515 research outputs found

    The Durability of Composite Wood-Steel Systems

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    Nell\u2019ambito della valutazione e del controllo della qualit\ue0 tecnologica in edilizia, la conoscenza del comportamento nel tempo dei prodotti e componenti complessi per l\u2019edilizia, risulta aspetto fondamentale, in particolare per quei prodotti tecnologicamente \u201cinnovativi\u201d per i quali la normativa non prevede ancora prove specifiche per valutarne la durabilit\ue0. In particolare, oggi risulta sempre pi\uf9 diffuso l\u2019impiego di sistemi assemblati o con connessioni tra materiali di diversa natura, tra cui i sistemi legno-acciaio, ottenuti rinforzando le travi in legno lamellare con piastre in acciaio forate, incollati mediante una resina epossidica bicomponente. Tali sistemi, che sono stati gi\ue0 oggetto di sperimentazione sul comportamento a flessione del sistema trave in legno lamellare e solaio collaborante in calcestruzzo, affidano la loro efficacia in riguardo alla resistenza ed alla rigidezza attraverso gli sforzi di taglio e gli spostamenti relativi che in caso di buona collaborazione legno-acciaio sono molto ridotti. Il presente studio si occupa di indagare la durabilit\ue0 delle caratteristiche di aderenza legno-resina-acciaio del sistema, attraverso una sperimentazione condotta su campioni secondo le procedure della normativa ISO 15686. Dopo una prima fase di studio del sistema agenti-azioni-effetti \ue8 stato messo a punto un ciclo di invecchiamento accelerato e sono state effettuate le indagini in laboratorio in camera climatica. Il comportamento della connessione dopo vari livelli di invecchiamento \ue8 stato analizzato attraverso prove meccaniche di resistenza al taglio, azioni cui il sistema \ue8 sottoposto in esercizio, considerando sia le sollecitazioni climatiche che possono condizionare il comportamento dei singoli componenti del sistema: resina, acciaio e legno lamellare, sia il sistema nel suo insieme per cui risulta critico il comportamento all\u2019interfaccia legno-resina e resina-acciaio. I risultati ottenuti hanno fornito indicazioni interessanti sul comportamento del sistema nel tempo. Infatti con l\u2019avanzare dei cicli di invecchiamento si \ue8 manifestata una progressiva riduzione del carico massimo a rottura, mantenendo caratteristiche di rigidezza elevata, con spostamenti relativi ridottissimi anche sui campioni pi\uf9 invecchiati

    Multi-objective optimization of nitinol stent design

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    Nitinol stents continuously experience loadings due to pulsatile pressure, thus a given stent design should possess an adequate fatigue strength and, at the same time, it should guarantee a sufficient vessel scaffolding. The present study proposes an optimization framework aiming at increasing the fatigue life reducing the maximum strut strain along the structure through a local modification of the strut profile.The adopted computational framework relies on nonlinear structural finite element analysis combined with a Multi Objective Genetic Algorithm, based on Kriging response surfaces. In particular, such an approach is used to investigate the design optimization of planar stent cell.The results of the strut profile optimization confirm the key role of a tapered strut design to enhance the stent fatigue strength, suggesting that it is possible to achieve a marked improvement of both the fatigue safety factor and the scaffolding capability simultaneously. The present study underlines the value of advanced engineering tools to optimize the design of medical devices

    A new design approach to the use of composite materials for heavy transport vehicles

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    In order to keep or to reach a high level of competitiveness and performance of a product, it is necessary to explore all the possible solutions that allow the best compromise between costs and project requirements. By this point of view the study of alternative designs and/or materials to use, is an important aspect that can identify a new concept or way of thinking about a product. This paper presents how to make use of composite materials in the field of heavy vehicles transportation. A new semitrailer in composite material has been designed, using a methodical redesign approach and an optimisation process. The main innovation in this project is, besides the use of the Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastics (GFRPs), also a new topology of the vehicle frame; the designed semitrailer, in fact. has a monocoque structur

    Mild synthesis of poly(HEMA)-networks as well-defined nanoparticles in supercritical carbon dioxide

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    Free-radical dispersion polymerisation of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate was carried out in supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) in the presence of stabilisers based on polyethylene oxide (PEO) and poly(heptadecafluorodecyl acrylate) (PFDA). Different architectures of copolymers (random, palm-tree and diblock) were tested for their surface tension, cloud point and as a stabilising agent. The diblock architecture was found to be the best candidate resulting in poly(HEMA) spherical particles with a size of 316 nm. Furthermore, the effect of the CO2-phobic block (PEO) in the diblock architecture was investigated by using three different chain lengths (1000, 2000, 5000 g mol−1). By optimizing the stabiliser composition and structure, mild reaction conditions have been identified allowing us to obtain well-defined spherical cross-linked poly(HEMA) particles with a mean diameter of unprecedented low size (216 nm) at a temperature as low as 35 °C

