139 research outputs found


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    With this volume of Études and Travaux we would like to present the Centre for the Research on the Egyptian Temple, established at our Institute in 2016, to our colleagues and friends – partners in scientific discussions. The multi-generation team of the Centre consists of researchers connected with the Polish missions working at Temples of Hatshepsut and Thutmose III at Deir el-Bahari, the Temple of Thutmose I and the small Ramesside temple, both at Qurna, the French mission at Karnak and its studies on the Late period temples, the German and the Swiss missions on Elephantine examining relics of e.g. Ptolemaic-Roman temples, and, starting from 2020, the Italian-Polish mission researching solar temples at Abu Ghurob. This diversity of interests is an important inspiration in undertaking scientific initiatives leading to expansion and confrontation of areas of research and displaying a wide variety in terms of chronology and topography

    Old Town Road of copyright's subject matter and aesthetics

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    80-91The paper refers to the most discussed and controversial element of the copyright’s legal system: the definition of subject matter and its interpretation. Inspired by some post-modern aesthetics theories, the aim of the paper is to open a discussion in respect to the notion of work in copyright and its impact on art and every-day life. The first part of the paper presents a brief analysis of copyright’s struggles with its subject matter, followed than with an analysis of contemporary trends in aesthetics, in particular the functional and the institutional definition of art. The second part provides examples of manifestations and similarities between legal system and modern aesthetical concepts. Finally, the author considers whether - and if so, to what extent - the implementation of new aesthetic approaches could be helpful in the system of copyright

    Pozytywne implikacje myśli Fryderyka Nietzschego dla chrześcijaństwa post mortem Dei. Próba analizy

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    The article examines whether Nietzsche – who was against the Christianity he saw – is just as far from the heart of Christianity and the Gospel faith? And whether his concepts can be helpful for a man seeking God’s footsteps in post mortem Dei time? Analysis the works of Nietzsche will be helpful when trying to answer the these questions.In conclusion the article will show that restless, open, courageous and still breaking the usual patterns Nietzsche’s thinking which is not afraid of the night, it may become a trail in search of the God, which can not be grasped in the concepts. And it can be a stream purifying Christianity, directing it back to the Gospel sources. And Nietzsche’s thoughts can be helpful for Christians too, to they reflect on their faith.Artykuł bada, czy Nietzsche, niewątpliwie przeciwny chrześcijaństwu, które widział, jest także daleki od sedna chrześcijaństwa i wiary ewangelicznej. Czy jego koncepcje mogą być wskazówką dla człowieka próbującego znaleźć ślady Boga w czasie post mortem Dei? Przy próbie odpowiedzi na powyższe pytania pomocna będzie ­analiza dzieł Nietzschego.Na zakończenie artykuł wykaże, że burzliwe, niespokojne, otwarte, odważne i wciąż łamiące zwykłe myślenie Nietzschego, które nie boi się nocy, może stać się rodzajem szlaku w poszukiwaniu Boga, którego nie można uchwycić w siatkę pojęć. Może ono także stanowić strumień oczyszczający chrześcijaństwo i kierujący je z powrotem ku źródłom ewangelicznym. Może również pomóc chrześcijanom zastanowić się nad własną wiarą

    Old Town Road of Copyright's Subject Matter and Aesthetics

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    80-91The paper refers to the most discussed and controversial element of the copyright’s legal system: the definition of subject matter and its interpretation. Inspired by some post-modern aesthetics theories, the aim of the paper is to open a discussion in respect to the notion of work in copyright and its impact on art and every-day life. The first part of the paper presents a brief analysis of copyright’s struggles with its subject matter, followed than with an analysis of contemporary trends in aesthetics, in particular the functional and the institutional definition of art. The second part provides examples of manifestations and similarities between legal system and modern aesthetical concepts. Finally, the author considers whether - and if so, to what extent - the implementation of new aesthetic approaches could be helpful in the system of copyright

    Old Town Road of Copyright's Subject Matter and Aesthetics

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    The paper refers to the most discussed and controversial element of the copyright’s legal system: the definition of subject matter and its interpretation. Inspired by some post-modern aesthetics theories, the aim of the paper is to open a discussion in respect to the notion of work in copyright and its impact on art and every-day life. The first part of the paper presents a brief analysis of copyright’s struggles with its subject matter, followed than with an analysis of contemporary trends in aesthetics, in particular the functional and the institutional definition of art. The second part provides examples of manifestations and similarities between legal system and modern aesthetical concepts. Finally, the author considers whether - and if so, to what extent - the implementation of new aesthetic approaches could be helpful in the system of copyright

    Genetic aspects of clopidogrel pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

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    Klopidogrel to jeden z leków stosowanych w leczeniu pacjentów z ostrymi zespołami wieńcowymi. Jest on metabolizowany do aktywnego metabolitu, który jest nieodwracalnym antagonistą płytkowego receptora P2Y12 zależnego od adenozynodifosforanu. Odpowiedź farmakokinetyczna i farmakodynamiczna na klopidogrel jest osobniczo zmienna. W pracy przedstawiono przegląd badań służących ocenie związku czynników genetycznych ze skutecznością kliniczną klopidogrelu.Clopidogrel is one of drugs used in patients with acute coronary syndromes. Clopidogrel is metabolized to active metabolite, which is an irreversible platelet P2Y12 adenosine diphosphate receptor antagonist. The pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic response to clopidogrel varies between individuals. The paper presents a systematic review of studies evaluating the association between genetic factors and clinical efficacy of clopidogrel