1,037 research outputs found

    Atomic carbon chains as spin-transmitters: an \textit{Ab initio} transport study

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    An atomic carbon chain joining two graphene flakes was recently realized in a ground-breaking experiment by Jin {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 102}, 205501 (2009). We present {\it ab initio} results for the electron transport properties of such chains and demonstrate complete spin-polarization of the transmission in large energy ranges. The effect is due to the spin-polarized zig-zag edge terminating each graphene flake causing a spin-splitting of the graphene πz\pi_z bands, and the chain states. Transmission occurs when the graphene π\pi-states resonate with similar states in the strongly hybridized edges and chain. This effect should in general hold for any π\pi-conjugated molecules bridging the zig-zag edges of graphene electrodes. The polarization of the transmission can be controlled by chemically or mechanically modifying the molecule, or by applying an electrical gate

    Improvement of lung preservation - From experiment to clinical practice

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    Background. Reperfusion injury represents a severe early complication following lung transplantation. Among the pathogenetic factors, the high potassium content of Euro-Collins(R) solution is discussed. Material and Methods: In a pig model of orthotopic left-sided lung transplantation we investigated the effect of Euro-Collins solution (EC: n=6) versus low potassium dextran (LPD: Perfadex(R): n = 6). Sham-operated (n = 6) animals served as control. Transplant function, cellular energy metabolism and endothelial morphology served as parameters. In a clinical investigation, 124 patients were evaluated following single (EC: n = 31; LPD n = 37) or double (EC: n = 17; LPD n = 39) lung transplantation, whose organs where preserved with EC (n = 48) or LPD (n = 76). Duration of ischemia, duration of ventilation and stay on ICU were registered. Primary transplant function was evaluated according to AaDO(2) values. Cause of early death (30 days) was declared. Results: Experimental results: After flush with EC and 18 h ischemia, a reduction of tissue ATP content (p < 0.01 vs inital value and LPD) was noted. Endothelial damage after ischemia was severe (p < 0.05 vs control), paO(2) was significantly decreased. Clinical results: In the LPD group, duration of ischemia was longer for the grafts transplanted first (SLTx and DLTx: p = 0.0009) as well as second (2. organ DLTx: p = 0.045). Primary transplant function was improved (day 0: SLTx: p = 0.0015; DLTx: p = 0.0095, both vs EC). Duration of ventilation and stay on ICU were shorter (n.s.). Reperfusion injury-associated death was reduced from 8% (EC) to 0 (LPD). Conclusion: In experimental lung preservation, LPD lead to an improved graft function. These results were confirmed in clinical lung transplantation. Clinical lung preservation, therefore, should be carried out by use of LPD. Copyright (C) 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Controlling the transport of an ion: Classical and quantum mechanical solutions

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    We investigate the performance of different control techniques for ion transport in state-of-the-art segmented miniaturized ion traps. We employ numerical optimization of classical trajectories and quantum wavepacket propagation as well as analytical solutions derived from invariant based inverse engineering and geometric optimal control. We find that accurate shuttling can be performed with operation times below the trap oscillation period. The maximum speed is limited by the maximum acceleration that can be exerted on the ion. When using controls obtained from classical dynamics for wavepacket propagation, wavepacket squeezing is the only quantum effect that comes into play for a large range of trapping parameters. We show that this can be corrected by a compensating force derived from invariant based inverse engineering, without a significant increase in the operation time

    Localized Edge Vibrations and Edge Reconstruction by Joule Heating in Graphene Nanostructures

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    Under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY).Control of the edge topology of graphene nanostructures is critical to graphene-based electronics. A means of producing atomically smooth zigzag edges using electronic current has recently been demonstrated in experiments [Jia et al., Science 323, 1701 (2009)]. We develop a microscopic theory for current-induced edge reconstruction using density functional theory. Our calculations provide evidence for localized vibrations at edge interfaces involving unpassivated armchair edges. We demonstrate that these vibrations couple to the current, estimate their excitation by Joule heating, and argue that they are the likely cause of the reconstructions observed in the experiments.A. P. J. is grateful to the FiDiPro program of the Finnish Academy. Computational resources were provided by the Danish Center for Scientific Computing (DCSC).Peer reviewe

    Robust and scalable rf spectroscopy in first-order magnetic sensitive states at second-long coherence time

