80 research outputs found

    A Mobility Case Study for Validating Attack Propagation Analyses

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    The Architectural Attack Propagation Analysis for Identifying Confidentiality Issues proposed by Walter et al. considers vulnerability analysis in software architecture. The analysis is using access control policies together with the vulnerabilities and their combinations to propagate through the system. This phenomenon has to be investigated thoroughly in a real-life context to be able to make conclusions about metrics, e.g. accuracy. However, a concrete approach to achieve the investigation of Attack Propagation Analyses in a real-life context is missing. This work aims to fill this gap with A Mobility Case Study for Validating Attack Propagation Analyses. In order to achieve validity, conventional properties of case studies in software engineering were identified. Afterward, the end result, in form of a software model, was reviewed according to these properties. This review has revealed that all properties were fulfilled, however not in the highest degree of fulfillment. A discussion about this is held in this paper

    Production of v-band straight waveguides with three-dimensional printer and examining of their conductivity

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    Bu çalışmada, ticari olarak temin edilebilen standart dikdörtgen dalga kılavuzları (DDK) üç boyutlu (3B) yazıcı kullanılarak üretilmiştir. Bu üretim, diğer literatürden yer alan çalışmalarından farklı olarak V bantta kullanılmak üzere gerçekleştirilmiş ve iletkenliği incelenmiştir. Geleneksel yöntemlerle üretilen milimetre (mm) dalga uygulama ekipmanlarının artan fiyat ve teslim süresi, bu tür ürünlerin mümkün olduğunca kolay ve ucuz üretilmesi ihtiyacını doğurmuştur. Dalga kılavuzları (DK) elektromanyetik dalgaları belirli bir frekans aralığında istenilen bir yönde bir noktadan diğer bir noktaya taşımak için kullanılan pasif elemanlardır. TE10 modunda DDK SolidWorks programı kullanılarak tasarlanmış ve daha sonra eriyik yığma modelleme yöntemi ile PLA termoplastiği kullanılarak üretilmiştir. DK’ların iç yüzeyi kaplandıktan sonra performansı oluşturulan mm-dalga sistemi üzerinde test edilmiştir. Milimetre dalga sisteminde bileşenlerin performansı olarak zayıflama kaybı (S21) ölçülmüştür ve sonuç olarak DDK’ların 1 dB’den daha az zayıflama kaybı olduğu görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada mm-dalga uygulama bileşenlerinin 3B yazıcı ve iletken gümüş boya kullanarak daha ucuz ve hızlı bir şekilde üretilebildiği ortaya konulmuştur.In this work standart rectangular straight waveguides which were obtained commercially are manufactured using three dimensional (3D) printer. Unlike other literature studies, this production was carried out for using in V-band and its conductivity was examined. Increasing cost and delivery time of the traditionally manufactured milimeter (mm) wave application components lead to the requirement of producing this type of products as easy and cheap as possible. Waveguides are passive components that are used to carry the magnetic wave from one point to another point in the desired direction in a certain frequency range. For TE10 mode, rectangular waveguides have been designed with the SolidWorks program and then manufactured using PLA thermoplastics with the fused deposition modelling method. After the inner surfaces of the waveguides are completely covered with silver conductive paint, their performances are tested on the mm wave testpad. The performance of components on the mm-wave system has been measured by obtaining attenuation loss (S21) and as a result, it is seen that straight rectangular waveguides have an attenuation loss of less than 1 dB. It is demonstrated that mm wave application components can be produced with 3D printer cheaper and faster and examined of the conductivities

    Evaluation of Graduate Dissertations in the Nursing Field on Smoking Addiction/Cessation in Türkiye

