at https://www.arb-silva.de/. UNITE database is available at https://unite.ut.ee/. Source data are provided in this paper. Source data are provided with this paper.Code availability: The analysis code that supports the findings of this study is available at GitHub https://github.com/bio-carbon/code.Increasing soil organic carbon (SOC) in croplands by switching from conventional to conservation management may be hampered by stimulated microbial decomposition under warming. Here, we test the interactive effects of agricultural management and warming on SOC persistence and underlying microbial mechanisms in a decade-long controlled experiment on a wheat-maize cropping system. Warming increased SOC content and accelerated fungal community temporal turnover under conservation agriculture (no tillage, chopped crop residue), but not under conventional agriculture (annual tillage, crop residue removed). Microbial carbon use efficiency (CUE) and growth increased linearly over time, with stronger positive warming effects after 5 years under conservation agriculture. According to structural equation models, these increases arose from greater carbon inputs from the crops, which indirectly controlled microbial CUE via changes in fungal communities. As a result, fungal necromass increased from 28 to 53%, emerging as the strongest predictor of SOC content. Collectively, our results demonstrate how management and climatic factors can interact to alter microbial community composition, physiology and functions and, in turn, SOC formation and accrual in croplands.National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaNational Key R&D Program of China2115 Talent Development Program of China Agricultural UniversityBeijing Advanced Disciplines and Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Science

    Cambiamenti nel regime pluviometrico in ecosistemi mediterranei: il progetto MIND

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    Changes in rainfall patterns in Mediterranean ecosystems: the MIND project. Will Mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems be affected by the expected changes in precipitation regimes? If so, by how much and in which direction? These questions are at the basis of the research performed in context of the EU MIND project, whose key objectives were: i) to investigate the potential effects of increasing drought on Mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems at the process, ecosystem and regional scales and ii) to assess ecosystem vulnerability to changes in rainfall patterns. A network of experimental study sites has been created in Portugal, Spain, France and Italy, where field manipulations alter the amount of water available to the ecosystem. The most up-to-date methods of ecophysiology, micrometeorology, soil ecology and remote sensing have been used to elucidate the mechanisms that regulate the response of vegetation and soil to changes in water availability. This information is providing the basis for the implementation and validation of simulation models capable of predicting the drought response of Mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems, and their vulnerability to future climate change, on a larger scale. The out-coming results are elucidating how water availability affects plant ecophysiological processes, the dynamics of soil carbon and the overall exchange of mass and energy between the land and the atmosphere. This paper focuses on some of the important, yet preliminary, results on C and energy fluxes that have been obtained at the large scale troughfall manipulation experiment (Tolfa, Italy), in a forest dominated by Arbutus unedo L