82 research outputs found

    The building stones and slates of Killin : an investigation of stone for the built heritage

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    The village of Killin lies in an area of dramatic landscape and mountain scenery. The use of local stone in the buildings gives a direct connection to this landscape and reflects the local geology, comprising mostly metamorphic rocks of Precambrian age –dominantly limestone, meta-sandstone, mica schist and meta-igneous rocks. All of these (with the exception of the Loch Tay Limestone which was used for soil improvement) were used in buildings and structures within the Killin Conservation Area. The stone masonry in the village is classified into five categories; (1) cottages (mostly harled) built of random rubble from field and river boulders and surface rock outcrops, (2) two storey buildings with irregular coursed rubble walls of meta-sandstone and mica schist with large dressings of silver-grey slabs of actinolite schist, (3) and (4) larger late 19th century buildings with dressings of Central Belt sandstone used in combination with squared rubble walling of local actinolite schist and metasandstone. The 5th masonry category represents relatively late buildings constructed using distinctive imported stone types (e.g. whinstone, granite, red sandstone). These categories are broadly chronological in order and reflect the development of architectural form along with improving transportation of materials over time

    Modeling, optimizing and simulating robot calibration with accuracy improvement

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    This work describes techniques for modeling, optimizing and simulating calibration processes ofrobots using off-line programming. The identification of geometric parameters of the nominalkinematic model is optimized using techniques of numerical optimization of the mathematicalmodel. The simulation of the actual robot and the measurement system is achieved by introducingrandom errors representing their physical behavior and its statistical repeatability. An evaluationof the corrected nominal kinematic model brings about a clear perception of the influence ofdistinct variables involved in the process for a suitable planning, and indicates a considerableaccuracy improvement when the optimized model is compared to the non-optimized one

    A within farm clinical trial to compare two treatments (parenteral antibacterials and hoof trimming) for sheep lame with footrot

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    From observational studies, farmers who use parenteral antibacterials to promptly treat all sheep with footrot (FR) or interdigital dermatitis (ID) have a prevalence of lameness of <2% compared with a prevalence of 9% lameness reported by farmers who treat lame sheep by trimming affected feet. We tested the hypothesis that prompt treatment of sheep lame with naturally developing FR or ID with parenteral and topical antibacterials reduces the prevalence and incidence of lameness with these conditions compared with less frequent treatment with trimming of hoof horn and applying topical antibacterials. A further hypothesis was that reduction of ID and FR would improve productivity. A lowland sheep flock with 700 ewes was used to test these hypotheses in an 18-month within farm clinical trial with four groups of ewes: two intervention and two control. The duration and severity of lameness was used to categorise sheep into three weighted scores of lameness (WLS): never lame (WLS0), mildly lame/lame for <6 days (WLS1) and severely or chronically lame (WLS2). The intervention reduced the prevalence of lameness due to FR and ID in ewes and lambs and the incidence of lameness in ewes. The WLS was also significantly lower in sheep in the intervention groups. Ewes with a higher WLS were subsequently significantly more likely to have a body condition score <2.5 and to have lame lambs. Significantly more ewes lambed and successfully reared more lambs that were ready for slaughter at a younger age in the intervention versus control groups. There was an increase in the gross margin of £630/100 ewes mated in the intervention group, including the cost of treatment of £150/100 ewes mated. We conclude that prompt parenteral and topical antibacterial treatment of sheep lame with ID and FR reduced the prevalence and incidence of these infectious conditions and led to improved health, welfare and productivity

    Bottom-Tau Unification in SUSY SU(5) GUT and Constraints from b to s gamma and Muon g-2

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    An analysis is made on bottom-tau Yukawa unification in supersymmetric (SUSY) SU(5) grand unified theory (GUT) in the framework of minimal supergravity, in which the parameter space is restricted by some experimental constraints including Br(b to s gamma) and muon g-2. The bottom-tau unification can be accommodated to the measured branching ratio Br(b to s gamma) if superparticle masses are relatively heavy and higgsino mass parameter \mu is negative. On the other hand, if we take the latest muon g-2 data to require positive SUSY contributions, then wrong-sign threshold corrections at SUSY scale upset the Yukawa unification with more than 20 percent discrepancy. It has to be compensated by superheavy threshold corrections around the GUT scale, which constrains models of flavor in SUSY GUT. A pattern of the superparticle masses preferred by the three requirements is also commented.Comment: 21pages, 6figure