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    Background: Health problems caused by smoking addiction are increasing day by day.Nurses are required to plan and implement the necessary initiatives within the scope ofhealth protection and development.Aim: In this study, it is aimed to examine the graduate dissertations on “smoking addiction/cessation” in the nursing field in Türkiye.Methods: In this descriptive study, answers were sought to questions such as the type ofthesis, the year it was published, the department it was made by, the title and purpose, themethod, the result, and the recommendations of the theses made in the field of nursing onsmoking addiction/cessation. Within the aim of the research, 28 theses were examined andthe results were presented as numbers and percentages.Results: The study included 18 master’s dissertations and 10 philosophy of doctorate dissertations, which were granted access by authors at the National Dissertation Center ofHigher Education Institution. It was determined that the titles of dissertations were inclusive of the aim and results of the study; 73.60% of master’s dissertations were descriptiveand 75% of doctorate dissertations were randomized controlled experimental studies. It wasdetermined that the studies were conducted predominantly on nurses/nursing students;mainly socio-demographic data forms, questionnaire forms, and scales were used in datacollection.Conclusion: The majority of graduate dissertations in the field of nursing consisted of master’s dissertations (64.29%), and descriptive type research method was mainly used (50%).Mostly, nurses/nursing students were selected as samples in the dissertations. Therefore,it is recommended to increase the number of randomized controlled experimental studiesregarding smoking addiction/cessation with samples out of nurses/nursing students andconduct studies with different and broad groups.</p

    Preparation and characterization of magnetic nanoparticles for urokinase purification

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    Bu tezde, manyetik poli(2-hidroksietil metakrilat) [p(HEMA)] nanopartiküller sürfaktansız emülsiyon polimerizasyonu tekniği ile sentezlenmiştir. Manyetik p(HEMA) nanopartiküllere Cibacron Blue F3GA kovalent olarak bağlanmış ve boya molekülleri Cu2+ iyonları ile şelatlaştırılmıştır. Ürokinazın Cu2+ ile şelatlaştırılmış Cibacron Blue bağlı manyetik poli(HEMA) nanopartiküllere adsorpsiyonu gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sentezlenen manyetik nanopartiküllerin 80 nm boyutunda, küresel yapıda ve manyetik özellikte olduğu gözlenmiştir. Manyetik nanopartiküllere bağlanan Cibacron Blue F3GA miktarı 28.125 µmol/g polimer olarak bulunmuştur. Yapıya katılan Cu2+ miktarı 10.229 µmol/g polimer olarak hesaplanmıştır. Sentezlenen Cu2+ ile şelatlaştırılmış Cibacron Blue bağlı manyetik poli(HEMA) nanopartiküllere farklı ortam koşulları (pH, başlangıç ürokinaz derişimi, iyonik şiddet ve sıcaklık) altında ürokinaz adsorpsiyonu gerçekleştirildiğinde maksimum adsorpsiyon kapasitesi 630.43 mg/g polimer olarak bulunmuştur. Langmuir adsorpsiyon izoterminin bu adsorpsiyon işlemine uygulanabilir olduğu gözlenmiştir. Adsorplanan ürokinazın desorpsiyonu 1.0 M NaCl ile gerçekleştirilmiş ve desorpsiyon oranı % 96 olarak bulunmuştur. Beş kez tekrar edilen adsorpsiyon-desorpsiyon işleminden sonra adsorplanan ürokinaz miktarında önemli bir azalma gözlenmemiştir. Bu çalışma, yeni sentezlenen bu destek materyalinin biyolojik kaynaklardan ürokinaz saflaştırılması için kullanılabileceğini vadetmektedir.In this thesis, magnetic poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) [p(HEMA)] nanoparticles were synthesized by surfactant free emulsion polymerization technique. Cibacron Blue F3GA was covalently attached to the magnetic p(HEMA) nanoparticles and Cu2+ ions were then chelated to dye molecules. Urokinase was adsorbed onto Cu2+-Cibacron Blue F3GA derived magnetic p(HEMA) nanoparticles. Synthesized magnetic nanoparticles was about 80 nm in diameter, spherical and carried magnetic character. Incorporation rate of Cibacron Blue for magnetic nanoparticles was found to be 28.125 µmol/g polymer. The Cu2+ ions loaded was calculated to be 10.229 µmol/g polymer. This Cu2+-Cibacron Blue F3GA derived magnetic p(HEMA) nanoparticles were used for urokinase adsorption under different conditions (i.e. pH, enzyme initial concentration, ionic strength, temperature). Maximum adsorption capacity was found to be 630.43 mg/g polymer for Cu2+-Cibacron Blue F3GA derived magnetic p(HEMA) nanoparticles. It was observed that Langmuir adsorption isotherm was applicable in this adsorption process. The urokinase adsorbed Cu2+-Cibacron Blue F3GA derived magnetic p(HEMA) nanoparticles was desorbed with 1.0 M NaCl and desorption rate was found to be 96 %. It was also analyzed that adsorption capacity did not changed significantly after five adsorption/desorption cycles. This study promised that synthesized support material could be used for urokinase purification from biological samples


