78 research outputs found

    Effects of Motivation, Basic Psychological Needs, and Teaching Competence on Disruptive Behaviours in Secondary School Physical Education Students

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    Currently, disruptive and aggressive behaviours of a physical and verbal nature are a reality among adolescent students and a concern in the educational context. Therefore, the main objective of this research was to analyse the effects of perceived teaching competence, motivation and basic psychological needs on disruptive behaviours in secondary school PE students. The sample was composed of 758 adolescent students from seven public secondary schools. The following instruments adapted to physical education were used: The Disruptive Behaviours Questionnaire, The Evaluation of Teaching Competencies Scale, The Sport Motivation Scale, and The Basic Psychological Needs Scale. Multilevel regression models with the MIXED procedure were performed for data analysis. The results show that misbehaviour is more likely among male students and that disruptive behaviours decrease when a teacher is perceived as competent. Students with greater self-determined motivation are more likely to exhibit fewer behaviours related to low engagement and irresponsibility while amotivation increases the different disruptive behaviours in the classroom. In conclusion, it is proposed that educators work in line with the students’ needs by responding to their interests and that this will increase self-determined motivation

    Mejora y corrección de la impermeabilización en el cimiento de la presa de Las Fitas

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    El entorno geológico del enclave de la Presa de Las Fitas (Castelflorite, Huesca), presa de materiales sueltos con núcleo de arcilla, presenta unas características peculiares de que son analizadas en el presente artículo. El principal problema de este terreno son las filtraciones bajo el cimiento de la presa que pudieran repercutir en erosiones internas del propio cimiento. Erosión ésta que se vería favorecida por gradientes hidráulicos. Tras una exhaustiva campaña geológica y geotécnica que aportó datos sobre los materiales del cimiento en cuanto a su deformabilidad, dispersividad, composición química… se optó por la ejecución de una pantalla de bentonita-cemento que disminuyera el gradiente hidráulico entre aguas arriba y aguas abajo de la misma. Con ello se reducía la permeabilidad del mismo, lo que mejoraba dos aspectos fundamentales: - La seguridad de la presa ante el riesgo de erosión interna de la cimentación - Las pérdidas económicas derivadas de las fugas del embalse provocadas por la permeabilidad de la cimentación Se describen los estudios que se hicieron al terreno para su caracterización y lo que se dedujo de ellos. Para, con los datos obtenidos, se definió el tratamiento necesario para minimizar las filtraciones a través del cimiento de la presa

    Environmental Education in Initial Training: Effects of a Physical Activities and Sports in the Natural Environment Program for Sustainable Development

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    This research has been carried out within the R+D+i project ‘University Service-Learning in Physical Activity and Sport. Opportunity for social inclusion’, reference PID2019-105916RB-I00. In addition, funding has also been obtained from the Spanish Sports Council, through the RIADIS Research Network with reference code 03/UPB/20.Training for sustainable development is an educational challenge of prime importance. Physical activity and sports in natural environments provide training committed to sustainability and environmental education. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of an undergraduate training program in Physical Activities and Sports in Natural Environments concerned with sustainable development. A total of 113 students from the Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain) who are studying a Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences and a Master’s Degree in Teacher Training for Secondary Education and High School (specializing in Physical Education) were involved. Specifically, we aimed to assess the impact of this training program on three dimensions related to Environmental Education (knowledge, behaviors, and attitudes). Its effect was also examined bearing in mind students’ sex, age and educational profile (sportive and educational). Mixed-methods were used: for the quantitative approach, data were collected with the Environmental Attitude in Physical Activities in Natural Environments validated scale; for the qualitative approach individual reflective diaries completed by students that attended the program were analyzed. The results show positive effects on the students regarding the three dimensions of Environmental Education, for both the sportive and educational training profiles. The quantitative results do not present significant differences concerning the gender variable, although the qualitative information shows that female students perceived a greater environmental sensitivity during their practices. Regarding the age variable, significant differences are found in the youngest students with an educational profile. To conclude, the study ratifies that the program carried out generated improvements in terms of knowledge, behaviors and attitudes toward the environment and sustainable development. Future research should use larger samples and consider other variables related to education for sustainability.PID2019-105916RB-I00Spanish Sports Council 03/UPB/2

    Desarrollo de un videojuego basado en inteligencia artificial

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    El projecte Desarrollo de un videojuego basado en inteligencia artificial té com a objectiu el desenvolupament d'un videojoc d'estratègia on el jugador haurà de planificar una defensa capaç de resistir l'atac de l'enemic. El jugador haurà de triar com emprar els seus recursos per col·locar diferents tipus de terreny i diferents tipus de soldats. Posteriorment, quan aparegui l'enemic, els soldats actuaran d'acord als seus mecanismes de presa de decisions (encara que alguns soldats poden ser controlats pel jugador), igual que els enemics.El proyecto Desarrollo de un videojuego basado en inteligencia artificial tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un videojuego de estrategia donde el jugador deberá planificar una defensa capaz de resistir el ataque enemigo. El jugador deberá elegir cómo emplear sus recursos para colocar diferentes tipos de terreno y diferentes tipos de soldados. Posteriormente, cuando aparezca el enemigo, los soldados actuarán de acuerdo a sus mecanismos de toma de decisiones (aunque algunos soldados pueden ser controlados por el jugador), al igual que los enemigos.The project Desarrollo de un videojuego basado en inteligencia artificial aims at the development of a strategy game where the player must plan a defense able to withstand the enemy attack. The player must choose how to use his resources to place different types of terrain and different types of soldiers. Later, when the enemy army arrives , the soldiers will act according to their decision-making mechanisms (though some soldiers may be controlled by the player), as well as enemies