    Green composites based on pla and agricultural or marine waste prepared by fdm

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    Three dimensional-printability of green composites is recently growing in importance and interest, especially in the view of feasibility to valorize agricultural and marine waste to attain green fillers capable of reducing bioplastic costs, without compromising their processability and performance from an environmental and mechanical standpoint. In this work, two lignocellulosic fillers, obtained from Opuntia ficus indica and Posidonia oceanica, were added to PLA and processed by FDM. Among the 3D printed biocomposites investigated, slight differences could be found in terms of PLA molecular weight and filler aspect ratio. It was shown that it is possible to replace up to 20% of bioplastic with low cost and ecofriendly natural fillers, without significantly modifying the processability and the mechanical performance of the neat matrix; at the same time, an increase of surface hydrophilicity was found, with possible positive influence on the biodegradability of such materials after disposal

    Geografie di oggi. Metodi e strategie tra ricerca e didattica

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    Questo volume è l’esito del confronto e delle riflessioni sviluppate durante il II Workshop “AIIG Giovani” organizzato a Roma nell’aprile del 2013. Nasce da un desiderio, quello di presentare l’importanza della combinazione tra metodi d’indagine tradizionali e nuovi per costruire sapere geografico, e da una passione, sostenuta dall’intreccio di relazioni umane che si evolvono nel tempo. Per chiarire quale possa essere il contributo della geografia alla comprensione del mondo contemporaneo, sempre più complesso, gli autori presentano le principali metodologie geografiche in quattro sezioni: “Territori della tecnologia”, “Identità, spazi, luoghi”, “Nodi della rete” e “Approcci sperimentali nella scuola che cambia”. Emerge dal lavoro un quadro multifocale che rispecchia la poliedricità e la trasversalità della geografia contemporanea, ancorato al comune bisogno di sviluppare strumenti interpretativi e d’azione. Ci si muove nell’ambito di una geografia critica e della complessità in grado di fornire ai cittadini globali differenti strumenti di interpretazione e comprensione del mondo, nuove metafore a partire dalle quali costruire e sperimentare forme alternative di cittadinanza consapevole ed attiva. Qui la geografia ritrova lo slancio di una disciplina fertile capace non solo di descrivere la Terra, ma anche di immaginare e creare nuovi mondi possibili. L’approdo naturale di questo percorso è la realtà scolastica dove è possibile sperimentare nuove forme di sapere e azione per rispondere alla sfida educativa contemporanea

    Nowcasting COVID-19 incidence indicators during the Italian first outbreak

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    A novel parametric regression model is proposed to fit incidence data typically collected during epidemics. The proposal is motivated by real-time monitoring and short-term forecasting of the main epidemiological indicators within the first outbreak of COVID-19 in Italy. Accurate short-term predictions, including the potential effect of exogenous or external variables are provided. This ensures to accurately predict important characteristics of the epidemic (e.g., peak time and height), allowing for a better allocation of health resources over time. Parameter estimation is carried out in a maximum likelihood framework. All computational details required to reproduce the approach and replicate the results are provided

    Network analysis of synovial RNA sequencing identifies gene-gene interactions predictive of response in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Abstract Background To determine whether gene-gene interaction network analysis of RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) of synovial biopsies in early rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can inform our understanding of RA pathogenesis and yield improved treatment response prediction models. Methods We utilized four well curated pathway repositories obtaining 10,537 experimentally evaluated gene-gene interactions. We extracted specific gene-gene interaction networks in synovial RNA-Seq to characterize histologically defined pathotypes in early RA and leverage these synovial specific gene-gene networks to predict response to methotrexate-based disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) therapy in the Pathobiology of Early Arthritis Cohort (PEAC). Differential interactions identified within each network were statistically evaluated through robust linear regression models. Ability to predict response to DMARD treatment was evaluated by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis. Results Analysis comparing different histological pathotypes showed a coherent molecular signature matching the histological changes and highlighting novel pathotype-specific gene interactions and mechanisms. Analysis of responders vs non-responders revealed higher expression of apoptosis regulating gene-gene interactions in patients with good response to conventional synthetic DMARD. Detailed analysis of interactions between pairs of network-linked genes identified the SOCS2/STAT2 ratio as predictive of treatment success, improving ROC area under curve (AUC) from 0.62 to 0.78. We identified a key role for angiogenesis, observing significant statistical interactions between NOS3 (eNOS) and both CAMK1 and eNOS activator AKT3 when comparing responders and non-responders. The ratio of CAMKD2/NOS3 enhanced a prediction model of response improving ROC AUC from 0.63 to 0.73. Conclusions We demonstrate a novel, powerful method which harnesses gene interaction networks for leveraging biologically relevant gene-gene interactions leading to improved models for predicting treatment response