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    In the present work, a new metal-chelating platform was designed by using IDA as a chelating agent and Cu(II) as an affinity component for amyloglucosidase adsorption. Poly(AAm-GMA) cryogels were used as structural elements, while GMA monomer served reactive epoxy groups for IDA immobilization. Synthesized cryogels were characterized by FTIR, SEM and EDX studies. Pore diameter of the whole polymeric structure was 3-10 Effects of medium pH, temperature, ionic strength along with amyloglucosidase concentration were also investigated for more effective amyloglucosidase adsorption and maximum adsorbed amount of amyloglucosidase was cryogel by the optimum conditions. Reusability profile of the poly(AAm-GMA)-IDA-cryogels was also studied and it was found that the synthesized cryogels could be used repeatedly for many times without any significant decrease on their adsorption capacity. Also continuous hydrolysis of starch by using immobilized form of amyloglucosidase in a column system was studied

    Türkiye’ de sürdürülebilir kalkınma ve yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları

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    İnsanoğlunun en eski çağlardan beri en önemli ihtiyaç kaynağı enerji olmuştur. Günümüzde insanların artan enerji kaynaklarını güvenli ve temiz bir şekilde karşılamak için yenilenebilir enerji kavramı meydana gelmiştir. Teknolojinin gelişmesiyle birlikte yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları ile ihtiyaç duyulan enerjiyi karşılamak mümkündür. Kalkınma için enerji önemli bir kavramdır. Enerji, üretimin vazgeçilmez bir girdisidir. Enerji kaynakları olmadan neredeyse üretim yapmak mümkün değildir. Sürdürülebilir enerji gelişimi, ekonomik, çevresel ve sosyal yönlerle yakından ilgilidir. Uluslararası sürdürülebilir kalkınma gündeminin temel alanlarından biri enerjidir. Bu çalışmada sürdürülebilir kalkınma bağlamında yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının Türkiye’de gelişimi ve uygulanabilirliği, tüketilen enerji kaynakları içerisinde yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının payı ve enerjinin sürdürülebilirliği için hükümetin uyguladığı politikalar, uygulanan politikaların yetersizliği incelenmiş ve önerilerde bulunulmuştur.Ever since the earliest times, one of the most important necessity sources of human beings has been energy. Today, in order to meet people’s increasing demands for energy resources in a safe and clean way, the concept of renewable energy has come to surface. Due to the development of technology, it is now possible to achieve the energy that is required with the use of renewable energy sources. Energy is an important concept for development. It is an essential input to production. Therefore, it can be said that it is almost impossible to produce without energy sources. Sustainable energy development is closely related to economic, environmental and social aspects. One of the key areas of the international sustainable development agenda is energy. In this study, the sustainable development of renewable energy sources in the context of development in Turkey and its application, the margin of renewable energy sources in the consumed energy sources, the policies the government applies for the sustainability of energy and the inadequacy of the policies have been examined and suggeste