    Guidelines in the planning in Physical Education curriculum

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónLa planificación a la hora de llevar a cabo el proceso educativo para alcanzar los criterios establecidos en el currículum es necesaria. Se ofrece una propuesta para profesores de educación física en busca de una mejor relación entre los diferentes niveles de concreción curriculares, incidiendo en que una buena planificación conllevará una posible acertada docencia, una eficacia en la enseñanza, cierta calidad en el aprendizaje del alumno y una fácil evaluación. Sin embargo, muchos docentes no llevan a cabo una planificación por una causa u otra. Se ofrecen orientaciones en diferentes elementos necesarios en la planificación, como ofrecer ideas que contribuyan a tener una visión más específica en el proceso de planificación, ayudando a mejorar el diseño y puesta en práctica docente.AndalucíaES

    Gender, physical self-perception and overall physical fitness in secondary school students: a multiple mediation model

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    Background: Physical self-perception is often related with better physical fitness perception in adolescents. Moreover, it is an important social cognitive perspective to provide suitable mental health in this population. However, this relationship is unequal between boys and girls. The physical fitness is a marker of health in young population. The aims of the present study were the following: (1) to compare physical self-perception and self-reported overall physical fitness (OPF) between boys and girls (gender) and body mass index (BMI) status, and (2) to determine the mediating role of all physical self-perception subscales (except physical condition) and BMI status in the link between gender and OPF in adolescent students. Methods: This cross-sectional study consisted of 85 adolescent students of secondary school between 12 and 17 years of age; 41 were boys (Mage = 14.6, SD = 1.7) and 44 were girls (Mage = 14.4, SD = 1.6). Adolescent participants completed all clinical characteristics by body composition measures (age, body weight, body height, and BMI). Physical self-perception was assessed by the physical self-perception profile (PSPP) whereas the international fitness scale (IFIS) was used to predict the self-reported OPF of adolescents in the present study. Results: Gender (boys and girls) di ered significantly in all PSPP subscales and OPF, whereas the BMI status (underweight = 19 students, normal weight = 53 students, overweight/obese = 13 students) showed significant di erences in all clinical characteristics, physical condition (PSPP), and OPF. A multiple mediation analysis was performed using bias corrected bootstrap. This multiple mediation analysis revealed that all PSPP subscales were significant mediators between gender and OPF: attractive body (p = 0.013), sport competence (p = 0.009), physical strength (p = 0.002), and self-confidence (p = 0.002). The total direct e ect of gender on OPF was significant (p = 0.002). Moreover, the multiple mediation estimated a completely standardized indirect of X on Y for attractive body (e ect = 0.109), sport competence (e ect = 0.066), physical strength (e ect = 0.130), and self-confidence (e ect = 0.193). Conclusions: These findings contribute to understanding the link between gender and OPF in adolescent students and the mediation of physical self-perception and OPF in this relationship. In addition, strategies focused to improve self-confidence and physical self-perception are necessary in female adolescent students, because boys showed better physical self-perception in all PSPP subscales. Girls are a risk group because they report low physical self-confidence with their respective insecurity feelings and psychological disorders. Thus, personal physical self-perception must be considered as an important social cognitive perspective to provide suitable mental health in children and adolescents

    Contributions of Service-Learning on PETE Students' Effective Personality: A Mixed Methods Research

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    Service-learning (SL) is a pedagogical model focused on achieving curricular goals while providing a community service. Previous research suggests that SL might promote qualities such as self-esteem, motivation, problem-focused coping, decision-making, empathy, and communication, which are associated with a psychological construct known as students’ Effective Personality (EP). These studies, however, did not specifically analyse the direct effects of SL on this construct. The aim of this study is to explicitly analyse the effect of SL on Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) students’ EP using a mixed methods approach. The quantitative part of the approach followed a quasi-experimental design using the validated “Effective Personality Questionnaire for University Students”, which includes four dimensions: “Academic self-efficacy”, “Social self-realisation”, “Self-esteem”, and “Resolutive self-efficacy”. A non-probabilistic sampling on a total of 181 PETE students was then carried out, with 98 participating in the experimental group (42 male, 56 female), and 83 in the control group (34 male, 49 female). The comparisons revealed significant improvements in the experimental group, especially in the social self-realisation and resolutive self-efficacy dimensions. These findings were complemented by a qualitative analysis of 12 students’ semi-structured interviews. In conclusion, the study reported a positive influence of SL on the PETE students’ EP, providing valuable design patterns for future SL implementations