30 research outputs found

    Juvenile Sphyraena viridensis, preyed by the lizard fish Synodus saurus. A new predatory association from the Azores

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    Copyright © 2008 Société Française d’Ichtyologie.Les juvéniles de Sphyraena viridensis, proies de Synodus saurus, une nouvelle association prédateur-proie aux Açores. Au cours d’un travail sur l’écologie (comportement, alimentation et reproduction) du poisson lézard, Synodus saurus, aux Açores (Atlantique NE) nous avons découvert, dans plusieurs contenus stomacaux, des exemplaires postlarvaires et des juvéniles de la bécune à bouche jaune Sphyraena viridensis. Non seulement cette découverte nous a permis d’obtenir, pour la première fois, des postlarves de cette espèce de barracuda mais nous avons réussi à décrire une action de prédation d’un poisson épibenthique envers une espèce pélagique

    In situ observation of sexual reproduction of Holothuria tubulosa Gmelin 1788 (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) in the Azores (NE Atlantic)

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    Copyright © SPC 2010.[...]. In the Azores, H. tubulosa spawning occurs in the summer months (so far observed in July and August) during the afternoon, which may follow the annual pattern, during warm sea temperatures (22–26°C) and being synchronous in both sexes, as stated by Despalotovic et al. (2004) in the Adriatic Sea. [...

    2 years-long monitoring of <i>Codium elisabethae</i> population dynamics in the Azorian reef ecosystem (Faial Island) with seabed imagery

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    In the Site of Community Interest (Natura, 2000) of Monte-da-Guia (Faial, Azores), two sites were delimited in order to investigate particularly the links between habitat characteristics, population structure, distribution and dynamics of the green alga Codium elisabethae. The first site is a large protected rocky seafloor of an ancient volcano crater (20m deep) and classified as no-go reserve. It shows very high density stands of Codium elisabethae (up to 105 ind.m-2), representing the main vegetal biomass. At similar depth but distant of about two kilometers, the second site is in a more exposed area, where a sparse population (about 13 ind.m-2) occupies rocky tables and boulders emerging from shallow sandy deposits. These contrasting densities reflect different population dynamic equilibrium resulting from the particular environmental pressures of each site. A two year population survey started in August 2003, aiming principally at building submarine image mosaics of each site on a seasonal basis. Further, a computer assisted detection is run on the images to derive valuable information about the studied macroalgae. This technique allows to study a comparatively large zone regarding to the diving time invested so as to integrate spatial patchiness and to focus on the temporal evolution of well identified individuals. The imagery methodology was validated with in situ measurements, confirming the adequacy of the 1cm precision size histograms produced, when considering individuals larger than 5cm diameter. Seasonal fluctuations of growth rate (from 0.5 to 3cm.month-1) and primary production (from 1 to 15kg.m-².month-1) could be described. For both sites studied, density, biomass and cover rate seemed affected by a seasonal variation with reduction starting in end summer early autumn. In both sites, the reduction was sharp in the fall 2003 and population density didn’t recover completely in spring and summer 2004. During the following year, population of the protected site could maintain density and biomass, while population of the exposed site dropped continuously all year. Last processing step will search to relate statistically these different population evolutions to the benthic environmental constraints measured in both sites during the year 2004-2005 (temperature, currents, turbidity, photosynthetic active radiation, nutrients). Differences in hydrodynamic exposure of both sites could be part of the answer, but observed differences in the reproduction intensity of these two populations is an important factor, and remains unexplained

    Lymphocyte Subpopulations in Sjögren’s Syndrome Are Distinct in Anti-SSA-Positive Patients and Related to Disease Activity

