1,715 research outputs found

    Do NGAN Economics Allow for Network Competition?

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    This article analyses whether the economics of Next Generation Access Networks for broadband services allow for the market to be competitive in Europe in absence of ex ante regulation of wholesale network access. This is done by two methods: cost modelling of operators with different technologies and market shares, and the review of market entry decisions by European operators. Both methods arrive to the same conclusions: a) network economics allow competition in most geographic areas between two to four operators; b) the economics of NGANs will lead to different industry structures in different geographic areas; c) even where there is not a pre-existing cable operator, other entrants can successfully deploy their networks and challenge the incumbent telecommunications operator; and d) price levels and availability of ducts greatly increase the degree of potential competition.regulation, competition, broadband, access networks, fibre optic.

    Afinidades y disparidades entre disciplinas ecológicas y la economía

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    La teoría general de sistemas desarrolla modelos formales sensibles a ciertas mutaciones cualitativas sólo perceptibles en los sistemas abiertos. Definidos como conjunto de elementos que se relacionan entre sí y con el medio, estos sistemas demandan un tratamiento interdisciplinar del conocimiento. El extenso ámbito multidisciplinar de las ciencias ecológicas1 reconoce los sistemas abiertos como campos empíricos de observación. La toma en consideración de las interrelaciones de cada componente de un sistema, y del conjunto, con su entorno ha resultado determinante en el reconocimiento. Este planteamiento metodológico sustentado en los sistemas abiertos añade, respecto al convencional basado en los sistemas cerrados, un grado de complejidad mayor.Peer reviewe

    Secret sharing schemes: Optimizing the information ratio

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    Secret sharing refers to methods used to distribute a secret value among a set of participants. This work deals with the optimization of two parameters regarding the efficiency of a secret sharing scheme: the information ratio and average information ratio. Only access structures (a special family of sets) on 5 and 6 participants will be considered. First, access structures with 5 participants will be studied, followed by the ones on 6 participants that are based on graphs. The main goal of the paper is to check existing lower bounds (and improve some of them) by using linear programs with the sage solver. Shannon information inequalities have been used to translate the polymatroid axioms into linear constraints

    Unprecedented layered coordination polymers of dithiolene group 10 metals: Magnetic and electrical properties

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    One-pot reactions between Ni(ii), Pd(ii) or Pt(ii) salts and 3,6-dichloro-1,2-benzenedithiol (HSC6H2Cl2SH) in KOH medium under argon lead to a series of bis-dithiolene coordination polymers. X-ray analysis shows the presence of a common square planar complex [M(SC6H2Cl2S)2]2- linked to potassium cations forming either a two-dimensional coordination polymer network for {[K2(μ-H2O)2(μ-thf)(thf)2][M(SC6H2Cl2S)2]}n [M = Ni (1) and Pd (2)] or a one-dimensional coordination polymer for {[K2(μ-H2O)2(thf)6][Pt(SC6H2Cl2S)2]}n (3). In 3 the coordination environment of the potassium ions may slightly change leading to the two-dimensional coordination polymer {[K2(μ-H2O)(μ-thf)2][Pt(SC6H2Cl2S)2]}n (4) that crystallizes together with 3. The physical characterization of compounds 1-3 show similar trends, they are diamagnetic and behave as semiconductorsWe thank financial support from MICINN (MAT2013-46753-C2-1-P, CTQ2014-52758-P and MAT2014-56143-R) and Generalitat Valenciana (PrometeoII/2014/076

