25 research outputs found

    Bw horizon in Holocene slope deposits (Kratzeburg, NE Germany) – dating and pedological characteristics

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    A soil-sediment sequence in NE Germany has provided information about the duration and intensity of formation of a Bw horizon in Holocene slope deposits. With a combination of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), 14C- and archaeological dating methods, colluvial layers taken from a former castle wall trench constructed during the Bronze Age were dated. With this chronology, the relative age of the postsedimentary Bw horizon formation within the colluvial sediments was derived, resulting in the first valid pedochronological data (maximum and minimum age) for a Holocene Bw horizon in NE Germany. The horizon was formed within 2400 years. Weathering and brunification have altered the Holocene parent material. However, the geochemical characteristics of the Holocene soil formation are weak compared to Bw horizons from the Late Glacial and the Late Glacial to Holocene. The results presented here enhance our understanding of soil formation processes in northern Germany, while highlighting the role of colluvial layers as sedimentological tracers of Holocene soil formation processes.researc

    Quantification and dating of floodplain sedimentation in a medium-sized catchment of the German uplands: a case study from the Aar Valley in the southern Rhenish Massif, Germany

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    The distribution, thickness and composition of the floodplain sediments in the valleys of the Aar and its tributaries (Taunus Mountains) were investigated by way of extensive fieldwork at 25 locations. In the entire catchment area, 48.8 million tons of loamy floodplain fines could be assessed. Most of these were deposited since late medieval times due to extensive historical land use and forest clearing, especially in the mining region along the middle course of the Aar. In its lower course, the enhanced sedimentation ofloamy f loodplain sediments started during the Bronze Age

    Early Holocene aeolian sediments in southwestern Crete−preliminary results

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    The soilscapes along the southern and western coast of Crete (Greece) are dominated by coarse-grained reddish-brown slope sediments whose natural (pre-anthropogenic) configuration and properties are difficult to reconstruct due to the long history of intense land use. As a consequence, datable terrestrial sediment archives of pre-anthropogenic genesis are scarce. We present preliminary results of a study performed on an accumulation within an alluvial fan south of Stomio Bay in southwestern Crete. The studied profile is located in a small depression and is composed of a sequence of sandy to silty yellowish-brown calcareous sediments overlying coarse-grained slope sediments, including a fossil topsoil horizon. Based on macroscopic, micromorphological, geochemical, geophysical and mineralogical analysis, we interpret the fine-grained sediments to have a local aeolian origin. OSL dating indicates a final deposition phase during the early Holocene. Considering the scarcity of early Holocene terrestrial archives in Crete, the analysed profile provides valuable data for the reconstruction of landscape dynamics and paleoecological conditions as well as soil-sediment configurations during this time period. Additional research is needed to address the specific source area(s) as well as the ages of the deposition of slope sediments and formation of the fossil topsoil

    Investigating the loess–palaeosol sequence of Bahlingen-Schönenberg (Kaiserstuhl), southwestern Germany, using a multi-methodological approach

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    Loess–palaeosol sequences (LPSs) are key archives for the reconstruction of Quaternary environmental conditions, but there is a lack of investigated records from the southern Upper Rhine Graben (southwestern Germany). To close this gap, a LPS at Bahlingen-Schönenberg was investigated at high resolution using a multi-method approach. Infrared stimulated luminescence screening reveals a major hiatus in the lower part of the LPS that according to luminescence dating is older than marine isotope stage (MIS) 4. The section above the hiatus formed by quasi-continuous loess sedimentation between ca. 34 and 27 ka, interrupted by phases of weak reductive pedogenesis. The fact that this pedogenesis is much weaker compared to corresponding horizons in the more northerly part of the Upper Rhine Graben could be due to regionally drier conditions caused by a different atmospheric circulation pattern at the time of deposition. Our results reinforce earlier notions that the major environmental shifts leading into the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) of southern Central Europe significantly predate the transition of MIS 3 to 2 (ca. 29 ka). In particular, the last massive phase of loess accumulation started several thousand years prior to the arrival of glaciers in the foreland of the Alps, which raises questions regarding the source and transport paths of the dust. It is also noted that no loess dating to the LGM or the time thereafter was observed due to either a lack of deposition or later erosion.Löss-PalĂ€oboden Sequenzen (LPS) sind SchlĂŒsselarchive fĂŒr die Rekonstruktion von quartĂ€ren Umweltbedingungen, aber es mangelt an der Untersuchung solcher Abfolgen aus dem sĂŒdlichen Oberrheingraben. Um diese LĂŒcke zu schließen, wurde eine LPS bei Bahlingen-Schönenberg mit einem multimethodischen Ansatz hochauflösend untersucht. Die Untersuchung mit Infrarot Stimulierter Lumineszenz Screening zeigt einen Hiatus im unteren Teil der LPS, der laut Lumineszenzdatierungen Ă€lter ist als das Marine Isotopenstadium (MIS) 4. Der Abschnitt oberhalb des Hiatus bildete sich durch quasi-kontinuierliche Lössablagerung zwischen ca. 34 und 27 ka, unterbrochen von Phasen schwacher reduktiver Pedogenese. Da die Pedogenese im Vergleich zu entsprechenden Horizonten im nördlicheren Teil des Oberrheingrabens viel schwĂ€cher ausgeprĂ€gt ist, könnte dies auf regional trockenere Bedingungen zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren sein, verursacht durch ein anderes atmosphĂ€risches Zirkulationsmuster zur Zeit der Ablagerung. Unsere Ergebnisse bestĂ€tigen frĂŒhere Annahmen, dass die großen UmweltverĂ€nderungen, die zum letzten glazialen Maximum (LGM) im sĂŒdlichen Mitteleuropa fĂŒhrten, deutlich vor dem Übergang von MIS 3 zu 2 (ca. 29 ka) lagen. Insbesondere begann die letzte massive Phase der Lössakkumulation mehrere tausend Jahre vor der Ankunft der Gletscher im Alpenvorland, was Fragen zu den Quellen und Transportwegen des Staubs aufwirft. Es ist auch festzustellen, dass kein Löss aus dem LGM oder der Zeit danach gefunden wurde, entweder aufgrund fehlender Ablagerung oder spĂ€terer Erosion