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    Objectives: Sjögren's syndrome (SjS) patients exhibit great phenotypical heterogeneity, reinforced by the positiveness of anti-SSA antibody. We aimed to evaluate lymphocyte subpopulations in SSA-positive (SSA+SjS) and SSA-negative (SSA-SjS) SjS patients, Sicca patients, and healthy controls (HC), and to investigate associations between lymphocyte subpopulations and disease activity in SjS. Methods: According to the fulfilment of the ACR/EULAR 2016 classification criteria, patients were included as SjS or as Sicca. HC were selected from the Ophthalmology outpatient clinic. Lymphocyte subpopulations were characterized by flow cytometry. Statistical analysis was performed with GraphPad PrismTM, with statistical significance concluded if p < 0.05. Results: We included 53 SjS patients (38 SSA+ and 15 SSA-), 72 Sicca, and 24 HC. SSA+SjS patients presented increased IL-21+CD4+ and CD8+ T cells compared to Sicca and HC, whereas compared to SSA-SjS patients, only IL-21+CD4+ T cell percentages were increased and Tfh17 percentages and numbers were decreased. Compared to Sicca and HC, SSA+SjS patients had higher levels of CD24HiCD38Hi B cells, naïve B cells, and IgM-/+CD38++ plasmablasts, and lower levels of memory B cells, including CD24HiCD27+ B cells. SSA+SjS patients with clinically active disease had positive correlations between ESSDAI and IL-21+CD4+ (p = 0.038, r = 0.456) and IL-21+CD8+ T cells (p = 0.046, r = 0.451). Conclusions: In SjS, a distinct lymphocyte subset distribution profile seems to be associated with positive anti-SSA. Moreover, the association between ESSDAI and IL-21+CD4+ and IL-21+CD8+ (follicular) T cells in SSA+SjS patients suggests the involvement of these cells in disease pathogenesis and activity, and possibly their utility for the prognosis and assessment of response to therapy. Key Points • SSA+SjS patients have a pronounced naïve/memory B cell imbalance. • SSA+SjS patients have more active disease associated with IL-21+CD4+ and IL-21+CD8+ follicular T cell expansion. • IL-21+CD4+ and IL-21+CD8+ T cell quantification may be useful for the prognosis and assessment of response to therapy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Association Between Memory B-Cells and Clinical and Immunological Features of Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome and Sicca Patients

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    B-cells play a pivotal role in primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS) pathogenesis. We aim to (1) evaluate the distribution of B-lymphocyte subpopulations in pSS and Sicca patients, (2) establish cut-off points that discriminate pSS from controls, (3) evaluate the association between memory B-cells and phenotypic features in pSS. We included 57 pSS patients, 68 Sicca and 24 healthy controls. Circulating B-cells were characterized by flow cytometry as naïve and memory subsets and classified from Bm1 to Bm5. Compared to controls, pSS patients had lower percentages (29.5 vs 44.4%) and absolute numbers (47 vs 106 cells/µl) of memory B-cells. Through ROC curves, a cut-off of ≤ 58 total memory B-cells/µl yielded a specificity of 0.88 and a sensitivity of 0.60 for pSS, and was met by 59.6% of pSS patients, 38.8% of Sicca and 12.5% of controls. A cut-off of < 23.5 Switched-memory B-cells/µl yielded a specificity of 0.88 and a sensitivity of 0.54 and was met by 54.4% of pSS patients, 37.3% of Sicca and 12.5% of controls. In pSS, lower total memory B-cells count was associated with longer disease duration (14.3 vs 8.1 years, p = 0.006) and more active disease profile, as evaluated by the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) Sjögren's Syndrome Disease Activity Index (ESSDAI) (3.1 vs 1.4, p = 0.043). Decreased numbers of memory B-cells clearly discriminated pSS from controls and can also have prognostic value. It remains to be clarified whether Sicca patients with decreased memory B-cells represent pSS and if B-cell profiling could help in the diagnosis of pSS.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Added value of lymphocyte subpopulations in the classification of Sjögren's syndrome

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    Sjögren's Syndrome (SjS) is a chronic systemic immune-mediated inflammatory disease characterized by lymphocytic infiltration and consequent lesion of exocrine glands. SjS diagnosis and classification remains a challenge, especially at SjS onset, when patients may have milder phenotypes of the disease or uncommon presentations. New biomarkers are needed for the classification of SjS, thus, we aimed to evaluate the added-value of lymphocyte subpopulations in discriminating SjS and non-Sjögren Sicca patients. Lymphocyte subsets from 62 SjS and 63 Sicca patients were characterized by flow cytometry. The 2002 AECG and the 2016 ACR/EULAR SjS classification criteria were compared with clinical diagnosis. The added discriminative ability of joining lymphocytic populations to classification criteria was assessed by the area under the Receiver-Operating-Characteristic Curve (AUC). Considering clinical diagnosis as the gold-standard, we obtained an AUC = 0.952 (95% CI: 0.916-0.989) for AECG and an AUC = 0.921 (95% CI: 0.875-0.966) for ACR/EULAR criteria. Adding Tfh and Bm1 subsets to AECG criteria, performance increased, attaining an AUC = 0.985 (95% CI: 0.968-1.000) (p = 0.021). Th1/Breg-like CD24hiCD27+ and switched-memory B-cells maximized the AUC of ACR/EULAR criteria to 0.953 (95% CI: 0.916-0.990) (p = 0.043). Our exploratory study supports the potential use of lymphocyte subpopulations, such as unswitched memory B cells, to improve the performance of classification criteria, since their discriminative ability increases when specific subsets are added to the criteria.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Corneal Sub‐Basal Nerve Plexus Assessment and its Association with Phenotypic Features and Lymphocyte Subsets in Sjögren's Syndrome