    Muhammed Burhâneddîn-i Belhî ve Farsça Dîvânı: Tenkitli metin

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    YÖK Tez ID: 419148Bu çalışma Muhammed Burhâneddîn-i Belhî'nin hayatı ve Dîvânı'nın tenkitli metninden oluşmaktadır. Burhâneddîn-i Belhî, devrinin önde gelen şairlerindendir. Küçük yaşta ailesi ile birlikte Afganistan'ın Belh şehrinden göç ederek Osmanlının son yüzyılında yaşamıştır. O yalnızca şiirle meşgul olmuş, geçimini de şiir yazarak temin etmiştir. Şiiri ruhun gıdası sayan şair, bulunduğu her meclisi şiirleriyle şenlendirmiştir. Sokakta karşılaştığı dostlarına hal hatır sormak yerine şiir okumayı yeğlemesi sebebiyle, "şâ'ir-i seyyâr" lakabıyla anılmıştır. Siyasi yönü ön planda değilse de İstanbul'da Cemaleddîn Afganî ve Kaçar şehzadelerinden Şeyhü'r-Reîs gibi önemli ve siyasi şahsiyetlerle görüşmüştür. Belhî'nin, Farsça ve Türkçe Dîvân'ı, Farsça ve Türkçe tarih manzumeleri, çeşitli şairlerden yaptığı Farsça ve Türkçe tahmisleri, mektuplarını içeren Defter-i Kuyûdât'ı, Nakaratlı Manzumat ve Şarkıyyât Mecmuası, çoğunluğu Farsça ve bir kısmı Türkçe olmak üzere 11 mesnevîsi vardır. Şiirlerinde "Burhân", "Burhân-ı Belhî", "Burhân-ı Hüseynî", "Merd-i Belhî", "Belhî", "Bülbül-i Belh" mahlaslarını kullanan şair, şiirlerini Türkçe, Farsça ve Çağatayca söylemiştir. Çalışmamıza konu olan ve tenkitli metnini hazırladığımız Farsça Dîvân'ı 157 gazelden ibarettir. Çalışmada Burhaneddîn-i Belhî'nin mensubu olduğu aile üyeleri, aile fertlerinin Arapça, Farsça, Türkçe ve Çağatayca eserleri tanıtılmış; bugüne kadar hiçbir çalışmaya konu olmayan Farsça Dîvân'ının metni ortaya konulmuştur. Anahtar Sözcükler Muhammed Burhâneddîn-i Belhî, Suleymân-i Belhî, Abdülkâdir-i Belhî, Muhammed Musa, Farsça Dîvân, BelhîThis study consists of Muhammad Burhâneddîn Balkhi's life story and a criticizing text of his collected poems (divan). Burhâneddîn Balkhi, one of the leading poets of his time, migrated from the city of Balkh in Afghanistan at a young age with his family and has lived in the last century of the Ottoman Empire. He has employed himself solely in poetry and made a living from poetry. He has considered the poetry as the food of the soul and cheered each and every one of the gatherings which he was present by vocalizing his poems. He was nicknamed as `the poet travelers` because of his ritual of reading poems to his friends whom he came across to, rather than asking how they were doing. Although his political aspects was not at the forefront, he has met with some key political figures in Istanbul, like Jamaleddîn Afganî and one of the Qajar princes, Şeyhu'r-Raîs. Balkhi's works include collected poems (divan) in Turkish and Persian, poems of histories in Turkish and Persian, some tahmis in Turkish and Persian which he cited from various poets, the journal which consists of his letters: `Daftar-i Quyudât', Nakaratlı Manzumat ve Şarkıyyât Mecmuası` and his 11 mathnavis, most of which are in Persian with a few Turkish ones. He used "Burhân", "Burhân-ı Balkhi", "Burhân-ı Husaynî", "Mard-i Balkhi", "Balkhi", "Bulbul-i Balkh" as pseudonyms in his poems; and recited his poems in Turkish, Persian and Chagatai. Balkhi's collected poems in Persian which is the main subject of this research and criticized in the study are made up of 157 ghazals. Balkhi's family members and their pieces in Arabic, Turkish, Persian and Chagatai are also introduced in this work. In addition, the text of his collected poems in Persian, which has not been subject to any studies so far, is revealed in this research. Key Words Muhammad Burhâneddîn Balkhi, Sulayman Balkhi, Abdulkadir Balkhi, Muhammad Musa, Collected poems (divan), Balkh