1,355 research outputs found

    On a conjecture of Bennewitz, and the behaviour of the Titchmarsh-Weyl matrix near a pole

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    For any real limit-nn 2n2nth-order selfadjoint linear differential expression on [0,∞)[0,\infty), Titchmarsh- Weyl matrices M(λ)M(\lambda) can be defined. Two matrices of particu lar interest are the matrices MD(λ)M_D(\lambda) and MN(λ)M_N(\lambda) assoc iated respectively with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions at x=0x=0. These satisfy MD(λ)=−MN(λ)−1M_D(\lambda) = -M_{N}(\lambda)^{-1}. It is known that when these matrices have poles (which can only lie on the real axis) the existence of valid HELP inequalities depends on their behaviour in the neighbourhood of these poles. We prove a conjecture of Bennewitz and use it, together with a new algorithm for computing the Laurent expansion of a Titchmarsh-Weyl matrix in the neighbourhood of a pole, to investigate the existence of HELP inequalities for a number of differential equations which have so far proved awkward to analys

    Spin precession in the Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati braneworld scenario

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    In this letter we work out the secular precession of the spin of a gyroscope in geodesic motion around a central mass in the framework of the Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati multidimensional gravity model. Such an effect, which depends on the mass of the central body and on the orbit radius of the gyroscope, contrary to the precessions of the orbital elements of the orbit of a test body, is far too small to be detected.Comment: Latex, 5 pages, no figures, no tables, 10 reference

    Gravity field information from Gravity Probe-B

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    The Gravity Probe-B Mission will carry the Stanford Gyroscope relativity experiment into orbit in the mid 1990's, as well as a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver whose tracking data will be used to study the earth gravity field. Estimates of the likely quality of a gravity field model to be derived from the GPS data are presented, and the significance of this experiment to geodesy and geophysics are discussed

    Soil, water, and vegetation conditions in south Texas

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Software development for a computer-aided crop and soil survey system is nearing completion. Computer-aided variety classification accuracies using LANDSAT-1 MSS data for a 600 hectare citrus farm were 83% for Redblush grapefruit and 91% for oranges. These accuracies indicate that there is good potential for computer-aided inventories of grapefruit and orange citrus orchards with LANDSAT-type MSS data. Mean digital values of clouds differed statistically from those for crop, soil, and water entities, and those for cloud shadows were enough lower than sunlit crop and soil to be distinguishable. The standard errors of estimate for the calibration of computer compatible tape coordinate system (pixel and record) to earth coordinate system (longitude and latitude) for 6 LANDSAT scenes ranged from 0.72 to 1.50 pixels and from 0.58 to 1.75 records

    Quantum measurements of atoms using cavity QED

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    Generalized quantum measurements are an important extension of projective or von Neumann measurements, in that they can be used to describe any measurement that can be implemented on a quantum system. We describe how to realize two non-standard quantum measurements using cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED). The first measurement optimally and unabmiguously distinguishes between two non-orthogonal quantum states. The second example is a measurement that demonstrates superadditive quantum coding gain. The experimental tools used are single-atom unitary operations effected by Ramsey pulses and two-atom Tavis-Cummings interactions. We show how the superadditive quantum coding gain is affected by errors in the field-ionisation detection of atoms, and that even with rather high levels of experimental imperfections, a reasonable amount of superadditivity can still be seen. To date, these types of measurement have only been realized on photons. It would be of great interest to have realizations using other physical systems. This is for fundamental reasons, but also since quantum coding gain in general increases with code word length, and a realization using atoms could be more easily scaled than existing realizations using photons.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum Singularities in Horava-Lifshitz Cosmology

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    The recently proposed Horava-Lifshitz (HL) theory of gravity is analyzed from the quantum cosmology point of view. By employing usual quantum cosmology techniques, we study the quantum Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) universe filled with radiation in the context of HL gravity. We find that this universe is quantum mechanically nonsingular in two different ways: the expectation value of the scale factor (t)(t) never vanishes and, if we abandon the detailed balance condition suggested by Horava, the quantum dynamics of the universe is uniquely determined by the initial wave packet and no boundary condition at a=0a=0 is indeed necessary.Comment: 13 pages, revtex, 1 figure. Final version to appear in PR

    Beyond Gravitoelectromagnetism: Critical Speed in Gravitational Motion

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    A null ray approaching a distant astronomical source appears to slow down, while a massive particle speeds up in accordance with Newtonian gravitation. The integration of these apparently incompatible aspects of motion in general relativity is due to the existence of a critical speed. Dynamics of particles moving faster than the critical speed could then be contrary to Newtonian expectations. Working within the framework of gravitoelectromagnetism, the implications of the existence of a critical speed are explored. The results are expected to be significant for high energy astrophysics.Comment: 13 pages, to appear in the Special December 2005 Issue of Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    On the possibility of measuring the Earth's gravitomagnetic force in a new laboratory experiment

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    In this paper we propose, in a preliminary way, a new Earth-based laboratory experiment aimed to the detection of the gravitomagnetic field of the Earth. It consists of the measurement of the difference of the circular frequencies of two rotators moving along identical circular paths, but in opposite directions, on a horizontal friction-free plane in a vacuum chamber placed at South Pole. The accuracy of our knowledge of the Earth's rotation from VLBI and the possibility of measuring the rotators'periods over many revolutions should allow for the feasibility of the proposed experiment.Comment: Latex2e, 8 pages, no figures, no tables, accepted for publication by Classical and Quantum Gravity. Typo corrected in the formula of the error in the difference of the orbital period

    Triple dissociation of anterior cingulate, posterior cingulate, and medial frontal cortices on visual discrimination tasks using a touchscreen testing procedure for the rat.

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    Four experiments examined effects of quinolinic acid-induced lesions of the anterior cingulate, posterior cingulate, and medial frontal cortices on tests of visual discrimination learning, using a new touchscreen testing method for rats. Anterior cingulate cortex lesions impaired acquisition of an 8-pair concurrent discrimination task, whereas posterior cingulate cortex lesions facilitated learning but selectively impaired the late stages of acquisition of a visuospatial conditional discrimination. Medial frontal cortex lesions selectively impaired reversal learning when stimuli were difficult to discriminate; lesions of anterior and posterior cingulate cortex had no effect. These results suggest roles for the anterior cingulate, posterior cingulate, and medial frontal cortex in stimulus-reward learning, stimulus-response learning or response generation, and attention during learning, respectively

    Analytic Kramer kernels, Lagrange-type interpolation series and de Branges spaces

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    The classical Kramer sampling theorem provides a method for obtaining orthogonal sampling formulas. In particular, when the involved kernel is analytic in the sampling parameter it can be stated in an abstract setting of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces of entire functions which includes as a particular case the classical Shannon sampling theory. This abstract setting allows us to obtain a sort of converse result and to characterize when the sampling formula associated with an analytic Kramer kernel can be expressed as a Lagrange-type interpolation series. On the other hand, the de Branges spaces of entire functions satisfy orthogonal sampling formulas which can be written as Lagrange-type interpolation series. In this work some links between all these ideas are established
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