    Early Holocene aeolian sediments in southwestern Crete−preliminary results

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    The soilscapes along the southern and western coast of Crete (Greece) are dominated by coarse-grained reddish-brown slope sediments whose natural (pre-anthropogenic) configuration and properties are difficult to reconstruct due to the long history of intense land use. As a consequence, datable terrestrial sediment archives of pre-anthropogenic genesis are scarce. We present preliminary results of a study performed on an accumulation within an alluvial fan south of Stomio Bay in southwestern Crete. The studied profile is located in a small depression and is composed of a sequence of sandy to silty yellowish-brown calcareous sediments overlying coarse-grained slope sediments, including a fossil topsoil horizon. Based on macroscopic, micromorphological, geochemical, geophysical and mineralogical analysis, we interpret the fine-grained sediments to have a local aeolian origin. OSL dating indicates a final deposition phase during the early Holocene. Considering the scarcity of early Holocene terrestrial archives in Crete, the analysed profile provides valuable data for the reconstruction of landscape dynamics and paleoecological conditions as well as soil-sediment configurations during this time period. Additional research is needed to address the specific source area(s) as well as the ages of the deposition of slope sediments and formation of the fossil topsoil.Freie UniversitÀt Berlin (1008

    Identification et caractĂ©risation de vestiges du PalĂ©olithique moyen conservĂ©s sur de grandes surfaces : l’exemple du diagnostic du Dhuisy (Seine-et-Marne)

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    International audienceL’amĂ©nagement d’une zone d’activitĂ©s sur la commune de Dhuisy en Seine-et-Marne, au lieudit "Les Effaneaux" a entraĂźnĂ© la rĂ©alisation d’un diagnostic archĂ©ologique sur une surface de 57 ha. Des vestiges archĂ©ologiques de diffĂ©rentes pĂ©riodes y ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©couverts, dont de nombreux attribuables au PalĂ©olithique moyen. Ces derniers ont Ă©tĂ© retrouvĂ©s sur de vastes surfaces au sein de stratigraphies lƓssiques du PlĂ©istocĂšne. Cette contribution prĂ©sente le contexte chrono-stratigraphique, des Ă©lĂ©ments de datation radiomĂ©triques et les caractĂ©ristiques typo-techniques des industries lithiques de Dhuisy dans le contexte du nord de la France. Les modalitĂ©s d’identification et de caractĂ©risation en diagnostic d’ensembles enfouis profondĂ©ment sur de grandes surfaces sont aussi discutĂ©es

    Late glacial to Holocene fluvial dynamics in the Upper Rhine alluvial plain, France

