90 research outputs found

    The Linkage between Input and Output in the Innovation Ecosystem

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    An innovation ecosystem is characterized by numerous interactions between its various components The proper functioning of an innovation ecosystem is a necessary condition to increase the chances of successful innovative activities This research aims to investigate the relationship between input and output in the innovation ecosystem of countries For the empirical evaluation the Global Innovation Index GII was used as a proxy of the innovation ecosystem This index tracks innovation inputs and innovation products in various countries Using annual country data an unconditional quantile regression model was estimated to identify the structural relationship between innovation input and output including with lag application Our findings show that innovation input has a significant and positive effect on innovation output in countries These findings are useful for national innovation policies since they emphasize the need to promote better innovation incentive

    Sugarcane expansion and farmland prices in São Paulo State, Brazil

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    sem informaçãoBrazil is the world's largest sugarcane producer, and its production is concentrated in south-central and northeast regions, particularly in the state of São Paulo. The land use change, principally from the increasing sugarcane production, may reflect in71112sem informaçãosem informaçãosem informaçã


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    Health services are characterized as meritorious goods, a type of semipublic good that, given its social character, the allocation of resources in these activities becomes socially desirable by the government so that they are allocated efficiently. One of the ways to control and reduce unnecessary health expenditures is the population\u27s access to basic sanitation services that, when inefficient, cause negative externalities to the exposed population. In this sense, the objective of this study is to analyze the relationship between coverage of basic sanitation services and the costs of hospital admissions for waterborne diseases in the Northeast Region of Brazil, from 2005 to 2015. In order to do so, we used secondary data from the Department of Informatics of the Brazilian Unified Health System (DATASUS), the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD) and Finance of Brazil (FINBRA) for the construction of panel regression models with fixed effects. The main results indicate that access to sanitation services, mainly from the sewage collection network, reduces the costs of hospitalizations for Diseases Related to Inadequate Environmental Sanitation (DRSAI) of the Unified Health System (SUS)

    Financiamento à pesquisa em energia renovável no Brasil: uma análise a partir do Fundo Setorial de Energia

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    This article aims to analyze the contribution of the Sectorial Energy Fund to foster scientific research on renewable energies in Brazil, through a Logit model, for the period from 2011 to 2015. Estimations are carried out with additional strategies, to identify the regional effect and the contribution of research institutions on scientific production in renewable energies. The data used were obtained from the FNDCT/CNPq database and from the Lattes Curriculum of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). The results obtained demonstrate an average positive marginal effect of the Sectorial Energy Fund of 2.23% on the probability of scientific production, given an increase of R10,000.00infinancing.Basedontheresults,itispossibletojustifytheimportanceofpublicfinancingforresearchaimedatrenewableenergies.Opresenteartigotemcomoobjetivoanalisaracontribuic\ca~odoFundoSetorialdeEnergiadoFNDCTparaofomentoaˋpesquisacientıˊficaemenergiasrenovaˊveisnoBrasil,pormeiodeummodeloLogit,paraoperıˊodode2011a2015.Sa~orealizadasestimac\co~escomestrateˊgiasadicionais,afimdeidentificaroefeitoregionaleacontribuic\ca~odasinstituic\co~esdepesquisassobreaproduc\ca~ocientıˊficaemenergiasrenovaˊveis.OsdadosutilizadosforamobtidosapartirdabaseFNDCT/CNPqedoCurrıˊculoLattesdoConselhoNacionaldeDesenvolvimentoCientıˊficoeTecnoloˊgico(CNPq).OsresultadosobtidosdemonstramumefeitomarginalmeˊdiopositivodoFundoSetorialdeEnergiade2,23 10,000.00 in financing. Based on the results, it is possible to justify the importance of public financing for research aimed at renewable energies.O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a contribuição do Fundo Setorial de Energia do FNDCT para o fomento à pesquisa científica em energias renováveis no Brasil, por meio de um modelo Logit, para o período de 2011 a 2015. São realizadas estimações com estratégias adicionais, a fim de identificar o efeito regional e a contribuição das instituições de pesquisas sobre a produção científica em energias renováveis. Os dados utilizados foram obtidos a partir da base FNDCT/CNPq e do Currículo Lattes do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq). Os resultados obtidos demonstram um efeito marginal médio positivo do Fundo Setorial de Energia de 2,23% sobre a probabilidade de produção científica, dado um incremento de R 10.000,00 no financiamento. Com base nos resultados, é possível justificar a importância do financiamento público para pesquisa destinado às energias renováveis

    Digital Activism and Indignation Nets in Brazil: The Pressure Groups

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    To understand the relevance of the new media in the formation of the indignation nets, this text, of exploratory stamp, debates the digital activism in contemporary Brazil. Methodologically, we will make a discussion on cyberactivism, digital media, and national pressure groups starting from two examples, Movimento Brasil Livre (The Free Brazil Movement) and Vem pra Rua (Come to The Street movement) - these are key movements in the organisation of the big anti-government mobilisation that took place in 2015-2016 in Brazil. The theme is important because it embraces current and future challenges of the digital activism, once that this field faced significant changes in the last decades, with the development of interactive media and the technological convergence

    Analysis of the green corn production costs under tillage systems in the Sergipano Coastal Tableland