    Fermion Masses and Mixing in Intersecting Branes Scenarios

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    We study the structure of Yukawa couplings in intersecting D6-branes wrapping a factorizable 6-torus compact space T^6. Models with MSSM-like spectrum are analyzed and found to fail in predicting the quark mass spectrum because of the way in which the family structure for the left-handed, right-handed quarks and, eventually, the Higgses is `factorized' among the different tori. In order to circumvent this, we present a model with three supersymmetric Higgs doublets which satisfies the anomaly cancellation condition in a more natural way than the previous models, where quarks were not treated universally regarding their branes assignments, or some particular branes were singled out being invariant under orientifold projection. In our model, the family structures for the left, right quarks, left leptons and the Higgses arise from one of the tori and can naturally lead to universal strength Yukawa couplings which accommodate the quark mass hierarchy and the mixing angles.Comment: 21 pages, latex, matches the Phys. Rev. D versio

    Muon anomalous magnetic moment in the standard model with two Higgs doublets

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    The muon anomalous magnetic moment is investigated in the standard model with two Higgs doublets (S2HDM) motivated from spontaneous CP violation. Thus all the effective Yukawa couplings become complex. As a consequence of the non-zero phase in the couplings, the one loop contribution from the neutral scalar bosons could be positive and negative relying on the CP phases. The interference between one and two loop diagrams can be constructive in a large parameter space of CP-phases. This will result in a significant contribution to muon anomalous magnetic moment even in the flavor conserving process with a heavy neutral scalar boson (mhm_h \sim 200 GeV) once the effective muon Yukawa coupling is large (ξμ50|\xi_\mu|\sim 50). In general, the one loop contributions from lepton flavor changing scalar interactions become more important. In particular, when all contributions are positive in a reasonable parameter space of CP phases, the recently reported 2.6 sigma experiment vs. theory deviation can be easily explained even for a heavy scalar boson with a relative small Yukawa coupling in the S2HDM.Comment: 8 pages, RevTex file, 5 figures, published version Phys. Rev. D 54 (2001) 11501

    Gauge Unification in Supersymmetric Intersecting Brane Worlds

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    We show that contrary to first expectations realistic three generation supersymmetric intersecting brane world models give rise to phenomenologically interesting predictions about gauge coupling unification. Assuming the most economical way of realizing the matter content of the MSSM via intersecting branes we obtain a model independent relation among the three gauge coupling constants at the string scale. In order to correctly reproduce the experimentally known values of sin^2[theta_W(M_z)] and alpha_s(M_z) this relation leads to natural gauge coupling unification at a string scale close to the standard GUT scale 2 x 10^16 GeV. Additional vector-like matter can push the unification scale up to the Planck scale.Comment: 18 pages, harvmac & 3 figures; v2: one ref. adde

    Searching singlet extensions of the supersymmetric standard model in Z6II Z_{6-II} orbifold compactification of heterotic string

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    We search for supersymmetric standard model realizations with extra singlets and extra U(1) U(1) using the heterotic string compactification on the Z6II Z_{6-II} orbifold with two Wilson lines. We analyze the vacuum restabilization mechanism for three representative Pati-Salam string models obtained in the literature and present detailed results for the effective superpotential compatible with the string selection rules. An automated selection of semi-realistic vacua along flat directions in the non-Abelian singlet modes field space is performed by requiring the presence of massless pairs of electroweak Higgs bosons having trilinear superpotential couplings with massless singlet modes and the decoupling of color triplet exotic modes needed to suppress BB and L L number violating processes.Comment: revtex4 format, 21 pages, 7 tables, shortened version added reference

    B --> Phi K_S and Supersymmetry

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    The rare decay B --> Phi K_S is a well-known probe of physics beyond the Standard Model because it arises only through loop effects yet has the same time-dependent CP asymmetry as B --> Psi K_S. Motivated by recent data suggesting new physics in B --> Phi K_S, we look to supersymmetry for possible explanations, including contributions mediated by gluino loops and by Higgs bosons. Chirality-preserving LL and RR gluino contributions are generically small, unless gluinos and squarks masses are close to the current lower bounds. Higgs contributions are also too small to explain a large asymmetry if we impose the current upper limit on B(B_s --> mu mu). On the other hand, chirality-flipping LR and RL gluino contributions can provide sizable effects and while remaining consistent with related results in B --> Psi K_S, Delta M_s, B --> X_s gamma and other processes. We discuss how the LR and RL insertions can be distinguished using other observables, and we provide a string-based model and other estimates to show that the needed sizes of mass insertions are reasonable.Comment: 33 pages, 32 figures, Updated version for PRD. Includes discussions of other recent works on this topic. Added discussions & plots for gluino mass dependence and effects of theoretical uncertaintie