    New social movements re-enchant the world

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    El artículo propone revisar los análisis convencionales sobre los nuevos movimientos sociales con la propuesta de que es necesario incorporar la dimensión afectiva o de adhesión emocional, sin la que, a nuestro juicio, difícilmente puede comprenderse la fuerza, la continuidad y las diversas prácticas que conllevan. Se trata de una propues exploratoria y crítica, a caballo entre el ensayo académico y el avance de algunas conclusiones de nuestras investigaciones. En primer lugar mostramos que las teorías recientes sobre los valores aportan nueva luz al tema. Seguidamente argumentamos que los temas que catalizan la atención de estos movimientos suponen en realidad procesos de patrimonialización. Por último, ilustramos brevemente la capacidad explicativa de las ideas que hemos propuesto con algunos ejemplos: las especies protegidas, las víctimas, los bienes comunes, los grupos étnicos minoritarios, la vecindad y lo localWe propose updating conventional approaches to new social movements by incorporating the role of affect. Including affect in our analyses makes it possible to understand the strength, continuity and diversity of these movements. First, we show that recent theories of values shed new light upon new social movements. Then, we argue that new social movements are attracted to processes of heritagization. Finally, we briefly illustrate the explanatory power of our model by examining several examples: endangered species, victims, common goods, ethnic minorities, neighborhoods, and “the local.

    Cooperación Documental : el caso de México.

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    El siguiente trabajo presenta los canales de cooperación que han desarrollado las instituciones documentales de México. Expone un panorama general en el que para ubicar las relaciones con mayor claridad, se incluyen los tipos de bibliotecas, las actividades profesionales, la formación bibliotecaria y la investigación, el impacto de la tecnología, la cooperación documental y los recursos informativos que apoyan dichos canalesThis work introduces the cooperation channels developed by the documental bodies in México. It describes a general panorama in which are included, so as to give a clear idea as to relationships, the types of libraries, professional activities, librarianship training and research, the impact of technology, document cooperation and the information resources supporting the aforementioned channels

    Los nuevos movimientos sociales reencantan el mundo

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    El artículo propone revisar los análisis convencionales sobre los nuevos movimientos sociales con la propuesta de que es necesario incorporar la dimensión afectiva o de adhesión emocional, sin la que, a nuestro juicio, difícilmente puede comprenderse la fuerza, la continuidad y las diversas prácticas que conllevan. Se trata de una propuesta exploratoria y crítica, a caballo entre el ensayo académico y el avance de algunas conclusiones de nuestras investigaciones. En primer lugar mostramos que las teorías recientes sobre los valores aportan nueva luz al tema. Seguidamente argumentamos que los temas que catalizan la atención de estos movimientos suponen en realidad procesos de patrimonialización. Por último, ilustramos brevemente la capacidad explicativa de las ideas que hemos propuesto con algunos ejemplos: las especies protegidas, las víctimas, los bienes comunes, los grupos étnicos minoritarios, la vecindad y lo local.Paraules claus: Nuevos movimientos sociales, valores, militancia, patrimonio cultural.AbstractWe propose updating conventional approaches to new social movements by incorporating the role of affect. Including affect in our analyses makes it possible to understand the strength, continuity and diversity of these movements. First, we show that recent theories of values shed new light upon new social movements. Then, we argue that new social movements are attracted to processes of heritagization. Finally, we briefly illustrate the explanatory power of our model by examining several examples: endangered species, victims, common goods, ethnic minorities, neighborhoods, and “the local.”Keywords: New social movements, values, militancy, cultural heritage

    An Analysis of the Influence of Students´ Technological Culture on Their Technology

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    decade has raised the interest among the research community on the acceptance and use of these systems by both teachers and students. At first, the implementation of LMS was based on their technical design and the adaptation of the learning processes to the virtual environment, neglecting students’ characteristics when the systems were deployed, which led to expensive and failing implementations. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) proposes a framework which allows the study of the acceptance and use of technology that takes into consideration the students’ characteristics and how they affect the acceptance and the degree of use of educational technology. This study questions the role of the user’s attitude towards use of LMS and uses the UTAUT to examine the moderating effect of technological culture in the adoption of LMS in Spain. The results from the comparison and analysis of three different models confirm the relevance of attitude towards use as an antecedent of intention to use the system, as well as the important moderating effect of gender and technological culture. The discussion of results suggests the need for a more in-depth analysis and interrelations of cultural dimensions in the adoption of educational technologies and learning management system