38 research outputs found

    Correlation between profitability and transfer activity in European football

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    The transfer market of European football can be classified as a system. In this system, the effectiveness of participant teams can depend on the activity in players’ transfers. This article assesses the utility of network analysis in analysing connections between the mentioned concepts. The hypothesis is that there is causality between a club\u27s activity in the transfer market and its profit from transfers. This research is based on empirical transfer data of major soccer teams, which have had a significant role in the last 12 years in Europe. It is assumed that the most active clubs in the transfer system have more financial power in the transfer market, while teams which are not active in transfers have less profit from transfers. In the network analysis, the teams can be defined as a set of nodes and connected by edges (interactions). The thickness of the edges and the size of the nodes depend on the volume of transfers among clubs. The number of interactions and the amount of the transfer price can measure this volume also. Considering the results of network indices, the relationships between the two phenomena were reviewed. In order to explore these relationships, the correlations among all of the relevant variables in the transfer market were also measured

    High-Resolution Spectroscopy in Tr37: Gas Accretion Evolution in Evolved Dusty Disks

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    Using the Hectochelle multifiber spectrograph, we have obtained high-resolution (R~34,000) spectra in the Halpha region for a large number of stars in the 4 Myr-old cluster Tr 37, containing 146 previously known members and 26 newly identified ones. We present the Halpha line profiles of all members, compare them to our IR observations of dusty disks (2MASS/JHK + IRAC + MIPS 24 micron), use the radial velocities as a membership criterion, and calculate the rotational velocities. We find a good correlation between the accretion-broadened profiles and the presence of protoplanetary disks, noting that a small fraction of the accreting stars presents broad profiles with Halpha equivalent widths smaller than the canonical limit separating CTTS and WTTS. The number of strong accretors appears to be lower than in younger regions, and a large number of CTTS have very small accretion rates (dM/dt<10^{-9} Msun/yr). Taking into account that the spectral energy distributions are consistent with dust evolution (grain growth/settling) in the innermost disk, this suggests a parallel evolution of the dusty and gaseous components. We also observe that about half of the "transition objects" (stars with no IR excesses at wavelengths shorter than ~6 micron) do not show any signs of active accretion, whereas the other half is accreting with accretion rates <10^{-9} Msun/yr. These zero or very low accretion rates reveal important gas evolution and/or gas depletion in the innermost disk, which could be related to grain growth up to planetesimal or even planet sizes. Finally, we examine the rotational velocities of accreting and non accreting stars, finding no significant differences that could indicate disk locking at these ages.Comment: 51 pages, 13 (reduced resolution) figures, 2 tables. AJ in pres

    Two 'b's in the Beehive: The Discovery of the First Hot Jupiters in an Open Cluster

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    We present the discovery of two giant planets orbiting stars in Praesepe (also known as the Beehive Cluster). These are the first known hot Jupiters in an open cluster and the only planets known to orbit Sun-like, main-sequence stars in a cluster. The planets are detected from Doppler shifted radial velocities; line bisector spans and activity indices show no correlation with orbital phase, confirming the variations are caused by planetary companions. Pr0201b orbits a V=10.52 late F dwarf with a period of 4.4264 +/- 0.0070 days and has a minimum mass of 0.540 +/- 0.039 Mjup, and Pr0211b orbits a V=12.06 late G dwarf with a period of 2.1451 +/- 0.0012 days and has a minimum mass of 1.844 +/- 0.064 Mjup. The detection of 2 planets among 53 single members surveyed establishes a lower limit on the hot Jupiter frequency of 3.8 (+5.0)(-2.4) % in this metal-rich open cluster. Given the precisely known age of the cluster, this discovery also demonstrates that, in at least 2 cases, giant planet migration occurred within 600 Myr after formation. As we endeavor to learn more about the frequency and formation history of planets, environments with well-determined properties -- such as open clusters like Praesepe -- may provide essential clues to this end.Comment: 5 pages, 3 tables, 2 figures. Published in ApJ Letter

    Distance to the Active Galaxy NGC 6951 via the Type Ia Supernova 2000E

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    CCD-photometry and low-resolution spectroscopy of the bright supernova SN 2000E in NGC 6951 are presented. Both the light curve extending up to 150 days past maximum and the spectra obtained at 1 month past maximum confirm that SN 2000E is of Type Ia. The reddening of SN 2000E is determined as E(B-V)=0.36+/-0.15, its error is mainly due to uncertainties in the predicted SN (B-V) colour at late epochs. The V(RI)_C light curves are analyzed with the Multi-Colour Light Curve Shape (MLCS) method. The shape of the late light curve suggests that SN 2000E was overluminous by about 0.5 mag at maximum comparing with a fiducial SN Ia. This results in an updated distance of 33+/-8 Mpc of NGC 6951 (corrected for interstellar absorption). The SN-based distance modulus is larger by about +0.7 mag than the previous Tully-Fisher estimates. However, possible systematic errors due to ambiguities in the reddening determination and estimates of the maximum luminosity of SN 2000E may plague the present distance measurement.Comment: 9 p., 5 figs, accepted for publication in A&A. A reference correcte