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    Purpose: To assess and compare corneal sub-basal nerve plexus morphology with circulating lymphocyte subsets, immunologic status and disease activity in Sjögren syndrome (SjS) patients. Methods: Fifty-five SjS patients, 63 Sicca patients (not fulfilling SjS criteria), 18 rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients and 20 healthy controls (HC) were included. Systemic disease activity in SjS was assessed with the ESSDAI score. Lymphocyte subpopulations were studied with flow cytometry. Corneal confocal microscopy and ImageJ software were used to characterize corneal sub-basal nerve plexus in terms of nerve density (CNFD), length (CNFL) and tortuosity (CNFT). Conventional dry eye tests were also performed. Results: CNFL and CNFD were lower in SjS, Sicca and RA groups, compared to HC (p < 0.001 for both SjS and Sicca); CNFL p = 0.005, CNFD p = 0.018 in RA). CNFT was higher in SjS, followed by Sicca, RA and HC. A negative correlation was found between ESSDAI score and CNFL (r=-0.735, p = 0.012). CNFL correlated negatively with IL21+ CD8+ T cells (r=-0.279, p = 0.039) and a positively with total memory (r = 0.299, p = 0.027), unswitched memory (r = 0.281, p = 0.038) and CD24Hi CD27+ (r = 0.278, p = 0.040) B cells. CNFD showed a tendency to significance in its negative correlation with ESSDAI (r=-0.592, p = 0.071) and in its positive correlation with switched memory B cells (r = 0.644, p = 0.068). Conclusions: This is the first study aiming to correlate ocular findings with lymphocyte subsets in SjS. The associations founded between CNFL and CNFD and disease activity, IL21+ follicular T cells and some B-cell subsets suggest that corneal nerve damage may parallel systemic disease activity and inflammatory cells' dynamics.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Significant discharge of CO2 from hydrothermalism associated with the submarine volcano of El Hierro Island

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    The residual hydrothermalism associated with submarine volcanoes, following an eruption event, plays an important role in the supply of CO2 to the ocean. The emitted CO2 increases the acidity of seawater. The submarine volcano of El Hierro, in its degasification stage, provided an excellent opportunity to study the effect of volcanic CO2 on the seawater carbonate system, the global carbon flux, and local ocean acidification. A detailed survey of the volcanic edifice was carried out using seven CTD-pH-ORP tow-yo studies, localizing the redox and acidic changes, which were used to obtain surface maps of anomalies. In order to investigate the temporal variability of the system, two CTD-pH-ORP yo-yo studies were conducted that included discrete sampling for carbonate system parameters. Meridional tow-yos were used to calculate the amount of volcanic CO2 added to the water column for each surveyed section. The inputs of CO2 along multiple sections combined with measurements of oceanic currents produced an estimated volcanic CO2 flux = 6.0 105 ± 1.1 105 kg d−1 which is ~0.1% of global volcanic CO2 flux. Finally, the CO2 emitted by El Hierro increases the acidity above the volcano by ~20%.En prens

    Consistency of impact assessment protocols for non-native species

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    Standardized tools are needed to identify and prioritize the most harmful non-native species (NNS). A plethora of assessment protocols have been developed to evaluate the current and potential impacts of non-native species, but consistency among them has received limited attention. To estimate the consistency across impact assessment protocols, 89 specialists in biological invasions used 11 protocols to screen 57 NNS (2614 assessments). We tested if the consistency in the impact scoring across assessors, quantified as the coefficient of variation (CV), was dependent on the characteristics of the protocol, the taxonomic group and the expertise of the assessor. Mean CV across assessors was 40%, with a maximum of 223%. CV was lower for protocols with a low number of score levels, which demanded high levels of expertise, and when the assessors had greater expertise on the assessed species. The similarity among protocols with respect to the final scores was higher when the protocols considered the same impact types. We conclude that all protocols led to considerable inconsistency among assessors. In order to improve consistency, we highlight the importance of selecting assessors with high expertise, providing clear guidelines and adequate training but also deriving final decisions collaboratively by consensus