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    Abstract High-resolution sedimentological and geochronological investigations of paleochannel systems in the Ried Central d'Alsace (northeastern France) allow for the reconstruction of the late glacial and Holocene fluvial evolution of this section of the Upper Rhine alluvial plain. During the Oldest Dryas, the landscape featured a dominant braided Rhine system and, to a lesser extent, a braided Fecht system. The shift to the BĂžlling-AllerĂžd saw a narrowing of the Rhine's active channel belt, the development of a complex channel pattern, and the genesis of the Ill River. The river channel patterns remained unchanged during the Younger Dryas. In the Early Holocene, the Rhine's active belt narrowed further, and the Rhine and Ill Rivers developed braided-anastomosing and anastomosing channel patterns, respectively. Throughout the Holocene, both rivers maintained their channel patterns while migrating east and west across the alluvial plain, respectively. In the late glacial, fluvial dynamics in this section of the Upper Rhine plain were primarily influenced by climate-related environmental and hydrogeomorphological changes. Conversely, during the Holocene, the evolution of the fluvial hydrosystems was driven by a complex interaction of climatic and non-climatic factors, including human activity at the catchment scale, alluvial plain architecture, and local neotectonics.</jats:p

    Syn‐ and post‐eruptive gully formation near the Laacher See volcano

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    The Laacher See volcano (LSV) is located at the western margin of the Neuwied Basin, the central part of the Middle Rhine Basin of Germany. Its paroxysmal Plinian eruption c. 13 ka ago (Laacher See event; LSE) deposited a complex tephra sequence in the Neuwied Basin, whilst the distal ashes became one of the most important chronostratigraphic markers in Central Europe. However, some other impacts on landscape formation have thus far been largely neglected, such as buried gully structures in the proximity of the LSV. In this contribution, we map and discuss the spatial extent of these landforms at the site LungenkĂ€rchen c. 4 km south of the LSV based on geophysical prospection as well as contrasting pedo‐sedimentary characteristics of the gully infill (particle‐size distribution, bulk‐sediment density, thin‐section analysis, saturated hydraulic conductivity) and the surrounding soils and tephra layers. These data are combined with a luminescence‐ and carbon‐14 (14C)‐based age model that relates them to the LSE. It is demonstrated how these gullies seem to have been formed and rapidly infilled by rainfall and surface discharge both during and subsequent to the eruptive phase, with modern analog processes documented for the 1980 Mount St Helens eruption (Washington State, USA). Given the density of the gullies at the site and their deviating pedo‐sedimentary properties compared to the surrounding soils, we propose a significant influence on agricultural production in the proximity of the LSV, which remains to be tested in future studies. Finally, in contrast, gullies of similar lateral and vertical dimensions identified in post‐LSE reworked loess and tephra deposits of the Wingertsbergwand (close to the main study site and proximal to the LSV) have shown to be unrelated to the LSE and can either be attributed to periglacial processes at the Younger Dryas‐Preboreal transition or to linear incision during the early Holocene.Linear subsurface gullies were identified close to the Laacher See volcano in magnetometer and ground‐penetrating radar prospection. Optically stimulated luminescence data indicate they incised during or shortly after the Laacher See event 13 ka ago. Pedo‐sedimentary characteristics of the gully infill differs from the surrounding regosols and brown earths, possibly influencing regional agricultural land use. imageUniversity of Cologne http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100008001Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/50110000165

    Holocene overbank sedimentation in Central Europe between natural and human drivers - The Weiße Elster River (Central Germany)

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    Up to several meters thick fine-grained Holocene overbank deposits are ubiquitously found in most Western and Central European lowland floodplains. However, despite their large importance for the geomorphological and geoecological floodplain properties, the interplay of different possible causes for their formation are not well understood yet. Most authors suggest human-induced deforestation as the main precondition for sediment mobilization and transport from the slopes to the floodplain, whereas others suggest a stronger influence of climatic factors. This current research gap is caused by often missing well-resolved fluvial chronostratigraphies and spatio-temporal information about former human activity within the studied catchments. To fill this gap we exemplarily studied Holocene overbank sedimentation and possible human or natural drivers in the meso-scale Weiße Elster catchment in Central Germany. To do so, we applied numerical dating as well as sedimentological and micromorphological analyses to Holocene fluvial sediments along three floodplain transects. Furthermore, we built up an unprecedented systematic spatio-temporal database of former human activity within the catchment from the Neolithic until the Early Modern Ages. Together with published paleoclimatic data, this database allowed an unprecedented, systematic comparison of Holocene overbank sedimentation phases with possible external controls. Our data show that some overbank sedimentation phases were directly linked with human activities in the affected site sub-catchments, whereas others were not. Instead, all phases seemed to be linked with natural factors. This difference with most former studies could possibly be explained by previously often limited numerical dating of the fluvial sediments and by largely missing spatio-temporally well-resolved regional settlement records, hindering a precise temporal link of fluvial sedimentation with former human settlement. Furthermore, this difference could possibly also be explained by a relatively high natural sensitivity of the landscape dynamics in the Central German lowlands, showing a subcontinental climate, towards climatic external controls