    Towards absolute scales of radii and masses of open clusters

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    Aims: In this paper we derive tidal radii and masses of open clusters in the nearest kiloparsecs around the Sun. Methods: For each cluster, the mass is estimated from tidal radii determined from a fitting of three-parametric King's profiles to the observed integrated density distribution. Different samples of members are investigated. Results: For 236 open clusters, all contained in the catalogue ASCC-2.5, we obtain core and tidal radii, as well as tidal masses. The distributions of the core and tidal radii peak at about 1.5 pc and 7 - 10 pc, respectively. A typical relative error of the core radius lies between 15% and 50%, whereas, for the majority of clusters, the tidal radius was determined with a relative accuracy better than 20%. Most of the clusters have tidal masses between 50 and 1000 mm_\odot, and for about half of the clusters, the masses were obtained with a relative error better than 50%.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Elemental abundances of low-mass stars in the young clusters 25 Ori and lambda Ori

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    Aims. We aim to derive the chemical pattern of the young clusters 25 Orionis and lambda Orionis through homogeneous and accurate measurements of elemental abundances. Methods. We present FLAMES/UVES observations of a sample of 14 K-type targets in the 25 Ori and lambda Ori clusters; we measure their radial velocities, in order to confirm cluster membership. We derive stellar parameters and abundances of Fe, Na, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, and Ni using the code MOOG. Results. All the 25 Ori stars are confirmed cluster members without evidence of binarity; in lambda Ori we identify one non-member and one candidate single-lined binary star. We find an average metallicity [Fe/H]=-0.05+/-0.05 for 25 Ori, where the error is the 1sigma standard deviation from the average. lambda Ori members have a mean iron abundance value of 0.01+/-0.01. The other elements show close-to-solar ratios and no star-to-star dispersion. Conclusions. Our results, along with previous metallicity determinations in the Orion complex, evidence a small but detectable dispersion in the [Fe/H] distribution of the complex. This appears to be compatible with large-scale star formation episodes and initial non-uniformity in the pre-cloud medium. We show that, as expected, the abundance distribution of star forming regions is consistent with the chemical pattern of the Galactic thin disk.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics. 14 pages, 10 figures, 7 table

    HAT-P-34b -- HAT-P-37b: Four Transiting Planets More Massive Than Jupiter Orbiting Moderately Bright Stars

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    We report the discovery of four transiting extrasolar planets (HAT-P-34b - HAT-P-37b) with masses ranging from 1.05 to 3.33 MJ and periods from 1.33 to 5.45 days. These planets orbit relatively bright F and G dwarf stars (from V = 10.16 to V = 13.2). Of particular interest is HAT-P-34b which is moderately massive (3.33 MJ), has a high eccentricity of e = 0.441 +/- 0.032 at P = 5.4526540+/-0.000016 d period, and shows hints of an outer component. The other three planets have properties that are typical of hot Jupiters.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, 14 tables, submitted to AJ 2011 Dec 23. Minor changes after the referee repor

    GJ 3236: a new bright, very low-mass eclipsing binary system discovered by the MEarth observatory

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    We report the detection of eclipses in GJ 3236, a bright (I = 11.6) very low mass binary system with an orbital period of 0.77 days. Analysis of light- and radial velocity curves of the system yielded component masses of 0.38 +/- 0.02 and 0.28 +/- 0.02 Msol. The central values for the stellar radii are larger than the theoretical models predict for these masses, in agreement with the results for existing eclipsing binaries, although the present 5% observational uncertainties limit the significance of the larger radii to approximately 1 sigma. Degeneracies in the light curve models resulting from the unknown configuration of surface spots on the components of GJ 3236 currently dominate the uncertainties in the radii, and could be reduced by obtaining precise, multi-band photometry covering the full orbital period. The system appears to be tidally synchronized and shows signs of high activity levels as expected for such a short orbital period, evidenced by strong Halpha emission lines in the spectra of both components. These observations probe an important region of mass-radius parameter space around the predicted transition to fully-convective stellar interiors, where there are a limited number of precise measurements available in the literature.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, 10 tables, emulateapj format. Accepted for publication in Ap