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    Trapped-ion quantum sensors have become highly sensitive tools for the search of physics beyond the Standard Model. Recently, stringent tests of local Lorentz-invariance (LLI) have been conducted with precision spectroscopy in trapped ions. We here elaborate on robust and scalable radio-frequency composite-pulse spectroscopy at second long coherence times in the magnetic sublevels of the long-lived 2F7/2^{2}F_{7/2} state of a trapped 172^{172}Yb+^{+} ion. We compare two Ramsey-type composite rf pulse sequences, a generalized spin-echo (GSE) sequence and a sequence based on universal rotations with 10 rephasing pulses (UR10) that decouple the energy levels from magnetic field noise, enabling robust and accurate spectroscopy. Both sequences are characterized theoretically and experimentally in the spin-1/21/2$\ ^{2}S_{1/2}electronicgroundstateof electronic ground state of ^{172}YbYb^{+}andresultsshowthattheUR10sequenceis38(13)timesmorerobustagainstpulseduration(frequencydetuning)errorsthantheGSEsequence.Weextendoursimulationstotheeightlevelmanifoldofthe and results show that the UR10 sequence is 38 (13) times more robust against pulse duration (frequency detuning) errors than the GSE sequence. We extend our simulations to the eight-level manifold of the ^2F_{7/2}state,whichishighlysensitivetoapossibleviolationofLLI,andshowthattheUR10sequencecanbeusedforhighfidelityRamseyspectroscopyinnoisyenvironments.TheUR10sequenceisimplementedexperimentallyinthe state, which is highly sensitive to a possible violation of LLI, and show that the UR10 sequence can be used for high-fidelity Ramsey spectroscopy in noisy environments. The UR10 sequence is implemented experimentally in the ^2F_{7/2}manifoldandacoherentsignalofupto manifold and a coherent signal of up to 2.5\,sisreached.WehaveimplementedthesequenceandusedittoperformthemoststringenttestofLLIintheelectronphotonsectortodate.DuetotherobustnessoftheUR10sequence,itcanbeappliedonlargerioncrystalstoimprovetestsofLorentzsymmetryfurther.Wedemonstratethatthesequencecanalsobeusedtoextractthequadrupolemomentofthemetastables is reached. We have implemented the sequence and used it to perform the most stringent test of LLI in the electron-photon sector to date. Due to the robustness of the UR10 sequence, it can be applied on larger ion crystals to improve tests of Lorentz symmetry further. We demonstrate that the sequence can also be used to extract the quadrupole moment of the meta-stable ^{2}F_{7/2}state,obtainingavalueof state, obtaining a value of \Theta\,=\,-0.0298(38)\,ea^{2}_{0}$ which is in agreement with the value deduced from clock measurements.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Prospects of reaching the quantum regime in Li-Yb+^+ mixtures

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    We perform numerical simulations of trapped 171^{171}Yb+^+ ions that are buffer gas cooled by a cold cloud of 6^6Li atoms. This species combination has been suggested to be the most promising for reaching the quantum regime of interacting atoms and ions in a Paul trap. Treating the atoms and ions classically, we compute that the collision energy indeed reaches below the quantum limit for a perfect linear Paul trap. We analyze the effect of imperfections in the ion trap that cause excess micromotion. We find that the suppression of excess micromotion required to reach the quantum limit should be within experimental reach. Indeed, although the requirements are strong, they are not excessive and lie within reported values in the literature. We analyze the detection and suppression of excess micromotion in our experimental setup. Using the obtained experimental parameters in our simulation, we calculate collision energies that are a factor 2-11 larger than the quantum limit, indicating that improvements in micromotion detection and compensation are needed there. We also analyze the buffer-gas cooling of linear and two-dimensional ion crystals. We find that the energy stored in the eigenmodes of ion motion may reach 10-100 μ\muK after buffer-gas cooling under realistic experimental circumstances. Interestingly, not all eigenmodes are buffer-gas cooled to the same energy. Our results show that with modest improvements of our experiment, studying atom-ion mixtures in the quantum regime is in reach, allowing for buffer-gas cooling of the trapped ion quantum platform and to study the occurrence of atom-ion Feshbach resonances.Comment: 39 pages, 22 figure

    Microwave plasma emission of a flare on AD Leo

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    An intense radio flare on the dMe star AD Leo, observed with the Effelsberg radio telescope and spectrally resolved in a band of 480 MHz centred at 4.85 GHz is analysed. A lower limit of the brightness temperature of the totally right handed polarized emission is estimated as T_b ~ 5x10^10 K (with values T_b > ~3x10^13 K considered to be more probable), which requires a coherent radio emission process. In the interpretation we favour fundamental plasma radiation by mildly relativistic electrons trapped in a hot and dense coronal loop above electron cyclotron maser emission. This leads to densities and magnetic field strengths in the radio source of n ~ 2x10^11 cm^-3 and B ~ 800 G. Quasi-periodic pulsations during the decay phase of the event suggest a loop radius of r ~ 7x10^8 cm. A filamentary corona is implied in which the dense radio source is embedded in hot thin plasma with temperature T >= 2x10^7 K and density n_ext <= 10^-2 n. Runaway acceleration by sub-Dreicer electric fields in a magnetic loop is found to supply a sufficient number of energetic electrons

    The fastest unbound star in our Galaxy ejected by a thermonuclear supernova

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    Hypervelocity stars (HVS) travel with velocities so high, that they exceed the escape velocity of the Galaxy. Several acceleration mechanisms have been discussed. Only one HVS (US 708, HVS 2) is a compact helium star. Here we present a spectroscopic and kinematic analysis of US\,708. Travelling with a velocity of 1200kms1\sim1200\,{\rm km\,s^{-1}}, it is the fastest unbound star in our Galaxy. In reconstructing its trajectory, the Galactic center becomes very unlikely as an origin, which is hardly consistent with the most favored ejection mechanism for the other HVS. Furthermore, we discovered US\,708 to be a fast rotator. According to our binary evolution model it was spun-up by tidal interaction in a close binary and is likely to be the ejected donor remnant of a thermonuclear supernova.Comment: 16 pages report, 20 pages supplementary material

    Quantum Eavesdropping without Interception: An Attack Exploiting the Dead Time of Single Photon Detectors

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    The security of quantum key distribution (QKD) can easily be obscured if the eavesdropper can utilize technical imperfections of the actual implementation. Here we describe and experimentally demonstrate a very simple but highly effective attack which even does not need to intercept the quantum channel at all. Only by exploiting the dead time effect of single photon detectors the eavesdropper is able to gain (asymptotically) full information about the generated keys without being detected by state-of-the-art QKD protocols. In our experiment, the eavesdropper inferred up to 98.8% of the key correctly, without increasing the bit error rate between Alice and Bob significantly. Yet, we find an evenly simple and effective countermeasure to inhibit this and similar attacks