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    Abstract: Although many green corn producers manage their agricultural properties informally, the production of this vegetable is socioeconomically relevant to the Brazilian Northeast. This work aims to estimate and analyze the production costs, profitability and return of green corn in different cultivation systems, in the Coastal Tablelands of Sergipano. For this purpose, data were collected from the 16th to the 18th year of cultivation of a long-term experiment, in a strip experimental design, where each strip corresponds to the soil management system (conventional cultivation (CC), no-tillage (PD)) and minimum cultivation (CM)), and four previous crops (Beans Caupí, Crotalária, Guandu and Milheto) were randomized to corn. Production costs, Gross revenue, Operating profit, Profitability index and Leveling point were determined. Greater productivity and Gross revenue were observed in the PD, and greater disbursements in the CC (R8,184.59).PDhadhighestoperatingprofitandprofitabilityratio,whereGuandu/PDhadthebestperformance(R 8,184.59). PD had highest operating profit and profitability ratio, where Guandu/PD had the best performance (R 8,847.18 and 52.02% respectively). Guandu/CC presented negative operating profit and profitability index, characterizing itself as a non-viable alternative for the farmer. The identification and analysis of production costs is an important tool, as it enables the identification of more profitable crops, being the PD the most recommended

    Peripheral odontogenic keratocyst : report of two new cases and review of the literature

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    Peripheral odontogenic keratocyst (POKC) is a rare soft tissue entity showing the same histological characteristics of odontogenic keratocyst. Herein, we report two cases of POKC affecting the gingiva/alveolar mucosa. Case 1. A 43-year-old female was referred for evaluation of a painless well-defined nodular, sessile, non-tender swelling in the right maxillary buccal gingiva. No radiological alterations were observed. The patient was submitted to excisional biopsy and histological diagnosis was POKC. There were no signs of local recurrence after a 4-year follow-up. Case 2. A 63-year-old female was referred for evaluation of a painless well-defined nodular, sessile, yellowish swelling in the anterior mandibular alveolar mucosa. No radiological alterations were observed. The patient was submitted to excisional biopsy and histological diagnosis was POKC. Patient recovery was uneventful but she did not return for follow-up. POKC should be considered in the differential diagnosis of gingival cystic swellings and can be managed through conservative surgery

    T-Cell-Replete Haploidentical Stem Cell Transplantation with Post-Transplant Cyclophosphamide for Patients with X-Linked Adrenoleukodystrophy: An Immediate Choice for an Urgent Situation

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    Inst Crianca HC FMUSP, Oncohematol Unit, Sao Paulo, BrazilHosp Israelita Albert Einstein, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Parana, BR-80060000 Curitiba, Parana, BrazilUNIFESP Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Hematol & Bone Marrow Transplantat Dept, Sao Paulo, BrazilHosp Israelita Albert Einstein, Hematol & Bone Marrow Transplantat Dept, Sao Paulo, BrazilHosp Israelita Albert Einstein, Dept Bone Marrow Transplantat, Sao Paulo, BrazilHosp Clin FMUSP, Sao Paulo, BrazilUNIFESP Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Hematol & Bone Marrow Transplantat Dept, Sao Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc


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    With the occurrence of intensive climate change, there is a risk of irreversible damage to global biodiversity, resulting in reduction of geographical distribution and species extinction. The objective of this study was to evaluate the current distribution and the future projection of the areas of occurrence of Curitiba prismatica. Current occurrence data accessed in the SpeciesLink database and scientific studies were collected, which were correlated with the bioclimatic data available in WorldClim, for the current and future periods (2070), in the optimistic (RCP 4.5) and pessimistic scenarios (RCP 8.5) of the HadGEM2-ES model. In the current scenario, a species presents suitability restricted to mixed ombrophilous forest (MOF), with limited distribution to the center-south of the state of Paraná and the north of the state of Santa Catarina. For the future, there were reductions in the areas of climatic susceptibility for the species, both in the optimistic and pessimistic scenarios. In the RCP 4.5 scenario, the predictive reduction was found in the midwest region of Paraná, unlike the RCP 8.5 scenario, which showed a low reduction in this region. Therefore, in the future, areas with high suitability will tend to contract, but restricted to the regions of the first and second plateau of Paraná and the north of Santa Catarina. In this sense, these areas are indicated for commercial planting and in situ and ex situ conservation of the species

    Osteosynthesis metal plate system for bone fixation using bicortical screws: numerical modelling

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    This work describes the numerical modelling of an immobilization system currently used to repair long bone fractures. The referred system was employed to ensure the mechanical stabilization of an oblique bone fracture by means of a dynamic compression plate (DCP) and bicortical screws. The numerical characterization of the fixation system was performed to obtain stress and strain fields in cortical bone tissue. The validation of the numerical model was performed using experimental data previously obtained in other work. Since the experimental characterization indorsed the visualization of the screw pull-out phenomenon during the loading process, damage parameters (trapezoidal law) were measured experimentally in this region. These parameters were introduced in the finite element model (FEM) to simulate the initiation and propagation of damage in bone tissue. A mixed-mode (I+II) damage law was used to mimic the mechanical behaviour of the bone fracture and the screw-bone interface